-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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-Caveat Lector-



     Pick a side America, any side. It matters not which side you choose,
the point is that you stay divided.  If too many of you pick one particular
side, rest assured that the powers who control your information media will
carefully manipulate that media through various incentives and other
pressures, to convince enough of you to switch sides, thereby keeping your
division as nearly perfect as possible.  They who divide you will use
religion, science, sports, drugs, sex....whatever it takes to achieve this
oh so necessary division of you, America.  Our last royal election a case in
point.  50-50.  Nearly perfect and what a SHOW!  You see, division is very
very profitable, always has been, so it is contrived, and controlled, as a
profit making venture, and nothing is as profitable as war, a Violent
division, which is what all this is working towards in the end, anyway.  It
is the ultimate goal, because what better way to tax you than to convince
you some schmuck is after your hard earned groceries and needs a severe ass
kicking?  The American sheople lap it up like livestock at the feeding
trough.  The television is that  feeding trough, and there we feed our
heads, much to our loss.  It is not called ³Programming² for nothing.
     Within this Control agenda of dividing the people of America for
profit,  there exists yet another agenda of confusion, and we shall call
this agenda ³The Exercise of Opposites².  It is used to keep you guessing
and hopelessly confused, and it works.  It works WELL.  It has been
practiced for a long time by a small group of people who fancy themselves an
elite, and as far as mind control is concerned they truly are an elite,
because they have used these predatory practices to strip countries like
America of their wealth, and then used that wealth to further develop
insidious methods of Control which resemble in no uncertain terms High
Psychological Science.  Simply put, playing both ends against the middle has
become the normal way of doing business here, and elsewhere in the world.
Exploitive research like projects Overcast, Paperclip, MK-ULTRA, and HAARP,
have all been funded by the American taxpayer and it can be easily proven by
inquiring minds that these ³Science² projects benefit only the perps who use
them (Deployed through the information media) to control the way you think.
Sad but true.  Look it up, if you can drag yourself away from your state
sponsored programming long enough.
     Anyway, this ³Exercise of Opposites² is used to exploit ignorance and
emotion, so both of those are played up very big in the media;  call it ³The
Dumbing Down Of America² if you like.  This all happens so that people like
the pharmaceutically invested bush reich can clean up their illegal drug
profits through buying into legal drug sales, then corner BOTH markets
(Legal/illegal) by starting things like the ³War on Drugs².  Har har.  What
a real farce these jokers are.  What is really funny is that they have grown
so far out of touch they thought no one would ever discover their treasonous
buying and selling of American souls.  A must read is Barry and the Boys:
The CIA, The Mob, And Americas Secret History², by Daniel Hopsicker.  The
drug dealing of the bush scum is just the tip o¹ the iceberg friends.
Believe you me.  
       Another instance of the exercise of opposites concerns the treatment
of Pakistanis by Israel, the latter using distinctly nazi-like methods to
enforce their control over ³An Inferior Race².  Other than the fact that
Israel has been known to say ³They Own America², I really do not understand
what all this coverage of Israel in our ³Press² has to do with us, except
that it is one more way to divide us, and perhaps let us know, through hints
and innuendo, who is really boss here.
     And this all does tie in rather well with the facts about the bush
reich and their financing of nazism during world war two (Precott, the bush
reich patriarch, was busted during the second world war for trading with the
enemy), because apparently, and judging by their actions,  they are nazis at
heart, although, through their mothers side, all the bush whelps claim
direct descent to the house of David, and are technically Jews themselves.
     Here are two good books to read by Leigh Lincoln and Baigent:  Holy
Blood Holy Grail, and The Messianic Legacy.  They show that a whole lot of
effort has been expended to engineer a ³Second Coming² of a Judaic Christ
for Americas Euro-Africo population, and this plot involves many high
ranking people in France, England, Rome Italy (The Vatican), and just about
every fundamental mind control specialist in America from Billy ³The Liar²
Graham, on down.  Jesus for President Ya¹ll!  And we¹ll just take the words
of that filthy little Mason, Thomas Jefferson, and Burn them!
