-Caveat Lector-

Sunday 8 September 2002


London to host Islamic 'celebration' of Sept 11
By Thair Shaikh
(Filed: 08/09/2002)

Extremist muslim clerics will meet in London on September 11 to
celebrate the anniversary of al-Qaeda's attacks on America and to
launch an organisation for Islamic militants.

The conference, which will be attended by the most radical mullahs
in Britain, will argue that the atrocities were justified because
Muslims must defend themselves against armed aggression.

It will launch the Islamic Council of Britain (ICB), which will aim to
implement sharia law in Britain and will welcome al-Qa'eda
sympathisers as members.

Sheikh Mohammed
The conference, to be held at Finsbury Park mosque, north London,
will be attended by followers of militant groups and chaired by their
Muslim leaders, including Omar Bakri Mohammed, whose al-
Muhajiroun group wants to establish a worldwide Islamic state.

Mr Mohammed, 44, who was born in Syria and lives in London, has
been investigated by Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist squad for anti-
semitic statements.

He said: "The people at this conference look at September 11 like a
battle, as a great achievement by the mujahideen against the evil

A poster advertising the conference
"I never praised September 11 after it happened but now I can see
why they did it."

Mr Mohammed, who is entitled to stay in Britain although his 1980s
claim for asylum failed, said that he would not stop al-Qa'eda
members from joining the ICB.

He said: "We don't perceive them as the US perceives them; we see
them as a sincere devoted people who stood firm against the
invasion of a Muslim country."

The clerics claim that the ICB is funded by Saudi-based
businessmen, which, if true, will embarrass Saudi Arabia.

The Riyadh government expelled Mr Mohammed in 1986 and
recently launched a multi-million-dollar public relations campaign to
persuade America that it is rooting out Islamic militants.

Al-Muhajiroun claims to have secured a six-figure sum for funding
the ICB and said it would build a dozen Islamic centres, launch a
website and hold seminars and classes for Muslims.

Mr Mohammed said: "I believe the Muslim Council of Britain has
sold out to the British Government. Many Muslims in Britain feel like

"We have been working on getting the funding for six months: it is
from a group of Saudi businessmen. Please don't write about this. I
am against the killing of innocent people; we are not at war with
anybody in this country."

Abu Hamza al-Masri, a cleric at the Finsbury Park mosque, will be
co-chairing the conference. Several suspected al-Qa'eda members
have been linked to his group, Supporters of Sharia, and the FBI is
seeking his extradition for allegedly trying to set up a terrorist
training camp in America.

Mr al-Masri, an Egyptian who lost both hands and an eye while
fighting in Afghanistan against the Soviet occupation, is also wanted
in Yemen on terrorist charges.

Radical Muslims speaking at the conference include Yasser al-Siri,
40, an Egyptian-born dissident who arrived in Britain in 1993 and
claimed political asylum.

He was released from custody in July after extradition proceedings
by America were dropped because of insufficient evidence. Mr al-
Siri has been sentenced to death in Egypt for a bombing that killed a
12-year-old girl.

Imran Waheed, the British representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir (Islamic
Liberation Party), a group banned in a number of Muslim countries,
and Anjem Choudary, a British-born solicitor who is chairman of the
Society of Muslim Lawyers and a leader of al-Muhajiroun, will also



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[the 9-11 attacks] had no cause. Religious hate, religious
motivation, was the primary thing. I don't think it was because of
American foreign policy. There is a passage in one of the Conrad
stories of the East Indies where the savage finds himself with his
hands bare in the world, and he lets out a howl of anger. I think
that, in its essence, is what is happening. The world is getting more
and more out of reach of simple people who have only religion. . . .
     It was as though up there was a divine supermarket, and at last
it had become open to people in the Muslim world. They didn't
understand that the goods that gave them power in the end were
made by
another civilization. That was intolerable to accept, and it remains
~~ V. S. Naipaul,

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