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"Please remain calm, Citizen. We are here to help you. Take a number and wait your turn for execution."

Sheep to The Left, Terrorists to The Right
By H. Michael Sweeney

Please remain calm, Citizen. We are here to help you. Take a number and wait your turn for execution.

This nonsensical introduction may be less nonsensical than we would care to think, and for lots of different reasons. A whole book could literally be written upon this theme and the many ways it could be interpreted to apply against our evolutionary history -- our twisty and reluctant path towards the New World Order. I will focus on just one way the introduction applies, for it applies to me. You see, I am a Terrorist. Are you properly frightened of me? If not too frightened, I start with some definitions.

What Constitutes Sheep?

Any well-pacified Citizen who eagerly consumes and accepts their daily Brokow (and equivalent, plus select local anchors of the same mold), City Tabloid (name a paper -- they all rely upon a handful of the same resources), and any of the assorted Time or Newsweek gender. Sheep depend on these resources, all of them owned and controlled by a mere handful of elite power players within the MIIM (Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media complex)... depend on them for their world view, their political determinations, and their ultimate day-to-day decision making. Like Sheep on the hillside, they are literally herded to and fro by the grassy messages found in these sources. Eagerly, at times, they thirst after whatever message is deemed important by the publishers, editors, writers, and managers -- perhaps oblivious to the fact that where the ink meets the paper, and the anchor's eye meets the camera -- the ultimate worth of that grass is most likely related to the interests of the person who pays the salaries. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, guiding your media content, to help you.

What is a Terrorist?

A terrorist is anyone who falls into one of several categories. Certainly, the traditional terrorist. But also, now that our government has waxed Draconian with deliberately vague laws, almost anyone can become Terrorist by mere decree. And they are. You are reading the work of one such Terrorist, now. I have been so declared by the United States Government, using means described below. Thus, it must be true. So, Citizen, while you go to the left, I shall apparently go to the right. Don't forget to take a number. I think mine is 666. They all seem to be 666. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, redefining your very existence, to help you.

Perhaps explanation of the circumstances of my becoming Terrorist will illustrate both definitions quite clearly. But understand: I do cry not in my beer. First, I choose to be who I am, and a mere label does not take that away from me -- the sticks and stones thing. Second, I am only one of the least among many better than I. Others are far more deserving of any would-be sympathies (or criticisms by obedient Sheep asked to condemn us evil Terrorists because of an artificial label). Indeed, for many causes, likely tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of Americans, are Terrorists and do not even have the slightest clue that it is so. Eventually, there will be millions of us. As shall be seen, that is because Sheep can become a terrorist for any number of '"'crimes against the nation'"' -- such as dialing a wrong telephone number, illustrated below. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, monitoring your phone calls, to help you.

How Did I Become Terrorist?

For me it was easy. I stopped being Sheep. As Sheep, the MIIM System generally fails to see you among the group on the hill. But if you stop following in the accepted grassy path, you begin to stand out in the crowd. They used to call us Activists. Now, we are Terrorists. When you go against the flow of Sheep, eyes fall on you and immediately start judging you. For me, so it was. A few years ago, a coded document came into my possession which detailed many conspiratorial crimes of MIIM. But yet I doubted, unbelieving of the breadth and depth of it, that it was so possible. Yet I had become guilty of a crime, and the punishments thereof would convince me of the reality and validity of the accusations against MIIM.

The crime was possession, and MIIM swiftly reacted against me. Until that moment, I had no true concept of MIIM. Only by seeing their dark Shadow, did I understand. Eisenhower was right, but he had no idea how widespread the Shadow of MIIM had grown. It wasn't so much that I had this particular document, which was in the public domain, not an official document, certainly not a classified document. Rather, it was that I apparently understood what the document meant, and I made the mistake of making that knowledge known by a misplaced comment in a private letter. This letter was apparently intercepted and confiscated by someone surveiling the recipient and inspecting his mail. Within 72 hours, my life was transformed into a James Bondian nightmare of car chases, surreptitious entry into my home and workplace, sabotage of my computer files and eventual theft of my computers, continual surveillance, threats on my life, and laser beams aimed at me through my bedroom window from sniper nests carved out a tree with a saw. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, observing and assassinating, to help you.

