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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.consortiumnews.com/2002/091002a.html";>The
Bush, the Polls & 2004
By Sam Parry
September 10, 2002For nearly a year, George W. Bush and his post-Sept. 11
poll numbers have created a self-perpetuating aura of political

With the worldwide war against terrorism expected to continue indefinitely,
Republicans appear confident that Bush is positioned to win the 2004
election, quite possibly in a landslide. Some think Bush’s wartime leadership
and his staunch support for Israel can help him crack into traditional
Democratic strongholds, including liberal centers like New York City and
Democratic Jewish communities in key states.

But a close look at the latest numbers suggests that impression may be more
ephemeral than real.

Bush's high-approval numbers started as a national cry for unity after the
terrorist attacks. That was, in part, because Americans were asked to make so
few sacrifices. Bush did not call for a national effort to reduce U.S.
dependence on Middle Eastern oil, for instance. Instead, he urged Americans
to show patience, go shopping and take vacations. So, Americans largely
expressed their “united we stand” sentiment by displaying the flag and
rallying behind the president, giving him approval ratings of from 85 to 90

But those high poll numbers were soon recognized by Bush's political
strategists as a device for merging the surge in patriotism into a long-term
allegiance to Bush. To question Bush's policies, Attorney General John
Ashcroft and other Bush loyalists made clear, was tantamount to aiding and
abetting the enemy. The “you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists”
formulation silenced both politicians and citizens who had reservations about
Bush’s leadership.

Bush supporters also came to see the “war-time-president” theme as a trump
card they could play at politically strategic moments. For instance, some
Republican strategists expect the looming confrontation with Iraq to boost
Bush’s popularity again. They also hope it will push troubling economic news
off the front pages and throw the Democrats onto the defensive before the
November congressional elections.

Fragility in the Numbers
Still, a close look at Bush’s poll numbers suggests a fragility in his
approval ratings that makes 2004 unlikely to be the cakewalk that some of
Bush’s supporters expect. After the surge of patriotic support, Bush's
approval ratings have slid downward, steadily eroding since the start of the
year. An average of the last five national polls puts Bush's positive numbers
at about 64 percent with latest polls at or below 60 percent.

Even at these lower levels, the numbers might suggest that Bush has expanded
his support since losing the popular vote in 2000 to Al Gore. But the reality
is more complicated. Pollsters have had difficulty extracting from Bush's
overall approval numbers the "united-we-stand" component, that is, Americans
who say they favor Bush so as not to show disunity in the wake of the
terrorist attacks.

Two recent polls show that Bush’s general approval ratings don't translate
into an automatic vote in 2004.

For one, Bush’s general "re-elect" numbers lag his positive approval ratings.
An Ipsos Reid/Cook Political Report poll conducted Aug. 16-18 found that 41
percent say they would vote for Bush if the election were now, while 29
percent say they would vote for someone else and 27 percent say they would
consider someone else. Three percent of the respondents were undecided.
The Bush "re-elect" numbers had dropped 15 points, from the 56 percent
support six months ago.

As a general rule of thumb in politics, re-elect numbers below 50 percent
reflect vulnerability, and below 45 percent offer a real take-over
opportunity. For a president leading the country in a global war on
terrorism, Bush’s numbers indicate that the electorate is keeping an open
mind about his performance and is still uneasy about his leadership abilities.

Bush vs. Gore
Another polling indicator -- hypothetical one-on-one match-ups against
potential Democratic opponents -- are cited by Bush supporters as better
news. A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll conducted in early August found that
if the election were held today with Al Gore the Democratic nominee, Bush
would beat Gore by a 13-point margin, 50-37. Bush would defeat other
potential Democratic opponents Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman and Tom Daschle
by between 20 and 26 points.

Yet those numbers, too, could be read another way. Gore has barely registered
in the national news since his concession speech in December 2000. When the
media have covered him, they have followed the harsh "Gore Rules" of the 2000
campaign, with every Gore utterance spun as negatively as imaginable.

