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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Is Iraq the Start of the Third World War?

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
[Creator of the popular board game, "Scruples"]
October 7, 2002 

In a letter dated August 15, 1871, Albert Pike, a Satanist and
practitioner of the occult, said the Illuminati would need to
engineer Three World Wars to bring about the New World Order. 

Pike, who was Grand Commander of US Freemasonry from 1859-1891,
said the first war would establish Communism in Russia. The
second would take advantage of the differences between "the
Fascists and the political Zionists" and would weaken Christendom
while empowering Communism and Zionism. 

The Third World War would take advantage of the differences
between Zionism and Islam and would ensure that both destroy each
other. After World War Three, the people of the world will
embrace Lucifer: 

"Without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without
knowing where to render its adoration, [the people] will receive
the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view." 

Is Iraq the beginning of World War Three, as Pike projected? 

I hope not. I prefer to see it in the context of Panama,
Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, as a "police action" designed to
eliminate leaders that are too independent. None of these
countries mounted significant resistance and I don't expect Iraq

However Ariel Sharon represents a wild card. If he uses the war
as a pretext to drive the Palestinians west of the River Jordan,
it is possible that a larger conflagration might occur. For
example, Egypt, Syria and Iran might attack Israel, which might
use its nuclear arsenal. 

Since Pike speaks of destroying both Islam and Zionism, this may
indeed be the Illuminati agenda. Certainly, worldwide shock and
revulsion would provide an excuse to further entrench world
government in the same way as the first two wars allowed the
creation of the League of Nations and the United Nations. 

The origins of the Illuminati's Second World War provide a useful
perspective on the possible third. I don't pretend to be an
expert but I have developed the following hypothesis: 

In the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the international bankers
dictated punitive terms to Germany, thereby ensuring a rematch.
Then, they used Communist Russia to help Germany rearm in
contravention of their own treaty. The plan was to prepare
Germany to challenge Britain and America, exhausting all three so
Russia could emerge dominant. 

Meanwhile they encouraged "right wing" elements in the U.S. and
Britain to help Germany rearm, as a bastion against Russia.
British and American investment created a formidable Nazi war

In the late 1930's, England and Russia each wanted Germany to
engage the other. However, according to William Guy Carr's "Pawns
in the Game" (online), Hitler regarded Communism as a greater
threat to humanity and proposed an alliance with England. Hitler
believed that Communism represented a conspiracy by Jewish
international bankers to enslave humanity in order to maintain
their monopoly on credit. 

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was receptive to Hitler's
view. This is true meaning of "the policy of appeasement" so
successfully derided by (the world-banker-run) mass media and
universities. However the bankers were able to block this
alliance and ensured that the original fight card (Germany Vs.
England) prevailed. Thus Hitler and Stalin made a pact on Aug.
24, 1939; the invasion of Poland took place Sept. 1. Britain
declared war two days later. 

After conquering France, Hitler paused at Dunkirk and allowed the
350,000-man British army to escape. He still hoped to make a deal
with England against Russia. Chamberlain remained receptive and
didn't bomb Germany. 

The eight-month period between Sept. 3, 1939 and May 11, 1940,
(when Churchill became PM) was full of intrigue. Churchill and
Roosevelt, both puppets of the bankers, conspired behind
Chamberlain's back to make certain England's "phony war" became
real. Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty at the time. 

Tyler Kent, a 29-year-old code clerk at the US embassy in London
read the FDR-Churchill correspondence. 

Kent had served at the US embassy in Moscow from 1934 to 1939.
Fluent in Russian, he " took the opportunity to meet and mingle
with ordinary Russian citizens and learned first-hand the beastly
nature of Bolshevism, realizing what it would mean if this
oriental barbarism were to spread further." See "The Roosevelt
Legacy and the Kent Case" 

Kent writes: "My awareness grew also of the worldwide ideology of
the soi-disant "liberals," who gushed over what they called the
"new civilization" of the Soviet Union. I began to see, dimly,
the power of Jewish propaganda in the United States, which harped
constantly on the alleged brutalities of the new National
Socialist regime in Germany while simultaneously completely
ignoring the far worse brutalities in the USSR. Yet the latter
had antedated the Nazi regime by more than a decade. The reasons
for this distorted and lop-sided picture soon became clear. In
Germany, the burden of state action was falling upon Jews whereas
in the Soviet Union, the secret police (NKVD) was almost entirely
in Jewish hands until the very late 1930s. The administration of
the gulags ("labor camps" which were virtually extermination
camps) was wholly Jewish and thus the Jews could wreak their
vengeance on their age-old adversaries among the Russian people." 