Not entirely amateur in such matters, I fought back in natural defense, and was able to do rather well. I identified the players, for whom they worked, and more. This success was the basis for my first book, The Professional Paranoid, designed to help others who might have similar problems or otherwise be targeted by stalkers or other dark forces. I even learned what it was about the original document my enemies feared most. This has become the basis of my second book, Fatal Rebirth, which addresses a growing Shadow over freedom cast by MIIM. I was clearly no longer Sheep, and at least being treated as Terrorist by Shadow players. But by use of the knowledge I had gained I was able to create an insurance policy which stayed my immediate execution and even returned to me an honorary, if not shaky, Sheephood status. Be calm, Citizen. We are, because of crimes we have committed and your knowledge thereof, here to help -- so long as you hold that power over us.

The Execution of Sheep?

So time passes, until time itself ceased to be a thing of concern for 280 Sheep aboard Flight 800. They took a number, and it came up 800, a clever variant, perhaps, of 666. They didn't have to wait long for their execution. But how can I call this execution by the State? Because of an oxymoron thing called '"'friendly fire'"'. Within a few hours of the downing of flight 800, it was apparent that one possibility or cause was missile attack. Dozens of witnesses, eventually more than 150, would testify of visuals consistent with a missile. Original reports would indicate a missile track on radar, and also, by a CIA spy satellite. It was known that the tragedy took place at the edge of a Navy test exercise area which had only just been declared off-limits to civilian use because an exercise of some sort was underway. Someone put two and two together, and came up with the most logical four they could find, and its true sum was perhaps closer to six-hundred-sixty-six. In addition to the possibility of Terrorist shoot down, the possibility of friendly fire had to at least be considered.

The Birth of Friendly Fire and the Introduction of Players

Now I have polled about fifty Sheep on this matter, and I've encountered only about six who did not come to that same '"'4'"' conclusion in those days on their own -- despite the grass fed them by government via media. Now as sit happens, many disinformationalists love to pick on us Terrorists for choosing to quote media as references while at the same time we accuse media of willing participation in cover up or of being a MIIM pawn. A nice slight of hand to avoid discussing issues, but not at all relevant. €a ne fait rien. The difference between tone and strategy in news coverage is quite another matter from precise quotations of what people said on the record. Even media seldom lies about a quote, but they might just include a quote that latter comes back to haunt.

I think we can safely say that, given the basic facts available early from the gate, certainly those available before MIIM had an opportunity to form a plan of action, any reasonable person would at least see the possibility of missile attack, either by terrorist or by friendly fire, was a valid theory deserving of consideration in any serious investigation. As fate would have it, two people were very quick to put information out on the Internet regarding missile fire possibilities. One was a Mr. Ron Lewis, a gentleman of specific associations and background who, because of those, might be considered as perhaps a biased source, one favoring government interests. More on him, later. Mr. Lewis was apparently the first person on the Internet to attempt to place blame for flight 800 on Terrorists, specifically focusing on Iran for no particularly visible reason. His only evidence was conjecture, and an attempt to demonstrate the act possible by virtue of the physics and performance characteristics of an alleged specific model of Terrorist's missile -- the same missile whom everyone else was discounting because those same specifications failed to meet the needs of any such deed.

The second person, based at least on information supplied by Mr. Lewis, might also be judged perhaps a bit biased, depending on what criteria one chooses to judge. His name is Parveez Syad. More about him, later, too. Mr. Syad, of course, being a journalist in London, and one fully aware of the basic facts in the matter as previously discussed, and being close to (but not employed by) the original London newspaper source of the CIA satellite information, was quick to point out the possibility of friendly fire. Immediately, Mr. Lewis attacked Mr. Syad as being a member of Iranian intelligence or an outright Iranian terrorist for daring to propose such a preposterous theory -- the same theory that most Sheep had already figured out on their own as a real possibility. We will take a look at the accusation in some detail, later. But it is important to note that the very first person to suggest publicly on the Internet anything about friendly fire was attacked by Ron Lewis as being a terrorist.

