-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Wed, 04 Sep 2002 07:59:29 +0100
From:                   World-Action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [CIA-DRUGS] CHEMTRAILS Linked To MYSTERY DISEASES?
To:                     "[A]   World-ACTION-Group" <World-ACTION-

PLEASE FORWARD to those concerned with the
rapidly deteriorating health of almost all life on Earth.

HOW is this article linked to '9-11' and the 'War On
Terror' and Bush's threatened 21st U.S. war since WWII,
against Iraq?  I'll place a bet to the tune of $10,000 when
the full truth is in, that very similar people are involved in
'9-11'; the business of war (latest product: the 'War On
Terror'); Chemtrails, HAARP, microwaves, ELF, etc.; and
other things which are making people, animals, birds,
sea-life and vegetation very, very sick.  Read on.
Michael / World-action / http://www.world-action.co.uk




[If you go to the above webpage you will find
many references and links from this article.]


UK, Friday 30 August 2002

Whilst the Chemtrails issue remains unresolved one
necessarily looks askance at events that otherwise
would probably attract little thought or attention,
unless one were personally involved. Similarly, and
for the same reason, one is tempted to see connections
between events where, in other circumstances, such
connections might not suggest themselves.

One such event, or rather, series of events, is the
veritable plague of mysterious diseases that has
swept across the UK in recent months.

We have an outbreak of Legionnaires Disease
(that rather curious illness about which insufficient
is known, and the genesis of which still remains
clouded in uncertainty) in Cumbria, followed just a
couple of weeks afterward by another outbreak in
Bedfordshire, then, within days, yet another outbreak
in Birmingham. All, according to at least one public
health official, supposedly "unconnected".

Of the little that is known about Legionnaires Disease,
some things remain constant. Allegedly non-communicable
person-to-person, the victim generally becomes infected
through inhalation of contaminated water-vapour droplets
generated (so current thinking has it) by such things as
poorly-maintained evaporative air-conditioning units, etc.

Previous by just a couple of weeks to this series of
Legionnaires' outbreaks there was a spate of mysterious
infections and illnesses in Scotland, with contaminated
water appearing to be the common denominator.

Then there is the, albeit undocumented, proliferation
of strange cold- and flu-like ailments that seem to
develop into some sort of chronic bronchial and throat
-related conditions, becoming widespread since about
the late 90s.

Nor has wildlife escaped unscathed.

Just a month or so ago we were hearing reports of
masses of seals being washed up on the coastline,
having expired from the mystery PDV (phocine distemper
virus) illness that was first identified in 1998 (the most
common cause of death after infection being pneumonia!).
Little is heard of this outbreak now, but presumably it is
still occurring, for the magnitude of the infection was such
as to cause alarm with concerns being raised about the
possible decimation of the species.

And just within the past few days cases were being
reported of the sparrow population falling victim to yet
another mystery illness.

(A propos of this let's not forget that even now the
US is experiencing an outbreak of West Nile Fever.
Whilst mosquitoes are normally regarded as a principal
carrier of this disease, recent speculation has focussed
upon sparrows also! And what of the outbreak of Dengue
Fever that afflicted Brazil just a few months back?)

It seems to go on and on and, human nature being what
it is, we cannot help but ask "what the hell's happening?"

That water appears to be some sort of vector in so many
of these cases is, to say the least, suggestive.

Moreover, because in none of these cases has a
satisfactory explanation been forthcoming it is all too
easy to begin to see a single thread underlying them all.

Trying desperately hard not to fall into the trap of
jumping too hastily to unwarranted conclusions, and
thus blinding ourselves to other possibilities, nevertheless
the temptation to read all of these events as discrete
symptoms of a common underlying cause is almost too
great to resist and, given the nature of Chemtrails activities,
it doesn't require an overly-active imagination to begin to
see one possible contender for this common cause.

Chemtrails is of course not the only contender.
Just last year the UK was witness to a massive outbreak
of foot and mouth disease, that triggered the insane (and
politically dominated) wholesale slaughter of our livestock,
such that this country saw billowing clouds of thick black
smoke and a stench the like of which has probably not
been experienced since the days of Nazi Germany.

