-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.rense.com/general28/brit.htm


British Freemasonry Covets Israel
By Barry Chamish

Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel. In the

1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal 
to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine. Of course, 
would mean dealing with the Turks at some point down the line, but first the country 
have to be repopulated with Jews. And the idea wasn't to bring in more of the same
religious Jews who already were the majority in Jerusalem and elsewhere, but the kind 
Jews who would eventually accept the Masonic view of history.

Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores 
provided the
capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, 
the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to
abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews.

This led to the rise of pogroms and Zionism. The leader of Zionism, Theodore Herzl
certainly had some British support but he apparently was not thinking in terms of a 
state. He died mysteriously in 1905 at the tender age of 43, and the movement fell into
British hands under the immoral leadership of one Chaim Weizmann.

Then things began moving quickly. British Masons like Arthur Balfour and Herbert Samuel
led the campaign for official British recognition of a Jewish homeland during World War
One. At the same time, a million British troops, badly needed in the trenches of 
were sent marching to Palestine to oust the Ottomans.

When the war ended, the campaign for a Jewish state went into full speed at 
Versailles. In
1919, The Royal Institute Of International Affairs was founded in London and two years
later, the Council On Foreign Relations began its nefarious activities in New York. 
agendas called for a world governmental takeover and a global religion based in 

So far, so good for the Jews one might think. In fact, the British finagling led 
straight to the
Holocaust, which Mason Winston Churchill refused to prevent or disrupt, right to the 
attempt at a Holocaust called the Oslo Peace Accords, which began with a meeting in
London in November 1992 between arch- criminals Beilin, Hirshfeld and Pundak and
members of the outlawed PLO. Since then, secret meeting after secret meeting have taken
place between Israel's "peacemakers" and British Freemasons. The results are there for
everyone to see.

The British have turned on Israel, but for reasons very few could even contemplate
considering seriously. However, the reasons are deadly serious. What follows is 
privy to only the very highest degrees of British Freemasonry and British Royalty. Upon
threat of agonizing death, these secrets are to be withheld from the meaningless 
masses of

Perhaps only several thousand people in all Britain and Israel are aware that British
Freemasonry and Royalty are totally convinced that Jesus was King Of Britain and was
stoned to death in London, at Ludgate, the location of St. Paul's Cathedral. This 
conviction is
based on a history many are going to find insulting. Nonetheless, it is vital to 
understand the
thinking that has led to the 20th century slaughter of the Jews and the current 
attempt to
annihilate Israel.

Initiates into the deepest secrets of British Freemasonry are taught that Jesus was 
with an identical twin, Judas Thomas. Their mother Mariamne was the granddaughter of
King Herod. She was raped by a Roman soldier named Tiberius Julias Abdes Pathera. In 
time, Jesus was known as Yeshua Ben Panthera.

The twins had very different personalities. Judas Thomas was violent and 
irresponsible. He
led a revolt of Galileans against the Romans. The Galileans were, in fact, from Gaul, a
captured Celtic Roman province with a highly hostile population. Judas Thomas took his
revolt to Rome and in his 33rd year was ordered crucified by Pontius Pilate. However,
invoking royal Herodian privileges and a large bribe, his uncle Joseph of Arimathea
persuaded Pontius to replace Judas Thomas on the cross with another victim. Judas
Thomas was sold into slavery and died much later in India.

Jesus, meanwhile took his priestly vows seriously. He was cousin to John the Baptist, 
chief Rabbi of the Essenes and second in line to take over the position. With the 
of John and Judas Thomas, Jesus became the chief rabbi of the Essenes.

During much of his youth, Jesus lived in Britain with his uncle Joseph of Armithea, 
who ran
a lucrative tin trading business between Cornwall and Phoenicia. While in Cornwall, 
learned the secrets of the Druids, a Celtic religion which was closely allied with the
Essenes. Both shared a belief in fraternal love and a strict set of fatal punishments 
for those
who betrayed the mysteries of their faiths. And both demanded a rigorous three stage
initiation process for those wishing to be privy to those mysteries.

Jesus was in Rome at the time of his brother's crucifixion. He and his family and 
escaped the city in the wake of the crackdown on Zealots following Judas Thomas's 
Most went to Marseilles and from there spread throughout Gaul and Britain. Jesus and 
wife fled to Britain.