Enter the Dragon Slayer, Prince Internet

Now, shortly afterwards, many people on the Internet began discussing various flight 800 theories, including missile theories, both friendly fire and terrorist versions -- on the Internet. As is reasonable in such discussions, especially where many facts are not yet known, such persons generally '"'test flew'"' their theories over the Internet looking either for support or criticism, and hoping evidence or proofs one way or the other would be elicited from those who had access to it. Bad theories needed to be thrown out if shown as unworkable, or specific arguments shown as invalid needed to be adjusted with new information that better fit the theory or addressed the expressed concerns, or a better theory which fit the facts needed to be drawn up from scratch. By this means, fewer and fewer theories and derivatives evolved successfully, each marching closer to some hypothetical ultimate truth -- a truth not apparently forthcoming from a relatively silent government investigation.

What amazed me more than anything else about this process, and what litterally drew me into the battle, was an immediate, incredulous and unrelenting attack upon any and all missile fire theorists by what I would term as obvious disinformation artists of the MIIM kind. Some watching the group more carefully than I pointed out that in some cases, a negative response from such a source would be posted on the Internet within mere minutes of a proponent post -- almost every time. Someone, somewhere, was operating an organized and well-funded campagin of dissinformation. Someone, somewhere, did not want missile fire, at least not friendly fire, to be seriously considered. Yet there was, within it all, courtesy of Mr. Lewis, the existance of yet another disinformational ploy. Found in Rule 11 of the 25 Rules of Disinformation, was Mr. Lewis with a fall-back position of '"'terrorist missile'"'. That this is so, as opposed to a rational attempt to establish any such truth, is best demonstrated by the fact that Lewis suddenly dropped his entire presence when missile theories began to firm up and look viable. He returned at the last moment, when FBI was forced to address the issue of radar blips, but this time, as if to revitalize the Iranian missile fall-back postition without actually giving further fuel to missile theories in general, he choose the avenue of death threat. Be calm, Citizen. We are, by silence, deciet, and threat of death to insure you do not panic and become afraid of the truth, here to help you.

These theories were necessarily based on the slim pickings of what government itself had to say and the little bit that media could glean from witnesses not silenced by governmental action. And there was an awful lot of silencing by government. So much, in fact, that whole separate theories of a cover up were being incorporated into the friendly fire theories. But then came Pierre Salinger, Ian Goddard, and friends. Suddenly, friendly fire theories were starting to shape up into credible arguments, and were being presented by credible sources. Even media had to report they existed, though they attempted to imply them worthless simply because the Internet was involved. Working at first independently and on two continents, they eventually found themselves joining and defending attack from the same quarters -- attacked for daring to publicly state that friendly fire was involved, and daring to offer evidence to that end.

Curiously enough, and early on at that, at least Goddard was also called an Iranian Terrorist by Mr. Lewis. Pierre found himself being accused of being an unwitting dupe of the Iranian Terrorists by Lewis. Only Mr. Lewis had a clear understanding of truth, it seems, and only he knew who the Terrorists really were. Never mind that Ian Goddard always cited his references for his proofs and arguments. Never mind that Pierre claimed French Intelligence help. Lewis trotted out his favorite Iranian plot, and derided Goddard and Lewis as actually being part of the plot. Government and media (MIIM) simply declared Pierre's information '"'that same old Internet tune'"', and ignored the story beyond that. Media obediently followed suit and picked up the ball and ran with it, supposedly killing two birds with one stone. Be calm, Citizen. We are, by means of Rules two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten of the 25 Rules of disinformation (Exhibit One), here to help you dismiss any concerns that your government executes sheep.

A Shift in MIIM Strategy as Friendly Fire Gains Momentum

Suddenly, however, Ron Lewis fell silent and all but vanished from the scene. No more talk whatsoever about missiles of any kind from him. This will be addressed later, as well. My limited participation in this matter to this point had been moral support, which was chiefly expressed by trying to keep the discussions on Internet honest and free of disinformationalists, trying to keep arguments logical and unemotional. The consequence was, that like Goddard and Parveez, I was deemed Terrorist. But not by Mr. Lewis -- probably because I had not yet gotten around to attacking his disinformation methods. Rather, I was deemed Terrorist by those whom likely pulled at Lewis' MIIM strings. Now the mechanics of this are worthy of consideration. After all, it is by these same mechanics that any good Sheep can find themselves Terrorist, like me. Do you have your number, yet?

