-Caveat Lector-

Up until now we have only looked at the use of the German scientists in
chemical and biological warfare. But in 1949 the work at Edgewood shifted
focus and began looking at psychochemicals beginning with LSD in an effort to
find the perfect truth serum. The key sources of information were from those
that had worked at I.G. Farben. Some were imprisoned but they were released
temporary to work for the Army Chemical Corps. This was the very birth of a
much larger CIA operation that became known as MK Ultra. The original
operation was Bluebird, which then evolved first into Artichoke before
becoming MK-Ultra. Unfortunately CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the CIA
records of MK-Ultra destroyed in 1973. Remaining records suggest hundreds if
not thousands of people were used as test subjects and involved the
collaboration with several universities, mental hospitals, prisons and drug
rehab centers.106 The experiments were conducted without the test subjects
knowledge and resulted in several deaths including that of Frank Olsen.
Others have reported being continuing problems from being test subjects.
Others attempted suicide of which some were successful. The army's and CIA's
response was to cover up the project. But the operation evolved beyond just
the military-intelligence community. The CIA enlisted help with MK-Ultra with
a host of university collaborators including the Universities of Delaware,
Maryland and a host of others.105

Just as the immigration of Nazis and war criminals into the US involved the
use of several projects of which Paperclip is the most widely known such is
the case of MK-Ultra. There were 149 sub projects under MK-Ultra. The use of
drugs for truth serum and for mind control were conducted under a bewildering
list of Project or Operations. Below is a short synopsis of some of those

"MKDELTA: This was apparently the first project established by the CIA in
October, 1952, for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations. It may
never have been implemented operationally.

MKULTRA: This was a successor project to MKDELTA established in April, 1953,
and terminating some time in the late 1960's probably after 1966. This
program considered various means of controlling human behavior. Drugs were
only one aspect of this activity.

MKNAOMI: This project began in the 1950's and was terminated at least with
respect biological projects, in 1969. This may have been a successor to
MKDELTA. Its purpose was to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal
materials, and to develop gadgetry for the dissemination of these materials.

MKSEARCH: This was apparently a successor project to

MKULTRA, which began in 1965 and was terminated in 1973. The objective of the
project was to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior in a
predictable manner through the use of drugs.

MKCHICKWIT: This was apparently a part of the MKSEARCH program. Its objective
was to identify new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain
information and samples.

MKOFTEN: This was also apparently a part of the MKSEARCH project. Its
objective was to test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain
drugs on animals and humans."107

STARGATE: Investigated the use of ESP, paranormal, remote viewing military
uses of telekinesis type research that was done from an uncertain start date
up until 1984.116

Another aspect of MK-Ultra that is not widely known is that it extended
beyond the borders of the US. Experiments were also conducted in Canada by
Dr. Ewen Cameron at McGill University's Allain Memorial

Institute. At least the Canadian government has compensated the test subjects
with almost $7 million dollars.108 Another operation under MK-Ultra was
Operation Midnight Climax. This operation was ran by the contract agent
George Hunter White, a narcotics officer. White hired drug addicted
prostitutes to lure customers to a CIA-financed bordello, the customers then
given drinks containing LSD. White would then observe the customers through a
two-way mirror.109 The following quote will suffice as the final example of th
e ethical nature of these experiments.

"One particularly odious project was run by Dr Harris Isabel, Director of the
Public Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky - a facility specializing in
drug abuse. Asked by the CIA to discover a range of 'synthetic' drugs, Isabel
began experimenting on captive black inmates. Anxious to please his CIA
bosses he daily fed his guinea pigs large doses of LSD, mescaline, marijuana,
scopolamine and other substances. In exchange for participating in the
experiments, the inmates received injections of high quality morphine,
sometimes getting 'shot-up' three times a day, depending on their
co-operation. Brought before the Senate subcommittees in 1975, Isabel saw no
contradiction in providing hard drugs to the very addicts he was employed to
cure. "110

