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>From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room



Posted By: Patriotlad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 12 October 2002, 11:31 a.m. 

  From the commentary on Sun Tzu's Art Of War, by Wu Ch'i -- 

  "Now suppose there is a desperate bandit lurking in the fields and one thousand men 
set out in pursuit of him. The reason all look for him as they would a wolf is that 
each one fears that he will arise and harm him. This is the reason one man willing to 
throw away his life is enough to terrorize a thousand. 

  "Now if I use a host [army] of fifty thousand, and all are like this one desperate 
bandit, and I lead them to attack ... [no one can] match me." 

  Dear Friends, Patriots and Warriors of the Truth -- 

  Black-flower Woman has said it, and I believe it: "the gloves are off !!" The 
carefully-negotiated Armistice between Faction 1 of the New World Order and Faction 2 
was broken even before the ink was dry on the agreement -- and the Satanic cabal which 
infests the leadership of the groups which comprise F-1 has reverted to archetype -- 
they have unleashed their 'wolves,' their predators, on the decent people of this 
country (and of the planet). Will we be strong enough to fight back ?? 

  Rayelan, in one of her finest moments, has accurately described the present 
conditions of this earthly battlefield, in seventh year of the global civil war: 

  And what we can REALLY do about things like this! By Rayelan 

  << The genie is escaping from the bottle. The genie is US. Once we escape, can the 
New World Order crowd ever truly put us back in the bottle ?? This is what is 
happening to the people of Planet Earth !! We are getting enough of the truth from 
alternative webpages and radio shows -- that we are waking up ! 

  << Once you have a glimpse of TRUTH, how can anyone ever break you ?? They will try, 
through deprivation, torture and mind control ... but once your soul has tasted the 
sweet fruit of truth ... there is NO going back ... because you have known GOD and you 
are ONE with Him ... FOREVER!! 

  << ... no matter the reason for the shootings, I think the one thing that most of us 
agree on... these victims WERE sacrificed by the New World Order ... We KNOW it !! And 
by the God Force that runs through ALL of us associated with RMN, we CAN make a 
difference! We CAN change this world! We CAN defeat the New World Order and send them 
home to God! Let Him deal with them, we don't want them here anymore !! >> 

  What is the reason, or what are the reasons, for these vicious sniper attacks, all 
but one of them made in suburban areas of Maryland and Virginia ?? What exactly has 
driven the Satanic cabal to the desperation point of 'their End Game,' and caused them 
to implement such brazen counter-attacks ?? Was it done, as has been suggested, to 
'bully' the Senate into voting for the 'war resolution' -- yet another New World Order 
trick -- regarding the crippled Arab socialist regime of Iraq ?? Who really believes 
that the U.S. Senate isn't wholly corrupt or operating under the threat of blackmail 
and indictments ?? And when did they ever care about the Illuminati-sponsored murders 
and disappearances of the past fifty + years ?? 

  From "Homicide," the old NBC police drama set in Baltimore, to "E.R.", the owners of 
the National Broadcasting Company have been relentless in their Marxist-socialist, 
secularist "jihad" against guns and gun owners. Methinks they have reached a point of 
diminishing returns there, because the events of 9/11 and the child-kidnappings of 
recent months have pushed legal gun purchases way, way up !! What is to be gained by 
staging these attacks in Maryland, a State where the right to keep and bear arms has 
been practically eviscerated by strict gun control and by a nearly-incessant barrage 
of anti-gun propaganda ?? 

  The answer to this question can be found on the front page of the National Enquirer, 
which is now on newsstands around the country -- 

  CHANDRA'S KILLER WAS HIRED ! The shocking confession 

  Written by David Wright, Mike Hanrahan and Courtney Callahan, this Enquirer 
exclusive would, by all rights, have been played at the top of the hour on each of the 
cable television news channels, as they were the ones who made the summer of 2001 into 
"the Hundred Days Of Chandra Levy". The current edition has been available for 
purchase since Thursday the 10th, but was clearly planned and in production for some 
time. In the current reporting the Enquirer's team says that Ingmar Guandique, a 
Salvadoran immigrant illegally in the country, confessed -- in his native Spanish -- 
to cell mate, that he stabbed Chandra Levy to death and that he was paid for it. 
Guandique is presently serving ten years for having attacked two different women, in 
Rock Creek Park in D.C., in the months following Chandra Levy's disappearance. 

  The Enquirer's article also spotlights the dissolution of the "serial-killer" 
theory, for the disappearance and murder of Chandra Levy. Typically, serial-killers 
find some means or method to distinguish themselves, to make their crimes known for 
being consistent, for having a pattern. Chandra Levy did not go to the Klingle mansion 
in Rock Creek to meet the Salvadoran, Ingmar Guandique, as there is no evidence that 
they ever met at any previous time. She was directed to go there or lured there, and 
thus she went with confidence and expecting to meet someone she knew and trusted, or 
was appropriately tricked into going. 

  Regarding the Illuminati sniper killings, numerology and the occult are key to 
understanding what is going on: there were ten total shootings over nine days with 
eight persons murdered; the boy of thirteen years was wounded and the Tarot card 
numbered 13 -- Death -- was left behind by someone. 

  Two of the men killed were fifty-three years old, which adding the five and three 
together gives the number 8, or the total of victims thus far. Kenneth H. Bridges and 
Dean H. Meyers were not alike in any other respects, except for having a middle name 
beginning with H, and having been killed while getting gasoline for their cars. 
Bridges was from Philadelphia, not Maryland. 

