-Caveat Lector-

The rules of power  divide and conquer
NOTE: The author does not take in account New Age or occult beliefs.

1. Hitler is known to have been affected by the Thule Society.
    The NSDAP had been initiated by the Thule Society.
Thule Gesellschaft HOMEPAGE
Thule Gesellschaft New HOMEPAGE
- Dokumentation in german

About H. Himmler in german

Deutsch Herren Klub HOMEPAGE
    "Yesterday (Nov. 8, 1918) we experienced the collapse of everything which
was familiar, dear and valuable to us. In the place of our princes of
Germanic blood rules our deadly enemy: Judah. What will come of this chaos,
we do not know yet. But we can guess. A time will come of struggle, the most
bitter need, a time of danger... As long as I hold the iron hammer (a
reference to his Master's hammer), I am determined to pledge the Thule to
this struggle. Our Order is a Germanic Order, loyalty is also Germanic. Our
god is Walvater, his rune is the Ar-rune. And the trinity: Wotan, Wili, We is
the unity of the trinity. The Ar-rune signifies "Aryan," primal fire, the sun
and the eagle. And the eagle is the symbol of the "Aryans." In order to
depict the eagle 's capacity for self immolation by fire, it is colored red.
>From today on our new symbol is the red eagle, which warns us that we must
die in order to live." Sebottendorff continues by exhorting the Thule members
to fight  "until the swastika rises victoriously out of the icy darkness"
Ordo Templi Orientis USA HOMEPAGE
Ordo Templi Orientis Germany HOMEPAGE
- Documentation
- Das OTO-Phänomen in german
    Aleister Crowley
"Hitler was said to be familiar with Crowley's writing and theories, most
probably through his association with the Thule Society."
Source: Humanitas International
About Crowley in german

Ron Rosenbaum
journalist  Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil
Trevor Ravenscroft *1853
friend of Churchill "Eckart revealed on his deathbed, saying, "Follow Hitler;
he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him
into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given him the
means to communicate with the powers."
Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear Of Destiny, p. 91
Dietrich Eckhard "Anti-semitic poet, writer and journalist who became one of
Hitler's earliest intellectual mentors" Source: Humanitas International
2. Hitler's takeover of Germany is known to have been financed by Harriman,
Bush and Thyssen.
Antony Sutton *1926
historian   Wall Street & the Rise of Hilter, 1976
"They had documents linking Bush family and other S&B members to financing
Hitler through Union Banking of New York and its Dutch correspondent bank."
Interview on Skull & Bones
Webster G. Tarpley
Anton Chaitkin  "President Bush's family had already played a central role in
financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany"
Unauthorised Biography Tarpley & Chaitkin Mirror
NOTE: Why are no legal actions taken against the book?
Robert Lederman
"All I'd ask of President Bush is something very simple for him to do. Mr.
President, please make a public statement - as many of the corporations
associated with you have already done - acknowledging your family's past
relationship with Nazi Germany, and then, apologize for it."
A jewish perspective on G W Bush
Bush-CIA-Nazi connection makes the mainstream media

