-Caveat Lector- http://www.bankindex.com/read.asp?ID=1202

The Birth of America's National Bank.

I find it funny how people will hang their hats on the Federal Reserve Conspiracy pole without looking any further back into the history of America's central banking. The creation of the Fed was the culmination of a 100 years of hard work by those agitating and boring from within for a stronger central government through a national bank.

Little or no attention is given to Lincoln signing into law the Legal Tender Act (Feb, 1862) that empowered the Secretary of the Treasury to issue paper money printed in green ink known as "greenbacks". Up until that time gold and silver species were redeemable by private banks upon demand who issued their own banknotes. Much attention is undeservedly devoted to few failures and "runs" that were precipitated when a few banks reneged on their redeemability promises. Even back then the siren's call generated from the "top down" was for ever more government regulation. In this regard, it was for the federal government to issue its own, and with punitive 10% tax on state banknotes begin the creation of a federal monopoly on paper money. Although it was promised that the greenbacks would be redeemed for gold and silver in the future, one must wonder if Lincoln would have kept that promise had he lived.

But, the opportunity was right for the Union government in Washington to implement this national takeover of private banking. Another glaring example of why "partnerships" between government and business always end up with government being the sole survivor. You can no more have a "partnership" with a monopolist than you can form a coalition with a communist enterprise. Philosophically, you are not on the same band width.

Lincoln's war on the South was not a enterprise popular with most, even in the North. Newspaper editorials of the day from Ohio and Michigan to Maine and New York were overwhelming opposed to any invasion or harmful ventures upon their southern friends, neighbors and brothers. You see, in 1860 "secession" was an easily understood right of the states by nearly every American, jurist or citizen. "Let Them Go!" blazed the headlines of the northern journals of the day.

Taxing the citizens of the period for an unjust war that was clearly un-Consititutional wouldn't fly. The answer was INFLATE! But, certainly a government without control of the printing presses is powerless; doubly so when gold and silver must be redeemed. Sinister and more dishonest means must be devised. Thomas DiLorenzo in his marvelous book The Real Lincoln tells us further that the National Currency Acts of 1863 and 1864 created a system of nationally chartered banks that could issue bank notes supplied to them by the newly created Comptroller of the Currency. This was strictly a Republican plan.

Plugging in this critical event of the creation of our national bank during the Civil War - for the purposes of funding it - is vital to understanding why the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 - fund America's wars for world imperialism. To successfully undertake such adventures any government must have a monopoly on money and credit.

Understanding these issues in American history, one can logically conclude that abolishing the Federal Reserve is the only clear solution to restoring Americans' liberties, and remove the war-making machine upon the world. It would matter little who the current tyrant may be living in the White House. Take away his allowance and he can't play with his war toys....... and the lives of millions.

The first income tax in American history was signed into law by Lincoln, too, but that's another tangent best reserved for future discussion......

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