-Caveat Lector-

Are Gold Conspiracy Advocates are Trailer Park Hillbillies?

And If So, Why Are Major Analysts Becoming So Bullish on Gold?

9/30/02 4:36:11 PM

Jay Taylor / Kitco.comLSN Business Section -- [LSN: What this fellow Casey says is interesting, even if the argument over
his anti-conspiracism doesn't interest you.]


DOUG CASEY says Gold Conspiracy Advocates are Trailer Park Hillbillies

By Jay Taylor

Sep 30 2002

The following was published by Doug Casey and widely disseminated on the
Internet this past week. Mr. Casey has irked your editor in the past with his
arrogant dismissal of any and all conspiracies in this world and his contempt
for people who happen not to have been born into wealth and privilege has has
he. As is typical of Doug, in the missive that follows, he resorted to name
calling to impugn the integrity and marginalize those who believe our
government is engaged in trying to squash the price of gold in order to protect
their legalized counterfeiting operation.

I'm not sure why it is so hard for Doug to understand and believe conspiracies
happen. Conspiracies may be an alien to the world Doug lives in, but where on
earth has he gotten the notion that it is so unusual for two or more people to
clandestinely set in motion actions of armies of people for the benefit of the
conspirators? For every great political movement or birth of any new dictator,
there has always been a conspiracy. So why it is so easy for Doug to
automatically dismiss all conspiracies? Why can't he understand the
plausibility of the Exchange Stabalization Fund (the President & Treasury
Secretary) and/or the Federal Reserve Chairman might secretly set in motion an
unspoken policy that provides an incentive for a few gold bullion banks to
drive the gold price lower? Why does he ignore all the evidence that this is
happening? Does he think Greenspan and O'Neil tell us everything they are doing
with respect to U.S. Policy and that these big boys have no secret agenda other
than what they say on CNBC? If so, then why have they refused to answer
Congressman Ron Paul's inquiries into the mysterious gold accounting by the ESF
as revealed by James Turk?

Apparently Mr. Casey has never bothered reading exceptionally well documented
books on the topic of the Fed as to how, why and by whom the Fed was created in
the first place. I guess he has never read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" or
James Perloff's "the Shadow of Power" or Kinsey, Crimes and Consequences." Most
of these books are available either on the Internet or from
www.therealityzone.com. Or perhaps Mr. Casey simply wishes to dwell in the
world of science fiction and nano-particles, where one does not need to deal
with the reality of a sinful and broken world - at least not yet.

In any event, here is what Doug Casey was quoted as saying this past week about
the gold conspiracy and the gold markets in general:

"Most surprising to me is the price of gold itself. I'm not a believer in
conspiracy theories, so it's hard for me to credit that "they" are holding the
price the metal down. "They" (in the past it's been the Rothschilds, the
Bilderbergers, the CFR, the BIS, among many others, possibly including space
aliens) are usually an excuse created by the unsophisticated to explain what
went wrong with some convoluted theory that didn't pan out. Certainly none of
the theorists have ever met one of "them" in the flesh-nor are they likely to,
if only because most seem to live in low rent one-bedroom flats and spend all
their time on the Internet. But figures (which are notoriously unreliable) on
the gold markets (which are highly opaque) do seem to show that there is a
large short position in the metal.

"Frank Veneroso, who I consider a credible analyst, and whose research brought
the gold short play into the public eye, has said that annual demand is around
4,000 tonnes, mine and scrap supply around 3,000 tonnes, official sales around
300 tonnes and that the difference of 700 tonnes is gold loans, mainly from
central banks. The numbers vary, depending on who's crunching them, but the
most accurate one is probably new mine production, which was 2,460 tonnes in
1999. It appears that there's been a deficit of use over production for more
than a decade. It does make sense to me that central banks would have been
loaning out the metal to bullion dealers for years (at relatively low interest
rates) in order to get some current return on the seemingly dormant asset. The
bullion dealers (mostly large international banks) would sell the gold into the
forward market, capturing a premium. Better yet, the price of the metal was
driven down by all the selling, so when it came time to deliver, they'd make
even more. It's been, and will continue to be, a great strategy-as long as
there's a bear market in gold.

"The last gold bull market crested in January 1980 at over $800, and it's been
all downhill since then; at the same time, the world's economy and common
stocks (until recently) have been in a truly historic bull market. Since all
this has been going on for over 20 years now, a full generation, everyone
believes it's going to go on forever. Even gold miners believe it and most of
them have been shorting their production years into the future.

"The problem, however, is that all that gold which has been borrowed from
vaults has been made into jewelry and such is owned by millions of individuals.
If the lenders of the gold, the central banks, want it back, the bullion
dealers and mining companies aren't going to be in a position to deliver. What
appears to be developing, in other words, is a classic short squeeze, but one
of gigantic proportions. The X-factor, however, is that central banks still
have maybe 20% of all the gold in existence left in their vaults, and if things
started getting dicey-say some New York bank getting in trouble because of its
bullion dealing-they could sell a lot to deep its price down. But the short
position is going to have to be covered at some point.

