-Caveat Lector- http://www.etherzone.com/2002/burn080802.shtml



By: Albert V. Burns

ITEM: The so-called Patriot Bill: In the wake of the September 11 attacks on the World TradeCenter and the Pentagon, both Houses of Congress passed and the President signed into law a bill which NO-ONE in either House had even seen.... since it had not yet been printed. However, the timing is proof positive that the bill had been prepared PRIOR to the attacks! This law is a direct attack on the freedoms and rights of all Americans, NOT just terrorists!

ITEM: The Shays-Meehan "Campaign Reform Law": The proper name of this law should have been the "Incumbent Protection Law." The reform in funding of campaigns will go into effect ONLY AFTER the next general election. However, it IMMEDIATELY will control political advertising which seeks to expose the voting records of office holders who have been violating their oaths of office. A clear violation of our First Amendment right of free speech. It is worth noting that many members of both Houses publicly admitted that there were parts of this bill which were UNCONSTITUTIONAL but they voted FOR it anyway. If that is not malfeasance in office, I don’t know what would be!

ITEM: "Model State Emergency Health Powers Act:" This is a proposed law which is, or will be, aggressively promoted in every state legislature. If enacted, it will give the governor of the state virtually DICTATORIAL powers to control real estate, food supplies, transportation, communications, firearms, medical facilities, medicines and the list goes on and on! Once the law is enacted, the governor may give himself/herself these powers by simply declaring an "emergency." In the act, "emergency" is NOT clearly defined and may be any excuse the governor wishes to use. An OPEN DOOR to tyranny!

ITEM: "Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook:" This is a new attack on the very basis of a free society: private ownership and control of property! This could have been taken straight out of the Communist Manifesto which maintained that ALL property must be controlled by the State. This little gem provides FEDERAL subsidies to STATE governments which agree to establish FEDERAL rules for the zoning and control of PRIVATE property. This "Guidebook" took seven years to produce and cost $2.5 MILLION of taxpayer funds. This is an example of the textbook definition of FASCISM: Government control of privately owned property.

ITEM: "Homeland Security Agency:" This innocuous sounding title hides the truth about the largest and most serious power grab in American history. This bill (which has already passed the House) will create the basis for a national police force. It will consolidate the "enforcement" actions of 22 different government agencies into one monstrous bureaucracy. Most of the activities being consolidated are presently subject to Congressional oversight. Once the become part of the executive branch exclusively, that oversight will be difficult if not impossible. We have here the beginnings of an American "Geheime Staatspolizei"-- a Gestapo.

ITEM: "Military Police Field Manual #3-19.40:" The subtitle on this government manual is: "Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations." This was issued a few months BEFORE the 9/11 attacks and has been virtually totally ignored by the mass media. It is the official government military policy for establishing and maintaining CONCENTRATION CAMPS in this country. NOTE: Already existing prisons are capable of handling any anticipated foreign terrorists! "Internment / Relocation" Camps, the politically correct term for concentration camps, are needed ONLY to imprison large numbers of AMERICANS!

Does all this BEGIN to cause a bit of unease in your mind? Do you begin to see a pattern in what those in government are DOING? The enemies of freedom are deadly serious and, if we are to have any hope of remaining a FREE people, we must DAMN WELL get just as serious about protecting our freedoms as they are about destroying them. We must get ACTIVE NOW, not tomorrow, or next week or next month! Every minute we delay will add dearly to the price of ultimate victory!

"Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."

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