-Caveat Lector-

Mentality of a Gun Controller
by Ted Lang

The end always justifies the means, any means, including lying, fraud, suppressing the 
facts and truth, misrepresentation, smoke and mirrors, anything to arrive at the 
justified objective for the betterment of all Mankind.

In the course of human events it has been demonstrated that freedom of thought is best 
protected by freedom of speech, and that freedom is best protected by the People's 
right to own and carry firearms. For this permits their banding together as militias, 
holistically comprising a united army of freemen, and this will best ensure the 
continuation of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

For talk is cheap! And worse than being inexpensive, it can be worse than useless if 
it serves merely to identify dissent as opposed to an inducement for action; for 
actions speak louder than words, and so does gunfire! Therefore, as regards the order 
of human freedoms, that which is most ingrained in each and every individual is his 
ability to think and reason, which should be primary and therefore first. Freedom of 
thought and expression became number one on the agenda of a group of privileged, 
wealthy, and powerful colonial aristocrats who gave up everything they had and owned 
to ensure our freedoms.

But the primary freedom of speech and expression takes a very secondary nature to 
one's natural right for self-defense when in an environment of despotism, tyranny, or 
a constant, immediate fear of domestic or foreign government attack. In such cases, 
the right to own and bear arms, our Second Amendment, shifts in order of priority and 
becomes the First order of business in preserving liberty. The Founders chose the 
natural order as opposed to the reactive one in terms of setting the priorities in the 
addendum to our Constitution as an afterthought, as our freedom from England had 
already been secured via our successful War of Independence.

At no time in our history has the question of our right to own firearms, unhampered by 
illegal government intrusion, been brought more clearly and forcefully to the fore 
than now, concerning the question of arming pilots. For it demonstrates not only the 
wrong-headedness of gun control, it shows also how government, more specifically 
government bureaucracy, always grasps at any and all straws to subvert both the will 
and the rights of the people.

The Bush White House has made it clear that it opposes arming pilots to prevent a 
repeat of the 9-11 airliner hijackings. This is odd: remember, President Bush was an 
Air Force National Guard fighter pilot. He personally experienced the military 
training that required not only superior capabilities to keep his jet under control 
for attack, but he was also required to carry and know how to operate a handgun. What 
role does the handgun play in aerial combat or bombing missions? The only purpose for 
military pilots carrying a handgun is for that most noble of all personal motives; 

The Bush administration relied on the input from three bureaucrats on this issue: Tom 
Ridge, a left-liberal that puts little or no stock in individual liberties as best 
articulated by Senator Ted Kennedy; John 'Quick Draw' McGaw, one of the BATF engineers 
of the slaughter of Randy Weaver's wife and teenaged son at Ruby Ridge; and Norman 
Mineta, a Bill Clinton holdover and Transportation Department chief. Bush offered that 
he made his decision based upon inputs from these gun-control heavy hitters.

But now, the issue has been resolved! Congress, the representatives of the American 
People, in our republican form of government of the people, by the people, and for the 
people, has finally spoken in virtual consensus! The Senate voted 87 to 6 to arm 
pilots. It's almost akin to a pure democracy where a clear majority rules. In both a 
republican as well as in a democratic sense, America has made its wishes known! But 
does this impress a hateful, despotic, his-way-or-the highway bureaucrat?

So if Mineta has been overruled by America, what's left? If lies, deception, fraud and 
misrepresentation haven't worked to force his narrow-minded opinion on the populace, 
then he will offer yet more of precisely the very same thing! This coincides with the 
mentality of the Million Mommies' fraud of 12 children a day and Michael Bellesiles 
exposed fraudulent best-selling book. Mineta has offered that it will cost the 
taxpayers $900 million to $1 billion to arm the pilots. That's a lie!

Real numbers are more like this: Joining a range - $200; cost of an eight hour 
pistol/revolver safety course offered by the same eee-vile NRA that trains police and 
other law enforcement officers - $40; cost of a simple .38 special revolver - $250; 
cost of training ammunition and targets - $100. Total cost? Five hundred dollars, 
American! Using other realistic estimates along with mine, the cost ranges from $42.5 
million to $212.5 million, a lot less than Mineta's phony numbers. And that's assuming 
that pilots aren't motivated enough to absorb this cost totally by themselves!

Ted Lang is a veteran editorialist, and has written a regular newspaper column. Send 
him e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-end article-
"Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Congress have no power to disarm the 
militia. Their swords and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the 
birthright of an American . . . The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands 
of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever 
remain, in the hands of the people."
-Tench Coxe in The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788

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