"I'm super-bullish on gold for lots of reasons (detailed in Crisis Investing
and International Speculator) that are unrelated to the alleged short position.
But it sounds credible to me, and it's just one more good reason the metal
isn't just going through the roof, it's going to the moon. I just wish I knew
the timing-but I sure wouldn't want to be short right now."

Doug is Bullish on Gold. So do his Conspiracy Views Matter?

It would be tempting to let Mr. Casey's ranting and raving about gold
conspiracy buffoons rest simply because he is bullish on gold as are most of us
trailer park hillbillies. If nothing mattered more in life than our own
personal wealth accumulation, we might easily overlook Doug's views. But for
those of us who think freedom matter, we believe Thomas Jefferson was right
when he said, "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance." In fact, your editor
believes the rigging of the gold price was in fact a major reason why the
dollar has been so overvalued and why the enormous global economic dislocations
Stephen Roach talks about frequently these days is posing such a great threat
to the global economy. And it should not be too much of a stretch to make the
connection between a global economic decline and a decline of personal

And, we think knowing whether or not our government or the Exchange
Stabalization Fund is involved in rigging the gold price is very important
because their willingness to go to this extent simply suggests they no longer
understand and respect the connection between free markets and freedom overall.
To the extent our policy makers lack that understanding, then the future is not
very bright for those of us who would like to see America emphasize the rights
of individuals rather than the power of a collectivist dictatorial society.

The Pro-Conspiracy Views Expressed on Korelin/Hartfield

I was asked to discuss the case for conspiracy on the Korelin/Hartfield report
this Saturday afternoon. (As noted at the start of this message and every
weekly message, you can listen to this program at www.kuik.com. Simply follow
the directions set out above.) Some of the major points that quickly came to
mind, I discussed on the show. Following is a list of those points as well as
some I did not have a chance to make, which I believe provide very strong
circumstantial evidence if not "smoking gun" evidence that the gold markets
have been and are continuing to be fooled with so as to continue creating a
false sense of security in the U.S. dollar.

1. Frank Veneroso's work from 1997through 1999. Mr. Veneroso, a Harvard
graduate, high priced consultant to the World bank and various foreign central
banks, undertook a fundamental study of the gold markets. His findings which
were based on the most detailed fundamental analysis of supply and demand
dynamics in the world so far as the gold markets are concerned, suggested to
Frank that if the gold markets were free of central bank influence, the
equilibrium price of gold - without any increase for gold as a monetary
holding - should be in the neighborhood of $600 per ounce. In addition to the
detailed supply and demand numbers, Veneroso's model factored in elasticity of
demand and supply characteristics over short and longer periods of time.

2. Veneroso's work revealed that central banks were, through outright sales and
gold loans, dishording far more gold than they were publicly admitting. That
meant that far less gold was in the coffers of the central banks than the
central bankers claimed. Talk about Enron like accounting!

3. In 1999 Bill Murphy, who had been an assistant to Frank Veneroso, formed the
Gold Anti Trust Action Committee (GATA), a civil rights organization, to shed
light on what he believed was most certainly an illegal market manipulation.

4. GATA pointed out a host of statistically significant trading patterns
including but not limited to lower market closes in New York 94% of the time
over a number of years.

5. GATA pointed out that after gold would tend to move higher with major
economic or political events, an apparent intervention always with the same
major banks involved, consistently drove the price of gold lower time after
time after time. Interestingly, it was always the same two or three bullion
banks that traders spoke of as killing gold rallies.

6. Governments have always hated gold and have acted to suppress it. Why should
the current government all of a suddent choose to be even handed with respect
to gold. The answer is that with enormous amonts of fiat dollars created out of
thin air to save Mexicao, Asia, LTCM, Russia and other problems, the executive
branch of the U.S. government and the Fed are in head over heels. And the
American government is no different than any others. For example:

1930's - illegal to own gold and was punishable by a $10,000 fine and 10 years
in prision.
1960's/70's sold gold outright - backfired as gold went from $35 to $850.
CURRENTLY - Knowing that a transparent policy would only serve to drive the
price of gold higher, America's elite have chosen to keep their anti-gold
activities this time secret. A constant refusal to answer congressional
questions leaves little doubt that the Treasurer is either hiding something now
or wants the right to do so in the future.
7. 1998-99 Bank of England Pre-Announced gold sales causing it to get the
lowest price possible. The motive for this apparently stupid move was to allow
corporate interests to cover their gold shorts at the lowest possible cost. And
you thought Crony capitalism didn't happen in "advanced" countries like England
and the U.S.?

8. By spending a great deal of time investigating government accounting on the
Internet, James Turk unveiled a reclassification of gold at West Point
to "custodial gold" that coincided with exactly the same movement of gold out
of Germany at exactly the same time. This provided powerful circumstantial
evidence that gold held in the U.S. at Westpoint was swapped to the Geramns who
then sold gold in Germany, thus driving the price of gold lower. Soon after
James made his accounting discoveries public, the U.S. Treasury department
changed its description of "custodial gold" to "deep storage" gold. Although
the U.S. Treasury was asked frequently about this, they have yet to come clean
on what this was all about. In fact, Treasury Secretary O'Neill has repeatedly
stonewalled even attempts by Congressman Ron Paul to get an answer as to what
the Treasury was up to on this issue.