There is one additional area in which Nazi scientists were used in
experimentation on human tests subjects by the CIA and the military and that
is in the area of radiation. Fortunately there is fairly good documentation
as to the extent of these unethical experiments. On January 15, 1994
President Clinton relaxed some of the draconian security measures that
prevailed under Reagan and Bush by establishing the Advisory Committee on
Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) to investigate unethical experimentation
involving radiation. Many of the results of this investigation have been
published and they are available on the web at the Department of Energy's
site. Once again the investigations show collaboration with a host of
universities and research centers. The results also show a selection of test
subjects from those least able to defend themselves: the first injection of
plutonium was given to a black construction worker, the use of Iodine131 and
its relationship to cold weather stress was tested on Eskimos, the feeding of
radioactive laced cereals to mentally retarded children.111

It has already been establish how the Nazi-CIA connection affected the
relationship between the US and the USSR and how the CIA used Nazis and their
collaborators to control the Italian election. What follows is a brief and
none exhaustive look at how the Nazi-CIA connection affected the relationship
between the US and other nations of the world following WWII in order to see
the pattern that emerges. There is no better place to start than the CIA
intervention in Iran in 1953. Kermit Roosevelt, grandson of Teddy Roosevelt
was the CIA's agent in Iran that installed the Shaw and overthrew Mossadegh.
The plans issued by Mossadegh for nationalizing the oil fields precipitated
his removal. The reader should understand that Mossadegh had been elected to
office. Once the Shaw was in power he was persuaded to name Fazlollah Zaledi
as Prime Minister. During WWII Zaledi was imprisoned for collaborating with
the Nazis. Once firmly in control Iran completed a contract with an
international consortium of oil companies. One member of that consortium was
Standard Oil of New Jersey, a client of Sullivan and Cromwell. Jack Anderson
reported that the Rockefeller family had helped arranged the coup that
brought the Shaw to power. Anderson had listed a number of ways the Shaw
demonstrated his appreciation.114 The CIA also provided training for the
dreaded Savak or secret police of Iran. Unfortunately there is little
documentation over the CIA's intervention here, all the CIA's records
concerning the Iranian intervention have been destroyed. The only other
sources is Kermit Roosevelt's book and the book published by the Iranians
after they ceased the US embassy and along with it thirty years or so of

The result over the next two decades was the Shaw enriched himself at the
expense of his fellow countrymen using the brutal Savak to maintain control.
Of course he remained a loyal ally of the US and corporate America such as
Standard Oil of New Jersey got pricing breaks. The reader should refer back
to the chapter on the 60s for the details and importance of the Shaw in the
oil crisis of the 1970s.

The reader can now see the pattern, first the legally elected leader purposes
reforms or maybe leaning to the left in a move that threatens corporate
America. He is then dispelled and replaced with a hard right leader favorable
to US interests. The new leader enriches himself at the expense of his fellow
countrymen and becomes an ally of the US. He maintains power through
brutality and outright murder with a police force trained by the US. This
then is the model that the US has followed since WWII, often times in the
1950s ex Nazis were employed as agents.. The US press should be considered a
co-conspirator in that they cover up the bloodshed by ignoring the killing as
they did in Nicaragua. It is a model that has been repeated time after time
in all corners of the globe from the end of WWII to the present time. Noam
Chomsky terms the resulting state as subfascist.115 The resulting brutality
and looting of the country by a group of elitists proceeds as it did in
Germany under the Nazis.

The next example is one that didn't go as planed for the CIA. The operation
began as early as 1951 in Egypt with Kermit Roosevelt opening secret
negotiations with Colonel Gamal Nasser as King Farouk's regime was about to
crumble. The young Roosevelt reported back that they had found agreement in
several broad areas. Nasser asked for US help in building up Egypt's
intelligence and security forces. Dulles turned to Gehlen for help in
providing the security training for the Egyptians. And in 1953 former SS
officer Otto Skorzeny and about one hundred other Germans advisors were sent
to Egypt. Among these "security advisors" was Hermann Lauterbacher, a former
SS man and deputy leader of the Hitler Youth and Franz Buensch, a
propagandist of Goebbels and veteran of the SS Jewish Affairs office.117 Once
the operation was underway Miles Copeland was the CIA agent in charge.

