-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

Things Are Gonna Slide
Steamshovel Press E-Wire


The geographic profiler system described in Sunday's press conference
concerning the sniper shootings in the Virginia/DC/Maryland area sounded
eerily like another permutation of the PROMIS software. One police
officer, in fact, found it important to note that the system was not meant
to convict people before they committed crimes, a la the Minority
Report movie, which only repeated a great fear about the potential of
PROMIS' prognostication capacity.

That these murders have happened in Casolaro's old stomping grounds
adds to the suspicion, as does the fact that the geographic profiler
system supposedly was developed in Vancouver by the RCMP (the Mounties), one
of the first police agencies to illegally acquire PROMIS from the
Reagan cronies who lifted it from the Inslaw group. This system officially
is a commercially available one called Rigel (previously Orion), but is
one of a number of systems acquired by the RCMP. On-line discussion
about it has included the term "psycho-geography."


The controversy involving poet Amiri Baraka, the poet laureate of New
Jersey who recently in a poem asked questions about Israel's
foreknowledge of the 9/11 catastrophe, recalled comments Baraka made to
Steamshovel after the 1990 assassination of Jewish Defense League founder Meir

"Even a guy like Meir Kahane. Start thinking about that. Who needs
strong anti-Arab feeling right about now? Who would need to have strong
anti-Arab feeling? People running around talking about 'Revenge! Kill the
Arabs! Kill the Arabs!' Who needs that? Do the Arabs need that? You
know what I'm saying? Do the Egyptians need that? I know the Egyptians
don't need it.

And even if a guy's got in his pocket, Meir Kahane's going to speak,
and so on. I might get that out of there. I don't assume that he's not
got any security in there. I assume the opposite unless I am observing
him. Unless somebody has told me. Because Kahane's a member of the
Israeli parliament. He's entitled to American security. And they say, 'Well,
he didn't want it.' So what does that mean? That has nothing to do with
it, whether you want it or not. If you are a member of a foreign
government, you get security, you get secret service.

So I'm just saying it's like the Godfather that John Gotti replaced.
Here's a guy that's being trailed by the FBI supposedly twenty four hours
a goddman day. But then, on East Forty Seventh street he gets shot down
in broad daylight and nobody sees anything. And what's interesting is
that I was on that street that day and when I came walking in I asked my
wife, "Is today a holiday?" Because I had just been on that same street
because I was coming from my agent's and I stopped at the bank, which
is just two blocks away from where this guy got killed. And there was no
traffic on this street. And I didn't know anything. And I said, "Hey is
this a holiday?" and just as I spoke, the television came on and said
"so and so just murdered on the corner of so and so," right there. I had
driven Twenty Third Street to Forty Seventh street, straight up Third
Avenue without even being interrupted. Now how do you do that at 4:00 in
New York City?

Obviously, somebody had intervened, you understand, re-routed this and
re-routed this, he's in the street and bang, he's dead. And when did
they kill him? They killed him two minutes before five. Do you understand
what I am saying? Those are not just bumbling street hoodlums. That's
something that has to be organized from a number of different sectors of
society. Centralized by whoever. If it's admitted that the guy had a
FBI tail twenty four hours a day, then how come the FBI don't know who
killed him? How come they didn't intervene? Well, that got garbled in the

I do believe that these people are monitored. I believe that there are
forces inside the U.S. government, official and some self-anointed,
that are connected up with any number of operations and organizations.
Otherwise, I don't think things would happen."


Now available at last, two new Steamshovel related books:

The most renown conspiracy magazine in America, Steamshovel Press,
presents an anthology of the most captivating articles from the recent
past. POPULAR PARANOIA contains all of the contents of Steamshovel's recent
back issues, covering the full spectrum of global conspiracy culture as
seen by some its keenest critics. The anthology exposes the biological
warfare origins of AIDS; the Nazi/Nation of Islam link; the cult of
Elizabeth Clare Prophet; the Oklahoma City bombing writings of the late
Jim Keith, as well as an article on Keith's own strange death; the
conspiratorial mind of John Judge; Marion Pettie and the shadowy Finders
group in Washington, DC; demonic iconography; the death of Princess Diana,
its connection to the Octopus and the Saudi aerospace contracts; spies
among the Rajneeshis; scholarship on the historic Illuminati; and many
other parapolitical topics. The book also includes the Steamshovel's
last-ever interviews with the great Beat writers Allen Ginsberg and
William S. Burroughs, and neuronaut Timothy Leary; new views of the master
Beat, Neal Cassady and Jack Kerouac's science fiction. POPULAR PARANOIA
also includes new commentary by Steanshovel editor Kenn Thomas.
Available from Steamshovel for $25, post paid.

In SHADOW GOVERNMENT: 9/11 AND STATE TERROR, Len Bracken presents the
alarming evidence that nation-states actively engage in terror, and also
passively allow terror to be visited upon their citizens. It is not
just liberation movements and radical groups that deploy terrorist tactics
for offensive ends. States use terror defensively to directly
intimidate their citizens, and to indirectly attack themselves or harm their
citizens under a false flag. Their motivation? To provide pretexts for
otherwise unwanted wars, or to gain increased police powers. Statesmen
have executed indirect terrorism in various ways, but most plots tend to
involve the pretense of blind eyes, misdirection, and cover-ups that
give the statesmen plausible deniability. The sinking of the Lusitiania,
the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the October Surprise, the first World Trade
Center bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing and other well-known
incidents suggest that terrorism is often successfully used by states to take
the offensive against enemies at home and abroad.

Was 9-11 such an indirect defensive attack? Arch Conspirator author Len
Bracken traces the clues circumstantially connecting a multi-armed
hydra of oil interests, the CIA, FBI, diplomats and statesmen to the
September 11 attacks and examines whether they were engineered or allowed as
a pretext for the war in Afghanistan. The subsequent anthrax attack
targeting Democratic senators is considered in light of the controversial
USA Patriot Act's rights-encroaching measures and the act's easy
passage under conditions of terror. A shadow government appears to have
covered the land like black ice. Foreword by Kenn Thomas, editor of
Steamshovel Press and author of The Octopus, Inside the Gemstone File, Mind
Control, Oswald & JFK, and NASA, Nazis & JFK among others. Available from
Steamshovel for $20, post paid.

All checks payable to "Kenn Thomas" NOT "Steamshovel Press" at POB
210553, St. Louis, MO 63121. Single issue, $7; four issue subscription,

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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