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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

Wall Street/Washington insider spills the dirty secret of Iraq war

“Getting control of that oil will make a vast difference”

By Bill Vann
16 October 2002

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In his October 7 speech in Cincinnati, Ohio, George W. Bush, addressing the question, 
Iraq?”, declared, “While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq 
alone because it gathers the most serious dangers of our age in one place.”

There followed the standard litany of warnings of imminent Iraqi chemical and 
attacks on US soil, a looming threat of nuclear attack by Baghdad, and Saddam Hussein’s
supposed links with the Al Qaeda terror network.

There was one three-letter word that did not pass the president’s lips—oil.

The president is not alone in shying away from the oil issue in his public 
The major US media outlets have virtually ignored Washington’s interest in Iraq’s oil 
which are second only to those of Saudi Arabia in proven reserves. Newspaper reporters
and columnists have paid more attention to French and Russian investments in Iraq,
suggesting crass mercenary motives for their opposition to the Bush administration’s
ostensibly selfless determination to enforce the mandates of the United Nations.

The situation is very different, it seems, when the cameras are off, and government
officials and corporate executives are speaking freely among themselves. Such was the
case at a meeting of prominent businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan last Friday, where
the featured speaker was a prominent Washington and Wall Street insider.

A US war against Iraq is “probably the most bullish thing I can think of,” William 
Seidman, a
senior economic adviser under four US presidents, told his audience at the posh 

Seidman, a commentator for CNBC, was an adviser to presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and
Bush senior. He is the former chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and
also headed the Resolution Trust Company, the federal agency created to bail out the
scandal-ridden savings and loans industry in the 1980s. He served as a consultant on 
junior Bush’s transition team, and maintains close ties with top administration 

According to the Grand Rapids Press, which was alone in reporting the remarks, Seidman
told the meeting that he had just come from a State Department briefing in which US 
for a military occupation of Iraq were outlined.

Removing the Iraqi government and installing a US military regime that would control 
country’s oil fields is “at least as important as eliminating weapons of mass 
destruction,” he
said. “Getting control of that oil will make a vast difference in all sorts of things, 
particularly the price of oil.”

“We are planning to set up a MacArthur-like” government in Iraq, the ex-official said
enthusiastically, referring to the US occupation regime established in Japan at the 
end of
World War II. “If we are in Iraq, nobody can use oil as a weapon.”

Seidman suggested that establishing US military rule over the Arab country would also
strengthen Washington’s hand in relation to the other top Middle East oil producer, 
Arabia, effectively crippling its ability to set an independent oil policy. “Having 
two major oil
producers not part of any radical Muslim or any other unfriendly government,” he said,
would be “a huge additional factor in the world’s economy.”

This same point was spelled out in an opinion piece published by the Los Angeles Times 
Sunday. Co-authored by Robert Johnson, a New York financier who formerly was the
Senate Banking Committee’s chief economist and then managing director of Soros Fund
Management, and Thomas Ferguson, a University of Massachusetts political science
professor, the article was entitled “Oil economics lubricates push for war.”

Unlike Seidman, Johnson and Ferguson are less than “bullish” on the impact a US 
of Iraq would have on the world economy. They suggest that Washington’s military
unilateralism in relation to another Persian Gulf war is matched by an economic
unilateralism that could destabilize global economic and political relations.

“By setting a goal of ‘regime change’ rather than weapons elimination,” they write, 
“and by
ostentatiously preparing to assume operational and oversight responsibilities in Iraq 
for a
long stretch of time, the US is sending a strong message to treasuries and foreign
ministries around the world. In matters affecting either oil supply or the value of 
the dollar,
we will act in our best interests, with little consideration of the interests or views 
of others.”

Iraq’s abundant and cheap oil makes it “pivotal for stabilizing oil prices in both 
they argue. “If prices rise too high, Iraq can simply pump more. Less obviously, 
however, if
the Saudis decide, as they have twice done in recent years, to wage a ruinous price 
lowering prices sharply in order to deter other cartel members from overproducing, then
Iraq’s role is again key. With another low-cost gas station open for business, the 
cannot count on maintaining total revenues as prices fall, because now they will have 
split the take with the Iraqis. This downward price deterrence will be welcome news to
marginal producers around the world, including those in Texas ...”

Such concerns can hardly be foreign to George W. Bush, the former Texas governor and
ex- executive at Harken Energy, or to his vice president, Richard Cheney, the former
chairman of the energy giant, Halliburton, which signed some $73 million in oil 
contracts with Baghdad between 1997 and 2000 when Cheney was at the company’s helm.

Yet for public consumption, oil is a dirty word that is never on the president’s mind. 
the day after the speech in Cincinnati there was this extraordinary exchange between an
incredulous White House correspondent and presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer.

Q: “How much does oil have to do with the assessment of the threat from Saddam
Hussein? President Bush didn’t mention it.”

Fleischer: “I’m not sure I follow your question ...”

Q: “Most security analysts take a look at it and say oil is a central aspect to the 
security ... are you saying oil is not at all a factor in the president’s thinking?”

Fleischer: “I think when you take a look at what the United Nations voted for, what the
Congress voted for, what President Clinton signed, and what President Bush supports, 
is not a factor.”

Q: “So oil is not a factor?”

Fleischer: “That is not a factor...

Q: “So the stability of oil prices is not a national security or an economic 
matter—how can
you say that it’s not a factor? I just don’t understand that.” Fleischer: “The 
question is about
any potential use of military force. And this is about saving the lives of American 

This type of double-talk and lying typifies all of the statements given out by the 
White House
and retailed uncritically by the media. The US government is attempting to conceal 
from the
American public that it is embarking on a criminal military adventure. Using a 
multiplicity of
false pretexts, from “weapons of mass destruction” to terrorism and even feigned 
for the suffering of the Iraqi people, it is preparing a war of aggression in which 
tens, if not
hundreds, of thousands will die so that US petroleum corporations can seize control of
Iraq’s oil fields.

To prime public opinion for this war, administration officials dole out a steady diet 
of fear.
Iraq, they tell the American people, must be invaded—and perhaps many American soldiers
must die— to avoid another September 11. All the while, those close to the Bush
administration assure its key constituency, the corporate and financial elite, that the
conquest and recolonization of Iraq will provide a quick fix for the deepening crisis 
American capitalism.

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