-Caveat Lector- http://www.idiotboxwars.org/


CHICAGO -- SKOLNICKS REPORT, Part 16, reports George W. Bush rump ranging with a fellow Skull & Boner who is now a "prominent mayor".... There's only one prominent mayor that I know of who got Boned at Yale in the 1960s: Victor Ashe of Knoxville, Tennessee. Less than one week later, Knoxville gets hit by an Army train, forcing martial law and forced evacutaion of 30,000 residents.... AND, both Georges Bush visit Knoxville and their favorite Skull and Bones mayor, who was promoted to the federal board of Fanny Mae Saving and Loan in 2001...

SKOLNICKS REPORT, quoting sources in the Pentagon and in multinational news corporations, reported that Bush is thus being blackmailed by numerous governments, both "friendly" and unfriendly. So we at IDIOTBOX WARS will do our patriotic duty and save President Bush and his alleged boytoy from further blackmail! I have a lawsuit pending against the mayor, with a trial scheduled for October 5th, 2002 - maybe I'll ask him about it under oath, for the record....

Mr. Skolnicks names Bush's playmate as a prominent male mayor who attanded Yale Skull and Bones with him.

I suspect our mayor is GWB's alleged buddy.

This is not to say anything about any person's life choices, which are none of my business. But when one of my employees -- a president or mayor -- is being blackmailed with such information, and "forced" to harm me and my family's wealth or health, then I DO have a problem with it!

Here's a little newsletter I emailed out this past week, as first reported on WBCR in Alcoa TN, by Alex Jones on Infowars. I've added a few things to fill in some gaps. Vice President (co-president) Bush Sr campaigned for his fellow Bonesman, Victor Ashe, who was described as "a wealthy Knoxville lawyer," when he ran against Al Gore for US Senate in 1984, after the "retirement" of Howard "The Firm" Baker, who became White House Chief of Staff during the White House's Iran-Contra convictions, and now the current ambassador to Japan (and member of Knoxville's Scarabbean Secret Society at UT, an apparent franchise of Yale's Skull and Bones). Ashe returned the favor when Gore was running for president: He joked that Gore "supported gays in the military", while WATE TV seriously joked that Ashe was a Democrat because he raised taxes so much (apparently hoping that foolish voters would actually believe the caption on their idiotbox). Ashe was a delegate to Bush's last Repub Convention. They party together with Bob Dole on election eve 1996 at the Knoxville TN nightclub Cotton Eye's Hos (Joe's) that is owned by an Arab under indictment for money laundering to the middle east. Ashe is looting our town and destroying our industry, apparently by master plan, on a consistently weekly basis.

Within a 4 days, on Sunday, September 15, Knoxville was attacked by a derailed train from the US Army, loaded with poison gas. Then martial law was declared and 30,000 residents were forced to flee their homes. Those without another place to stay were provided a bed in one of the many local 'EMA refugee camps. After several days away from their homes and businesses, the locals were allowed to reenter their homes. On Friday, September 20, we were warned through the local TV talking heads, "Get ready for the next terror attack." (Strange - the public servants made it very clear, through the local news media, that this was NOT an example of "terrorism" but was merely an untragic accident....) Perhaps the local terrorists were upset by Ashe's anf U.S. Conference of Mayors resolution in 2002, to the American Jewish Congress, condemning "Arab terrorism?" ("The resolution declared that, like terrorism in Oklahoma City, 'the deliberate killing of civilians is an abomination and cannot be rationalized or justified as the result of any situation or circumstance.")

During this time, BOTH Georges Bush reportedly - and unexpectedly - visited Knoxville, along with Governor "The" Don Sundquist (alleged by a state employee to be the wealthy recipient of revenues from a "bootlegging" empire).

