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No. 128 October 2002

by Richard Heinberg


This issue, not yet in print, is being made available this way because of its 
relevance to the
criticial situation we all are in - especially those in the U.S.A. and Iraq.


These days, Julius Caesar and ancient Rome seem to be on the minds of political
commentators around the globe. A London Guardian opinion piece from September 20 was
titled “Hail Bush: A New Roman Empire,” while Jay Bookman (www.bushwatch.com)
explains “The Bush Plan for Empire,” and Michael Lind (www.theglobalist.com) asks
rhetorically, “Is America the New Roman Empire?”

It was Caesar who transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. A brilliant
general, he waged campaigns throughout modern-day France, Germany, Britain, and
Turkey. In 46 BCE, he had himself appointed Imperator for life. Two years later, he was
assassinated by a group of conspirators who believed they were striking a blow for the
return of the Republic. Thirteen years of civil strife followed. The Republic was 
finished, but
the Roman Empire persisted for another four centuries. Caesar had transformed his 
he was, for a brief time, the most powerful human being in the Western world.

Today the American Republic appears to many pundits to be at a juncture somewhat
comparable to the one that Rome confronted in 50 BCE. The analogy is exceedingly
imprecise, however: the US is vastly more fearsome than Rome in every respect,
possessing weapons no ancient emperor could have dreamed of. Moreover, the American
leader, George W. Bush, is far from being a brave and tactically brilliant general, as 
was: Bush spent the Vietnam War drinking, snorting coke, and going AWOL from the Texas
National Guard. Caesar was also an eloquent orator; the current American leader’s 
in this regard hardly require description.

Nevertheless, Bush has seized leadership of his nation and seems determined both to
extend its global influence militarily, and to undermine its democratic institutions, 
just as
surely as his ancient counterpart did. Today, the American administration is preparing 
launch a war in the Middle East to advance its imperial ambitions, and is suppressing
dissent at home in every way possible.

But while Caesar was frank in his war aims—he promised the citizenry colonies, tribute,
and slaves—the Bush crowd cloaks its goals in a fog of shifting pretexts.

We are perhaps witnessing a new phase of Pax Americana. But this new order of the world
is—for reasons discussed below—destined to persist for far less than four hundred 
And, as was the case with Caesar, victory may come at a high price; though in this
instance, it is a price we all will pay.

Rationales for War

War is no small matter for an nation; in the present instance, it is estimated that a 
Iraq might cost the US $200 billion or more. Leaders must have good reasons for such an
investment. So far, the US Administration has offered five reasons why Iraq must be
attacked. They are as follows:

1. Iraq is in violation of UN Security Council resolutions. This is true; Iraq is 
currently, for
example, violating Resolution 687 (01/06/91), establishing UNSCOM; and Resolution 1060
(12/06/96), which was a condemnation of Iraqi refusal to grant inspection access. But 
facts do not constitute a believable pretext for war, because Iraq is far from being 
unique in
its violation of UN resolutions. Turkey and Morocco are currently in violation as 
well. And
still another nation in the region, Israel, has refused to comply with literally 
dozens of UN
resolutions, some dating back nearly 50 years. Why single out Iraq?

2. Iraq has refused UN-mandated arms inspections. This, of course, is the essence of 
particular UN resolutions that Iraq has violated. Arms inspections were mandated among
the terms ending the Gulf War of 1991, and inspectors have been absent from Iraq for 
past four years. But again, this makes no sense as a pretext for a renewed war. Iraq 
comply with inspections up to a point, and evidence suggests that those inspections 
working: according to some estimates, 90% to 95% of Iraq’s chemical and biological
weapons were eliminated, and its nuclear program was almost completely dismantled.
When the UN withdrew inspectors in 1998, independent investigations confirmed Iraqi
claims that members of the inspection team were “spies” reporting directly to the CIA 
to Israeli Mossad. One inspector even left behind a homing device to provide guidance 
US bombers, which attacked Iraq in December 1998 during Operation Desert Fox (which,
because it played out during the scandal surrounding President Clinton’s affair with 
Lewinsky, was often described as a “wag-the-dog” ruse).