In recent months, TV pundits have criticized Gore both for being too critical
of Bush -- and for dropping off the political radar screen and not
challenging Bush enough. The pundits also have blamed Gore for engaging in
class warfare by challenging Bush’s economic policies, and for abandoning the
political base that gave him the popular-vote victory. When Gore grew a
beard, the pundits laughed. When he shaved, they laughed again.

For Gore to be within 13 points at this point speaks more to Bush’s weakness
than Gore’s strength. Even more worrisome to Republicans is that Gore has
narrowed Bush's lead. Last December, the same poll had Bush defeating Gore by
a 38-point margin, 61-23. Now, the margin is 50-37.

In the last eight months, therefore, without an organized national political
campaign against him, Bush’s overall approval ratings have fallen 20 points
and his lead over hypothetical candidate Al Gore has been reduced by nearly

Electoral College Changes
Revisions in the Electoral College numbers following the 2000 Census offer
other wild cards for Election 2004.
Republicans note that population growth in the Sun Belt states where Bush
performed well in 2000 may help Bush in 2004. And there's evidence to support
that argument.

If the 2000 election were rerun with the Electoral College numbers adjusted
for the 2000 Census, Bush's winning margin would rise from 271-266 to
278-259, with one Gore elector from Washington, D.C., abstaining as a
protest. So, based on the nation's shifting population, Bush would gain seven

But, here again, the political reality may be less positive that Bush's
backers would like.

Of the 10 states with the narrowest margin of victory, Gore won five (New
Mexico, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oregon, and Minnesota) and Bush put five in his
column (Florida, New Hampshire, Missouri, Ohio, and Nevada). Of these Bush
states, Nevada has gained one electoral vote and Florida has gained two. Ohio
dropped from 21 electoral votes to 20, while Missouri and New Hampshire have
stayed the same.

Of Gore’s narrowly won states, Wisconsin has lost one electoral vote, while
the other four states remain unchanged. So, three of Bush's "extra" Electoral
College votes come from states he narrowly won.

Plus, the biggest battleground state, Florida, fell into Bush's column only
because thousands of votes cast for Gore went uncounted for a variety of
reasons. Without those irregularities, Gore would have carred Florida and won
the president. Gore's Electoral College victory would have been 291 to 246.
In a Bush-Gore rematch, Election 2004 could come down again to Florida.

Yucca Dispute
Nevada is another state that narrowly went to Bush in 2000 and could remain
in play in 2004. One issue above all others could erode Bush’s support in
Nevada – the nuclear waste repository site at Yucca Mountain. According to
political analysts, Bill Clinton narrowly won Nevada in both 1992 and 1996
despite its overall Republican trend by vowing to veto efforts to dump
nuclear waste at the Yucca site.

In 2000, Bush played political word games with the issue by promising to
oppose “temporary storage” at the Yucca site, but leaving the issue of
permanent storage open. Bush promised to rely on scientific studies to
determine his policy.

Once in office, however, Bush supported the recommendation of his Energy
Department to open Yucca despite opposition from every statewide elected
official, Democrat or Republican. Nevada Gov. Kenny Guinn, a Republican, has
pledged to fight Bush’s decision with every tool in his arsenal and has
called this a “fight for our life.” Guinn also refused to comment on whether
Bush’s Yucca decision constituted a broken campaign promise. [Las Vegas Sun,
Feb. 15, 2002] Las Vegas, the fastest growing city in the U.S., is located in
Clark County only 90 miles south of Yucca.

Most political analysts see the midterm election in November as a benchmark
for gauging Bush's hopes for a second term. If Republicans retake the Senate
and hold onto the House, more of Bush’s agenda is likely to be passed, which
would theoretically give Bush more legislative victories to point to in his
2004 reelection bid. Likewise, a Democratic sweep would create a divided
government and make it more difficult for Bush to pass his legislative agenda.