In 1936, Congress had enacted stringent neutrality legislation
that prevented FDR from advancing the bankers' plan to embroil
the US in another European war. US polls showed 83% favoured
neutrality. Only the Jewish community, 3% of the population,
actively campaigned for US intervention. 

Tyler learned that FDR covertly had given the England and Poland
promises of US intervention. Without that, the British would
never have guaranteed Poland's sovereignty (the causis bellum)
and Poland would have been more conciliatory. 

Churchill was desperate. Despite his bluster, Churchill told
Roosevelt the British were finished unless the U.S. became
involved. In an attempt to reprise the Lusitania sinking in 1915
by a German U-boat, Churchill sunk the American liner Athenia on
Sept. 4, 1939. Thirty Americans drowned; Churchill blamed the

Tyler gathered this evidence of Churchill and FDR's duplicity to
pass along to isolationist American Senators. But a week after
Churchill became Prime Minister, Tyler was arrested and charged
with treason. 

His rebuttal: " A government employee takes an oath to 'support
the laws and Constitution of the United States against all
enemies, both foreign and domestic.' The Constitution reserves
the power to make war and peace exclusively to Congress. But with
brazen contempt for the will of the people, the law and the
constitution, President Roosevelt conspired with a small circle
of confidants to incite war in Europe and bring the United States
into the conflict. He broke his oath to 'preserve, protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States.'" 

Tyler's diplomatic immunity was waived. He was tried in secret by
the British and sentenced to seven years. He was released and
returned to the US in 1945 after serving five years. Although
Tyler was never accused of giving any documents to the Nazis, he
is routinely described in the world banker media as a fascist and
a Nazis spy. 

It is a little known fact that Churchill imprisoned about 1200
"fascists" who were accused of traitorous and dangerous
conspiracy to assist the enemy. These were associates of Tyler
Kent who tried to alert Chamberlain to the Illuminati's secret
agenda. They included Capt. Archibald Ramsay, M.P., his wife,
Mrs. Christbel Nicholson (wife of an admiral) and Admiral Barry
Domvile, a former chief of Naval Intelligence. 

One of Churchill's first deeds in office was to bomb German
population centres. This provoked Nazi retaliation and the Battle
of Britain. 

As I have said before, I am an assimilated Canadian Jew who
believes in Christ's message. My family suffered from Nazi
persecution and I have no fondness for Hitler. I had been
left-leaning most of my live until I discovered that feminism is
being used in place of Communism to shred the social fabric and
create the "New World Order." 

I don't have the whole picture. I don't know whether the world
bankers and the Illuminati are identical but they certainly work
together. The Illuminati seem to use minorities, unwitting Jews,
Zionists, Freemasons, Communists, feminists, and homosexuals to
further their diabolical agenda. These tools are always
liquidated when they have served their purpose. 

In my view, the Illuminati perpetrated the World Trade Centre
atrocity to again manipulate Americans into declaring war. Again
political Zionism is the biggest domestic factor. I don't believe
that Muslim fundamentalists represent a genuine threat to the
U.S. They are used to justify Israel expansion, and the further
subjugation of Muslims, and indeed all of humanity. 

At the rate we're going, human civilization is doomed. 

Real religion and real civilization are based on knowing God. To
know God is to experience His love for humanity. 

The New World Order is based on knowing the devil. Depopulation.
Murder. Mayhem. 

God's Plan is Heaven on earth; the devil's is living hell. 

This is the choice. 


Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the
author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in
English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes
your feedback and ideas at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


The Supreme Council, 33°, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Washington, DC -- official website:

"There is no doubt in my mind that Masonry is the cornerstone of
—Dave Thomas Founder of Wendy's International, who started by
washing dishes and waiting tables at Regas Brothers' Restaurant
in Knoxville, Tennessee, from Scottish Rite Journal, 2002



Morals And Dogma
By Albert Pike, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander 1859-1891
Digest-Index by T.W. Hugo, 33°

This classic text, first published in 1871, is an expansion of
the lectures which accompanied Albert Pike's first revision of
the Scottish Rite's rituals. Divided into thirty-two chapters
(covering the 1°-32°), Pike explores comparative religion,
Hermeticism, the Kabbalah, morality, mysticism, mythology, and
the nature of symbolism.

Hardbound (Only Used Copies Available), 1080 pages.
Price:  $50.00 




This room is a memorial to Albert Pike, who was Grand Commander
of this Supreme Council from 1859 until his death in 1891, at the
age of 82. During these 32 years, he wrote and compiled many
books and became familiar with numerous languages, among them
Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit. He is recognized as a great Masonic
scholar, philosopher, and historian. He used his vast talents to
research and rewrite the Rituals of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite. His renown as a jurist, orator, philosopher,
scholar, soldier, and poet extends throughout the world. 

The Albert Pike Room contains, in addition to his personal
memorabilia, a model of the monument erected in his memory, the
original of which is located at Third Street and Indiana Avenue,
Northwest, in Washington, D.C., near the U.S. Department of Labor
building. This is the only statue in the District of Columbia
honoring a Confederate General. Also included in the Pike Room’s
displays are first editions and holograph copies of many of
Pike’s works; his original desk, lamp, clock, and chair; many
personal items including Masonic regalia, a representative
sampling of his large collection of pipes, and a plaster-cast
mask similar to a life mask of Abraham Lincoln on display in the
Americanism Museum of the House of the Temple. 



"After the last bleeding it was noted that the blood came " slow
and thick" but there was no fainting (his physicians had ordered
that he be bled a number of times in the course of his illness
and an incredible amount about eighty two ounces or about five
pints or units of blood were removed from him). It would appear
that Dr. James Craik, Dr. Elisha Cullen Dick, and Dr. Gustavus
Richard Brown were well trained as physicians, were honest and
caring, and gave the kind of medical care that their peers would
have given. Today we know that many of their methods were wrong
and we would do things differently. Today we find the removal of
about eighty two ounces of blood (about five pints or units of
blood) from a sick patient in less than sixteen hours to be
--George Washington's Terminal Illness - A Modern Medical
Analysis of the Last Illness and Death of George Washington by
White McKenzie Wallenborn, M.D.



Freemason MSPs forced out in open


By Douglas Fraser, Political Editor


Freemasons in the Scottish parliament face being forced to
declare their membership of the secret society with the
introduction of new guidelines to be endorsed on Thursday.
The tough disclosure rules, which have been drawn up by the
Standards Committee made up of MSPs, also demand that MSPs
disclose their share holdings, if they are over £25,000 in any
one company.

The committee is also recommending the parliament sets up a
register of commercial lobbying companies seeking to influence
MSPs, including names of their staff and their clients. They also
say the Executive should set up a similar scheme to ensure that
lobbying of ministers and civil servants should be opened up to
public scrutiny with a more transparent system.

The recommendation follows a long inquiry into how best to handle
lobbying in the light of what became known as Lobbygate, in which
undercover reporters three years ago duped two lobbyists into
boasting they could offer access to senior politicians, including
then finance minister Jack McConnell.

The opening up of Masonic membership follows revelations that at
least five Conservative MSPs are members of the organisation,
including group leader David McLetchie who initially denied
membership when asked last year, and later admitted that he was a
member, but lost touch with lodge activities more than 10 years

Other declared members are Keith Harding, Jamie McGrigor, Phil
Gallie and Brian Monteith.

Members of the Scottish Parliament will also be required to
declare membership of all professional bodies, trade unions,
pressure groups, and cultural or sporting organisations to which
they belong. And although the detail of the code of conduct is
yet to be drawn up, that could extend to private dining clubs
such as the Speculative Society, which has been the subject of
controversy surrounding the Scottish legal establishment.

The much sharper rules on share ownership would also have
required the late First Minister Donald Dewar to disclose
considerable share ownership. The rules have stated that only the
nominal face value of shares needs to be disclosed, but that
rarely bears any relation to the actual value.

