-Caveat Lector-

Freemasonry: The Legacy of the Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 20

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The Port Adelaide Masonic Centre 1928
         If there was ever any doubt that Freemasonry is the child of the
Ancient Egyptians it is dispelled at the Port Adelaide Freemasonic Centre for
it is here that the Number Two Lodge of South Australia is built in the form
of an Egyptian Temple!
         Until only a few years ago in South Australia the Freemasonic Lodge
Room was called the Temple.

The Port Adelaide Masonic Centre, Number Two Lodge
of South Australia, is built in the form of an Egyptian Temple!

         The side of the Egyptian Temple faces the main road while the front
faces a side street. The shadowed area under the verandah is a group of

The side of the Masonic Centre/Egyptian Temple

         Excepting the shop fronts, the front of the Temple is not unlike the
side in design. So realistic is the Temple that with the Australian Summer
Sun burning down and the vividly blue sky a person could imagine having been
transported to Egypt.

The front of the Masonic Centre at Port Adelaide, South Australia

Hieroglyph for "Temple"
         The overall shape of the Temple is of paramount importance as it is
an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph meaning "temple"!

Remote Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Temple".
Notice also the Tau hieroglyph formed by the space above the Temple

         In Part 9 it was discovered that when the hieroglyph appeared on the
Narmer Plate in 4468 BCE it not only represented a temple it also represented
Dawn, the Dawn of the Age of Taurus in the Precession of the Equinoxes.
Hieroglyph for "Heaven"
         Below the eaves of the Masonic Temple and directly above the main
entrance is to be found yet another Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, this time
denoting "heaven". It is pure and unspoilt.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Heaven"

         A similar hieroglyph is to be found in a similar position on the
side of the Temple. Crafted into this hieroglyph for "heaven" is what appears
to be further Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs together with Freemasonic emblems
of for example, the Level, and the Square and Compasses.

Crafted into this hieroglyph for "heaven"
is what appears to be further Ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs together with Freemasonic emblems.

         Upon closer inspection however it is discovered that they are
Anglicized hieroglyphs. The inscription reads "Masonic Building"! The
architect had a sense of humour.

The inscription reads "Masonic Building"
The architect had a sense of humour!

The Four World Pillars
         In Ancient Egyptian mythology the Four World Pillars held up the
heavens and represented the four cardinal points of NSEW. The Four Pillars of
Heaven are clearly visible on both the side and the front of the Masonic

The Four Pillars supporting Heaven as crafted into
the side of the Port Adelaide Masonic Centre.

The Fifth World Pillar
         The Fifth, and most important World Pillar was the Axis Munde around
which the heavens appear to revolve. The Axis Munde represented the Fifth
Cardinal Point. (See Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7.)
         This Fifth Pillar is to be found engraved into each tower, one on
each side of the main window. It is not immediately recognizable as a Pillar
however, as it is the form of yet another Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph! It is
the hieroglyph for "plant" and is composed of the three sacred lotus lilies,
meaning "Tree of Life".

Hieroglyph of the three sacred lotus lilies meaning "Tree of Life".

         The lotus flower was used in Ancient Egypt to represent Life and
Resurrection. (See Part 6) In ancient Egyptian texts it is written of the
Tree of Life, "I am the plant which comes from Nu." The Tree of Life grew out
of the Sacred Mound, the branches reaching out and supporting the star and
planet studded sky, while the roots reached down into the watery abyss of the

The Tree of Life on the Masonic Egyptian Temple
grew out of the Sacred Mound,
it's roots reached down into the watery abyss of the Netherworld.

         It was the trunk of the Tree of Life which represented the World
Pillar or Axis Munde (literally "Axis of the Mound") around which the heavens
appeared to revolve. The World Pillar was the centre of the universe. It was
Osiris as the Djed Pillar, the Pillar of Stability and it was the Great
Pyramid of Egypt. (See Part 6 and Part 7)
         On the engraving there are fifteen layers to the Sacred Mound, and
the Sacred Waters of Nun are at level five from the top. The number 15 is
important in terms of Precession as the celestial lines of longitude are
placed at 15 degree intervals.

The Sacred Waters of Nun

         Furthermore the Sacred Waters are represented swirling around both
the side and front of the building, on a level with the tops of the windows.
(See picture below.) The fresco is an integral part of the decoration
encoding Ancient Egyptian mythology concerning not only the watery abyss of
the Netherworld but also the Great Flood (See Part 10) the River Nile and the
Milky Way. The Milky Way also known as the Celestial River Nile. (See Part 2
and Part 3)

The entrance to the Masonic Building/ Egyptian Temple

The Winged Disk
         Directly below the two central Pillars on the front of the Temple is
the Winged Disk in full flight.

