-Caveat Lector-

Think American

People get so hung up on labels that it is distracting and non-functional. After all, 
what was once liberal is now conservative and what was conservative is now liberal. 
And being left or right depends on one's location on a continuum - as subjective a 
label as can be had.

In regards to Demokrats and Republikrats - can anyone really tell the difference when 
the result is the same - loss of freedom for the people? No, that isn't right - not 
loss of freedom because inherent rights remain no matter what - it is forced 
compliance by armed marauders against liberty, followed up by black-robed traitors 
that causes it to appear as loss of freedom.

It is irrefutable that every level of government is filled with traitorous 
elected/appointed officials, not one of which obeys his oath 100 percent and does his 
job. All seek only to act out the part of little Hitlers that have absolute control 
over the people. Of course, the truth is they have none - except what the people 
allow. And, there is the chink in the armor of liberty.

But, with our people being as passive as sheep waiting to get hit in the head and 
butchered, these treasonous dastardly persons get by with it when the fact is they 
should be hung for the traitors they are. Sadly, the longer the people wait, the 
bloodier the war against oppression will be.

Now some people are apt to think that the government won't butcher people. But the 
fact is the government already does this on a regular basis. No, this doesn't mean cut 
up into steaks, peopleburger, ribs, or whatever. What is meant is our people are 
tortured mentally and sometimes physically by over zealous armed thugs commonly called 
'law enforcers' and the officials who rule over the enforcers' actions.

They are further tortured by not having any recourse against the traitors who rob them 
of the rights of freedom to move around, their property, and the pursuits they most 

Then some bandit in black robes sitting behind a desk higher up than the 'accused' to 
show his lofty position above and beyond the masses, further violates rights by not 
obeying the Constitution and the natural laws of man that have been in existence since 
the first man walked on this once good Earth. This sleaze ball called a 'judge' has 
assumed the role of a god, doling out whatever to his creations. Of course, he should 
be tried for treason and hung.

But, other judges and law enforcers protect each other. Thus, the flesh and blood man 
who is not under their jurisdiction to regulate [only common law courts of the 
Constitution apply to flesh and blood people born naturally within one of the 50 
states] are treated as corporate entities to be aggravated and assaulted by them as 
they wish.

Are these people 'Americans'? Or are they something else?

We value freedom in this country. I know this is so because so many writers say it is 
so. Other countries talk about freedom and many actually migrate to this country for 

But, do we value freedom in fact - or is it just what we are taught we believe when in 
fact we haven't any more freedom that any other of the oppressed people on Earth?

People talk about leaders of other countries who kill people wantonly and without 
recourse against them. But doesn't that happen in this country, too?

People also talk about leaders who incarcerate people without fair trials and the 
like. But doesn't that also happen in this country?

Doesn't it in fact happen far more often here than any other country you can name? 
Refute if you can but right now there are millions of innocent people incarcerated for 
'crimes against the State' - and this doesn't count 'crimes against the municipal 
governments' - cities and counties.

For example, people are jailed for not wearing seat belts, having expired tags, having 
an expired driver's license, and sometimes just for looking at a law enforcer as if he 
is dumb as a box of rocks. None of these are jailing offenses - the truth is none of 
the regulations even apply to flesh and blood men and women. They in fact apply only 
to corporate entities.

Here's the thing. It doesn't matter if the law enforcers are liberal/conservative, or 
Demokrats/ Republikrats.

It also doesn't matter if the judge is liberal/conservative or which of the two major 
parties owns him.

And Hell would surely freeze over before any legislator or other body responsible for 
regulating artificial entities cared a whit for the inherent rights of Man. They act 
the same regardless of professed orientation.

Look at that fool Ashcroft. Here is a man - using the term loosely - who says time 
after time that he is a devout Christian. He is one of the Bible-est stomping 
officials to ever hit the big time in the largest crime syndicate the world has ever 
known. But, instead of behaving as a Christian man, he is stomping the Bible right 
into the ground and covering it over with all the putridity of Washington and your 
state governments, including some of the most treasonous of all - city and county.

He is getting a lot of help from all sorts of people, none of which believe in the 
rights of Man. Some are Zionists; some are Democrats; some are Republicans; some are 
lefties; some are righties; some are liberals; and some are conservatives. But, every 
last stinking one of them takes part in usurping the inherent rights of Man secured by 
the very founding of this country.

Since they are working to destroy the inherent rights of man and keep those rights 
from the people, we are already in servitude. Liberty in its natural state is simply 
not in their agenda.

These people don't want to derail the gravy train that feeds their coffers. If liberty 
were the rule of the day, the trillions stolen from the American people in [so called] 
money and other property would be shut off. They might have to get by on a few 
billions from tariffs and excises lawfully imposed only on artificial entities and 
goods entering the country.