The operation soon expanded to another area, the building of rockets. The
actual construction of rocket facilities didn't begin until 1959 but by 1961
Israeli Intelligence believed that the Egyptians had as many as one hundred
ground to ground missiles. This missile operation was headed by Alois Brunner
a top assistant to Eichmann's Final Solution. Evidence suggests there was
plans to build a total of 900 missiles and additional evidence that some were
to be fitted for chemical or biological weapons. President Kennedy's response
to the Israelis in 1962 was to equip Israel with ground to air missiles.118

Of course all of the CIA plotting in Egypt turned to naught when Nasser chose
to align Egypt with the Soviet Union. This realignment of Egypt with the
Soviet Union was due to inept State Department policies and the double
dealing by the Nazi war criminals. The following chapter will examine how the
Nazis played both sides of the Cold War like a cheap fiddle. Of course the
real losers once again were the Egyptian people and the blame can be placed
squarely on the failure of the U.S. denazification program. Fortunately
Nasser's government had a brief lifetime and soon after its demise Egypt
rejoined the West and booted the Russians out.

In 1953 the CIA also intervened in Guatemala, and regarded the action as a
success. For what reasons they regarded the operation as success can be only
guess at for what followed was a bloody civil war that lasted 36 years. Once
again this intervention fits the model perfectly. The legally elected
government of Arbenz was reform minded. The center piece of his reforms was
land reform. In an overwhelmingly rural nation only 2.2% of the population
owned 70% of the land. Prior to the 1944 revolution and ousting of the
dictatorship of Ubico, the army was used to rope farm labors together for
delivery to low-land farms where they were kept as debt slaves. The
expropriation of large uncultivated tracts of land to landless peasants,
improvement in the rights of unions and other social reforms were hurting the
bottom line of United Fruit. Arbenz even constructed a port on the Atlantic
to compete against the port controlled by United Fruit, likewise a public
hydro-electric plant was constructed for the same reasons.

The position of United Fruit inside Guatemala was essentially one of a
country within a country. United Fruit owned the country's telephone and
telegraph systems, administered the country's only Atlantic port, monopolized
banana exports and a subsidiary owned the rail system. In the US United Fruit
had close ties to the Dulles brothers, various state department officials,
congressmen and the US Ambassador to the UN. The former CIA Director, Wlater
Bedell Smith was seeking an executive position with United Fruit at the same
time he was planing the Guatemala coup. He later was named to the board of
directors of United Fruit.

The first plan to oust Arbenz was given by Truman as a response to Guatemala
receiving arms from Czechoslovakia and the implied communism threat but was
canceled. After the election of Eisenhower the plan was put into effect. The
Guatemala coup also provides and ideal example of how the CIA manipulates the
American opinion. After first being tried in Guatemala this technique has
been employed throughout South America. It involves the CIA planting an
article in the foreign press the article is then picked up by the news wires
and newspapers in other countries. Besides the obvious multiplier effect upon
the potential audience it has the appearance of an independent world opinion.
Incidentally it was the same tactic that Bush tried to use against Clinton in
the 1992 election.

The immediate after effects of the coup was draconian, within four months
72,000 was labeled as communist, many who were tortured and murdered. It is
known that the U.S. Ambassador John Peurifoy had a long list of names of
leaders that the successor government was to assassinate.126 Agrarian reform
was stopped and the land already expropriated was given back to United Fruit.
Union leaders turned up dead. Three quarters of the population was
disenfranchised by barring illiterates from the polls and all political
parties, unions and peasant organizations were outlawed. For those Americans
that were outraged at the seizing of the American Embassy in Tehran, they
should consider John Foster Dulles actions. Dulles was concerned that some
"communists" might escape by taking refuge in foreign embassies. He insisted
that Guatemala arrest those that had taken such refuge and that criminal
charges be brought against them, he argued that communists should be
automatically denied the right of asylum. On these points Dulles lost,
perhaps because the plotters of the coup had sought refuge in embassies one
or more times in the past.121