     Project Paperclip originated in Huntsville Alabama, at Redstone
Arsenal, and was supposedly centered around rocket science, but it was mind
control science the wall street financiers were after, because they had paid
big bux to fund Hitler and By God they were going to get their moneys worth!
Huntsville Alabama is, incidentally, The Very Heart of the Bible Belt.
Connect the tods my friends, then do it backwards, it all comes out the
same.  Mind Control Through Religious Control.  Pow-er-fulllllll.  Talk
about programming.  The sheople cannot even see the slaughter house.  Yet.
     So the bush reich gives lots of lip service to Christianity, but in
reality are members of many secret cults, not least of which are the scull
(Skull) and Bones Society of Yale, which has been known to incorporate more
than a little of the Black Mass into their ritualistic psychological
maturbation, and they are also more than a little Judaic, although they
outwardly profess dislike and disdain for some other Jews.  Are we involved
in a fight for ascendency among royal houses within Judaism?  I think we
are.  It sure ain¹t pretty, and it smells really bad, and I guess these are
the sides we have to choose from here in America.  Oi Ve.  How did we get
involved in this fight?  How do we get out?
     The media, politics, and the voting apparatus itself, have been bought
and paid for with a currency initiated and controlled by foreign banks,
otherwise known as the federal reserve corporation. This we know without
doubt.  Our currency is now based simply on benefit, not anything tangible
at all, and in reality they who control our currency do in fact ³Own²
America, which means us.  It appears for all the world as if America is
being forcefully coerced into behaving more as property should behave, and
this is being done through economic hardship, which does not appear to be
lessening in any degree, and actually increases daily.   Our natural
resources are shot, and soon we will not even be able to pay the taxes
levied on us by our banking owners who have written it so that if you use
their currency you are automatically ³Implying Consent²  to all these
shennanigans, which, at the bottom line, are nothing more than a way to
enslave you, and put you children in debt before they are even born!  Read
³Vultures In Eagles Clothing² by Lynne Meredith, for the scoop entire on
     Finally, a lot of ire is heaped upon those in need of financial help
from their government, they are called lazy and many other things but heres
a little factoid I will end this diatribe with:  all the social payments
made to Americans in need do not equal ONE PERCENT of that spent on law
enforcement in this country, an enforcement of laws which are, for the most
part, constitutionally illegal.  This is called TAKEOVER, can you say that?
The information media uses fear and any other manner of coercion at their
disposal to convince you you need a new law enforcement agency at least
yearly, but these are just ignorant goons who are paid by the owners of
America to enforce laws that are enacted by said owners to cinch down their
hold on your minds and your wallets.  The only law enforcement necessary and
called for here is the Militia.  Join Yours Today, because soon we will be
fighting the people who have lied their way into control here, and it will
be Americans against all comers.  There are not too many Americans left by
the way, when put up against the US TV Party, but the mind controlled are
fatally stupid by know, so I will take one good clear thinker against a
hundred or even a thousand mind controlled zombies, and I am sure we will
still win.
     So what do we do next?  We have elections coming up.  Pick a side
America, but not just any side.  My prime computation is to vote for
Liberty, and this means substantially less taxation and  A LOT LESS law
enforcement.  A third party called The Libertarians are out there, and as of
yet are still un-owned by the financiers who have lied their way into
control of our currency, therefore our lives and livelihoods.  Good Luc.

     About a month prior to the wtc horror show, the bush cocaine dealings
were coming to light again because of American Activism, and a book called
Barry and The Boys: The CIA, The Mob, and Americas Secret History"

Now Consider this:

In the wake of press accounts concerning links between the Contras and drug
traffickers' beginning December, 1985 with a story by the Associated Press,
both Houses of the Congress began to raise questions about the drug-related
allegations associated with the Contras...

On January 28, 1986 America was shocked by the destruction of the space
shuttle Challenger, and the death of its seven crew members.

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
Archives Available at:
 <A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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