Well, Folks, the government does get by without any direct tax. Any level of 
government that tells you it needs to tax property is lying to you. All it does is 
give them a lot of money the people don't know about. Check out Comprehensive Annual 
Financial Reports [CAFR] required annually of every level of government, including 
public schools since they are nothing more than a government agency in and of 

Anyway, the point is it doesn't matter as to the label used by them or used by you. 
All that matters is whether they ACT AS AMERICANS showing their belief in the 
philosophies this country was found on, and then show support of human freedom by 
upholding and defending our inherent rights as flesh and blood people.

Since they elect to not do this in their individual capacities as some sort of 
official/agent of the government, then it is hard for this man to believe they are 
American. If they say they are American, then they are the most treasonous bastards to 
ever walk around basking in their 'we-are-the-elite and the laws of Man do not apply 
to us' attitude.

After all - what is an American? Isn't it people who whether Christian or not believe 
in live and let live? Aren't we a people who believe we should be left to ourselves 
with our property held as being sacred - meaning no other may infringe upon it or our 

Aren't Americans people who believe in the truth - that lies are the work of the Devil 
or something else for non-Christians, non-Muslims, and so on? Don't we value integrity 
in our dealings between ourselves and others above all else?

This is a sprinkling of the values once held dear by the American people. For myself - 
on the many occasions in which I have considered this concept [nearly daily at this 
time] - my belief boils down to the fact that I should have sole control over my 
property and myself. No government can tell me what to do with my person or my 
property if my liberty is to be liberty in fact, not just rhetoric or a statement in 
some miswritten history book.

But, the dirty treasonous SOBs are telling me. Then they back it up with armed law 
enforcers who will gladly kick the heck out of anyone who resists them - even if it 
takes a gang of them to do it.

These un-American 'Americans?' will gladly shoot anyone who is getting the best of 
them - and keep shooting until all their firearms are emptied. And then load up and 
shoot again if the poor slob who contradicted them so much as twitches suddenly in his 
death throes.

If one is lucky enough to live through such an encounter, the judges put the victims 
in jail - if for no more than 'contempt of court'. Well, gosh, I, along with millions 
of other Americans, am in contempt of every court in this putrefying land of the - 
dare I use the word - free. So, what chance does any American have when he/she sets 
foot in one of these military tribunals in which the truth has been left outside 
because some rotten to the core judge doesn't want to hear the truth? Nominal, at best.

You can think as you wish - for now that is acceptable. But, watch out for the 
'thought police' in the near future. I maintain that those who commit treason 
continually are not 'Americans' other than geographically. Philosophically they are 
anything but 'American.'

This includes all those devils in disguise filling the - can we really call Washington 
the capitol of this country - ten squares miles housing the most corrupt and dangerous 
corporation to ever exist; a syndicate designed only for racketeering practices that 
steals from Americans daily - if not in taking their play money, then rights. Or both. 
Along with their dignity and sense of self-worth.

I think every man or woman who is elected to public office who suddenly acts as all 
tyrants have ever acted - squashing the rights and the dignity of every man, woman, 
and child - are no longer Americans striving for the American way of life - unless 
stealing, lying, corruption, lack of morality, brutality, killing with impunity, and 
so on have become the American way of life.

Well, if the latter is the case - if our values have become the values of the rancid - 
then I guess I am no longer an American. What I believe is so far from what officials 
believe and act out - and so far removed from people who will not fight for rights 
because of fear - that it seems I can no longer be part of the overall society.

Now, what do I fight for? Preserving the perverse and indirectly preserve lying, lack 
of integrity, and so on - or become a traitor to this current apparent concept of the 
'American Way' and fight to establish a country founded only on the inherent and 
unalienable rights of man? [Didn't this happen once before?]

As my nephew would say - repeatedly, I might add - "think about this." Either we are 
American with all the connotations touted for generations or we are un-American. There 
is no gray shading just as there is no shading between right and wrong. All the other 
labels are just garbage to confound. Or cause other people to think some 
writer/speaker is quite knowledgeable, very intimidating, or that they have a firm 
handle on the poltico/military/industrial complex. Or some other garbage that serves 
no good and useful purpose except to misdirect thinking.

For myself, though, I believe I will THINK AMERICAN in every sense that it appears our 
ancestors wanted - the free will of man preserved - and that all those despicable 
elected/appointed officials are not American in thought or practice. They are agents 
of a foreign and unknown enemy of America bent on destroying the very foundations this 
country was built on.

Therefore, they should be expelled from our land - forcibly if necessary - and, if not 
expelled, put where they can do no more harm to the millions of us who are American in 
thought and action.

Ed Lewis is a veteran writer, having been published in many online journals and 
newspapers. Mr. Lewis, a Missourian dedicated to liberty and truth, may be reached for 
comment at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-end article-
“The citizen who sees his society’s democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry 
it out, is not a patriot, but a traitor.”
-Mark Twain

"It gives me great pleasure that the people do not know what is happening to them."
-Adolf Hitler, 1939

America, do you know what's happening to you?

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