As it happens, of course, President Clinton signed the Counter- Terrorism Act of 1995 which allows any group to be declared terrorist for the purpose of granting the Justice Department broad powers in combating so-called terrorism. It effectively tears asunder the Constitutional rights of anyone so declared. I say so-called, because you can count the number of actual domestic terrorism acts on one hand. You might be able to use two hands if you stretch the truth and include events where the terrorism was more likely state sponsored -- by the United States government. That is, FBI or CIA agent provocateurs funded, supplied, trained, planned, and help execute or allowed the act to be completed by the dupes groomed for the purpose. This would include The World Trade Center and, more recently, the Oklahoma City bombing. The purpose? Having an excuse to legislate Draconian laws which erode Constitutional freedoms -- as exemplified by the Counter-Terrorism Act of 1995. You can't have a police-state (another way of saying '"'New World Order'"') without getting rid of personal freedoms and increasing police powers. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, that you may realize you need a police state to protect you from us, to help you.

Now when some particular activist group is declared Terrorist, the Department of Justice is granted broad Draconian powers. These happen to include a particularly nasty little police-state trick. Normally, we are protected from unreasonable search and seizure by our Constitution, and our right to privacy would preclude cameras and bugs in our home except for extremely well-justified and hard-fought-for warrants to the contrary. But under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) and an amplification of powers by President Clinton's Executive Order 12949, a secret court routinely grants unprecedented secret warrants for the mere asking. All a sneaky law enforcement type needs to do is toss out the magic words '"'national security'"', and he gets a secret piece of paper that says he can secretly enter your home, take your property or information without your knowledge (and perhaps plant some false evidence if so inclined), and bug the hell out of you, including video cameras in your bedroom. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, in the woodwork, and think your wife has a great body, by the way, to help you.

The Terrorist Ring Grows

Yet another part of this mechanism is even more insidious. There is this old and quaint, and apparently obsolete notion under the Constitution, that we are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Now comes our NWO police-state eager and empowered to work just the other way around. Under the presumption of guilt, they will act accordingly. This is manifestly expressed this way. Once any individual or group of individuals has been targeted as Terrorist, and put under extreme surveillance, the intelligence community deems anyone who contacts them Terrorist, as well. Guilt by association. Even an accidental wrong number can get you on the list, and people who have done nothing more have actually been hauled in by the FBI and grilled for hours and brought before a Grand Jury inquisition. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, and we know who you call and will hold you accountable, to help you.

By this method, not only do they target the original activist or outspoken anti-government (anyone opposed to government criminality fits the bill) group, but also, any persons contacting anyone among that group, by any means. Further, they likewise target anyone who contacts those folks, and, if really in a suspicious mood, anyone who contacts that ring of folks. All become official Terrorist in a heartbeat. It could go on to include even further rings of contact. This is an excellent way to be able to justify requests for increased resources and budgets. '"'We spied on six-thousand Terrorists in this one group alone, last year...'"' The core group was likely a couple-dozen anti-abortionists. So now, knowing this, I must conclude: Having contacted Ian Goddard by email, I am now Terrorist, too. So be it. I'd rather die fighting than as Sheep led quietly to slaughter. And fighting has well commenced.

The FBI Strikes

The week of XXX, the FBI spent several teams of pairs of FBI agents on a special and unusual mission from Washington D.C. to several American cities. They should have been issued Swastika arm bands, since their goal was apparently to silence those on the Internet who felt moved to cease being Sheep, those who dared to express their Constitutional rights of free speech, to question criminality in government, and to hold government accountable for executions of Sheep and subsequent cover up. Two agents called on one of Ian Goddard's co-researchers and intimidated the fellow (whose name I withhold only because I wish no undue embarrassment upon him) so badly with threats of unknown nature (presumably for aiding and abetting terrorists or obstruction of justice, things which we have been threatened with by intimation on the Internet and various government and media comments for some time, now) that he broke off all communications by reason of same. Be calm, Citizen. We are, by a willingness to suppress investigative writers by intimidation, here to help you hear only our version of truth.