In mid-September, 2002, Iraq agreed unconditionally to the return of weapons 
however, the US responded discouragingly. American Secretary of State Powell said 
that, if
UN inspectors attempt to return to Iraq, the US would “move into thwart mode.” Before
inspectors are allowed back in, the Bush administration is demanding the passage of a 
UN resolution that is virtually guaranteed to be unacceptable to Iraq (for example, it 
for the US to have representatives on any inspection team, for the inspection teams to 
up militarily protected bases and travel corridors in any part of the country they 
choose, for
Iraq to permit unrestricted landing of all aircraft, including unmanned spy planes, 
and for
the US to be able to remove any Iraqi citizen from the country for questioning— all of 
effectively dissolving Iraqi sovereignty and amounting to a de facto military 
occupation; if
Iraq were to balk at implementing even the smallest detail of the resolution, member 
would automatically be entitled to use “all necessary means” to enforce it). The 
is designed not to make inspections more effective, but to eliminate them and ensure 
war ensues.

3. Saddam Hussein is a brutal dictator who killed his own people. True enough. But 
as a pretext for war this doesn’t make sense. Saddam was just as evil in the 1980s, 
he was using poison gas on the Kurds in his northern territories. But then the US 
of him, offering logistical support as well as aid in establishing chemical and 
weapons programs. The US has supported many evil dictators over the years; why attack
this particular one now? Is there a sudden crisis of evilness that must be addressed
militarily and immediately, even to the point of killing perhaps thousands or tens of
thousands of innocent civilians in the process?

4. Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) that pose a threat to
his neighbors and to the American people. But, as documented by the UN and the CIA, 
has far less capability in that regard now than in 1990. As noted above, many of Iraq’s
WMDs were covertly supplied by the US. The US itself has vast stores of nuclear 
and is the only nation to have used such weapons against a civilian population. Of the
countries in the Middle East, Israel has by far the largest inventory of WMDs; yet the 
US has
not proposed that Israel be attacked for that reason. Oddly enough, Iraq’s neighbors 
do not
appear concerned about the threat posed to them; indeed, most of them are pleading with
the US not to attack. And no credible analyst has suggested that, even if Iraq does 
remnant WMDs, its leaders have either the ability or the intent to use them against US
citizens, absent a large-scale attack.

5. Saddam Hussein provides aid to the Islamic terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 
on the US. According to polls, nearly 70% of the American people believe that this is 
case, and administration officials have made claims to this effect on several 
However, no one has supplied credible evidence for the assertion. Moreover, any such 
would be counterintuitive. Osama bin Laden and other radical Islamists detest secular 
states, of which Iraq is one of the foremost. And secular Arab leaders, in turn, fear 
despise the radical Islamists. It was Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi —not George Bush or Bill
Clinton—who was the first world leader to call for the arrest of bin Laden, in 1994,
following terrorist attacks on his nation. Why would Saddam aid his own sworn enemies?
Two other nations in the region have been shown to have much more credible links with 
Qaida—Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Why is Bush not demanding attacks on these countries?

If none of these stated rationales is the true reason for Bush’s insistence on war, 
then the
identification of his true motives requires some speculation.

Quest for Empire

Several recent articles, noting the flimsiness of the official war rationale, have 
possible underlying psychological drives. One writer (Mike Hersh, of Online Journal) 
tells us
that White House insiders privately assert that Bush is “out of control.” In prepared
speeches, Bush dutifully reads the litany of Saddam’s violations and crimes. But in a 
off-the-cuff comment (9/26/ 02), Bush is reported to have said simply, “This is a guy 
tried to kill my dad,” referring to a purported failed 1993 assassination plot against 
president Bush. (The only pieces of evidence ever brought forward for the existence of 
a plot were confessions extracted by Kuwaiti torturers; nevertheless, Clinton 
retaliated with
missiles, which hit a residential area and killed eight Iraqi civilians.) Is mere 
revenge the underlying motive for Bush’s war?

