-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "A Voice For Children" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(These files were recently found when an officer died and  had secretly held
at his home for 15 or 20 years - WE WANT to see the CURRENT LISTS !)

  From:  "Hypatia Popol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Mon Sep 30, 2002
3:45 pm Subject:  OR/ Targets of Survelillance--alphbetacally

  TARGETS of surveillance The Portland Police Bureau's Intelligence Division
kept files on these organizations, listed in alphabetical order

Abalone Alliance Group
African Liberation Day
African People's Socialist Party/African National Prison Organization
Agape Community
Agents of Matriarchy
Alamo Christian Foundation
Al- Daawa Islamic Party
Alert for Latin America
Al Fajr
Al Fatah
All African People's Revolutionary Party
All People's Congress
Alliance for Social Change
Alternative Media Conference
American Absurdo-Anarchist Alliance
American-Arab Affairs Council
American- Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
American Civil Liberties Union
American Educational Trust
American Federation of Ramallah
American Foundation for the Handicapped
American Freeman Association
American Friends of Revolutionary Iran
American Friends Service Committee
American Indian Movement
American Indian Political Power Movement
American Nationalist Party
American Revolutionary Army
American Russian Institute
American Soviet Friendship Committee
Americans Concerned About Corporate Power
Americans Concerned for Middle East Peace
Americans for Peace
Americans for Peace and Unity in Lebanon
Amnesty International
Ananda Marga cult
Anarchism Symposium
Anarchist Black Dragon
April 6th Liberation Movement
Aquarian Foundation
Arab Women's Council
Armed Resistance Unit
Armenian Revolutionary Democratic Movement
Artistas Indigena
Aryan Brotherhood
Aryan Nations
Assassin magazine
Association of Arab-American University Graduates
Atlantic Life Community
August Seventh Guerrilla Movement
Bahai faith
Bethlehem Peace Pilgrims
Beyond War
Bicycle Repair Collective
Black Berets
Black Community Survival Conference
Black Guerrilla Family
Black Hebrews
Black Justice Committee
Black Liberation Army
Black Muslims
Black Panthers
Black Panthers Breakfast Program
Black United Front
Black United Fund
Blacks - anti
Brahma Kumaris World Spirituality University
Brandywine Peace Community
Brown Berets
Burnside Community Council
California Homemakers Association
California Rangers
Calvin Dow Defense Committee
Campaign for Economic Democracy
Campaign for Peace With Justice in Central America
Campaign for Political Rights
Catholic Worker newspaper
Centenary Wilbur Methodist Church
Center for Constitutional Rights
Center for Defense Information
Center for National Security Studies
Center for Third World Organizing
Center for Truth
Central America Study and Action
CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act)
Cheryl James Defense Committee
Children of the Valley of Life
Children's Club
Children's Defense Fund
Christ Brotherhood
Christ Family
Christ Miracle Healing Center Church
Christian Conservative Churches of America
Christian Defense League
Christian Educational Association
Christian National Socialist White People's Liberation Army
Christian Nationalist White People's Party
Church of the New Song
Church Universal and Triumphant
Churches - Red
Circle (anti-nuclear group)
Citizen Action for Lasting Security
Citizen Labor Energy Coalition
Citizens Allied for Responsible Energy
Citizens' Bar Association
Citizens for Safe Power
Citizens Party
Citizens Organization for a Sane World
Civil Liberties Action Security Project
Clamshell Alliance
Clergy and Laity Concerned
Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Coalition for Battered Women
Coalition for Safe Power
Coalition of Conscience
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Coalition on Government Spying
Colegio Cesar Chavez
Columbia River Fellowship for Peace
Committee Against Racism
Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party
Committee for Artistic and Intellectual Freedom in Iran
Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy
Committee for Portland's Children
