-Caveat Lector-

War and Politics Do Mix, Apparently
Calif. Says Here's the Proof, Now Do Something

This is the week the gloves came off, and with them any remaining pretense that GOP
candidates are not politicizing the war on terrorism.

”Across the country, GOP House and Senate candidates are emphasizing the possibility of
war in Iraq, either touting their support for Bush or highlighting their opponents'
reservations -- past or present -- about military strikes against the Baghdad regime,
according to several candidates and party strategists. “ - Washington Post

With control of the House up for grabs in next month’s mid-term elections, GOP 
in tightly contested races have now openly hitched their hopes to the Bush 
war wagon.

The change in tactics was most notable in states where the stakes were highest,
particularly in Senate races in South Dakota, Minnesota and Georgia.

"These events mark a shift in the midterm elections toward a topic that Republicans
generally favor -- the Bush administration's tough stand against Hussein -- at the 
of subjects that Democrats prefer -- domestic matters such as health care benefits and 
fiscal health of the Social Security system.” - Washington Post

Democrats worried in recent weeks that if they openly questioned the administration’s
policy on Iraq their queries would be later used against them in future campaigns. 
fears were reinforced this week by a series of GOP ads in key districts. The ads used
comments and questions made in 1991 during the debate on the Gulf War to paint
Democratic opponents as soft on Saddam.

Targets of such ads included incumbent Paul Wellstone (D-MN), and South Dakota Senator
Tim Johnson. Both men were in the forefront of demanding open debate and congressional
approval for the Gulf War.

By dredging up those earlier remarks and using them in the context of current tensions,
GOP strategists hope to accomplish two goals. First, to do whatever it takes to 
control of the House and, if possible, regain control of the Senate this November.

Second, to effectively muzzle congressional criticism of the administration’s policies
regarding Iraq, terrorism and homeland security. Clearly Republicans have weighed the
cost/benefit ratio and decided they have more to gain than they risk losing by 
politicizing the
war against terrorism and possible war against Iraq.

"The issue matrix is changing," admitted South Dakota GOP challenger John Thune.
"Whether Tim Johnson likes it or not, this is on the mind of voters."

Which of course is the whole point. When it comes to issues, war and talk of war always
trump domestic concerns. GOP candidates suffer whenever the issues on the public’s mind
include domestic problems such as the soaring federal deficit, Social Security and 

Democrats and Republicans alike recognize the very real threat posed by terrorists and
Saddam Hussein. The only question is how much damage is the administration willing to
inflict on our democracy in its haste to call for war?

California: “We Told You So”

Californians have long suspected that Texas energy producers and wholesalers like Enron
and Dynegy, mugged them back in 2000-2001. Yesterday they presented the proof.

“The report by the California Public Utilities Commission blamed Houston- based power
generators Dynegy and Reliant as well as Duke Energy, Mirant and AES/Williams for
keeping significant portions of their capacity idle or off the market on key days from
November 2000 through May 2001, the height of California's energy crisis. - Houston

"Had the generators produced the power they had available, most of the statewide
blackouts and service interruptions could have been avoided without overloading the
transmission lines linking Northern and Southern California," the report concluded.

Democratic California Gov. Gray Davis has long been critical of both the Bush
administration’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Justice Department for
failing to take action against rogue energy companies. Yesterday he said the state’s 
investigation challenges the DOJ to finally take action.

"This report confirms that energy generators manipulated California's energy market and
stopped at nothing -- including putting the health and safety of Californians at risk 
-- in the
name of ripping off California ratepayers," said Davis in a statement.

Outrage of The Day

More evidence emerged this week on the spending habits of former Tyco Chairman Dennis
Kozlowski. This guy had a serious shopping disorder:

According to a new report, Kozlowski had the company secretly pay for personal items 
an $80,000 American Express bill; a $72,000 fee to a German yacht maker; a $17,100
traveling toilet box; a $15,000 dog umbrella stand; a $6,300 sewing basket; a $6,000
shower curtain; $5,960 for two sets of sheets; a $2,900 set of coat hangers; a $2,200 
metal wastebasket; a $1,650 notebook; and a $445 pincushion.

In 2000, Kozlowski had Tyco authorize nearly $96 million in unapproved bonuses for 51
employees to offset relocation loans for employees moving to Florida.

"Forgiveness was offered to some people who never moved...and people who did not even
have a Tyco mortgage," the report said.

Several millions dollars may have also gone to keep some bookkeepers and others in the
know silent, a court filing alleges.

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