Revenge may indeed be a contributory factor—at least in the tiny mind of George W. Bush
himself. But it is important to remember that many government officials who do not 
share a
personal grudge against Saddam are promoting this war. This is a project that has
emerged from a consensus of strategists whose purposes are undoubtedly more
sophisticated than the pursuit of a family feud. Since official statements give us 
almost no
insight into the real reasons why the American leadership is determined to pursue an
expensive and risky war halfway around the world, one must indulge in a little informed
speculation. In what ways might Bush or the people close to him have something to gain
from such a war?

When we pursue this line of thought, three clear possible motives quickly come to mind:

1. Party politics and power. The American economy is in terrible shape now, with the 
market at levels not seen since 1997, corporate bankruptcies accumulating weekly, and
revelations ongoing about corporate accounting fraud at the highest levels. A projected
trillion-dollar surplus has become a trillion-dollar deficit in a mere eighteen 
months. As the
bubbles of the exuberant 1990s burst one by one, many economic analysts believe that 
entire world may be teetering on the brink of a depression at least as serious as that 
of the
1930s. This should be horrific political news for the party in power. However, with
Americans’ attention riveted by the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Bush and the 
Republicans have
had to endure scant scrutiny. The White House occupant’s handlers cannot help but have
noticed that terrorism and war do wonders for the leader’s poll numbers, while economic
headlines do the opposite. An obvious strategy: find ways to dominate the news with 
inducing, patriotic war talk. David Morris, writing on Alternet, opines that Bush’s 
rattling is all about politics, and suggests that, after the November elections, 
inspectors will return to Iraq and threats of attack will subside.

There’s no question that war is good politics, but are there other motives at work that
might result in Bush’s threats actually being carried out?

2. Global dominance. The foreign-policy advisors surrounding Bush all share views 
in a report, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” issued in 2000 by the Project for the New
American Century. The report calls for American military dominance of Earth and space,
pre-emptive strikes on any potential rival, unquestioning support for Israel, and the 
of international opinion in the pursuit of US strategic objectives. Most of the 
report’s authors
(including Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defense secretary) are now highly placed 
officials, and the document itself is closely echoed by the official National Security 
released by the administration on September 20. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and
the rest appear to view Iraq as a symbolic challenge to US hegemony, Saddam Hussein
having survived one US-led attack and over ten years of punishing economic sanctions. 
toppling of his regime thus represents a test of the aggressive new American strategic

In this view, an attack on Iraq serves an emblematic purpose, sending a message to the
rest of the world saying, Defy us at your peril. Yet still something is missing. Why 
the US economy to project US military might if there is nothing concrete to be gained

3. Oil. Here, perhaps, we get to the real nub of the issue. The US needs oil; its 
wealth was
built on energy resources and on its ability to deploy technologies to use those 
(cars, planes, and industrial machinery). American oil production peaked in 1970 and 
now it
imports well over half of what it uses. In order to maintain its global dominance, the 
needs to be able to control global oil prices. However, since the 1970s, the OPEC 
of the Middle East, by virtue of their immense petroleum reserves, have had that 
power. It
is Saudi Arabia, as swing producer, that has opened or closed the spigot to enable
economic booms (the mid 1980s and the mid- and late 1990s) or provoke recessions (1973,
2000). Now Saudi Arabia teeters, beset by a growing and youthful population, dwindling
per-capita incomes, and simmering Islamist radicalism.