Committee for U.S. Veterans of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Committee in Defense of the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples
Committee in Solidarity With the People of El Salvador
Committee of Ten Million
Committee to Defend James Daniels
Committee to End Corporate Fascism
Committee to Investigate Fraudulent Law Enforcement
Common Capital Fund
Common Cause
Communist Party - Marxist/Leninist "October League"
Communist Party - USA
Communist Workers Party
Community Defense Fund
Community for Creative Non-Violence
Community Law Project
Concerned Americans for Peace
Congress of Racial Equality
Consumer Power League
Cornucopia Institute
Council for a Livable World (Peace PAC)
Council for American Soviet Friendship
Covenant for Peace
Crips gang
Critical Mass Energy Project
Crusade for Justice
Da Free John
De Mau Mau
Defenders of the Republic
Democratic Socialists of America
Democratic Socialists Organizing Committee
Direct Action Canada
Direct Action Eugene
Disarmament Media Network
Diversity Alliance
Draft Action
Drawn Swords Visionaries
Duck Book
Earth First
Earth People's Park Group
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Elliot Energy House
Emergency Response Network
Emissary of the Guiding Light
Energy Action Coalition
Environmental Life Force
Environmentalists - misc.
Espionage - local suspects
Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church
Eugene Coalition
Evangelical Church of Christ
Evangelicals for Social Action
Fair Share
Fallen Angel Choir
FALN (Puerto Rican nationalist group)
The Family
Family Circus Theater
Federation for Progress
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Forelaws on Board
Foundation for Middle East Peace
Fourth International
Free People's Party
Free Speech Movement
Freedom International
Freedom League
Freedom Socialist Party
Friction gallery
Friends of Sisters on the Street
Friends of the Earth
Gandhi World Peace University
Gays - misc.
General Union of Palestinian Students
General Zero
Generations for Peace
Gentiles United for Zionist Aims
George Jackson Brigade
German-American Bund
Global Tomorrow Coalition
Golden Mean Society
Good Faith Township
Good Shepherd Tabernacle Church
Goose Hollow Committee
Go Ye Into All the World Christian Fellowship Inc.
Gray Panthers
Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy
Green Party
Ground Zero
Ground Zero Cities Pairing Project
Guardian Angels
Guardian weekly newspaper
Gulf Palestine Support Committee
Hanafi Muslims
Hanford Conversion Project
Hanford Oversight Committee
Hapotoc Collective
Hare Krishna
High School Collective
Hiroshima Day
Hispanic Commission
Hispanic Political Action Committee
House of Judah Health and Energy Institute
Immoral Minority
Identity Churches
Independence National
Indians - misc.
Indo-China Peace Campaign
Industrial Areas Foundation
International Workers of the World
Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies
Institute for Peace and Justice
Institute for Policy Studies
Institute for World Order
Instructor of Light
Interdependence Day
International Committee Against Racism
International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace
International Socialist Party
International Women's Day
Iranian American Friendship Committee
Iranian Guerrillas in America
Iranian Students Association
Iranians - misc.
Irish Republican Army
Japanese Red Army
Jews - anti
Jews for Jesus
Jobs for Peace
Jobs or Income Now
John Brown Anti-Klan Committee
John Reed Bookstore
Kent State
Kol Ha Shofar
La Comunidad Unida Para Justicia
Law Enforcement Research Publications
Lawyers Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control
Lawyers Committee Against U.S. Intervention in Central America
League of Conservation Voters
League of United Latin American Citizens
Learning Exchange of Oregon
Lebanon Relief
Left Bank Collective
Life Spring
Light of Life Ltd.
Lincoln County protest
Live Without Trident
Livermore Action Group
Lord's Covenant Church
Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field
Main Street Gathering
Manson Family
Mantell Club
Marxist Leninist League
Marxist- Leninist Organizing Committee
Marxist-Leninist Party of the USA
May 19th Communist Organization
McKenzie River Gathering
Medical Aid for El Salvador
