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The Nation
August 23, 2002


Special Report

Turkey, Israel and the US


In a 1996 Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies paper
prepared for Binyamin Netanyahu, the
authors---including Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, now the respective
chair of the Defense Policy Board and Undersecretary
of Defense for Policy---advised Israel to "shape its strategic
environment by weakening, containing and even rolling back
Syria," and "focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq--an
important Israeli strategic objective in its own right."
It's all heady stuff, but perhaps the most interesting parts of
references to realizing the "new strategy for securing the realm" by
"working closely with" or working "in cooperation" with Turkey.

Not only have the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA)
and the Center for Security Policy (CSP) been
enthusiastic boosters in the service of assuring a constant flow of US
military aid to Turkey, but JINSA/CSP advisers Perle and
Feith have spent the past fifteen years--in governmental and private
capacities--working quietly and deftly to keep the US arms
sluice to Turkey open, as well as drawing both Turkey and Israel and
their respective American lobbies closer together.

To Perle, Feith and other hawks, the importance of Turkey not just to
the United States but to Israel is self-evident. As a
secular Muslim state, Turkey has always been an attractive political and
military ally to the Israelis; respectful of the close
relationship between the US and Israel, over a decade ago the Turks
began to appreciate the value for Turkish-US relations in
being close with Israel, and have also grown to appreciate how useful an
ally the American Jewish lobby can be against the
Greek- and Armenian-American lobbies.

In fact, the idea of a strong Turkey-Israeli-US trifecta is nothing new.
It was a cherished idea of Perle mentor and CPD
principal Albert Wohlstetter, the University of Chicago mathematician
and RAND consultant who was key in drawing up the
Pentagon's strategic and nuclear blueprints during the cold war. In
classified studies written at the Pentagon's behest over the
years, Wohlstetter was a serious Turkey booster; when Perle ascended to
his post in the Reagan-era Pentagon, he began
implementing Wohlstetter's vision, conducting regular meetings in Ankara
and, in 1986, closing a deal for a five-year Defense
and Economic Cooperation Agreement with Turkey which the Financial Times
characterized as "something of a personal
triumph" for Perle. It wasn't so bad for Turkey, either: After Israel
and Egypt, Turkey became the third-largest recipient of US
military aid, and got a nice break on debts owed to the US.

Perle left government service in 1987. But in 1989, various Turkish
press outlets reported that Perle had quietly started
lobbying in Washington on behalf of Turkey. In short order, the Wall
Street Journal confirmed it, reporting that Perle had
"sold the idea for the new [lobbying] company to Turgat Ozal, Turkey's
prime minister, at a meeting in New York last May,"
but that Perle wouldn't be registering as a foreign agent because Perle
was merely "chairman of the firm's advisory board,"
which, the Journal noted, only consisted of one person: Perle.

Perle responded to the Journal revelation with a bizarre letter, on the
one hand claiming that--despite years of media reporting
on his Pentagon Turkey initiatives--he had had no responsibility for
Turkey while a Pentagon official, but that he had,
nonetheless, advocated for Turkey in the Pentagon; now in private life,
he was going to do something about it--but only so
much, as Doug Feith would be taking point, and Perle would simply be in
the "advice business."

According to Foreign Agent Registration Act filings, Perle's advice
counted for a lot--a total of $231,000 between 1990 and
1994. To help out Turkey, Feith also deployed legal associate Michael
Mobbs--now a Pentagon adviser, most recently in the
news after a federal judge decided his memo making the case for the
detention of Yaser Esam Hamdi as an "enemy combatant"
was insufficient. Feith also hired Morris Amitay, former executive
director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC) and current head of the pro-Israel Washington PAC, who took aim
earlier this year at the Bush-appointed
Jewish-American US ambassador to Israel, Daniel Kurtzer, for Kurtzer's
circumspect public criticism of Israel's settlements

IAI hit the ground running in 1989, effectively flexing its lobbying
muscle immediately by securing the defeat of Congressional
efforts to keep Turkey's US military aid at a level lower than that of
neighboring Greece. In addition to cementing the
US-Turkey military-to-military relationship, IAI was also part of a
joint 1989 Turkish-Israeli effort to quash a US Senate
resolution marking the 75th anniversary of the Armenian genocide at the
hands of the Turks. "Quietly, Israeli diplomats and
some American Jewish activists have agreed to help Turkey even as other
Jewish leaders have complained they have no
business intervening in such a sensitive matter," reported Wolf Blitzer,
then the Jerusalem Post's Washington correspondent.
Blitzer went on to quote a source who explained that "as a people which
was itself a victim of genocide, we feel natural
sympathy for the Armenians. But Israel wants to foster its relations
with Turkey, which it views with great importance."

With the Pentagon's hawks girding for war with Iraq yet again, Perle and
his ilk have been both wooing and talking up Turkey,
which, at the moment, is on shaky economic and political ground--despite
previous efforts of the Bush administration, including
an arranged $16 billion IMF bailout and a pending $228 million US aid
package. In response to Turkish concerns about the
potential for further political and economic destabilization in the wake
of an attack on Iraq, Perle and others have proposed an
expansive free trade agreement between Turkey and the United States; a
first step in that direction is already evident in the form
of a Senate bill, sponsored by Senators John Breaux (D-LA) and John
McCain (R-AZ) and boosted by the recently formed,
three-dozen strong bipartisan American-Turkish Caucus on Capitol Hill,
that would let Turkish textiles into the US duty-free via
Israel. According to a Pentagon source briefed on Deputy Defence
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz's recent trip to Ankara, the Turks
have also indicated that they might be amenable to supporting an Iraq
invasion in exchange for another defense debt write-off to
the tune of $5 million, as well as a free Patriot missile defense

But even with such measures--and despite the ministrations of Perle and
Feith over the years--it's unclear what the future holds
for US-Turkish relations. Turkish elections are scheduled for November,
and right now the moderately pro-Islamist Justice and
Development (AK) party appears to be leading at the polls, a situation
causing hand-wringing in both Washington and Ankara.
And, according to diplomatic sources in Washington, while the Turks have
indicated a certain potential willingness to back a
US invasion and restructuring of Iraq, they continue to voice serious
concerns about overall regional destabilization, the financial
cost to Turkey of war, and the establishment of a Kurdish province in a
post-Saddam, federal-style Iraq, which could mark the
first step in a reinvigorated military campaign by Turkey's Kurds for
total Kurdish independence--an effort that might be made
easier if Kirkuk, an oil town in northern Iraq, comes under Kurdish
control. "It's not exactly a volatile situation yet," says one
Washington-based diplomat, "but let's just say a lot of people are
keeping a very watchful eye on Turkey."

Jason Vest is a senior correspondent for The American Prospect and a
contributing editor to The Village Voice and In These Times.

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