Iraq has reserves second only to those of Saudi Arabia. Because of the war with Iran 
in the
1980s and sanctions in the 1990s, those reserves are not as fully exploited as those of
other nations in the region. This makes Iraq a prize for the taking—a fact not 
overlooked by
Russia and France, which also covet its future oil production. If the US could install 
compliant puppet regime in Bagdhad, it could break the back of OPEC, establish its 
first in line ahead of Russia and France, and weather any potential upset in Saudi 

Upon entering office, Dick Cheney, chair of the White House Energy Policy Development
Group, commissioned a report on “energy security” from the Baker Institute for Public
Policy, a think-tank set up by former US secretary of state James Baker. The report,
“Strategic Energy Policy Challenges For The 21st Century,” issued in April 2001, 
“The United States remains a prisoner of its energy dilemma. Iraq remains a 
influence to . . . the flow of oil to international markets from the Middle East. 
Hussein has also demonstrated a willingness to threaten to use the oil weapon and to 
his own export program to manipulate oil markets. Therefore the US should conduct an
immediate policy review toward Iraq including military, energy, economic and political/
diplomatic assessments.”

Cheney, the former CEO of the Texas oil firm Halliburton, was advised principally by
Kenneth Lay, the disgraced former chief executive of Enron—the US energy-trading giant
that went bankrupt following the revelation of massive accounting fraud. Other advisers
included Luis Giusti, a Shell non- executive director; John Manzoni, regional 
president of BP;
and David O’Reilly, chief executive of ChevronTexaco.

The Baker report refers to the impact of fuel shortages on voters and recommends a “new
and viable US energy policy central to America’s
domestic economy and to [the] nation’s security and foreign policy.” It also says that 
“turns its taps on and off when it has felt such action was in its strategic interest 
to do so,”
adding that there is a “possibility that Saddam Hussein may remove Iraqi oil from the
market for an extended period of time” in order to raise prices. “Unless the United 
assumes a leadership role in the formation
of new rules of the game,” the report warns, “US firms, US consumers
and the US government [will be left] in a weaker position.”

No doubt all three of these latter factors have converged to galvanize the current Bush
policy toward Iraq. In light of these powerful motives, publicly stated concerns about 
violation of UN resolutions and its possession of WMDs pale in significance. The
administration has compelling reasons for its attack on Iraq; otherwise it would not 
so much financial and political capital in the effort. It is a shame, however, that 
reasons cannot be shared publicly; if they were, an interesting debate might ensue. As 
it is,
politicians and press commentators alike are in the awkward position of having to state
plausible-sounding opinions about inherently implausible statements and rationales 
from the administration. The ensuing charade is painful to witness.

The War’s Likely Progress and Consequences

Absurd as its rationales may be, the war itself is a deadly serious prospect. What 
happen if efforts to dissuade the Bush administration fail?

If the war goes according to plan, it will be over in just a few weeks. An 
overwhelming air
attack will be followed by an invasion of ground troops mopping up Republican Guard
resistance in the cities. The Iraqi people themselves will welcome American troops with
open arms, delighted to be rid of their tyrant.

Other nations in the region will be cowed into obedience by this show of strength; or, 
their regimes display weakness or intransigence, they can be overthrown as needed.

Early in the hostilities, and perhaps prior to their commencement, president Hugo 
Chavez of
Venezuela must be ousted (and killed) so as to terminate his nationalist and leftist 
on OPEC policies and ensure the free flow of oil from his country to the US during the
course of the conflict in the Middle East.

Also early in the hostilities, Israel must be expected to take advantage of the 
exclusive focus
of world attention on Iraq by militarily pushing virtually the entire Palestinian 
population out
of the West Bank and Gaza, perhaps into Jordan, thus solving the “Palestinian problem”
once and for all.

According to analysts at STRATFOR (the online strategic forecasting service), Dick 
and his advisors are working on a long-term plan for post-war Iraq. The currently 
approach is to unite Iraq and Jordan in a pro-US Hashemite kingdom. The southern Shiite
and northern Kurdish areas, where most of Iraq’s oil is located, present a dilemma: the
former must be prevented from uniting with Iran, the latter from uniting with Kurdish 
in Turkey and agitating for a Kurdish state. Both must be granted some sort of limited
autonomy but kept under close US control.