Such a team was sent to visit Ian Goddard, and one was dispatched to my city, Portland, Oregon -- presumably for similar effect. However, Ian and the target of their visit here both decided that they would rely upon their Constitutional rights, and refused to speak with the FBI agents, unless they would care to submit a list of questions to their attorneys. This effectively held FBI at bay. Odd. I thought these Federal investigators were fearless. Apparently, they had nothing they wanted to ask which could exist in written form or be scrutinized by a lawyer. Perhaps what they had in mind was less righteous than would stand up to such scrutiny. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, especially while witnesses are not about, to help you.

But FBI found another, more valuable target, and soon enough let go of us Terrorists for the moment. One of the investigators of import was investigative author and retired airline pilot, Richard Russell. He managed to get one brave newspaper to depart from the usual offering of Sheep dip, and to dare publish the real story that was developing with respect to friendly fire. It helped that Russell had actual copies of the original Radar tapes which clearly showed evidence of missile fire. Of course, government had long since debunked the original reports of radar blips as being determined as mere radar '"'noise'"' -- spurious blips supposedly having no basis in airborne fact. Yet Mr. Russell was also in possession of knowledge and expertise in reading these tapes, and in contact with many others of like ability -- including whomever so braved the ire of FBI and orders of silence as to recognize the importance of the tape and to give it to Russell. They all concurred that government was deliberately lying about the '"'noise'"'.

You see, radar '"'noise'"' is apparently a random event. It doesn't stick around on the radar screen in the same position/course/speed relationships for successive sweeps of the radar. The conclusion reached by these independents was that this particular blip behaved exactly like a missile, and was exactly at the right place, time, and apparent speed to support missile theories. FBI HAD to do something about Russell before he could release the tapes. So they paid him a visit, and amid threats of hauling him off, confiscated his radar tapes as '"'illegal evidence'"'. Of course, they immediately declared the tapes as fake, thereby invalidating their own actions. Be calm, Citizen. We are, by use of tactics not seen since the Third Reich, here to help you ignore the truth.

FBI Forced Into Desperate Lies

But this tactic did not fare them well. By now, Pierre had already released his copies of the tapes, and selected images were published in the French newspaper, The Paris Match, and on the Internet. Now clearly, everyone involved in the affair could judge for themselves, and see that the tapes were genuine. Government was now in a terrible pickle. Even Congress was concerned that something might not be right in Denmark, and was asking FBI to account. They had to address the tapes in a way that would nullify their importance, and hopefully, squash the friendly fire folks for once and for all. Simple solution. Lie. Crying might help, too.

So, Agent James Kallstrom, head of the FBI investigation, went before congress (behind closed doors that we needn't be distracted with the opportunity to judge his version of truth) and lied the big lie. A press conference replay was offered to insure that media grass was fed to all the good sheep. There, he even waxed so emotional as to choke out a near tear in complaint of how difficult we Terrorists were making their job, and how difficult we were making it for the surviving family members of the slain 280 Sheep. And what form was the lie? It was Rule four (and some others thrown in for good measure) of the 25 Rules of Disinformation. Rule four is The Straw Man. See the copy of a letter sent to assorted members of Congress below (Exhibit Six) for more details. But by the use of false arguments, mere slight of hand, and with the help of media, these lies were fed all good Sheep, and Terrorists everywhere were suddenly seen as idiotic lunatics and charlatans. But there was more. Almost simultaneously, government intimated that if we Terrorist were to continue our efforts, there was a chance that government might decide to prosecute us for obstruction of justice, for wasting precious FBI resources. By what logic this might prevail escapes me.

I know of no time in our history when citizens were not free to criticize the failings of law enforcement or government when progress was apparently not being made in investigating crimes. I know of not time in our history when citizens, investigative writers and journalists were not free to investigate and expose the crimes of government itself by exercise of free speech. I know of no time in our history when government was free to abrogate the Constitutional right of free speech in favor of criminal suppression of the truth. The only time and place that comes to mind was Hitler's Germany. Relax, Citizen. We are here, and you soon won't be if you continue to criticize us, to help you.