Mendocino Whale War
Metro Cafe Collective
Mexican Mafia
Ministry of Restoration
Minority Contractors Inc.
Mission for World Peace
Mobilization for Survival
Mom's Garage
Monthly Review
Moslem Brotherhood
Moslem Student Association
Moslem Student Society
Mother Jones magazine
Mountain Moving Cafe
National Alliance
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
National Anti-Klan Network
National Anti-Racist Organizing Committee
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association for the Advancement of White People
National Association for White Preservation
National Association of Arab Americans
National Committee Against Repressive Legislation
National Committee for Independent Political Action
National Committee to Honor the 14th Centennial of Islam
National Conference of Black Lawyers
National Democratic Policy Committee
National Emergency Committee on Lebanon
National Lawyers Guild
National Network for Direct Action
National Organization for Women
National Party of America
National Resistance Committee
National Socialist Alliance
National Socialist Liberation Front
National Socialist Party
National Socialist White People's Party
National States Party
National Student Coalition Against
National Students Association
National Unemployed-Welfare Rights Organization
Nehemiah Township
Nerve Gas Task Force
Nestle Boycott
New Age Foundation Inc.
New America Movement
New Dawn Collective
New Jewish Agenda
New Options
New Order Legion
New Patriot Alliance
New World Liberation Front
Non-Violent Preparers Collective
North American Congress on Latin America
North Star Network
Northwest Action for Disarmament
Northwest Arc
Northwest Area Foundation
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Northwest Conservation Act Coalition
Northwest Direct Action Network
Northwest Fund for Justice
Northwest Liberation Front
Northwest Oregon Voter Registration Project
Northwest Seasonal Workers Association
November 29 Coalition
Nuclear Control Institute
Nuclear Free Pacific
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Nuclear power - anti
Nuclear Weapons Freeze Coalition
Nudepeace Society
Nuestra Familia
October Anti-War Coalition
Omega 7
Operation Outrage Inc.
Operation PUSH
Oregon Anti-Conspiracy Committee
Oregon Citizen/Labor Energy Coalition
Oregon Coalition Against the Draft
Oregon Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Oregon Coalition to Defeat the Bakke Decision
Oregon Committee to Stop the M-X
Oregon Council for Women's Equality
Oregon Farm Worker Support Committee
Oregon Human Rights Coalition
Oregon Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign
Oregon Progressive Agenda
Organization of Arab Students
Organization of Democratic Youth and Students of Iran
Pacific Life Community
Pacific News Service
Pacific Northwest Labor College
Pacifica Network
Pairing Project
Palestine American Congress
Palestine Arab Fund
Palestine Congress of North America
Palestine Human Rights Campaign
Palestine Information Office
Palestine Liberation Organization
Palestine Solidarity Committee
Patriot Party
Pax Christi
Peace Academy
Peace Action Coalition
Peace and Freedom Party
Peace House/Ashland, Ore.
Peace Links - Women Against Nuclear War
Peace Pastoral Task Force
Peace Research Group
Peace Research Program
Pedro Luis Boitel Commando Group
People for the American Way
People Preventing War
People's Alliance
People's Army Jamboree
People's Food Store
People's Temple
People's Test Ban Clearinghouse
People's Translation Service
Performing Artists for Nuclear Disarmament
Peter Watkins Project
Physicians for Social Change
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Planned Parenthood
Plant Closure Organizing Committee
Plebiscite Crusades
Polar Bear Party
Police - anti
Poor People's Conference
Poor People's Network
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Portland Central American Solidarity Committee
Portland Citizens Against Racism
Portland Committee for Unemployment Action
Portland Community Warehouse Inc.
Portland Freeze Coalition
Portland Gay People's Alliance
Portland International Conference on Human Rights
Portland Peace Investors
Portland Planetary Investors
Portland Tenants' Union
Portland Town Council
