-Caveat Lector- http://www.stratiawire.com/


SEPTEMBER 17. The Washington Post reports that a vice-president of Blue Cross in NYC shot and killed two workers in his office, then killed himself. The shooter was a former FBI agent.

A worker in the building on Broadway just off 40th St. commented, “I’m concerned about security now. It just goes to show you anything can happen anywhere.”

Translation: Go find a civilian who’ll say no one is safe anymore anywhere and print it.

We’ve heard this quote over and over when such incidents occur. Do the newspapers have a standard slug to insert when a weird shooting takes place?

Let’s think about this crime a little. The vice-president calls these two co-workers into his office. Is he nursing a grudge? If so, is he willing to murder them over this beef and THEN kill himself?

I think not. Grudges don’t work that way. The insulted party doesn’t take himself out to satisfy himself.

So we can assume that the shooter, in this case, like others we’ve read about, was, as they say, despondent. But, then, what does being depressed have to do with killing others?

Nothing much. A depressed person hides in the dark and watches TV, sleeps a lot, runs away, maybe commits suicide.

However, in recent years, the public has been brainwashed into believing that depression is linked to the commission of murders. Where does this equation come from?

I’ll tell you where. From those “professionals” who want to conceal the links between depression, THE DRUGS USED TO TREAT IT, and violence. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, and so on.

Studies show that these drugs do cause violence—which has nothing to do with depression itself.

(Now that the WIRE archive is up and running, you might do a key-word search with “Prozac,” “SSRIs,” “violence,” “studies,”
“Ritalin,” and so on, and you may pick up the results of some of these studies.)

In the case of this NYC murder-suicide, the sanest thing the cops could do is get the medical records of the shooter. Was he under the care of a psychiatrist? If so, what was the diagnosis? What drugs was he taking? For how long? Was the dose-level recently increased? Did he just go off a drug? Abrupt withdrawal can trigger all sorts of horrendous effects—including violence.

Chances are, though, that we’ll hear the usual garble about the shooter. You know, he was feeling despondent. Dead-end job. He just got divorced. He was acting strange lately. He was under pressure. We need early intervention with psychiatric drugs. Blah blah.

I recently did a piece about Luvox, the SSRI anti-depressant Columbine shooter Eric Harris was on before he went on his killing spree in 1999. Solvay, the manufacturer, just temporarily took the drug off the market, claiming it was re-writing some very old forms it had once submitted to the FDA in the days before Luvox was licensed for public use.

Clearly, this was a concocted explanation. NO drug company voluntarily forfeits profits because it made a few clerical errors in ancient drug-application forms.

Well, it now turns out, by sheer coincidence, that Solvay withdrew Luvox just several days after John De Camp took a lead role as attorney in a suit against Luvox. One of the victims at Columbine is going up against Solvay in court. And De Camp is a formidable adversary.

Don’t be fooled by these press accounts of spree murders. When they don’t make sense, it’s because we’re not getting important information. Such as: Oh yes, the shooter was taking Paxil, and he was behaving very weirdly, and he was saying he felt completely crazy and the world was plotting against him…

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