The blood bath and carnage that followed for the next 36 years can only be
described as horrific A genocidal war was carried on against the native
Indians. Murders, kidnappings and disappearances became widespread and
everyday occurrences as right wing death squads roamed the countryside. The
report on Guatemala as a first step to reconciliation states that the army is
blamed for over 200,000 deaths and disappearances. Below are some extracts
from that report:

"Of the 42,000 deaths investigated in the report, the army was found to be
responsible for 93 percent. Three percent were the work of the leftist
Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity, and 4 percent were unresolved. The
report found that 29,000 of the investigated deaths involved summary

Most of the victims were civilians and Mayan Indians, the long-delayed report
said. It was originally scheduled to be released last year, but the
commission wasn't able to get through all its work and release the report
until Thursday.

The report also noted that the government of the United States, through
various agencies including the CIA, provided direct and indirect support for
some state operations."

It was "clearly genocide and a planned strategy against the civilian
population," said Christian Tomuschat, a German citizen who heads the
three-member commission. "Government forces ... blindly pursued the
anti-communist fight, without respecting any legal principle or even the most
elemental ethical or religious values."

In 626 massacres, the report found that government forces "completely
exterminated Mayan communities, destroyed their dwellings, livestock and
crops." The guerrillas were blamed for 32 such massacres, the report said."122

Guatemala also provides us with the first example of the right wing death
squads that have became so much a part of South American politics. Those
death squads and the dictators that employ them are products of the
CIA-Military intelligence system of the US. They lead directly to the School
of the Americas at Fort Benning . Georgia. Recently the seven training
manuals have been released under the Freedom of Information Act. The manuals
details the use of torture, assassination and other practices that are not
acceptable in a democracy. The following is a small excerpt of what can be
found inside the manuals.

"Throughout the manuals, refugees and displaced persons are highlighted as
possible subversives who should be monitored. Universities are described as
breeding grounds for terrorists, and priests and nuns are identified as
having been involved in terrorist operations. The militaries are advised to
infiltrate youth groups, student groups, labor unions, political parties and
community organizations. Even electoral activity is suspect: The insurgents
"can resort to subverting the government by means of elections in which the
insurgents cause the replacement of an unfriendly government official to one
favorable to their cause"; "insurgent activity" can include funding campaigns
and participating in political races as candidates."123

The reader can find more information and updates on the School of the
Americas on line at the SOA Watch site.124 This chapter cannot provide a
detail or graphic enough description to cover the brutality in Guatemala and
will leave the reader to his own devices to explore that. However in the
1980s another aspect of these CIA interventions emerged, the association of
the CIA and right wing death squads and army leaders involved in the drug
trade. The following quote illustrates the point.

"The killings peaked in the early 1980s, though massacres continued to occur.
By 1990, however, the military was no longer just killing for politics. It
began killing for greed too. A scramble for drug profits within the
Guatemalan military was under way. Guatemala, like Mexico, with which it
shares its northern border, was never a major drug transshipment route before
the early 1990s, when Colombians established transit operations across the
entire northern isthmus. First the Medellin and then the Cali cartel came to
Guatemala "because it is near Mexico, which is an obvious entrance point to
the U.S., and because the Mexicans have a long-established mafia," said one
Colombian drug enforcement official. "It is also a better transit and storage
country than El Salvador because it offers more stability and was easier to

Guatemala's stability and control was achieved through cruelty that was
unmatched anywhere in the region. Guatemala's counterinsurgency campaign was
far more severe than El Salvador's, for instance. "The idea was to make the
innocent pay for the guilty," a former Guatemalan army sergeant from Quiche
once told me. The difference was that in El Salvador, military intelligence
units might target a handful of young men to kill to ensure that they killed
at least one guerrilla, while in Guatemala, military intelligence units
frequently killed innocent people like children or seniors to punish an
entire village for supporting the guerrillas."125

Chile was another country in which the CIA overthrew the legally elected and
popular Salvador Allende, in 1973 in a coup d'état although the Nixon
government actively tried to destabilize Allende's government since the 1970
election. Once again corporate America was at the center of it with ITT
acting as the conduit to funnel CIA money and arms to the opposition. Other Am
erican corporations tied closely with the coup and the resulting dictatorship
were Anaconda and Kennecott both copper mining interest and Pepsi.