Portlanders Organized for Southern African Freedom
Positive Action Center
Posse Comitatus
Prairie Fire Organizing Committee
Progressive Labor Party
Progressive magazine
Pro- Pac
Provisional Revolutionary Committee
Public utility district coalitions
Radical Activists for Sexual Minorities
Radical America
Radical Education Project
Radical Women
Rain Community Resource Center
Rainbow Family
Rape Relief Hotline
New World Liberation Front
Ratepayers Union
Rebel Woman
Red Rose School
Refuse the Cruise Coalition
Responsible Urban Neighborhood Technology
Revolutionary Action Movement
Revolutionary Communist Party
Revolutionary Education Project
Revolutionary Fighting Group
Revolutionary Socialist Party
Revolutionary Union
Rose City Ratepayers Association
Rose Festival Peace Committee
Ryan Environmental Enterprises
Salvadorean Humanitarian Aid, Research and Education Foundation
Sam Melville-Jonathan Jackson Unit
San Francisco Mime Troupe
Sanctuary Coalition
Save Our Liveable Downtown
Scribe newspaper
Seattle Liberation Front
Seattle Ordinance
Serve the People
Shadow Project
Sierra Club
Sisters of the Road Cafe
Slate student group
Socialist Labor Party
Socialist Review
Socialist Workers Party
Society for New Action Politics
South Africa (anti-USA)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Spartacist League
Spectrum Inc.
Sports Acres
SS Action Group
Strangers Collective
Student Alliance for Nuclear Awareness
Student Mobilization Committee
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
Students for a Democratic Society
Students in Solidarity With the Central American People
Students Together Against Nuclear Destruction
Sufi mysticism
Sun Fighters
Supporters of Silkwood
Symbionese Liberation Army
Synanon Foundation
Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Teamsters for a Democratic Union
Technical Assistance for Community Services
Terrorism - training
Tolstoy Foundation Inc.
Transformation Times
Tribal Thumb
Tridentine Latin Rite Church "Fatima Crusaders"
Trojan (protests against the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant)
Trojan bombing
Trojan Decommissioning Alliance
Trust Jesus
Tudeh Party - Iran
Unaffiliated Christians
Unification Church - Moonies
Union for Radical Political Economies
Union of Concerned Scientists
United Farm Workers
United Feminists Against the Right
United Freedom Front
United Front Bookstore
United Indian Fish Committee Inc.
United Indian Women
United Minority Workers Inc.
United Nations
United Palestinian Appeal
Us Inc.
U.S.- China People's Friendship Association
U.S. Labor Party
U.S. Prostitutes Collective (U.S. Pros)
U.S. Soviet Friendship Council
United Way
Universal Life Church
Uranium Resistance Coalition
Urban Guerrilla
Utility Action Center
Valley Migrant League
Vancouver Island Network for Disarmament
Vandenberg Action Coalition
Venceremos Brigade
Venceremos Organization
Vietnam Vets Against the War
War Resisters League
War Tax Resistance
Way International
Weaver-Jackson Power Bill Hearings
Well Springs Commune
Western Front
Western Socialist Conference
White Alliance
White Panthers
White Train (anti-nuclear weapon protests)
Willamette Bridge newspaper
Women - misc.
Women for Racial and Economic Equality
Women of All Red Nations
Women Strike for Peace
Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament
Women's Initiative for Peace
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Women's Night Watch
Women's Peace Alliance
Women's Rights Coalition
Women's Solidarity Committee
Workers Viewpoint Organization
Working Papers
World Citizens for Peace
World Concern
World Council of Churches
World Peace Council
World Peace Tax Fund
World Peacemakers
World Service
World Without War Council of Portland
Yesh G'Vul
Young Communist League
Youth International Party (Yippies)

Constitutional Patriots Opposing Prohibition

"America's drug war is so stupid that if you pay close attention
to just how stupid it is -- it'll drive you to use drugs."
-- Jim Hightower

Constitutional Patriots Opposing Prohibition-Join us!-Link Below

Greenpanthers    http://www.greenpanthers.org
The only no compromise pot organization ( Direct Action!)

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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