For more insider news of Victor Ashe and his confessed criminal enterprises:
* Class-action lawsuits under the RICO Act
* Judgements for violating the Constitutional rights of "his" employees

* Judgements for election fraud (Victor was "underage" - Victor Ashe was impeached by the public in 2001, but survived the Recall by hijacking its officers)

*Sued by a city councilor for holding secret meetings

*Named by Congress and GAO as responsible for secret meetings to land-grab National Parks and private property using the Billion Dollar Trust Fund of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors and the United Nations (along with current guber-candidate Lamar Alexander, who President Bill Clinton reportedly alleged is "the sleaziest politician in America")

*Criminal hit-and-run charges committed at his home (plea-bargained/settled by his mommy, a former state legislator, appointed by her son when the Tennessee Supreme Court ordered that Victor was UNDERAGE.

*Running scams for Major-League car theft - Knoxville Confidential - (Home to CEO of $40-Billion cartel of garbage, nuke waste, tow-trucking and car theft, and featured by A&E TV's Investigative Reports with Bill Curtis, titled "Modern Mobs", when 23 of its subcontractors were convicted in 1997 for membership in New York City's Mafia familes of Gambino and Genovese, and contractor for scrap metal after the "terrorist" bombings in Oklahoma City in 1995 and New York City in 2001)
Court Pleadings Index

For detailed information of the extensive criminal blotter of Presidents Bush and VP Cheney, visit the official Unofficial Green Party DWI Jokes (despite banned and censored by the Republicratic-Mafia Knoxville Green Party within 24 hours of the website's existance).

The following information is provided for the benifit of the tax-overpaying public, and to journalists whose editors demand thoroughly research their "sources" before publication.

For the sake of simplicity in this report, the definitions of the words "gay", "homosexual" and "bisexual" are used interchangeably, exactly as they are used by the Pentagon and White House to criminally prosecute and destroy the careers of "otherwise patriotic" American citizens serving in the US military. For the record, this reporter opins that San Francisco is a beautiful city and wonderful vacation destination, and its majority of residents ought not be associated with the occultic sexual deviances reported herein. Likewise, Knoxville is a fine city, notwithstanding its ranking as worst air polluter in USA and worst nuke polluter on Earth.

Hopefully the FCC will not oppose release of this information, despite Mayor Ashe's personal support for censorship of the internet via an "FCC Advisory Committee comprised of state and local elected officials" (presumably with fedreral financial strings attached). Notwithstanding the insiders' joke of Victor "Skull-and-Bones" Ashe converting to The Dark Side of the Force.

John Lee
Executive producer

"Kicking Ashe"
—Demolican ex-mayor, ex-police chief, ex-head of KPD Intelligence and Organized Crime Division, Randy Tyree, Esquire's unofficial campaign slogan"Why place the city in another lawsuit wherre the outcome is fully against us? our plate is full as it is..we do not seek out more lawsuits."

—Mayor Victor Ashe, Yahoo Egroups K2K"John Lee...your tirade against the
mayor seems interesting but i would remind you that the voters on 4 separate occasions have seen fit to elect Victor Ashe as Mayor..." —"Victor Ashe", Yahoo K2K Egroups

(Sure, with a "landslide" of 3% of the resident's support, and 25,000 registered
Knox Countians' votes missing in the Y2K Zone...! -Ed)

============================================================= TO: Alex Jones and team


1470 AM

RE: Knoxville Tennessee evacuated by FEMA, TEMA, KEMA & BEMA after US Army train derails (PS: Urban Warrior Special Ops Vacation Death Camp in Little Rock: "Simunitions" registered trademark)

Here's a scanned photo of the derailed train with 2 US Army tanks on a flatbed. This image is "censored" from all the internet newspapers and TV links. The tanker car with acid was attached to this flatbed.



30,000 Evacuated by Martial Law


Was this a psyops wargame to train the local public and local public servants?

Knoxville already has the worst air pollution in USA, according to DOE (due to ORNL nuke factories and geographical limitations). PlanetPolluto.com is a video game where players can attempt to Save the NOxVillians from breathing their own toilets. So "burning eyes and lungs" are normal for this town.

The photos appeared to show smoke billowing FROM THE HOPPER CARS, NOT from the 1 tanker of acid (attached to the flatbed with 2 M1 tanks - photo of 2 tanks was only in print edition).... CNN reported that 30,000 evacuated. Very strange...