When Dewar's will was made public last year, it emerged that he
had owned nearly £1 million in shares, the largest holding being
£285,000 in Royal Bank of Scotland, but also including
substantial ownership of equity in the controversially privatised
companies Railtrack, Thames Water and Powergen. As a minister he
had been required to place such assets into a blind trust. But
for MSPs in future, there will be nothing blind about it -- they
will have to update the value of such shareholdings at the start
of each financial year.

The Standards Committee, convened by Aberdeenshire LibDem Mike
Rumbles, has taken three years to consider the contentious and
sensitive issues of how much must be disclosed, taking lessons
from other legislatures and constrained in some cases by the
European Convention on Human Rights. They are not, for instance,
able to require wives and husbands of MSPs declare any more than
any gifts they receive, which might be seen as an inducement to
the MSP to vote or campaign in a particular way.

The outcome is a much tougher set of rules for Holyrood
representatives, which will pile pressure on Westminster to clean
up its act on registration. In recent years, the lax regime on
declarations there has contributed to several MPs landing in
trouble -- most prominently Henry McLeish, whose earnings from
sub-letting his Glenrothes constituency office while a
Westminster MP led directly to his downfall as First Minister.



Chief Mason: 'I never use the handshake and the trouser leg only
plays a part in the rituals surrounding new initiations'


By Neil Mackay Home Affairs Editor


SOME say it's all to do with the thumb, others claim its down to
the position of the little finger. Whatever the secret of the
Masonic handshake, from today it no longer matters, as Scotland's
highest ranking Freemason intends to scrap the 'funny handshake'
Out will go the secret greeting that Masons use to identify each
other, along with other bits of arcane tradition such as the
bizarre initiation practice in which new members roll up their
trouser legs. In their place will come spin doctors and media
strategies in an attempt to revolutionise the public image of

The plan to dump these two most potent symbols of Freemasonry is
the brainchild of Marcus Humphrey who, as head of the Freemason's
supreme council for Scotland and the Masonic sovereign grand comm
ander, is Scotland's chief Mason.

He knows the society is plagued by accusations of cronyism and
back-scratching and wants to change it. Many Britons believe that
high- ranking Masons in the police, judiciary, politics and
business operate a network which allows Masons to
'inappropriately influence' public life. Alongside allegations of
'jobs for the boys' come claims that Masonic links have even
influenced police inquiries.

Humphrey wants those ideas consigned to the dustbin of history,
that's why he's agreed to do his first media interview as head of
this supposedly secret society. 'If I'm comfortable with talking
about my life as a Mason, then hopefully people will stop
thinking of us as weird or dangerous,' he says.

Humphrey, an Oxford-educated chartered surveyor and grandfather
of two, lives in what can only be described as a castle. His
home, Dinnett House, near Balmoral, has more than 60 rooms. He
owns 25,000 acres of woodland and the River Dee cuts through his
rolling estate.

The 63-year-old speaks with the clipped precision of the British
aristocracy and is a Tory councillor in Aberdeenshire. But his
character has none of the reserve that a quick look at his CV
might imply. He's funny, charming, erudite and self-effacing.

Humphrey's role as head of the Mason's supreme council for
Scotland is usually filled by members of the nobility. Before him
came the sixth Duke of Atholl and fourth Earl of Roslyn. 'It
hasn't helped that we've allowed people to think of us as a
secret society. If people consider you secret, they think you're
up to no good. We aren't secret,' he says. 'The main thing we do
is raise cash for charities and people know who they are
receiving the money from when we send the cheques.'

Although Humphrey may claim the organisation is 'open', he's
opposed to any compulsory register of Masons. A number of
politicians want a public list of all Masons to tackle
allegations of cronyism in the police and judiciary. 'I'm happy
with the idea of a voluntary register,' he says. 'I register my
own Masonic links with the council. I do that as I'm an elected
public servant and I feel I should. But I don't think people
should be forced to do this. If people were forced to declare
their interests, it could be used against them. You could end up
with a situation where Masons are actively discriminated

Humphrey is a little hazy on addressing allegations of cronyism.
At first he dismisses the claims as 'nonsense', but a little way
into the interview he admits that 'favours' are done and Masons
do assist one another.

