-Caveat Lector-
Dont you get this feeling that this sniper attacking Maryland and surrounding areas is a little surreal.
We havent had a lot of news on it here but from what I gather the reason they say they have not captured this man is because he uses a high velocity long range gun.
Surely this is a nonsense! These sort of guns hav been used before in assasinations and mass shootings and they have always caught the perpertrator even though we know the person captured is either mind controlled or innocent.
Why is this so different?
We were treated to a duo report today one on what is happening out there and i could feel the fear of the people,and two a piece on sniper clubs and their popularity out there.
Which leads us to question is this a test in fear and reaction of the public to such a crime thereby whipping up an anti gun feeling so as to stop this popular sniper club following?
When We had this shooting in dunblaine in Scotland there was no discussion with gun clubs they just went ahead and banned handguns which further fuelled the black market for more business.If someone wants a gun badly enough they will find it in my opinion and this knee jerk reaction of the british government has to be seen as an outright intimidation of people rights.
An unarmed public is a public at the mercy of the power brokers.We cannot defend ourselves in a crisis and that I believe is the key to this.
The British people put up and shut up but the american citizens who have held guns for years to protect themselves may not give in so easily. So is this sniper situation being theatrically staged to bring fear to America and a way of forcing the people to vote guns out.
After all what are a few dead people in comparison to 9/11!
If they can do this to thousands of their own people in 9/11 then this is just fun in a candy shop!
The Mermaid
England x
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