-Caveat Lector- http://www.babelmagazine.com/

Unveling the Globalist Magicians

by Mike Bellinger

So far these masters of deceit have had their way with manipulating the world, but I wonder if their "magic" isn't finally about to fail them in the 11th hour.

I have always believed that truth will triumph in the end. The problem with that was that I might not necessarily live to see it happen in my lifetime.

But I now wonder if the Globalists can keep such a massive manipulation hidden for very much longer. I have noticed in talking to people I meet that many do seem to have a glimmer that there is total corruption in both of our so-called political parties in America and Canada also. The successful exclusion of both Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader from the presidential debates in 2000 and the theft of the Presidency from fellow insider Al Gore was proof that they are playing hardball right out in the open to maintain political control. They risked just about everything to win Florida in 2000, and win it they did. The Bush-Jesuit-Nazi faction was victorious over the Gore/Clinton-Rothschild-Socialist faction. And the inside planned and executed attack on the World Trade Center (in my opinion) is proof that they have not a shred of mercy and will resort to any means to dominate this country and the rest of the planet.

The sheer number of websites on the Internet exposing them is one indication that they are being shown as liars to more and more people around the world. And the fact that the proposed clamp down on our freedoms and the call for spying on American citizens by Bush's corrupt cronies has been resisted by so many lower echelon officials around the country is another indicator of hope that the people are not completely brainwashed.

Meanwhile, the Illuminati controlled sports, entertainment, and news empires are cranking out as much distraction and disinformation as possible to keep Americans unaware of the shell game the "magicians" are performing. The art of misdirection has never been more eloquently orchestrated than by the Globalist Houdini's. But remember, Houdini died after a stunt gone bad...

In addition to the segments just mentioned there are other groups of people in this great land who are almost on to the Globalist shell game. The labor unionists are aware of the NAFTA problem and how it is destroying our economy by removing our industrial base and transferring it to the third world where the cheapest labor markets can be found and exploited by the elite. It is only a short step in awareness for them to be educated on how that ties into world globalism and the NWO. A coalition of local labor unions took out a third of a page ad in my local newspaper last summer and took a stand against NAFTA as they called for our local Senator to vote against the Bush Fastrack proposal which extends his NAFTA "trade" negotiation powers.

We know that NAFTA is really a unification plan for transforming North America into the next global domino in the planned "regional unions" scenario of the Trilateral Commission ala the EU (European Union), which they can then bring together eventually into a system of one world control. Africa went "regional" just last week as reported in the world news media. It will now be known as the "AU" (African Union). In Asia the plan is being rolled out as APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation). It is the same hidden unification treaty as the others are.

What George Bushfraud wants here will be slightly different if what I have read is correct. He seeks to create a "homegrown" regional union called the "Commonwealth of the Americas" in which the US, Mexican and Canadian borders will be dissolved leading to the loss of our national sovereignty as his Globalist masters have desired for so long. The rest of the South American countries may be left to their own union or will be admitted here later on as "we" expand the dominion. And the already faltering American economy will be forced once again to accommodate millions more destitute Mexicans who will pore over the border when it comes down officially. (What was that Rush Limbaugh said about how good globalism has been for the Third World?) But hey, our corporate elite will then have their pick of millions more low-wage workers that they can exploit, won't they? I can hear Sam Walton cackling in his grave. Welcome to Third World America, where the American dream has just become an immigration nightmare.

(Do you remember the "Dominion" alien group from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? Think of the shape-shifting "Founders" as analogues for the Jesuits: they morph into the shape of their enemies and destroy them from within. {Read the Jesuit Oath} And their gene-farmed "Jem'Hadar" warriors who are controlled by chemical dependence to a drug antidote which corrects a deliberately engineered genetic defect are analogues of the various secret society members, secular Jesuit adjutors ("junior" Jesuits sworn to obey and fight for the Jesuit General), and all the illegal immigrants that have been allowed to enter and destabilize America over the last 30 years.)

On another front, most rank and file Christian conservatives are very much aware of the NWO plan, generally speaking. But many of their religious leaders are doppelgangers. They are collaborators with the elite who pretend to be ministering for the people. Some of them are undoubtedly Jesuits in deep cover pretending to be Protestants, as this is a part of the Jesuit program - subverting their "opposing" religions by entering them covertly and then corrupting them from within. This action plan is all stated in detail in the Jesuit Oath.

We also have those enlightened members of the Left who are beginning to see the true colors of the Globalists. Some do see it, but from a skewed point of view; they see the corporate fascism on the rise and the right wing Nazi style assault on freedom coming from the Bush family empire-in-waiting, but they lack the perspective to see that it is not a conservative demon that we face, but rather a totalitarian one. After all, true conservatism means small, un-invasive government. But over the last few decades the true American political conservatives have also been replaced by doppelgangers; socialist-fascist-Globalists who wear the trappings of outward conservatism as a disguise. And we know that any form of socialism can very quickly be changed into totalitarianism in a few short maneuvers. That is what is happening in America right now. This imposition of tyranny is easily accomplished with un-constitutional "Executive Orders" issued by the current puppet president. It is his ace in the hole when he needs it. And don't expect our "packed" Supreme Court to challenge this usurping of authority by the dictator-in-waiting. They are all members of the same fraternity.

This is why socialism has always been the favored form of government for the Illuminati. Any form of Fascism, Socialism or Communism is really the same thing. In America, the Globalist fake-conservatives are adopting fascism as their new direction because we have already been socialized to the maximum limit that still maintains any semblance of capitalism.

The fact that most of the major "conservative" talk show hosts are all proponents of NAFTA and globalism is the only litmus test you need to know to see who they really are; fake conservative doppelgangers. Isn't that right, Rush? And Laura Ingraham? ect... I thought so. Just keep the dog and pony show going to make the people think that you are actually different from the liberal Globalist NAFTA pushers. It's a very nice reversal trick. Houdini would be proud.

The unfortunate result of all this resistance to accepting domination by the Bush Police State is that the shadow men behind him will likely have to orchestrate another cold blooded blacks-ops terrorist attack on America to soften us up with more intense fear so that we will finally agree to welcoming the jackboots of the new Homeland SS and it's concurrent spy society he is readying.

This will be the final test for citizens of both America and Canada as well. How we react to the installation of a domestic politburo of unelected secret police that will have complete authority to arrest us without reason and jail us without notification will determine the future of all of North America.

If we as a nation succumb to this intimidation of the mind and the suspension of all our constitutional rights and freedoms, then we will have lost North America and the Dark Ages will have returned. This is what the Illuminati manipulators intend to happen. We can't let them succeed. Education is the key. To educate ourselves on the hidden agenda of the elite and then spread that knowledge to our friends and acquaintances is our first defense against fascism. Then we must start voting their kind out of all positions of public office.

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