'If people try and use Freemasonry to give themselves a leg up
and to damage others they will be kicked out of the craft,' he
says. 'Like any group of people, however, there will be cases
when one person who is a Mason helps a friend he has made in the
Masons. That happens just as it happens in other clubs, or in
offices. People help people who they associate with and you can't
legislate for that.'

Humphrey said this type of assistance would not interfere with
police investigations or trials, but added that it 'might'
include assistance with getting a Masonic friend a job.

'I've no experience of this personally. I've never assisted
anyone or been asked to help someone simply on the basis of their
Masonic background, but I'm speculating that this might go on.
Nor would this be on a widespread scale. If someone helps someone
else it will probably be someone from within their own lodge. The
public perception is that all Masons know each other -- that's
not the case.'

This public perception is why Humphrey is gunning for the funny
handshake -- just in case people think that Masons are secretly
plotting together. The worries about Masonic influence run deep.
The Scottish parliament's justice committee has explored forcing
judges to declare membership, and in England and Wales new judges
have to declare if they are Freemasons -- but the information
isn't publicly available.

Sixty-four per cent of police have refused to co-operate with a
government study of Masonic membership. Among magistrates in
England and Wales, 5% admitted they were Masons. The Home Affairs
Select Committee has also said there have been times where fears
of improper Masonic influence on public life were 'justified'.

Humphrey admits that there are many Masons in political life --
with a further three alone on Aberdeenshire Council, where he's
held a seat since 1966. Humphrey, who fought two unsuccessful
by-elections in 1991 and 1966, said: 'As you can see, being a
Mason didn't get me into parliament.'

Nor does Humphrey accept that there is any sectarianism running
through Scottish Freemasonry. He's genuinely taken aback that
people in the west of Scotland tend to equate Masons with
anti-Catholic feeling. 'That's not true. How do you explain the
success of Freemasonry in Catholic countries worldwide?' he asks.

The first stage of his campaign to win public hearts and minds
will be the hiring of a Masonic spin doctor. 'We need to get
ourselves a good media strategy. I want to get across two
messages. Number one, we aren't cronyists and number two, we are
good people. We need a press team in place to deal with this.'

Freemasons only recently got rid of the society's ancient
penalties for revealing Masonic secrets, such as cutting out
someone's tongue for telling a non-Mason how to do the handshake.
Humphrey admits these old traditions didn't do the public image
of Freemasonry any good at all.

'These were written in the 1500s and remained with us
symbolically. We didn't abandon them for quite some time,' he
says. 'I realised there were many parts of our rituals that could
be modified or scrapped. I want to see what we can jettison so we
can convince people we're living in 2001.

'We want to be able to attract people to join us, so certain
things will change. We're not going to get rid of our apron or
the symbol of the square and compass as these are part of the
essential nature of Freemasonry. But the handshake and the
trouser leg are not pillars of Freemasonry, they're just part of
the ritual drama that Freemasonry employs. That means they can be
dispensed with if necessary. Anything that's non-essential can

'Personally, I never use the handshake and the trouser leg only
plays a part in the rituals surrounding new initiations. These
things might give the wrong impression to the public. I'm aware
we're playing cultural catch-up now. We have to modernise. Both
my father and grandfather were Masons, but times have changed
since their days. The truth is that we're a society which likes
to think that our members become better citizens. If tinkering
with tradition helps us explain that to people then, that's fine
with me.'



Monday, October 07, 2002 - 12:00 a.m. Pacific

McDermott accuses Bush of plotting to be emperor 

By David Postman
Seattle Times political reporter

U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott broadened his attack on George W. Bush's
war plans yesterday, saying the president is threatening military
action in Iraq as part of a plot to crown himself emperor of

Criticized for saying on a trip to Iraq early last week that Bush
would mislead the American public, McDermott, a Seattle Democrat,
was back in his district yesterday telling cheering supporters
that Bush is planning a war to distract voters' attention from
domestic problems. 

He said Bush is trying to "submarine" efforts to restart weapons
inspections in Iraq to give him a pretext for starting a war — a
war McDermott said is being planned in part to bolster U.S. oil

"And what we are dealing with right now in this country is
whether we are having a kind of bloodless, silent coup or not,"
McDermott said at a town-hall meeting at the Jefferson Park
Community Center on Beacon Hill. The event was sponsored by local
Democrats and other groups in his congressional district. 