With Iraq’s oil resources now accessible to American oil companies, and with Chavez 
from Venezuela, the power of OPEC will have been crushed. Oil prices will fall and the
American economy will be saved from ruin (for the time being). American oil companies
will grow rich. With large numbers of troops now permanently stationed in the Middle 
the US will have become an overt military empire.

That is the outcome if everything goes as expected. Unfortunately, however, a new Iraq
war would hardly be the first unprovoked US military adventure, and experience has 
that such adventures often don’t go according to plan (does the word Vietnam ring any
bells?). What could go wrong in this instance? One hardly knows where to start.

What if the Iraqi people decide to resist invasion rather than welcoming their American
liberators? The war could become a house-to-house urban war of attrition with mounting
casualties on both sides. At the same time, Saddam Hussein, realizing that he is done 
might well decide to unleash every weapon in his arsenal, with the hope of provoking 
widest possible war in the region. The US would then need more than the minimal 200,000
ground troops it is now planning to deploy, and the draft might have to be reinstated. 
would in turn provoke more anti-war protests at home, and thus necessitate more
government repression. If other states in the region are overthrown by Islamist 
movements as a result of popular uprisings triggered by the war, efforts by the US to
occupy those nations might seriously overextend American forces; then, rather than face
defeat on any front, commanders might resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
Israel, perhaps finding itself under attack from Arab neighbor states, might itself 
decide to
unleash some of its 200 or so nukes. At the same time, popular outrage throughout the
Arab and Muslim world at US actions might result in a dramatic increase in 
“terrorism” worldwide. Pakistan, which (unlike Iraq) does have functional nuclear 
could easily fall to the Islamists; if that were to happen, a nuclear device would 
come to the hands of al Qaida in short order. Not only would the US economy be 
by high oil prices and the costs of war, but American cities and citizens abroad would 

In sum, an outcome in which a years-long World War is triggered, with multiple nuclear
weapons being detonated and hundreds of thousands or millions being killed, may be 
as likely as that in which everything goes as the war planners hope.

All of this to maintain and extend the power of small group of criminal ideologues in
Washington, and to keep American motorists fueled up and mobile for another decade or

Who Wants This War?

The potential consequences of the imminent American attack on Iraq are fairly evident 
people in most nations around the world — except the people of the US. Here, 
and pundits alike drone on about the menace of Saddam, while virtually no one dares
mention the far greater menace to global peace posed by the geopolitical strategists 
in the
White House. The American people are deeply unaware of their predicament; with the
encouragement of television they are—as more than one commentator has put it, and on
more than one occasion — “sleepwalking through history.” One might get the impression
that this is a nation of imbeciles (and this does seem to be the view from the rest of 
world); but Americans aren’t inherently any more stupid than anyone else. They are 
deliberately and systematically dumbed down. Their attention is distracted and 
from morning till night by slick PR professionals in both corporate and government 

One tool in the arsenal of these professional opinion shapers is the poll. These days 
we are
told that most Americans favor an attack on Iraq, and most think that Mr. Bush is 
doing a
splendid job in leading this brave nation. The polls tend to be deeply disheartening 
to those
who make any attempt whatever to view current events in historical and international
context. But one has to view the polls in perspective. What are people actually being 
Perhaps if questions were rephrased, answers would be more meaningful. What if a
random sample were asked, “Do you get your news from alternative sources and think
critically about world issues?” The portion of the sample that replied affirmatively 
almost exactly correspond with the 40% of the population that is reputed to disapprove 
the “president’s” job performance. Other possible questions: “Do you watch lots of
television and pay minimal attention to civic and world affairs? Are you so absorbed 
work and family that you just don’t have time to think about much else?” Those who gave
an affirmative reply to those questions would, one might well guess, correspond almost
identically with the 60% who are said to approve of Bush and his war plans. The latter
group is, in effect, saying to pollsters, “Yeah, sure, whatever.” (“Do you approve of 
the way
the ‘president’ is doing his job?” “Yeah, sure, whatever.” “Do you want a World War to
erupt in the Middle East?” “Whatever.”)