But equally important to the 2004 election are the governor races across the
country. Sitting governors, particularly those recently elected, have
statewide political networks that national candidates can utilize to build
political support state by state. Most notably, Gov. Jeb Bush's control over
the electoral system in Florida in 2000 helped suppressed the black vote, fr
ustrated the recount and declared his brother the winner by 537 votes.

Potential Democratic gains in 2002 governor races, including possibly
Florida, could weaken Bush's hand in 2004. In governor races in the East,
South and Midwest, Democrats have at least an even chance for pickups in
Maine, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Kansas and Tennessee.

In the Southwest, they have a good shot in New Mexico and Arizona. Democrats
even have a chance at winning the governor’s mansion in Wyoming. The Charles
Cook Political Report rates all of these races as “Toss Up” or better for the
Of these potential pickups, all are in 2000 battleground states except for
Rhode Island, which trends Democratic, and Kansas and Wyoming, which are
solidly Republican.

While the Democrats will have to work to hold on to several of their own
governorships, namely in Alabama, Alaska, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa
and possibly Maryland, only New Hampshire and Iowa were battleground states
in 2000.
Rove's Strategy
A loss of statehouses could complicate the 2004 strategy of Bush’s chief
political adviser, Karl Rove. He's been trying to expand Bush’s base and
force the Democrats to defend more of their political turf.

Rove began with the hope of picking up the governor’s office in the largest
Electoral College state, California. As part of that effort, the White House
endorsed the candidacy of socially liberal Republican Richard Riordan, former
mayor of Los Angeles, to take on Democratic Gov. Gray Davis. But Rove’s plan
was thwarted by the Republican primary victory of conservative Republican
Bill Simon, a businessman who has come under press scrutiny for shady
business deals.

Recent polls suggest that Davis, while unpopular with many Californians, is
the strong favorite over Simon, whose views on social issues alienate
moderate voters.

Without the governor’s mansion, it will be all the more difficult for Bush to
put California’s 55 electoral votes in play. Political observers also doubt
that Bush can parlay his stewardship of the war on terrorism to get close in
New York, another Democratic stronghold and the third-largest electoral prize
with 31 votes.  Of the biggest three electoral states, Bush appears to have a
lock only on Texas with 34 votes.

The fourth-biggest electoral catch is Florida, where Democrats will be
strongly motivated after the Election 2000 experience. If a hypothetical Gore
candidacy makes the right moves there, by perhaps picking one of Florida’s
two Democratic senators, Bob Graham or Bill Nelson, as a running mate, Bush
could start the campaign with 113 Electoral Votes lined up against him. That
would be 42 percent of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House.

If Bush loses Florida, California and New York – and the Democrats hold onto
the states where Gore won decisively in 2000 – Bush would have trouble
putting together a combination of other states for a victory. If he held all
his states from 2000, minus Florida, he would need to capture 18 electoral
votes. His likely targets would be Wisconsin (10 electoral votes), Iowa (7),
New Mexico (5), Oregon (7), Michigan (17), and Minnesota (10).

A Gore candidacy, on the other hand, would have its own list of states to
target for possible pickups in a 2004 Bush-Gore rematch. These include Nevada
(5 electoral votes), West Virginia (5), Tennessee (11), Ohio (20), Missouri
(11) and New Hampshire (4). For different reasons, these states were close in
2000 and would likely remain so in 2004.

As the nation enters the midterm elections, there are still two years before
most Americans will focus too closely on whom to vote for in the 2004
presidential election. Between now and then, there is no telling what issue
or national emergency will develop. War could be the ultimate political wild
card, with Bush controlling if and when U.S. armed forces are committed to

But the emerging political reality is that the American people retain grave
doubts about Bush's abilities, leadership and policies. If that reality takes
hold and the "rally-around-the-president" factor fades, Republicans who were
dreaming of Bush winning a second term by a kind of acclamation may be
looking at a far less certain future.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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