John Loftus
director holocaust museum, Florida  "The president of the Florida Holocaust
Museum said Saturday [2001-01-27] that George W. Bush's grandfather derived a
portion of his personal fortune through his affiliation with a
Nazi-controlled bank.
John Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes
Unit, said his research found that Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a
principal in the Union Banking Corp. in Manhattan in the late 1930s and the
1940s." Source
Richard Arnold  "Harriman and Bush were more than just partners in the
support of the Fuherer. They were both members of the Skull and Bones. In
fact Averell’s brother E. Roland Harriman (Skull and Bones 1917) was a
director of Union Banking Corporation of New York which was a major money
source in underwriting Hitler’s Holocaust. The gas bills alone were enormous.
Two of the Union Bank’s directors Groninger and Kouwenhoven, were Nazi
directors of the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, formerly the von Heydt
Bank. In the book Hitler’s Secret Backer they identify Von Heydt as the
intermediary between Guaranty Trust and Adolf Hitler. Union Bank was a joint
Thyssen/Harriman operation. "
3. The Bush are known to be members of the society Skull & Bones.
As well as Harriman was.
Antony Sutton
historian   "Others have known it for more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a
German secret society. More formally, for legal purposes, The Order was
incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856. It was also once known as the
"Brotherhood of Death". Those who make light of it, or want to make fun of
it, call it 'Skull & Bones'"
"In other words, the organization is oriented to the graduate outside world.
The Order meets annually - patriarchies only - on Deer Island in the St.
Lawrence River."
America's Secret Establishment, 1986, Extract
Ron Rosenbaum
journalist  Video Skull & Bones Fox, MSN
Footage of the S&B ritual showing kissing of a scull and simulation of murder
Photo of 'The Tomb'
Esquire Magazine Article September 1976
Kris Millegan   The Order of Skull & Bones - Mirror
Times Magazine  "Times: Did you have any qualms, say, about joining an elite
secret club like Bones?
Bush: No qualms at all. I was honored. I was fairly nonchalant."
The Atlantic    "Bush men have been Yale men and Bonesmen for generations.
Prescott Bush, George W.'s grandfather, Yale '17, was a legendary Bonesman;
he was a member of the band that stole for the society what became one of its
most treasured artifacts: a skull that was said to be that of the Apache
chief Geronimo."
The New Yorker  "Moreover, one of the first social gatherings Bush held as
President was a reunion of the brothers from his Yale secret society, Skull
and Bones, according to talk among the Bonesmen."
New York Observer   "For two centuries, the initiation rite of Skull and
Bones has shaped the character of the men who have shaped the American
character, including two Presidents named Bush."
Washington Post I, Washington Post II, Microsoft Network, Saloon.com

4. What are these secret societies? What are their goals?
Antony Sutton *1926
author of 26 books
    How the Order Creates War and Revolution
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1973
" Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we also transferred
technology to Hitler's Germany?"
Interview on Skull & Bones Antony Sutton
[ - Mirror - PDF - PDF in german - ]
"Will man nämlich eine kommerziell-industrielle Weltherrschaft begründen, so
muß man das Hauptgebiet, auf das es ankommt, zunächst in zwei Teile teilen."
Rudolf Steiner 1917
"Dieses Gebiet (Deutschland) war soweit ins Chaos zurückgesunken, daß es dem
Einfluß neues Impulse von außen, ohne eigene widerstrebende Formbildung
offenlag." McCoy (S & B member)
S&B and Wall Street PDF in german about Antony Sutton, Andreas Bracher
Eric Samuelson, J.D
"Moreover, organizations devoted to violent overthrow of political structures
have always, by necessity, been secret organizations."
A journalist's introduction to Skull & Bones

Des Griffin "Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a
letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars
would prepare the world for the New World Order." Des Griffin, FOURTH REICH
OF THE RICH 71-72 (1989).
NOTE: Did Pike really foresee the two world wars in detail?
"Col. Simmons with the help of Albert Pike who was a great fraternalist,
created for the Klan an aura of secrecy" Ku Klux Klan FAQ
Kaoru Nakamaru
diplomatist, interviewer    "Nakamaru felt that there was a great
contradiction present. On a certain occasion she encountered the astonishing
fact that a group that could be called an "underworld government" has been
controlling the world from behind the scenes, through the manipulation of
information by using the mass media, in an attempt to dominate all humanity
at will.
World wars and various conflicts arising around the world have all in fact
followed the scenarios developed by the "underworld government." A sharp
decline in stock prices is also nothing more that a means by which they earn
massive profits in one stroke. "
Arnold Cronberg
"Und das meist zwangsneurotisch, d. h. ohne zu wissen, was sie tatsächlich
tun, weil sie als Opfer ständiger suggestiv-hypnotischer Dauereinflüsse mehr
oder minder auf religiös-ideologischem Gebiet unmündig gehalten werden. Die
Massenmorde der Kleinstsekten des 20. Jahrhunderts sprechen eine grausame
Unterirdische Gänge in den Demokratien in german

further resources
Paul Goldstein
Jeffrey Steinberg
"If this policy is not altered, George Bush may soon find himself presiding
over a new disaster that will make the Vietnam debacle appear insignificant
in comparison."
Bush, S & B and the NWO 1991 - Mirror