Meanwhile the overwhelming majority of letters, phone calls, faxes, and e- mails that 
recently poured into the offices of the “president” and members of Congress, as a
congressional bill authorizing war was being debated, expressed opposition to an 
Even senior CIA and Pentagon officials expressed skepticism. Global opinion remains 
unanimously anti-war. It appears that nobody wants this war except the tiny circle of 
right strategists surrounding Bush. Yet no one appears able to stand up to these people
forcibly enough to stop them. Most of the Democrats in Congress, like Bush, are simply
watching the polls, looking toward the November elections; there’s no political 
capital to be
made by taking a strong anti-war stand. So the Bushies will have their war. And heaven
help us all.

Sic Transit Imperium Americanum

George W. Bush aspires to be a Caesar, make no mistake about it. But despite his
bellicosity and imperial pretentions, the comparison with Julius utterly fails. Bush 
jr. perhaps
bears more resemblance to some of the feeble and dissolute hereditary emperors of the
third century, men whose names are familiar now only to specialist historians.

In reality, the American empire passed its zenith in the late 1960s and early 1970s, 
as US
oil production peaked and the nation squandered its financial wealth on a pointless 
war in
Southeast Asia. Since then, as its petroleum resources and gold reserves have dwindled,
the US has been steadily losing ground both politically and economically. Post-peak 
is awash in debt, dependent on imports, and mired in corruption. Nations around the 
fear its military and watch its television shows, but ridicule its leaders and 
policies. The far-
right ideologues who have hijacked the political and strategic leadership of the 
fancy themselves as establishing an American empire, whereas they must know in their
heart-of-hearts that they are merely presiding over that empire’s inevitable twilight. 
chest-thumping patriotic triumphalism would be pathetic if it were not so profoundly
perilous. The gambit of an Iraq war is a desperate measure, a floundering attempt to
maintain power and authority that are fast slipping away. But, like the flailings of a 
caught in quicksand, these efforts can only hasten the undertow. The US can still 
but cannot control the rest of the world. Bush, after all, is just a Caesar wannabe 

The fall of Rome occurred over several centuries. The fall of imperial America will be 
more dramatic and impactful, and much quicker, lasting only decades at the most. What a
shame that such a momentous time in the history of the world should be presided over by
people who are not only greedy and ruthless (one can almost take that for granted), but
talentless and unimaginative as well.

Richard Heinbergis a journalist, educator, editor, lecturer, and musician. He has 
widely, appearing on national radio and television in five countries. His essays have
appeared in The Futurist, Intuition, The Sun, Brain/Mind Bulletin, Magical Blend, New 
and elsewhere.

His monthly, MuseLetter, was nominated in 1994 by Utne Readerfor an Alternative Press
Award and has been included in Utne's annual list of Best Alternative Newsletters. He 
is the
author of Memories and Visions of Paradise: Exploring the Universal Myth of a Lost 
Age; Celebrate the Solstice: Honoring the Earth's Seasonal Rhythms through Festival and
Ceremony; A New Covenant with Nature: Notes on the End of Civilization and the Renewal
of Culture; and Cloning the Buddha: The Moral Impact of Biotechnology. (A New Covenant
with Nature was a recipient of the 1997 Books to Live ByAward of Excellence from
Body/Mind/ Spirit magazine.) His most recent work, The Party's Over: Oil, War and the 
of Industrial Societies, will be available soon. Heinberg is a core faculty member of 
College of California, where he teaches courses on Energy and Society, and Culture,
Ecology and Sustainable Community. He is an Honored Member of Strathmore's Who's Who
Registry, is listed in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, and is a member of the 
Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations. He is also an accomplished 
violinist and
illustrator / book designer.

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