It was only afterwards that the precipitate and residue
of this smoke was found to contain carcinogenic
components, and began to give rise to other fears.
Poetic justice, some may say. What else may have
resulted from that sorry episode?

However, in the context of this present plague of
mystery diseases, Chemtrails must still remain one
of the principal suspects.

To understand why, lets look at certain features
of the Chemtrails issue.

Here we have the suspected widespread dumping of
unknown volumes of a choice collection of substances
(some relatively harmless, others much less so) into the
very air we breathe.

Whilst Chemtrails activists appear, to date, to have
focussed upon that proportion of the precipitate that
we breathe into our lungs, it should not be forgotten
that the far greater percentage that isn't inhaled has
to settle somewhere.

Its all very well being concerned about our own immediate
health and well-being, but lets not overlook the potentially
far more serious aspect of impact upon the environment,
including of course our livestock and wildlife in general,
for this affects not just us but also generations to come.

One example springs readily to mind. Do we know the
true effect of a gradual build-up of concentrations of this
potentially toxic soup in aquatic environments? The
short answer is "no", and for the very simple reason that
the appropriate research doesn't appear to have been done.
And that's because either the scientific establishment
refuses to take the Chemtrails issue seriously, or
because they have been "warned off".

Yet, before any intelligent conclusions can be drawn,
and indeed before wild speculations such as these
can be consigned to the waste bin, this is the very
sort of research that's imperative. In its absence,
Chemtrails will forever remain the province of the crank,
the eccentric, the fringe element. And this renders it
susceptible to being dismissed by the very people
and establishments that have the resources needed
to come up with the definitive answers.

All very neat of course. A political or corporate application
of the principle "if we pretend it isn't there it might go away".
That's the charitable view. There is a somewhat less than
charitable view, which would hold that it may be in the
political or economic interests of certain bodies not to
acknowledge Chemtrails activities. Hmm!

But direct pollution of the air, with its consequent
repercussions on the environment due to the settling
and therefore increasing concentrations of the precipitate,
is not the only factor to take into account.

One of the front runners in terms of explanations for
Chemtrails activities is weather-control and other means
of "taking charge of the atmosphere". It doesn't require
a great leap of the imagination to consider the possibility
that such efforts may well be a contributory factor to global
warming. And recent scientific speculation has been
entertaining the possibility that global warming may itself
contribute to the proliferation of otherwise dormant
disease-spreading bugs.

In this, as in so many other aspects of the Chemtrails
issue, serious and comprehensive research is needed,
preferably by a body not directly linked to either the
Government or the multinational corporations, but
answerable directly to the public.

In fairness the questions are not all on the side of the
Chemtrails activists. What of the UK's air monitoring
programme that assists in, amongst other things,
producing the "pollen count" that's published daily
throughout the summer months? Why hasn't this ever
detected the sort of air pollution that's supposed to
occur as a result of Chemtrails?

A number of answers suggest themselves, but clearly
its a matter that needs addressing for the programme
could, and indeed should, represent an invaluable tool
in the monitoring of Chemtrails precipitates.

However, to achieve any success at all in resolving
the Chemtrails matter its pointless us running around
like headless chickens, with no clear strategy and
few well-defined tactics.

Being a global issue it obviously requires co-operation
and liaison between interested parties at an international
level — easily facilitated nowadays through a medium
such as the internet.

But let's not forget that it also needs to be dealt with
at the national level. To date there appears to have been
rather more success in getting exposure for this issue
in, say, America than there has been here in the UK.

This situation cannot be allowed to continue unaltered,
particularly given that we may even now be witnessing
many diverse effects of this stealthy poisoning.


If you go to this webpage you will find many
references and links from the above article.




------- End of forwarded message -------
"There was no malfeance involved. This was an honest
disagreement about accounting procedures.
... There was no malfeance, no attempt to hide anything."

President GW Bush, White House press conference, Washington,
D.C., July 8, 2002

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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