-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], ulrich stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There is an incestuous relationship that exists between the
intelligence community and US
corporations that develop the technology that fuels their spy
systems. Many of the companies that
receive the most important commercial intercepts are Lockheed,
Boeing, Loral, TRW, and Raytheon
who are actively involved in the development of Echelon. The
collusion between the intelligence
agencies and their contractors is frightening...it is a gross misuse
of taxpayer resources and the
intelligence agencies." As the recent Chinese security scandal
indicates, companies such as Loral
seem to have no qualms about "sharing" sensitive information which
have dual uses-one military and
one economic technology intelligence, with sworn enemies of the
United States.



Date:  Thu Jul 25, 2002  2:48 pm
Subject:  Re: [psy-op] Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, and Echelon

One of the emails you sent today mentions a tie between Rudi Dekker's
flight school and a proposed aviation maintenance facility named
Britannia to be placed in Lynchburg Virginia.

Do you know if there is an old coldwar AT&T switching station in
Lynchburg? It could be an old coldwar radar site. But it would be
vintage coldwar AT&T equipment.

That old equipment was decommissioned and sold to Iraq and Iran and
Libya for use at their airports. China's interior uses it.

That old equipment is the equipment that the mysterious PROMIS
software Cassolaro was tracking down was adapted to use in weapon
systems in Israel, Iraq and Libya as well as China interior.  This
was the equipment that Gerald Bull used to create the super gun for
satellite launch. It is also the equipment that Hughes and Loral were
trying to adapt to the US rocket program.

Atta could read architectural drawings and there are reports that he
was in Germany in regard to some architectural drawings of Saddam
Airport. If that is true then I am not sure how they got to Germany.

It is my understanding that the architect who designed Saddam Airport
had his offices in the Alfred Murray Building.

Rumors in the Iraqi opposition community say that Tim McVeigh had
been sent into OKC with a shipment of guns. He was to park the rented
truck full of guns at a predetermined spot, at a predetermined time
and leave the keys under the visor. He was to meet with some Iraqi
opposition people and pick up a mailing tube full of drawings (taken
from an earlier raid on the architects offices in the Alfred Murrah
Building). He was to continue to a post office and mail the tube to
his PO Box in Kingman Arizona (I think I remembered that correctly).
He was then to make 3 cell phone calls to advise the buyer of the
guns that the tube had been picked up and sent.  Those 2 cell phone
calls were what triggered the explosions in the Alfred Murrah

According to Iraqi Opposition McVeigh did not trust his contact and
did not send the docs to his PO Box but instead hid them.

There were only 2 other copies of the documents in existence-the
originals in Baghdad and a copy in a vault in a bank possibly in NY.
The UNSCOM people were looking for the prints and were unable to get
them. The prints seem to have disappeared from the vault prior to 911

This brings us to Mohammed Atta and an Iraqi diplomat named Al Ani
who was expelled from Czechoslovakia.  I don't remember the dates off
hand BUT Atta was reported to be "gay." Whether Atta was gay or not
is immaterial but the CIA does use gay bars as drops in the Arab
community. Since homosexuality is a capital offense in many Arab
nations the drop is arranged at the gay bar in order to be able to
blackmail the contact later to make sure there is compliance at all

But Iraq is a secular state. Though Hussein did allow religious
executions on the basis of Homosexuality during the height of the
sanctions, he has moved Iraq away from the religious extremists and
back to secularization. Al Ani was believed to have taken pictures of
US/CIA contacts in the Arab community with Atta in Czechoslovakia and
was informing his office of who was contacting the US CIA when he was
tailed by Czech police and expelled from the country for 'behavior
unbecoming a diplomat.' Whether Ani was gay or not did not matter to
Iraq because they are a secular state. That he was brave enough to
enter a gay bar and take pictures that could out US and Arab agents
probably gained him a medal.

If you ever wonder why both the US and Czechoslovakia are tap dancing
on this thing with Atta meeting with Iraqis in Prague, this is the
might be the reason.

So if the story I got from Iraqi Opposition sources is true, could
Atta have been seeking a blueprints of Iraqi Airports to try to
figure out how information gleaned from Huawei, the Chinese Company
that had just installed fiber-optic cable in the Iraqi power plant,
could be merged with information taken from the blueprints of Saddam

After the OKC bombing, I was able to pick up a rumor that someone
(not Iraqi) fled into Italy by plane and then drove over the border
into Switzerland. From there I was not able to pick up anymore
information. Provided that person existed could that person have been
carrying the blueprints?

Is this what Atta was looking for information on in a gay bar in
Prague? If so how accurate were the prints?

Add to this that President Chavez of Venezuela flew into Saddam
Airport in Iraq. He was the first head of state to land at Saddam
International since the Gulf War. Venezuela is in the US drug war and
knowledge of how to circumvent radar ala Iraq might be the reason
that US wanted Chavez out badly enough to stage an embarrassing coup.

If there is coldwar equipment in Lynchburg, this might explain the
reason for all the secrecy.