9. The Treasury Continues to Stonewall their gold market activities. The
Exchange Stabalization Fund which is comprised of the President & Treasurer,
have complete power to sell all of the U.S. gold tomorrow if they wish to do so
without and permission of Congress. Not only do they not have to gain
permission, but they are not accountable to anyone, including the people of the
United States through Congress. How outrageous to think that two men are given
the dictatorial power to completely debase our currency over night without
anyone except the President & Treasury Secretary being aware. CONGRESSMAN RON
PAUL has "proposed a bill known as the "Monetary reform and accountability Act"
All this bill would do is require the Treasury Secretary to advise Congress
when it does anything with gold. Although the Treasury Secretary says he
Treasury has not sold or transacted gold for many years, he still refuses to
support this proposal for transparency for the Aemrican People. Why? WE suspect
it is because in fact the ESF has been engaged in transactions to drive the
price of gold down and thus by default the dollar up.

10. Lawrence Summer's wrote a paper on the topic of "Gibson's Paradox" while at
Harvard during the late 1980's. Before Summers went to work under Robert Rubin,
he had co-authored this paper that demonstrated that if governments were to be
successful in engaging in monetary bailouts, they would have to cap the gold
price. Otherwise the currency would fall and interest rates would rise, thus
rendering bailouts unsuccessful. Mr. Summers brought this knowledge with him to
his job in Washington and quickly put it to work when the Clinton
Administration began a series of national and corporate bailouts, beginning
with the Mexican crisis in 1994. Interestingly enough, it was during 1994 that
some very strange statistical occurrences began to appear in New York gold
trading, like a lower close in New York over 90% of the time over a protracted
multi-year period of time. Also, from 1994 onward, gold almost always behaved
in a manner not at all typical of the yellow metal during times of crisis. It
may also not be a coincidence that Alan Greenspan and the head of the New York
Fed also became actively involved in the BIS, perhaps in order to influence
that organization's gold market behavior.

11. The Decision in Reginald Howe's Lawsuit. The Judge in Reginald Howe's anti-
gold price fixing lawsuit against the major gold bullion banks, the Fed, the
BIS and the Treasury, found an out by reviewing precedent in the law.
Apparently it is no longer true that every man is equal under the law in the
U.S. If you are a small investor and a larger one that would have suffered
greater harm refuses to launch a lawsuit, then you as the smaller investor do
not have "standing." The rational is that if the bigger investor who was
presumably hurt more does not sue, then a smaller investor has no right to
legal recourse. The judge in effect left open the door for a larger mining
company to take up the lawsuit against the defendants in Reggie's case. We
think the fact that the judge did not throw the case out for lack of merit,
suggests that in fact the judge found a great deal of merit in Reginald Howe's

So Who are Doug Casey's "Low Life Conspiracy Nuts?"

I think it is interesting that Mr. Casey paid a compliment to Frank Veneroso as
the man who allowed the public to see that based on its fundamentals gold
should be headed for the moon. I heard the highly regarded, Harvard educated,
former World Bank consultant and consultant to various central banks say at a
CMRE meeting in New York in 2000 that he believed the gold price was
manipulated. Doug is apparently unwittingly paying homage to one of those "low
life, stupid conspiracy nuts" in the person of Frank Veneroso who provided the
framework upon which GATA was born. But how Frank Veneroso could ever be
described as a "low rent, one-bedroom flat" kind of a guy is beyond me.

Likewise for another Harvard graduate, namely Reginald Howe. This corporate
trial lawyer, displayed some of the greatest intestinal fortitude and
brilliance in court that has ever been seen when he stood up against 16 of the
most powerful lawyers printing press money can buy before Judge Lindsey in that
Boston Federal court. I am so proud to say I know Reginald Howe because
Reginald stood up for truth and justice against all odds and he won! He won
against a court in which all the odds were stacked against him. The judge not
only failed to throw the case out on its merits but also provided reason in his
decision to suggest he knew Reginald Howe in fact had a meritorious case. Once
again, how is it that this highly educated trial lawyer can be described by
Doug Casey, as a stupid low life conspiracy nut?

I think it is time for Mr. Casey and others like those we watch every day on
CNBC, who suggest that "our government has never given us a single reason to
doubt their truthfulness" to openly debate Bill Murphy, Reginald Howe, James
Turk and other pro-conspiracy advocates. If the conspiracy notion is, as Doug
Casey says, not "an excuse created by the unsophisticated to explain what went
wrong with some convoluted theory that didn't pan out," then these low life
misfits and their theories could easily be exposed and the gold conspiracy
theories laid to rest. In fact, wouldn't it help the anti-conspiracy people to
expose the stupidity and fallacies of the pro-conspiracy folks? I can tell you
this much. Bill Murphy at GATA has been pleading with people like the CPM
group, or the World Gold Council or Goldfields for such a public confrontation.
And in fact, would it not be better for everyone concerned if these issues
could be discussed in as large a public forum as possible so that objective
truth could be exposed rather than the name calling and marginalization defense
of the anti-conspiracy proponents?

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