General Augusto Pinochet headed the brutal and repressive regime after the
coup. Once again the right wing death squads and the disappearances became
commonplace throughout the country as did summary executions and torture. An
estimated 50,000 died at the hands of Pinochet.

But the right wingers and the CIA hail Pinochet's rule of Chile as an
economic miracle. For once in power he installed the boys from Chicago, a
group of Chileans educated in economics at the University of Chicago. It may
have been an economic miracle for the American corporations but it certainly
wasn't for the average Chilean worker. As the Boys from Chicago promptly set
about dismantling all social programs and destroying unions. The statistics
of this so-called economic miracle are indeed bleak, as the GNP per capita
fell from 1972 to 1982 by 6.4 percent.128 Presently Pinochet faces charges of
murder in Spain if England will extradite him. But once again we see the
model repeated, a legally elected reform minded government is overthrown to
be replaced by a brutal right wing dictator, corporate America gets rich at
the expense of the native population. In just Guatemala and Chile the body
count from the CIA and their puppet regimes total over a quarter million one
can add to that another 200,000 in East Timor, and add another half to one
million in Indonesia. Now that brings the body count as a result of CIA
intervention to one million to 1.5 million in just four countries. Does the
reader have anymore questions over the fascist nature of our foreign policy
as executed by the CIA?

And the body count given so far doesn't include the ones from Korea or
Vietnam where the CIA alone in Project Phoenix assassinated between 20,000
and 40,000 people. But the scope of this chapter is limited and the writer
will leave it to the reader to look at other countries where the CIA has
became involved in covert operations. The reader that starts to actively
investigate this are will soon find it easier to list the countries of the
world in which the CIA hasn't taken action. Likewise the reader will find
that in countries in which the CIA became involved it fits the model as
stated previously.

Unfortunately our allies were not spared for the meddling of the CIA in their
domestic affairs. The CIA meddling in the Italian elections has already been
covered, but in 1975 the CIA overturned the legally elected Edward Whitlam.
Whitlam was elected in 1972 and soon withdrew Australian troops from Vietnam
and ended the Ausie draft, recognized the government of North Vietnam and
condemned the Nixon government. In other words he hit the ground running and
was off to a good start. Whitlam was a target of James Angleton who was
concern over security and intelligence relationships with Australia. On
November 11 the Governor-General John Kerr dismissed Witlam as Prime Minister
and dissolved both houses of parliament at the urging of the CIA. It was the
first time this maneuver had ever been used by the Governor-General to remove
a federal prime minister, it has been used only once in the history of
Australia at the state level.

Japan is another country in which the CIA meddled with domestic politics. The
CIA spent millions to support candidates from the conservative, Liberal
Democratic Party through the 50s and the 60s. The effort was to prop Japan up
as a bulkhead against communist aggression in Asia. As a sideline to the
covert financial support the CIA used the operation to gather information on
party politics, trade positions and treaty talks. In many of the recent trade
talks the US negotiator knew the minimum acceptable terms to the Japanese
before beginning the talks.132 In addition to the support of the Liberal
Democratic the CIA sabotage and infiltrated the Socialist in an effort to
undermine their support. Apparently the covert financial support ended in the
1970s as friction over trade built up. It was already alluded to that the CIA
was involved in the manipulation of domestic German politics and its is known
that the CIA was involved in French politics and labor movement. In the
latter in an effort to undermine the influence of organized labor in much the
same manner as the unions were dismantled in Central and South America.