Barbara Marx Hubbard
New Age globalist   "out of the full spectrum of human personality,
one-fourth is elected to transcend. ... One -fourth is destructive (and) they
are destructive seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a 'natural
death.' ... Now, as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to
the co-creative human -- the human who is an inheritor of God-like powers --
the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. ...
Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge
of God's selection process for Planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are
riders of the pale horse, Death."
Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation, Source
Milton William Cooper
Naval Security and Intelligence "Of special interest is the powerful society
in Afghanistan in ancient times called the Roshaniya--illuminated ones."
Who is Who of The Elite in german
Gary Allen, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr., Jack T. Chick, Carroll Quigley, James
Perloff, Cecil Rhodes, Michael Howard, John Coleman, David Icke, Madeleine
Duncan Brown, Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips, Ralph Epperson, William Josiah
Sutton, M. Alomari
    Detlev Rose, E.R. Carmin, Victor Ostrovsky, Lincoln, Baigent und Leigh,
Dieter Rüggeberg, James Bamford, Zsolt Sass, Jim Keith, Leslie Watkins,
Russell McCloud, Michael Kent, Jonathan May, Johannes Rothkranz, Noam
Chomsky, Andreas von Bülow
conspiracy info
Freedom Domain
The Konformist
Konformist News
People's Awareness Coalition
Info Wars
David Icke Newsroom
John Birch Society
    Bohemian Grove Photo
Bilderberger anti-site
The Illuminati-News
NOTE: The internet provider of the Bush election campaign 2000 web sites is
called Illuminati Online - Wired News - Illuminati Online Internal News -
The Illuminati pseudo homepage by Solomon Tulburne
NeoTech Protocols
Illuminati Protocols in german
Summary Early History of the Master Conspiracy, William H. McIlhany

Lyndon LaRouche
Democratic National Committee USA   "The point is, there are certain people,
very powerful people, behind the scenes in various governments: the British
government, the U.S. government, the Israeli government--not Sharon, I don't
think Sharon would have had anything to do with this--but, who are determined
to have the United States take the nature of the conflict between certain
people in Israel and the surrounding neighbors,,," Source - Quelle
Mathias Bröckers
"Wurde nicht ausgerechnet der Großvater des amtierenden Präsidenten, der
Großbanker Prescott Bush, noch 1942 wegen Geschäften mit Hitlerdeutschland
angeklagt und verurteilt?"
The WTC Conspiracy (Suchen Sie auch nach den neueren Artikeln)

Andrei Kosyakov
Russian Federation air defense

Sept.14 : "But I want to repeat: the fact, that the terrorists are not
claiming responsibility, indicates that they will strike again and again.
Until the second stage is reached the stage of global conflict. This is the
goal of all these actions."

"There is also another fact, pointing to this. The criminals left a big lead:
a rental car was found, left at the airport out of which a plane was
hijacked, filled with the Koran, and flying manuals in Arabic. But then look:
Not a single organization has claimed responsibility. That means, the
terrorists want to conceal their identity. So, given such professionalism,
given such extreme care, how could such an error be permitted? This hardly
fits with the minute detail of the planning of the action.
All this points to the conclusion, that the criminals wanted to leave a false
trail. The secret services will pay no attention to ordinary Americans or
Europeans, but will look for Arabs." Source

