-Caveat Lector-

>From http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2162815.stm

Tuesday, 30 July, 2002, 22:03 GMT 23:03 UK
Israeli cabinet backs budget cuts

Social spending cuts were the focus of argument

By Barbara Plett

BBC correspondent in Jerusalem

The Israeli cabinet has narrowly approved the biggest cuts in public spending in the 
country's history.

Ministers voted 14 to 12 after a marathon debate over deep cuts in welfare and defence 

We are at war. The
economy is turned on its head and we have to stabilise the situation

Finance Minister
Silvan Shalom
The Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, has faced some of his strongest political opposition 
over the austerity

The measures are meant to push the country out of a debilitating recession brought on 
by the Palestinian
uprising and a global downturn.

If approved by parliament, it would be Israel's biggest budget cut - around $1.8bn.

The Finance Minister, Silvan Shalom, said the plan was very difficult but very 

"We are at war," he said.

"The economy is turned on its head and we have to stabilise the situation."

Nail in the coffin

Most of the opposition was directed at cuts in social spending which hit the weakest 
members of society the
hardest - the unemployed and poor, especially single-parent families.

Critics said this was the nail in the coffin of Israel as a welfare state.

Settlement funding is not up for negotiation
They called the
austerity measures one-sided.

For example, there is no reduction in the considerable allocations for Jewish settlers 
living in the occupied
territories, a key constituency for Ariel Sharon and his right- wing Likud Party.

Ministers from the left- wing Labour and the ultra-orthodox Shas parties voted against 
the budget proposal.

But that wasn't enough to stop it.

The plan would also cut defence spending, but that would be offset by a $200m grant 
from the US Congress
to help Israel deal with the conflict.

Reeling economy

Parliament has until the end of the year to pass the budget.

Israel's economy is reeling from the effect of the Palestinian uprising, which has 
chased off investment and

That has coincided with a global slowdown in the key hi-tech sector.

The economic crisis has triggered rare criticism of Ariel Sharon's coalition 
government, but hasn't upset the
unity brought on by the sense of national emergency.

However, that consensus may change if the security situation improves, and it looks as 
if the economy would
be the trigger for any significant political protest.
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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