One out growth of the CIA's global intervention has been their involvement
with the world drug trade. Thanks to the San Jose Mercury investigative
reporter Gary Webb this issue has been placed before the American people.
Webb's Article entitled Dark Alliance detailed the CIA's involvement with the
drug trade in the inner city of the Los Angeles. CIA assets in other major
papers soon attacked the article in an effort to discredit it and distance
the CIA's long rumored involvement with drugs. The history of the CIA's
involvement with dope dealing goes back to at least the Vietnam era and the
heroin trade. It is this writer's opinion that the history goes back even
further into the 1950s and the CIA's involvement in Iran. At least one other
writer traces the CIA drug trade back to the 1940s when Colonel Paul Hellwell
of the OSS brought heroin from Burma and sold it in U.S. ghettos.133

Although the CIA's media assets were successful in forcing the Mercury to
retract the article and to fire Webb they have not succeeded in disproving
the charges. For one reason there is far more than just the Dark Alliance
article in detailing the connection between the CIA and drugs. To fully
discredit the article they would need to discredit congressional testimony as
well. The first inkling of the CIA drug connection came about on March 18,
1982 when the CIA's Inspector General, Fred Hitz admitted before a co
ngressional committee that the CIA maintained relationships with companies
and individuals that the CIA knew to be involved in the drug trade. Even more
damaging He informed the congressional committee that the CIA had requested
and had received approval from Reagan's Justice Department clearance not to
report any knowledge of drug dealing by CIA assets.134

The entire cover up of the Iran/Contra/COCAINE scandal has finally been fully
and undeniably established by the release of the Volume Two of CIA Inspector
General's Drug Report on October 8, 1998. The released was timed in such a
manner to effectively muzzle congressional and public outrage. Just one hour
before the release of this report the congress had voted to hold impeachment
proceedings against President Clinton. The report had been available since
spring and is essentially a confession by CIA that it engaged in a conspiracy
to protect known narcotics traffickers throughout the Contra war years. The
New York Times in an apparent confirmation of the Dark Alliance article
picked a paragraph from the report that acknowledged that the Contra leaders
in California specifically planned to use drug money for the Contras. The LA
Times one of the most vicious critics of the Dark Alliance story has failed
to print a single line over the newly released report. The report confirms
the conspiratorial negotiations between the Justice Department and the CIA by
first having agents, assets and contractors removed from their classification
as employees in a move to remove the responsibly of reporting drug dealing to
congress or anyone else. Thus confirming the earlier mentioned testimony of
Hitz. In another portion of the report a memorandum written by DCI Robert
Gates setting down a no nonsense policy against dealing with drug traffickers
was described. The problem with the memorandum was, it wasn't distributed for
15 years.135

One final note on the CIA with the demise of the former USSR what role will
the CIA play in the future? One role that the CIA has engaged in the past and
is likely to emerge is that of economic espionage. It was previously
mentioned of that role in the Japanese trade talks; it was also a factor in
the GATT talks. The CIA contends that the French have moles in such
corporations as Boeing and have launched a counter attack. But this economic
espionage is a source of tension with our allies. France has expelled two CIA
agents for an attempt to bribe officials of the state telephone company for
information that would allow them to tap the phones lines. Its also has
became an issue with the Japanese. In effect allowing the CIA for economic
espionage is just another step towards fascism and corporate rule.

In a summary of this chapter the reader should remember one thing. At the end
of the Second World War the US had the chance to grab the brass ring of
liberty and present it to the world as a gift. Instead lead by a small cabal
of Wall Street sharks and rich industrialists we were plunged into a cesspool
of repression and became the spawning grounds for the fourth Reich. From
earlier chapters it was shown that fascism was the end product of a
capitalistic society that government failures are started by midlevel
officials And finally for any revolution to be successful it requires the
control over the 3Ms: the military, the media and money. This chapter has
established the relationship between the CIA and money in the form of a
revolving door between Wall Street and the CIA and the manipulation of the
free press by the CIA as well as its close ties to Nazi war criminals. In
short the CIA is a danger to the future liberty of not only US citizens but
to the world. Its an agency that has served its purposes and needs to be
broken into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds as JFK threaten to
do after his reelection.

A final note before closing Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy wants to expand
the role of the Justice Department's Special Investigations to pursue not
only Nazi war criminals but to include human right offenders or war criminals
from other countries such as Haiti, Somalia, and the former Yugoslavia. He
stated that: " I just do not want the United States to be seen as a safe
haven for these war criminals." 137And given the record of the CIA concerning
the Nazis there is a definite need.

