-Caveat Lector-

How to Destroy a People, and a Nation
by Jeff Adams

What are the things that define a particular people, and often by extension, a nation? 
If a person can define these things, then that person can begin to understand how to 
protect and defend the people and their identity as a specific people-group, or how to 
destroy them. There are examples in history of larger civilizations destroying other 
people-groups intentionally. Not by killing everyone, but by wiping out their separate 
identity. There are also examples of particular people-groups disappearing simply by 
morphing and merging with other people-groups to form another, completely new and 
separate people-group.

An example of the latter is the English. Today's England is inhabited, obviously, by 
the English. But where did the English come from? They descended from various people 
who settled in the land, which includes Celts, Romans, Normans, Angles, Saxons and 
Jutes. All of these people-groups had separate languages, cultures, and religions. 
Over time, through co-habitation on the same land, and the intermarriage and merging 
of the people, the individual people-groups were lost, and in their place a new people 
were born, the English.

This is something that happened over centuries, with many conflicts and struggles for 
survival by the separate people-groups before 'succumbing to the inevitable.' None of 
this is to say whether or not any of it is good or bad, just an observation of what 
has gone before.

An example of the intentional destroying of other people-groups can be found in the 
Aztecs. The Aztec Empire was known for 'swallowing' other Indian communities. By 
swallowing, I mean that they would conquer a people and then disperse them across the 
Aztec Empire and basically force them to intermarry with the Aztecs and adopt Aztec 
ways, thus suppressing their separate identity, absorbing the conquered people into 
the Aztec nation. Some aspects of those other people-groups might be adopted into 
Aztec culture, but it would then become part of Aztec culture, rather than being 
something foreign.

Another example is what the English did to Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. In an effort 
to make the British Isles a united kingdom, through military might, the English tried 
to wipe out the Gaelic language by outlawing it. The English tried to suppress the 
separate identity of the Celts by outlawing kilts, bagpipes and other aspects of 
Celtic culture. Obviously, the intent was to abolish those items that gave the Scots, 
Welsh, and Irish separate identities from the English.

The efforts of the English met with varying degrees of success. While all the Celtic 
people of the British Isles today speak primarily English, the various derivations of 
the Gaelic language can still be heard on all the British Isles. Celtic culture may 
have diminished after being suppressed for centuries, but there were those who were 
the 'keepers of the flame' that managed to protect and pass on the separate cultures 
of the Celts, including bagpipes, kilts, heroes, and history of the separate Celtic 
people of the British Isles, and the Gaelic languages. What's left of the United 
Kingdom is facing separatist movements in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and even in 
Wales [the Welsh being the Celtic people most integrated with the English, of the 
three main Celtic groups on the British Isles.]

Observing what has happened in the past with the Aztec Empire and the English Empire, 
one can see that the tools for destroying a people are in use today in America, and 
especially in the South. The U.S. Empire is working to ban and destroy Southern 
symbols, heroes, and rewrite Southern history. Hostilities face those who wish to 
celebrate their separate identity as a people. One obvious attack on the South is that 
Southerners are made to feel ashamed of their accent [a parallel to suppressing the 
Celt's separate language,] thus there is a current attempt to kill the Southern 
accent, something that helps provide for that separate identity.

All cultures are rooted in religion, whatever that religion may be. For the South, it 
is Christianity. Only the most blind of individuals can say that Christianity isn't 
under a tremendous assault today. The attempt to destroy the Christian faith in our 
land is an attempt to shatter the foundation of our culture, and our way of life.

Through unlimited immigration, legal and illegal, the U.S. Empire is attempting to 
eradicate the Southern people. I say this because significant numbers, if not most, of 
the immigrants are coming to the South, and Southern people aren't allowed to have a 
say in what happens in their own land, and who may share it with us. Through the 
promotion of multi-culturalism, the powers-that-be are attempting to prevent the 
assimilation of immigrants into the Southern culture, thus blocking the growth of 
Southern culture. In this, enemies of the South see a chance to strangle the life out 
of the separate Southern identity.

In truth, a people are being destroyed. Their separate identity, through how they 
talk, live, act, and worship, is being destroyed. Their people and their unique 
history are being maligned or erased. Along with these other things, the Southern 
traditionalist views of state's rights and limited government are slowly being 
undermined and abolished as Southern anachronisms. However, the U.S. Empire should be 
forewarned: once they've unleashed the dogs of anti-liberty multi-culturalism on 
Southerners, those dogs are not so easily stopped at the Mason-Dixon line. The haters 
of the South don't just hate Dixie. These people hate America and all that made her 
great. Their hate is focused on the South right now because the South embodies so much 
of 'traditional America.' As the advocates of multi-culturalism turn from the South, 
and start to press more aggressively on the U.S. Empire as a whole and the empire 
starts to crumble, what will become of the South? Hopefully, there will be enough
 of us who have been 'keepers of the flame' that have passed on our unique identity as 
a people, that Southerners will be able to re-exert their God-given rights to act 
independently as a people.

Those who wish to see an end to the South as a separate people group or 'nation' don't 
fully understand the methods they employ, or the monster they have unleashed. Once the 
'multi-cultural beast' is done feasting on the South, with the help of the federal 
government, it will turn on the U.S. Empire as a whole. The saying goes, 'the South 
doesn't need to rise, it just needs to keep standing as the rest of America falls.' We 
'keepers of the flame' work not necessarily to throw off the yoke of an American 
Empire, but to prepare for the future when we may remove the dead hand of an 
oppressive master from around our necks. At that time, I hope to see true liberty 
restored to the Southern people.

Mr. Adams is the Chairman of the Texas League of the South, and may be reached for 
comment at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-end article-
"I want to tell the American people about what's happening to the country, and 
culture, and civilization I love.  That we are dying, and if we don't wake up, and 
don't change our ways, it is inevitable and it is coming very very quick.
-Pat Buchanan, During interview on the Alex Jones Show about his new book "Death of 
the West", Jan. 10th, 2002 .

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