'Like sheep' 

At the heart of the debate, McDermott said, is whether Congress
or the president has the power to declare war. 

"This president is trying to bring to himself all the power to
become an emperor — to create Empire America," he said. 

And he warned his supporters, "If you go along like sheep that is
what will happen." 

State Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance said McDermott's
comments about a coup "were the most irresponsible thing I've
ever heard an American politician say." 

"Sometimes politicians, like everyone else, will blurt out things
they don't mean," Vance said. "But it sounds like he has thought
about this carefully and really believes that." 

The resolution Congress will vote on next week was negotiated
between the White House and Congressional leaders of both

"The president is not trying to bypass Congress," Vance said.
"He's taking his case to Congress." 

"If President Bush is engaged in a coup then his co-conspirators
are Richard Gephardt and Joseph Lieberman," he said, referring to
Democratic leaders. 

About 200 people showed up for McDermott's meeting in the Beacon
Hill Community Center. Nearly all were supporters. 

Outside, four or five protesters carried signs objecting to
McDermott's recent trip to Iraq and his comments about Bush and
Saddam Hussein. 

"Saddam Good — Bush Bad. This is Baghdad Jim's Mind On Drugs,"
said a sign carried by Brandon Swalley of Lakewood. 

"I think he should be thrown out," she said. 

When McDermott arrived, he was escorted into the hall by Seattle
police and followed by a few protesters, one of whom shouted
after him, "Our president is not a liar. If you want to say it,
say it here but don't go to foreign lands to say it." 

Inside the crowd was heavily in favor of McDermott's view. When
opponents took a microphone to talk, they were shouted at and
told to get to their question. Supporters, though, were able to
talk uninterrupted and give anti-war speeches. 

Pattern of deception 

Late last week McDermott said that he may have overstated his
case against Bush while in Iraq. But yesterday it was clear he
believes there's a pattern of deception within the Bush
administration to justify a war. 

He said that Bush is using the memory of the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks to fuel a war with Iraq. 

"One of the dilemmas we've had since 9/11 is that this country
has been continuously terrorized by the government," McDermott
said. "Every week they announce a new threat. 'Today is a code
orange.' 'Today is a code red.' 

"Granted it was an awful day. It was a heinous act. Nobody has
anything but horror over what happened that day. 

"But the message to draw from that day is not that we should
suddenly go to war with the whole world, which is what the
president is saying." 

McDermott is convinced that Bush is bent on war with Iraq to
distract voters' attention from a collapsing stock market and
other problems at home. 

"It is the oldest game in the book," he said. "They found this
war very convenient to obscure people's views about what is
happening domestically." 

McDermott said he and two other Democratic members of Congress
went to Iraq to see firsthand the effect of economic sanctions on
the country, as well as to tell Iraqi leaders that if they didn't
agree to weapons inspections there would be a war. 

He said the demand for inspections was delivered to 15 or 20
government officials, but not to Saddam, who they did not ask to

"We knew there was no point in getting into a situation where
we're shaking hands and smiling with somebody we don't really
think is doing the right thing by the country or the world, and
we knew that message would get to him." 

Connecting the dots 

McDermott's comments went much further than his television
interviews from Iraq, in which he said Bush would mislead
Americans in order to build support for a war. 

When someone asked him if the war was meant to bolster U.S. oil
interests, McDermott talked about what oil companies could gain
from a war and said, "I'm not going to connect the dots exactly,
but I think a dotted line certainly seems within the realm of
possibility. ... 

"Oil is certainly a part of it but I don't think it's the
underlying issue." The underlying issue, he said repeatedly, is a
fight over the Constitutional power to declare war. 

"People that I trust say if we don't derail this coup that is
going on, we are going to wind up with a government run by the
president of the United States and all the rest of us will be
standing around just watching it happen." 

David Postman: 360-943-9882 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Copyright © 2002 The Seattle Times Company


Knoxville, Tennessee

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
Archives Available at:
 <A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 <A HREF="http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl</A>
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