1. The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA, Burton Hersh,
Macmillan Publishing, 1992, p87.
2. The Old Boys, p378-379
3. The Belarus Secret, John Loftus, Alfred Knopf, 1982, p82.
4. The Secret War Against The Jews, John Loftus, Mark Aarons, St Martin's
Griffin, 1994,, p221.
5. http://parascope.com/articles/1196/nazis.htm
6. The Secret War Against The Jews, John Loftus, Mark Aarons, St Martin's
Griffin, 1994.
7. The Secret War, p20-21.
8. The Old Boys, p430-431.
9. "Washington D.C.: A key document in the history of covert warfare, the
CIA's own internal investigation into the April 1961debacle at the Bay of
Pigs in Cuba, was made public today. The top secret 150-page report,
officially know n as "The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation,"
castigates the Agency for misinforming Kennedy administration officials, bad
planning, inadequate intelligence, treating rebel leaders as "puppets," and
conducting an overt military operation beyond "Agency responsibility as well
as Agency capability." This quote taken from a web site containing the report
at http://www.seas.gwu.edu/nsarchive/news/19980222.htm
11. The Secret War, p56.
12. The Splendid Blond Beast: Money, Law and Genocide in the Twentieth
Century, Christopher Simpson, Grove Press, 1993, p34.
13. The Secret War, p358-361.
14. The Spledid Blonde Beast, p103.
15. The Secret War, p256, p301.
16. The Splendid Blonde Beast, p50-51.
17. The Splendid Blonde Beast, p64.
18. http://www.bea.gov
19.The Splendid Blonde Beast, p68.
20. The Splendid Blonde Beast, p 169-272.
21. The Secret War, p56.
22. The Secret War, p60-64.
23. The Secret War, p73-76
24. The Splendid Blonde Beast, p205.
25. The Splendid Blonde Beast, p218.
26. The Secret War, p79.
27. The Secret War, p84.
28. Unholy Trinity, Mark Aarons & John Loftus, St Martin's Griffin, 1991
29. Unholy Trinity, p296.
30. Unholy Trinity, p234.
31. The Secret War, p100-101.
32. http://www.forbes.com
33. The Secret War, p101.
34. The Secret War, p110.
35. http://www.jewishsf.com/bk980814/usbill.htm
36. http://remembering.org/ideas/pensions.html
37. http://secretary.state.org/www/briefings/statements/970812a.html
38. U.S. Moves to Deport Indiana Man for Helping Nazis, Michael Sniffer, AP
wire 10/29/98.
39. 5 U.S. Banks are Named in Report on Nazi Looting of Assets of Jews in
France, AP wire, 2/3/1999.