Yes, wife. According to British Freemasonry, he had four of them. His first, a Nabatean
named Cypros produced five children, the most famous being Caradoc, a future king who
would fight Rome with savage success.

But it was the second, Mary Magdelene who was even more significant. Her father was an
early British Celtic king and she a Celtic princess. Their children and all their 
produced the British royal lineage. With this marriage, Jesus became a Celtic royal 
and he
was given a suitable new royal name, Jesus Cunobeline.

Shortly after his arrival in Britain, Jesus Cunobeline and his family were given royal
jurisdiction over a huge tract of land in southern Wales. It is for this reason that 
the Prince
Of Wales is considered a direct anscestor of the first king of modern Wales, Jesus
Cunobeline, with privileges that extend to all of Judaism and Israel.

Just before Emperor Claudius attacked Britain, Jesus abdicated his crown to his son
Caradoc, who defeated the Romans at every turn. But through trickery, he and his 
Jesus Cunobeline were captured and shipped in shackles to Rome. Caradoc appealed to the
Roman Senate for clemency and was granted it on condition that Britain never fought 
on its soil again. He accepted the proviso and he and his entourage were given a 
palace of
their own. Jesus lived there for seven years.

Then he sailed to Egypt to learn the secrets of the Egyptian mystery schools. He was an
honored student and soaked in the secret handshakes, cryptic messages and graduated
revelations. The Christianity of Jesus became Freemasonry.

Jesus wanted to share his new complete Essene/Druidic/Essene religion and that proved 
undoing. He was stoned to death in London, aged 63, for betraying his vows and 
the secrets of the mystery schools.

However, back in Rome, presbyters had combined the lives of Jesus and Judas Thomas to
create a rapidly growing religion. The British-born Roman emperor Constantine of York, 
direct descendant of Jesus, and his mother Helena saw a great advantage in spreading a
publicly accepted story of Jesus to create unity in the empire, while keeping the true 
alive amongst the most trusted of British royalty and their closest allies.

Constantine gathered a British army and smashed his way to Rome. Shortly after, in 330,
he convened a conference of presbyters in Nicaea to unify Christianity. Final gospels 
voted on and a New Testament created. But to assure that his empire's newly official
religion never forgot the Israelite roots of Jesus and the British royal line, 
tacked the Jewish scriptures onto the New Testament.

As far as British freemasonry is concerned, they are both the true Jews and true 
This, they reason, is the right that comes with knowing the secret truth of Jesus.

And when they re-created Israel in their distorted image, the Freemasons had no room in
the country for those Jews they considered deluded. Through Chaim Weizmann, they
eliminated religious Jews and patriotic Jews from the Zionist movement. They were
condemned to die in Europe.

Those who did arrive in Israel were thoroughly inculcated in socialist, secular, 
values. Israel was to be transformed into a Masonic Jewish state ruled by their 
leaders, the Freemasons of Britain.

But something unexpected happened during the 1930s. The religious Jews, both of Israel
and Eastern Europe, rejected this peculiar Zionism as a foreign growth on G-d's 
Judaism. And non-religious, but patriotic Jews led by the likes of Jabotinsky, Begin 
Shamir fought to expel the British from their land. And they fought so well that the 
ordered their Jewish Masons like Teddy Kollek (33rd degree) and Yitzhak Rabin (32nd
degree) to betray their fellow Jews and turn them over to the British or to murder them

The British Freemasons and their Jewish quislings managed to do the bidding of the 
to the point of joining them in an attack of Egypt in 1956. There was still hope that 
a British
Freemasonic Israel could yet be created by the Ben Gurions, Weizmanns and Dayans they
had placed in power. But in 1977, all illusions were smashed by the election of 
Begin as prime minister. Since then, Britain has declared a covert war against an 
Israel that
turned to G- d and Jewish patriotism instead of rule by Masonry. The Oslo process 
begun in
London in November, 1992, was their ultimate revenge.


Beware Mitzneh

The Council On Foreign Relations assigned their member, Dan Kurtzer, the US Ambassador
to Israel, to identify the best Labor candidate to thoroughly control and get Israel 
back on
the Oslo track. The winner is Haifa mayor Amram Mitzneh. Watch his upcoming meteoric
rise, backed by CFR dollars.