  Mr. Bridges was in a gas station in Spotsylvania County when he was killed: a 
previous shooting in that area left a 43-year old woman injured, and created the sense 
that this was definitely an Illuminati-run operation. She was shot while in the 
parking lot of a Michael's craft store. Black-flower Woman commented -- 

  << It does seem more than coincidental that these operations appear to begin and end 
near Michael's Craft Stores. I would emphasize, however, that these operations are 
"all business." The groups use occult practices and rituals to bolster their belief 
system, but when they get down to business, they get down to business. >> 

  Black-flower Woman considered the first Spotsylvania shooting to be the closure of 
the original phase of this plan, which did begin with the sniper shooting out the 
windows of a Michael's craft store on Georgia Avenue in Aspen Hill. No one was injured 
in that incident -- and given what has transpired since -- that shooting clearly 
establishes the occult signifcance of the name, "Michael's", and indicates that the 
woman who was not killed was probably supposed to be killed !! Yet it is difficult to 
imagine that this set of sniper attacks is some kind of "jihad" against the Michael's 
retail stores. 

  Given that so many people were killed in the first thirty hours or so of this 
occult-driven plan, if the object was to ruin the business of Michael's, why not shoot 
several people at the original first location, instead of just taking out the windows 
?? And what of the second shooting, a fatal one, in Spotsylvania ?? Black-flower Woman 
says -- 

  << I was surprised by this shooting .... It could mean that 
  Phase II is complete, and that the only "targets" this time were 
  intended to be near NSA and CIA. >> 

  Clearly, the first shooting incident at the Michael's was 'a marker,' an indicator 
of some kind to establish the bona fides of the sniper or sniper team. So, as 
Black-flower Woman said, once the Illuminati deploy their symbols and lay down their 
markers, they are "all business." What, therefore, is their business ?? 

  Given that the Senate and House votes on the "Iraq war resolution" were taken by 
corrupt public officials who were all thoroughly bought or intimidated before the 
votes were counted, the shootings cannot be of any consequence there. Maryland has 
been in the Faction 1, anti-gun ownership column for many years, so that's not at 
issue. One victim killed was a 34 year old woman named Sarah Ramos, who could have 
easily passed for either Spanish or Sicilian, while Sonny Buchanan was clearly a young 
white man and Pascal Charlot clearly an older black man. It is hard to start a race 
war by having one sniper/team kill such a wide variety of people !! 

  If these hits are meant to intimidate the employees and staff of the National 
Security Agency (NSA), then one wonders why no NSA people have been killed (and 
hopefully, none will). Perhaps Faction 2 has successfully wrested control of the NSA 
away from Faction 1, and this is nothing more than the New World Order fighting a 
delaying action and harrassing their enemies. But it does seem, somehow, to be much 
more devious !! 

  Nothing has yet been "leaked" to the media to make this seem like it is an Arab 
radical doing the shooting, or Pakistani followers of the Taliban; and, the various 
"Animal Rights" fanatics have never yet taken to killing people at the gas pumps in 
order to get publicity for their particular crusade !! The single use of the Tarot 
card, and the conflicting stories now being published as to what the real message on 
the card, was, make that event seem to me more like a ploy or a botched-job. 

  That leaves the possibility, now a strong probability, that these seemingly-random 
killings have been staged to steal the media spotlight away from what would have been 
the National Enquirer's glorious Chandra Levy Redux -- and another black-eye for a 
bunch of D.C. politicians -- and a reminder to the people of the country at large that 
federal investigators are still largely incompetent. The FBI and the D.C. police 
didn't find the remains of Chandra Levy on their own, and the latest clues in her 
murder have been discovered by private investigators ... and not by law enforcement 
authorities ... Faction 1 has everything to lose by having The Ghost Of Chandra come 
back into people's living rooms right now, and they are clearly becoming very 
desperate. They broke the Armistice that would have given them the chance to walk away 
with their mansions and their money and their luxury yachts. Now they are soaking the 
landscape of Maryland in blood to try to keep yet another of their crimes from being 
properly investigated. 

  Fight back !! Buy the National Enquirer through October 15th, and read their story 
on Chandra Levy !! Don't let your friends and neighbors think this sniper/team is a 
lonesome nut -- tell it like it is -- use the phrase "the Illuminati sniper" or the 
"Illuminati killings". The New World Order is dealing in death as they fall back into 
their bunkers and prepare to fight it out in the last ditch available. 

  Be a warrior for truth. These killings -- like the massacres of 9/11/2001 -- will 
probably be blamed on someone other than the true planners, plotters and perpetrators. 
Fear is their primary weapon -- invisible, insidious -- and not these .223 caliber 
bullets, as they are just symbols and markers. That's the message, here, and the goal 
of the New World Order is to keep Chandra Levy's murder off the front-pages and 
top-of-the-hour news cycles until after the November elections. 

  Death Is the Stock In Trade Of The New World Order. It is as crass, cold, 
calculating and as venal as all that. 

  Let us then be all that is in opposition to their cowardice -- cultured, warm, 
generous and tolerant, and deeply spiritual instead of deeply cynical -- yet let us 
consider, too, that real men and women have really died here in this awful operation. 

  Victory Or Death, Truth And Consequences, And Not One Step Backwards, This Must Be 
Our Motto. 

  Black-flower Woman asks that readers visit her page at -- 

  Reclaiming the Constitution of our Founders Petition: 


The National Enquirer Is On Line 

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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