The Winged Disk above the entrance to the Temple

         In Ancient Egypt the Winged Disk was a combined emblem of the Sun, a
double-headed cobra and eagle or vulture wings. Moreover it is an alternative
form of the "temple" hieroglyph. (See Part 17) The Cobra and the Vulture
represented Upper and Lower Egypt … not just in the geographical sense but
also in the sense of a Celestial Egypt and a Terrestrial Egypt. The "as above
so below" concept. (See Part 3) The combined emblem represents the Sun
passing through the centre of the Winged Disk, the Sacred Gateway, into the
next Age of the Zodiac. (See Part 3 and Part 17)

The Sun passes through the centre of the Winged Disk,
the Sacred Gateway, into the next Age of the Zodiac.

         For confirmation of this esoteric meaning let us take a closer look
at the engraving of the Winged Disk on the Masonic Building. Within the
Sacred Gateway is to be found the emblem of the Royal Arch Chapter: the
Triple Tau within a triangle, within a circle.

Within the Sacred Gateway is to be found
the emblem of the Royal Arch Chapter:
the triple tau within a triangle, within a circle.

         In Part 10 it was discovered that from the Tau hieroglyph in the
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead it is clear that "Tau" means "holy or
sacred gate" or "holy or sacred opening". The five-pointed star denotes the
word "sacred".

Temple at the top
of the Narmer Plate
NB: Tau and H
(H = Double Tau)
Triple Tau: Gates
or Sacred Opening
    Triple Tau: The
Temple of Jerusalem
NB: Tau and H
(H = Double Tau)
         The Double and Triple Tau represent the plural form of Tau.
Visually, when the Taus are joined together horizontally, they represent a
temple. Two examples of this are: the hieroglyph between the Taurus Bulls'
heads on each side of the Narmer Plate, and also Stone Henge. The vertical
trunks of the Taus represent the columns of the Temple. In the Osiris Legend,
Osiris was encased in a tree trunk, which was later utilized as a pillar. The
pillar of a temple represents Osiris … who has already been evidenced as the
Axis Munde in the Djed Pillar; the Pillar of Stability. (See Part 4 and Part 6
) Since a Tau is a "sacred gateway, opening or portal", and multiple Taus
form a Temple, it follows that a Temple is a gateway, opening or portal: a
portal to the Netherworld through which the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New
Age of the Zodiac.
         The Triple Tau represents the Temple of Jerusalem. Another name for
the Temple of Jerusalem is "Templum Hierosolma", which translates as "Temple
on a Sacred Mound". Since a Tau represents a Gateway, opening or portal then
the Temple of Jerusalem follows suit … complete with Osirian Pillars! It is
through this portal that the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New Age of the
         As discussed earlier in Part 7, the Great Pyramid is also built on a
Sacred Mound and, like the Osirian Pillar, it represents the Axis Munde. The
Temple of Jerusalem as the Triple Tau, secured within the triangle of the
Great Pyramid, is displayed on the Collar pictured below. The Great Pyramid
and the Temple of Jerusalem are symbolic of the Sacred Summit, the Axis
Munde, and the concept of Precession.

The Collar displaying the Triple Tau, which represents
the Temple of Jerusalem, within the Great Pyramid.
Both are examples of the Sacred Summit "Templum Hierosolma"
encoding the Secret of Precession.

The Square and Compasses
         Directly below the Winged Disk and above the entrance to the Temple
are carved the Square and Compasses. Today a pair of compasses like these
would be called "dividers". Without these instruments it would have been
impossible for the Remote Ancient Egyptians to measure the rate of Precession
accurately. Furthermore without the Plumb Rule used in conjunction with the
Plumb Line they would have been unable to measure the positions of stars and
their corresponding positions on the ground. The Constellation of Monoceros
forms the Square and Compasses, Canis Minor is a Plumb Rule. (See Part 5)

The Square and Compasses

         On the diagram for "The Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac" in
Part 5 each Zodiacal Season comprises a 90 degree right-angle … like a
set-square. Each Zodiacal Season is a one fourth part of a circle and is
standing on the square.
The Sacred Gateway
         The main entrance into the Masonic Egyptian Temple is perhaps the
most startling in what it reveals about Freemasonry as a legacy of the
Ancient Egyptians. It is immediately recognizable as a Sacred Gateway, the
Gateway of the Sun in the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac. (See Part 10
to Part 13)

The entrance, or porchway, to the Port Adelaide Masonic Building
The Gateway of the Sun. The Temple of the Sun.