(2001/12/17): "Czech PM affirms Atta meeting with al-Ani"
Today's NYT carries an article dismissing the significance of and/or
calling into doubt Mohammed Atta's three known trips to Prague (the
first two in his first known attempt to enter the country in June
just before his first trip to the US) and the third in April 2001.
NYT, citing "an intelligence official in Washington," suggests that
Atta's meeting with the Iraqi intelligence official known as Ahmed
al-Ani (identified by the NYT as an alias for Mohammad Khalil Ibrahim
al-Ani) was insignificant, because al-Ani was a low-level official,
so the NYT asserts.
Yet as one reader of "Iraq News" who writes about intelligence
affairs remarked, "It is an absurd diversion to talk about the
low-levelness of al-Ani. He was Iraq counsel, 2nd secretary of
and the intelligence officer chosen [by the Czechs] for expulsion. In
any case, he represented not himself (intelligence officers do not

arrange free-lance trysts), but the government of Iraq."The NYT goes
even further, citing a "major Czech paper"--Mlada Fronta
Dnes--which reported that Atta may never even have been to Prague.
Rather, the individual who traveled to Prague last April may have
been a
Pakistani with the same name, according to that report.
Yet another reader, familiar with the Czech press, chanced to remark
yesterday to "Iraq News" that that story in that paper was "totally
unserious tabloid nonsense."

Indeed, the Czech prime minister, Stanislav Gross, has already
dismissed that story. Yesterday, CTK, the Czech Republic's principal
press agency, quoting the Czech paper, "Pravo," reported as much.
According to CTK, Gross, speaking about Atta and al-Ani stated,
"There is no reason to change anything in the original stand." CTK
further explained, "Some time ago Gross said that Atta, an Egyptian,
visited Prague twice last year. On another occasion, this spring,
met Ibrahim al-Ani, a former Iraqi consul and spy, who was expelled
the Czech Republic on 22 April."

Minister insists suicide bomber did meet Iraqi consul in Czech
capital -
Prague CTK in English 1257 GMT 15 Dec 01
[FBIS Transcribed Excerpt]Minister insists suicide bomber did meet
Iraqi consul in Czech capital -
Excerpt from report in English by Czech news agency CTK

Prague, 15 December: Muhammad Atta, one of the hijack suicide
of 11 September, did meet an Iraqi diplomat in Prague this year,
Interior Minister Stanislav Gross has told the daily Pravo in
to the media's recent information that Atta's meeting with the Iraqi
consul had not been confirmed."According to my information, and
mainly according to the information of
the Czech counterintelligence service BIS [Security Intelligence
Service], the source of our original stand, there is no reason to
anything in the original stand," today's issue of Pravo quotes Gross
saying.Some time ago Gross said that Atta, an Egyptian, had visited
twice last year. On another occasion, this spring, Atta met Ibrahim
al-Ani, a former Iraqi consul and spy, who was expelled from the
Republic on 22 April, Gross said.According to some dailies, there is
no evidence proving the last
mentioned meeting. A BIS agent probably mistook Atta for an Iraqi
businessman who resembled him, the papers wrote...[Description of
Source: Prague CTK in English -- principal press agency][ED: Excerpts
from original FBIS transcription]


What warning, if any, did the CIA receive from the National
Reconnaissance Office concerning Arabs training on the fuselage of a
passenger airliner at a terrorist training camp prior to September
11th, 2001?


After Sabah Khalifa Khodada Alami, an Iraqi military officer,
defected from Iraq in 1999 to Turkey. He now lives in Fort Worth,
Texas. When he was debriefed, he described his training mission at
Salman Pak, a military base about 21 miles from Baghdad that had been
used for the testing of secret weapons, including chemical biological
warfare agents, and paramilitary training for covert actions. Captain
Sabah Khalifa Khodada Alami said that as late as 1998 he trained an
elite commando team, Fedayeen Saddam, in airline hijacking and
sabotage. Through a translator, Mr. Alami described, according to the
Wall street Journal, a daily regimen of exercises on kidnapping,
assassination, and -- using a Boeing 707 parked inside the complex --
how to hijack a plane or bus without weapons. He said that a separate
group of non-Iraqis were being similarly trained by Saddam's
intelligence service, the mukhabarat. Asked about the plane by an
interviewer for Front Line, he said "Yes, there's a real whole 707
plane, a whole real plane, standing in the middle of the training
area in this camp."

Subsequently, a second Iraqi defector, a former intelligence officer
who defected in early 2001 , described "Islamicists" training on a
Boeing 707 parked in Salman Pak from about 1995 to as recently as
September 2000. Neither defector said any efforts were made to hide
or conceal the Boeing from satellite photography. And, according to
Front Line, a former U.N. inspector who worked for the United Nations
said that he saw the fuselage of an airliner at Salman Pak which was
smaller than a Boeing. Whatever manufacture and size , there is
agreement such a plane was in the Salman Pak complex.

During this period, the base at Salman Pak was under surveillance of
US KH-11 reconnaissance satellites which were providing intelligence
on Iraq's possible weapons of mass destruction, including chemical
and biological warfare equipment, to the CIA. The information about
Salman Pak was also used publically by UNSCOM, the UN agency charged
with monitoring Iraq's disposal of such weapons. Since Salman Pak was
systematically photographed, if the defectors' accounts are accurate,
the Boeing 707 would also have been routinely photographed between
1995 and 2000 many times. Given that Salman Pak was not an air base,
a Boeing 707 on the ground there would have stood out like a sore
thumb. It is also possible that the Arabs training on it were
recognizable (unless training was only at night or they wore masks).
After September 11th, a private US satellite photo company, Space
Imaging, went through its archives and found a photo that included a
plane parked in the Salman Pak compound.

The National Reconnaissance Office collates, analyzes and distributes
the intelligence gleaned from satellite imagery in Iraq. If it had
pictures of an airliner, Boeing or whatever kind, permanently
stationed inside the Salmon Pak complex, it is reasonable to assume
that they would not have withheld them from the CIA. If so, the CIA
had photographic evidence confirming defectors claims that Iraq was
practicing, if not preparing, covert actions against a Boeing prior
to September 11th.

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