It is patently clear that if FBI will lie to Congress and deliberately fail to deal with the issues we have been raising all along... merely pretending to address those issues by slight of hand... that FBI is guilty of a cover up of a missile attack, friendly fire or Terrorist yet to be determined. Yet WHY cover up a Terrorist attack? There is little good reason under the circumstances. But once the course is laid for cover up, it is virtually impossible to double back. Woven lies entrap one more certainly than the original evidence. So for FBI, the entire missile possibility must be resisted. THAT is why Ron Lewis has waxed silent on his favorite Terrorist missile theory. Now Mr. Lewis simply relies upon renewed accusations of Terrorist associations to discredit Mr. Goddard and the rest. He even tosses out a veiled death threat using insane logic. Be calm, Citizen. We are here, by implied threats of arrest and death to keep you silent in the face of truth, to help you.

But it seems that Lewis, or his MIIM friends, have also relied upon a new kind of terrorism. How fitting that Lewis, a former Air Force Intelligence Officer who describes himself as the Chief Military Intelligence Advisor to The Intelligyst Group, also allies himself with an Web site known as InfoWar, a site with many intelligence community and military ties of its own. But InfoWar is not merely the name of a Web site, but also the official military name (Information Warfare, or Info War) state of the art in electronic warfare, including Internet sabotage. Someone, it seems, has decided to play around with Ian Goddard's Internet Service Provider account. Someone has found a way to confound the technicians of what is described as a secure server, a Web site that is supposed to be tamper proof, with some new kind of software robot or '"'bot'"'. This one, it seems, spends all its time simply changing Ian Goddard's password. To paraphrase the ISP technician: '"'It changes right before my eyes... I create a new password, and its immediately changed right in front of me!'"' Thus, Ian Goddard is denied Internet access in this critical time. Now, I wonder who out there would feel that Ian Goddard was such a threat that they needed such a sophisticated tool? I wonder who out there would have the resources, wherewithal, and expertise to safely design and employ such a tool? Relax, Citizen. We are here in the electronic woodwork to make certain you see and hear only what we wish, and to know what you see and hear, and say to others, to help you.

Time for Sheep Everywhere to Decide For Themselves Who is Really Terrorist

It is now time to examine Mr. Lewis and Mr. Syad more directly, that you may decide that matter for yourself. Sheep should decide for themselves who the Terrorists really are. Are they Syad, Goddard, Salinger, Russell, and the rest, myself included, or are they they United States Navy, ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence), FBI, and others in government, and perhaps, willing cover up participants within Media? Who is to decide these things for the Sheep? The Sheep themselves, or mere words of declaration by MIIM under repressive and fascist laws which throw the Constitution aside? Dare YOU decide for yourself? Be calm, Citizen. We are here to help you decide in favor of Shadow, to help you.

While government is eager to help you in this quest, please allow this Terrorist to offer assistance, as well. Mr. Syad and Ian has been accused by Mr. Lewis as being an Iranian Terrorists or agents of the Iranian intelligence community. I had originally intended to actually refer you to the original posts on the Internet News Groups by Mr. Lewis which demonstrated that in his own words. But lo and behold, Mr. Lewis has suddenly removed all his many, many posts on flight 800, Goddard, and the rest, from the record. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be he has something to hide? Finally, we take a look at Mr. Lewis' most recent attack of Goddard, and implied death threat, Exhibit Two, which was forwarded to me by Ian Goddard. This version is annotated with my own commentary to show how truly wondrous is the mind and methods of Mr. Lewis. Obviously, Intelligence IS lost on this particular Intelligence expert.

It is suggested that research what is offered, but not reproduced entirely, here. You will then be in an excellent position to know who the real terrorists are. But there is yet another, more important question. That is the question of what MIIM thinks of you. Shall they see YOU as mere sheep awaiting your turn for execution, content to graze upon the grass of Shadow's obedient media? Will you allow them to seize the very pen we Terrorists choose to do battle with against their swords? Or will you stand firm along side the truth and dare to raise your voice in opposition to tyranny of the NWO kind? If the former, you merely need return to your warm, comfortable hillside path. If the later, you need to get up off of your woolly haunches and let the authorities know you won't stand for their brand of terrorism against the Sheep and would-be Sheep deemed Terrorists by the whims of MIIM. Demand accountability. Demand a clean house. Demand Justice.

Read the rest here.
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