Lord Robertson
NATO secretary-general  Sept. 14: ''The mad creatures who committed these
terrible crimes this week may have hoped to provoke us into mindless revenge
in order to create even more devastation. They are wrong.''
Michel Friedman
Vizepräsident des jüdischen Zentralrats Deutschland "Der Vizepräsident des
Zentralrats, Michel Friedman, forderte angesichts der Welle der Anteilnahme
in Deutschland die Bundesbürger auf, im gleichen Umfang auch Solidarität mit
Israel zu demonstrieren. Schließlich müsse dieses Land schon lange mit dem
Terror leben, sagte Friedman der «Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung». Er erwarte
deshalb, dass Israel nun auch verstärkt in seinem Kampf gegen Terroristen
unterstützt werde.
Erst durch die Anschläge in den USA lerne der Westen verstehen, warum die
Israelis so hart und kompromisslos gegen Terror vorgingen. Denn auf Terror
gebe es nur eine Antwort: Stärke und die Organisation eines deutlichen
Gegengewichts, sagte Friedman." Quelle
Judical Watch
(The Wall Street Journal)   Sept. 28: "George H.W. Bush, the father of
President Bush, works for the bin Laden family business in Saudi Arabia
through the Carlyle Group"
BR Online   Sept.25: "Die Spur führt nach Angaben von Backes in die Schweiz,
zu Konten einer Organisation, die vor Jahren von dem inzwischen verstorbenen
Rechtsanwalt Francois Genoud gegründet worden war und offenbar noch immer
besteht, sagt Backes: "Einer dieser Berührungspunkte ist, dass der Schweizer
Anwalt engste Verbindungen mit der Familie von bin Laden hatte, dass er einer
der Berater der Familie, einer ihrer Bankiers war. Gewusst wird, dass er den
Terrorismus unterstützte und der Vermögensverwalter des Hitler-Vermögens war
und auf der Terrorwelle war."
    He (Francois Genoud) was an unrepentant Nazi who devoted his life to
aiding Adolf Hitler's surviving henchman and those he saw as Hitler's natural
anti-Jewish successors: Arab terrorists.
Hitler's Swiss Connection, by David Lee Preston
Arundhati Roy   Sept. 29: "What is Osama bin Laden? He's America's family
secret. He is the American president's dark doppelgänger." The algebra of
infinite justice
David Shippers  DC Lawyer Says US knew about WTC Planned Attacks Before They
Mikhail Gorbachev   Dec. 30, 2000: "Globalization is a given - but "American
globalization" would be a mistake." Source
Michael C. Ruppert
"the firm used to place the put options on United Airlines stock was, until
1998, managed by the man who is now in the number three Executive Director
position at the Central Intelligence Agency." Source

Washington Times
China steps up air-defense work on Iran's border

Council of Presidents of National Journalism Organizations  Oct. 13: "we
believe that these restrictions pose dangers to American democracy"
Eckehardt Werthebach
Verfassungsschutz, Germany
Andreas von Bülow

Dec. 4: "European intelligence experts dismiss the Bush "war on terrorism" as

"A former Stasi agent who had warned the German secret service of terror
attacks in America between September 10-20 told AFP that a high ranking Stasi
chief named J'rgen Rogalla, who is "an airplane terror specialist," was
probably involved in the attacks of September 11 along with Abu Nidal.

Both Nidal and Rogalla work with the Mossad, the former agent told AFP.
Nidal, was said to be in Baghdad, and is a "leading officer for some Mossad
agents." The agent said that Nidal was "involved directly" in the events of
September 11."

Source : American Free Press (attention: white suprematist media)

Forums and news sites   More news and reports
Pravda I
Pravda II
Rumor Mill News
World Net Daily
Ground Zero
World Citizens Concerns
Free World Alliance Newsflash
Réseau Voltaire in french
Democratic Underground

The Inlation Tsunami
Oil Reserves
Iridium in german search for BinLadin
BinLadin website mystery
Carlyle - BinLadin connection Moscow Times
Control of Central Asia's oil is the real goal Sydney Harald
on ISI Pakistan
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan India Times
Wall Street Journal quoting above India Times article
Bush took FBI agents off Laden family trail India Times
Krongard Independent
Two wrongly named as suspects Sept 14
'Suicide hijacker' alive and well in Jeddah Independent Sept 17
Hijack 'suspect' alive in Morocco BBC Sept 22
Hijack 'suspects' alive and well BBC Sept 23
The hijack suspects BBC Sept 28 >Waleed Al Shehri alive, but still on
hijacker list!
Stolen identities Economist Jan 6
Hill & Knowlton US-Propaganda Agency
FBI and the mad bombers WorldNetDaily
Bin Laden Nuke Threat Invented? BBC
Most Wanted Terrorist officially NOT accused of WTC attack by the FBI
Most Americans convinced there are conspiracies Guido H. Stempel III,
distinguished professor of the EW Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio
University and Thomas Hargrove of the Scripps Howard News Service
9-11 by Noam Chomsky Ranks place 2 to 6 at Amazon
Obituary of Professor Don C. Wiley - more information
Is George Bush a Moonie?

Petition to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks


If you think some of the informations are important please inform other media
and political workers.


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