The All-seeing Eye of Ra
         Within the porchway, above the double doors is the all-seeing Eye of
Ra. Uncharacteristically it is not like its Egyptian counterpart. Rather,
like the hieroglyphs on the side of the building, it has been Anglicized so
that it appears complete with bushy eyebrow!

The All-seeing Eye of Ra, complete with bushy eyebrow

         The Eye of Ra took on several guises in Ancient Egypt:
a) As the "Ouadjit" it was a form of measurement. It is comprised of six
hieroglyphs, each representing a different fraction. The sum of the
hieroglyphs is 63/64. The absolute is unobtainable. This concept is related
in the myth of Osiris. After he is cut up into fourteen pieces by his jealous
brother Set, Osiris' sister/wife Isis can only find thirteen pieces of his
dismembered body. The phallus remains lost for ever. Osiris was considered to
be the Absolute, the First God. He was perfection. Others can only aim for
the absolute, they will never achieve it.

The Ouadjit: the sum of the hieroglyphs is 63/64

         Note: This myth does not take into account the true Absolute, the
true Self-existent, the true First Cause … The Celestial Sphinx. (See Part 2
and Part 3) Osiris usurped the position and title of the Celestial Sphinx
"Giver of Life in the Beginning".
         (The "ouija board", derived from the Ancient Egyptian "Ouadjit", is
the modern day equivalent of the All-seeing Eye of Ra.)
b) As the Sun, the Eye of Ra was denoted by the hieroglyph of a "dot within a
circle" as well as the Ouadjit. Even today the Sun is sometimes referred to
as "the eye of the day".
c) As a "dot within a circle" the All-seeing Eye of Ra is a symbol of
Precession. The "dot within a circle" is the pole of the ecliptic, the
central point of the revolution of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Ages of
the Zodiac around the heavens, and as such is the Fifth Cardinal Point. (See
Part 5)

The Eye of Ra is a symbol of Precession. It is the central point
of the revolution of the Ages of the Zodiac around the heavens.
This is the origin of the Sun Wheel.

d) Finally, as a Watchful Eye the All-seeing Eye is considered in terms of
humanity being under the complete surveillance of a Supreme Being. (See Part 3
) The Celestial Sphinx was the Supreme Being in the heavens in 14000BCE.

The Celestial Sphinx was the Supreme Being in the Heavens in 14000BCE.

The Two Pillars
         The porchway of the Port Adelaide Masonic Building is flanked by two
pillars, each of which support a different version of the Celestial Globe. In
this capacity the Pillars are representative of the Fifth World Pillar, the
Axis Munde. As previously mentioned the Axis Munde represented the Fifth
Cardinal Point.
         The First Pillar, which is on the right-hand side of a person facing
the entrance, is indisputably supporting the Celestial Globe. It is covered
in large and small five-pointed stars, apparently randomly spaced, and also a
crescent moon. Unfortunately the crescent moon is not visible on the
photograph as it is up near the top left-hand side in the shadow.

The Celestial Globe is covered with five-pointed stars
and a crescent moon.

         The Second Pillar could possibly appear to the untrained eye to be a
rendition of Planet Earth, complete with lines of latitude and longitude but
no land masses.
         In reality these are celestial lines of latitude and longitude,
symbolising Precession. (See Part 5) There are twelve celestial lines of
longitude set at 30 degree intervals to accommodate the Twelve Signs of the

This Celestial Globe is covered with celestial lines
of latitude and longitude, symbolising Precession.

         When these grid lines, or reference points, are superimposed on the
star-studded celestial globe a picture is produced not too unlike the one
below, which is a computer simulation of the night sky.

A computer simulation of the night sky 11:57 pm July 3rd 14000BC.

         The spots represent major stars from which the remote Ancient
Egyptians mapped the constellations. The "lines of longitude" are equally
spaced at 15 degrees to facilitate ease of calculations of the apparent
movement of the stars over thousands of years. The rate of Precession was
calculated at one degree every 72 years which means that it takes 25,920
years to complete one cycle. (See Part 4)
         The remote Ancient Egyptians divided the sky into 12 equal 30 degree
segments, each of which contains one Sign of the Zodiac. Every 2160 years (72
years x 30 degrees) the Sun moves through the Sacred Gateway into a new Age
of the Zodiac. On December 21st 2012 the Sun will pass through the "Gateway
of the Sun" and rise in the new Age of Aquarius. (See Part 16)

The remote Ancient Egyptians mapped the constellations.

17th century Freemasonic headstone
         I could not help but compare the Port Adelaide Masonic Building in
the form of an Ancient Egyptian Temple with this 17th century Freemasonic
headstone. As with the Ancient Egyptian Temple the Sacred Knowledge of
Precession is crafted into it.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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