Finally, In Hebrew, the Rabin Documents

Before they are removed, Hebrew readers go to the following site. The most important of
the Rabin murder documents are up there with concise explanations of their 
significance by
Meir Meshulum. Copy them and send them around while they're still there.

http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/ Viewmsg.asp?id=303&msgid=6308189

Sharon Bops To The Latest Hit

David Orbach's song Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, has a new fan. Look at the lyrics to 
song followed by Ariel Sharon's letter in response to hearing it:

Who Killed Yitshak Rabin Words and music by David Orbach

Who killed Yitshak Rabin? And Oh my G-d why did he go to Heaven? Its not me said Bill
Clinton to Monica Levinsky Its true the Chief of the CIA George Bush killed a Mossad 
In order to continue to sell weapons to Iran and to finance the Contra in Nicaragua 
But its
not the CIA who killed Yitshak Rabin its the French I didn't want to kill Yitshak Oh 
don't kill me Who killed Yitshak Rabin? And Oh my G-d why did he go to Heaven?

Its not me said Jacques Chirac Yes its true when I was P.M. I sold French planes and
missiles and a nuclear plant to Adolf Adolf Saddam Hussein Who gave antrax to Ossama
Ben Laden But its not me who organized the evening when Yitshak Rabin was killed Its 
radio director of Europe no. 1 Jean Frydman I didn't want to kill Yitshak Oh please 
don't kill
me Who killed Yitshak Rabin? And Oh my G-d why did he go to Heaven?

Its not me said the Mayor of Jerusalem Its true I organized all the demonstrations At 
Municipality of Jerusalem and it was written on the Placards: Death to Rabin Its true I
stabbed Bibi in the back when I said Barak will be better than Bibi But you know its 
the law
of democracy the law of sodomocracy I didn't want to kill Yitshak Oh please don't kill 
Who killed Yitshak Rabin? And Oh my G-d why did he go to Heaven?

Its not me said Carmi Gilon in his golden exile in Denmark Its true that three months
beforehand I received written information that a law student from Herzelya wants to 
kill the
Prime Minister and I did nothing to prevent it to arrest him on the contrary I helped 
They never understood that it ain't no good to take so long to bring Yitshak to Dr. 
and Dr. Hiss through King Shaul Blvd. Yes Yitshak went to Heaven like King Shaul I 
want to kill Yitshak Oh please don't kill me Who killed Yitshak Rabin? And Oh my G-d 
did he go to Heaven? I didn't really want to kill Yitshak said Yigal ben Geula I just 
wanted to
stop Oslo the Scandinavian pirates I never understood why they ordered an agent to film
the whole scene from the roof They knew that I was going to try something I felt in a 
But I swear I used my right hand and not the left hand like they showed on the 
video I was just a messenger of G-d Oh please don't kill me Who killed Yitshak Rabin? 
Oh my G-d why did he go to Heaven?

Its not us said Shimon Peres and Yossi Belin Its true we began the conspiracy against 
President of the State Ezer Weizman You know when Peres wanted to be President instead
of Weitzman Its true we blackmailed Rabbi Arye Deri to be sure that Shas would sign 
Its true we used the same methods as the Mafia But you know there are people who think
Yitshak Rabin was a kind of Messiah Like King Shaul Mashiach Ben Yosef, Mashiach Ben
Yosef The Messiah is coming, The Messiah is on the phone.

Dear David and Rachael,

My best wishes and my blessing at the occasion of your son's birth. I regret that I 
won't be
able to participate in the Brit Milah. I wish you lots of simcha and nachat. Thank you 
much for your disc I like your music very much especially the poem about the creation 
of a
Kurdistan State in Northern Iraq and a Palestinian State capital Bagdad. I like also 
the song
about Yitshak Rabin.

I bless you,

Ariel Sharon

No, this letter is not a forgery. Prime Minister Sharon actually wrote it. Short of 
saying he is
humming it in the shower, this is quite a plug.

www.mp3.com/David_Orbach (if you want to listen to the song Who Killed Yitshak Rabin)


My books, as always, are available by writing me, punching my name into Amazon or in 
US, by calling toll free 1 877 RABINYY. Chapter Seven of my new unpublished book is up 
www.pushhamburger.com/barry.htm An archive of my work is found at:

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