Back when the sheriff was trying to win a $100-million budget for a new "Justice Center", for which he and his convicted felon boss/business-partner would supervise, "bomb threats" were called in to the city/county building (the current sheriff's dept and Justice Center) when legislators were voting to cancer this crazy budget fiasco.
The sheriff was also accused by his chief of detectives (who later ran against him for sheriff) for stealing cars at the local mall, by providing a personal lookout for the chop-shop owner (a convicted cop killer). These allegations were published on the front page of the Knoxville News-Sentinel 2 weeks before the sheriff's previous re-election.

This sheriff was all over the "news" on Monday when given responsibility for forcing the evac of over a dozen subdivisions and for "preventing looting" with martial law by using his own personal airforce of 5 former US Army helicopters (reportedly and admittedly based at an uncertified airfield rented from a convicted drug dealer).

Something doesn't quite smell right, especially on the heels of 9-11-2002 and the Florida Interstate TIPster fiascos.

Sounds like the US Army's involvement in the 2 I-40 bridge rammings by 2 barges on the same day... With the "fake" US Army officer immediately taking over the rescue from EMTs and cops then demanding the laptop from a dead Army officer's submerged car... Your 911 video with the local "news" crews faking another chemical spill would fit this scenario to a T.

Coincidence: This was less than 1 week after International News Radio and SkolnicksReport.com reported Prez Bush Jr photographed in nekked homo embrace with Skull & Boner mayor, and local news 2 days later reported Bushes were coming to Knoxville for the 3rd time since Nov 2000....

John Lee
IdiotboxWars.org ======================================================= CONNECT THE DOTTED LINE

What a coincidence:
1) Knoxville mayor Victor Ashe went to Yale with George W. Bush Jr, which Ashe confessed on the record for Secrets of the Tomb (see below)

(2) Ashe and Bush Jr were both members of the reportedly Satanic, homosexual, NAZI Secret Society Skull & Bones

(3) 150 members of Skull & Bones, Scroll & Key, The New Yorker publish a book this past week admitting on national TV that Skulls are America's number one cocaine and heroin dealers, worship Satan, armed Hitler DURING World War 2, masterbate in coffins together, and do nude mud wrestling. Oh yeah, they are plotting treason to takeover the world. But you can still trust them.... secretsofthetomb.com msnbc.com/news/802773.asp?cp1=1 (MSNBC-GE Today Show interview last week - video link below)

(4) Victor Ashe allegedly introduced by Peter Jennings on national TV in San Francisco as, "The gay mayor from Knoxville"

(5) San Francisco is home to the homosexual Bohemian Club secret society and "presidential retreat" at Bohemian Grove where world leaders meet for 2 weeks every July to worship a 50-foot-tall owl god (Baal, Molech, Satan, Lucifer) and perform "mock" child sacrifice and engage in homosexual sex together (for blackmail purposes). Knox News-Sentinel/Scripps Howard owners are embmers of Bohemian Club and Victor Ashe gave them $20-million in free office complex in 2002 and has tried to give them $1-billion in free Universe Knoxville infowars.com/bg1.html geocities.com/bohemian_grove_dirt geocities.com/bohemian_grove_cult

(6) Ashe allegedly wanted to rename Gay Street to "Gay Way" - Ashe has declined to change the name of Gay Street to something more marketable, despite its current "Ghost Town" appearance

(7) Ashe allegedly arrested twice for homosexual acts in public, once in Atlanta and once in Washington DC, according to high-level police sources in Knoxville

(8) University of Tennessee Scarabbean Senior Secret Society linked to Skull & Bones franchise fraternities across USA geocities.com/scarabbean_secret_society_ut vanderbilt.edu/skull_and_bones gmu.edu/org/skulls/links.html pks.org/chapter_list.shtml gmu.edu/org/skulls/nathistory.html stetson.edu/organizations/sigma_phi_epsilon/natlhistory.html

(9) The world's most infamous Homosexual band is hired to play at Boomsday in NOxVile 2002 - "The Village People" ("It takes a village." - Hillary "Clinton" Rockefeller from Yale, a member of Skull & Bones?)

(10) City council member Carlene Malone says, "Knoxville must be the most corrupt city on earth. [In city council with the mayor], I was in the presence of evil."

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