41. The Secret War, p165-167.
42. The Coors Connection, Russ Bellant, South End Press, 1991, p31.
43. Old Nazis, the New Rught and the Republican Party, Russ Bellant, South
End Press, 1991, p5-6.
44. Wanted The Search for nazis in America, Howard Blum, New York Times Book
Co, 1977, p117-121.
45. The War Lords Of Washington ,Bruce Catton, Harcourt, Brace and Co, 1948,
46. The Secret War, p244-245.
47. The War Lords, p286.
48. Blowback, Christopher Simpson,Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988, p47.
49. Blowback, p90-93
50. Blowback, p7.
51. Blowback, p115
52. Blowback, p138-142.
53. http://www.codoh.com/newsdesk/971107.HTML
54. http://www.consortiumnews.com/consor32.html
55. The Belarus Secret, p71.
56. The Belarus Secret, p88.
57. The Belarus Secret, p24-27
58. Wanted The Search for Nazis, p12-17.
59. Unholy Trinity, p271
60. Blowback, p232-235.
61. The Belarus Secret, p136.
62. The Belarus Secret, p139-141.
63. Blowback, p96-101.
64. Blowback, p112-115.
65. Blowback, p125-128.
66. Blowback, p138-144.
67. ABCNEWS.COM, Vatican Linked to Nazi Gold
68. Newsweek.COM, Dirty Business
69. Blowback, p228.
70. http://www.jfkconnections.com/cia.htm
71. Blowback, p156-157.
72. The Belarus Secret, p141.
73. The Puzzle Palace, James Bamford, Penguin Books, 1982, p119.
74. http://site03415.primehost.com/articles/0997/ciamedia.htm
75. Secrets: The CIA War at Home, Angus Mackenzie, University of California
Press, 1997, p66-72.
76. Secrets, p92-102
77. Secrets, p147-149.
78. Secrets, p157-158.
79. Blowback, p202-203.
80. Blowback, p112-123.
81. Blowback, p210.
82. Blowback 210-215.
83. Secrets, p83.
84. The Belarus Secret, p82.
85. http://www.thegrid.net/clear/cia.htm
86. Secret Agendas, Linda Hunt, St. Martin's Press, 1991, p125-128.
87. Secret Agenda, p130-133.
88. Secret Agenda, p139-142.
89. Secret Agenda, p193.
90. Secret Agenda, p171-174.
91. Secret Agenda, p175-177.
92. Secret Agenda, p178-179.
93. Secret Agenda, p179-180.
94. Secret Agenda, p184.
95. Secret Agenda, p3.
96. Secret Agenda, p9-10.
97. Secret Agenda, p25.
98. Secret Agenda, p33.
99. Secret Agenda, p36-39.
100. Secret Agenda, p41-51.
101.The Puzzle Palace., p308-309.
102. Papers Suggest US Ignored early reports of Nazi killings, The Sunday
Oregonian, Aug 1, 1999.
103. The Puzzle Palace, p375.
104. Secret Agenda, p230-231.
105. Secret Agenda, p162-174.
106. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~alb/misc/mindControlDenial.html
107. http://www.mk.net/~stratus/mk1977.htm
108. http://www.netti.fi/~makako/mind/mkultra.txt
109. http://www.historyhouse.com/stories/lsd.htm
110. http://www.pufori.org/articles/mk_ultra.htm
111. http://tis.eh.doe.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/report.html
112. The reader should be aware that throughout the 1950s even the name
National Security Agency was classified as top secret. The reader should also
be aware that the NSA is the largest of the US intelligence agencies and is
mostly exempt from domestic spying and of the Freedom of Information Act.
Even today its founding document is still a closely guarded secret. Its main
mission is the interception of all forms of electronic communication both
domestic and foreign. If the reader wishes to look closer at the NSA, a good
beginning would be The Puzzle Palace.
113. The Secret War, p155-157.
114. Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII, William Blum,
Common Courage Press, 1995, p64-72.
115. The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, Noam Chomsky, South
End Press, 1979.
116. http://www.mk.net/~mcf/ckln01.htm
117. Blowback, p250-251.
118. Secret War, p257-258.
119. http://www.wiesenthal.com/response/outrage.html
121. Killing Hope, p72-83.
122. http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/guatemala/1999/anzueto0226.html
123. http://www.igc.apc.org/lawg/soafull.html
124. http://www.soaw.org/
125. http://fhrg.org/trafic.htm
126. http://www.consortiumnews.com/archive/story37.html
127. http://www.worldmedia.com/caq/articles/gladio.html
128. http://www.lakota.clara.net/myths/economy.html
129. Friendly Fascism, Bertram Gross, South End Press, 1980.
130. Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham, Barnes & Noble, 1983, p162-166.
131. Facts and Fascism, p262.
132. . http://forums.nytimes.com/library/national/cia-invismain.html
133. http://www.ionet.net/~everett/CIADRUGS.html
134. http://www.all-natural.com/whiteout.html
135. http://www.copvcia.com/volii.htm
136. http://www.thegrid.net/clear/cia.htm#lsd
137. Boston Globe, Leahy wants US anti Nazi unit to eye other alleged war
criminals, Steve Fainaru, 7/17/99.
138. Spooks, Jim Hougan, William Morrow, 1978, p424-430.
139. The Warfare State, Fred Cook, Collier, 1962, p76-77.
140. The Warfae State, p 110.
141. The Warfae State, p 124.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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