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*** He was a war baby born Dec. 11, 1943 in Colorado, where his father, an Army pilot, overcame a bout with tuberculosis. He was the first son to a father, Richard Kerry, who hailed from an upper-class Boston family of Irish and Scotish ancestry. His mother was a Forbes, a family which made its name and wealth developing trade routes to bring tea from China. Today, the Forbeses own most of the Elizabeth Islands off Cape Cod where Kerry still goes to sail and ride horses. His mother, Rosemary Forbes Kerry, also is a Winthrop, descended from the Massachusetts Bay Colony's first governor, John Winthrop.

After the war, Richard Kerry became a diplomat, first in Washington, then Oslo, Paris and Berlin. John attended a string of Swiss boarding schools. The second of four children, he grew up largely away from his parents, creating ``a sense of dislocation,'' as he puts it. He skied the Alps and vacationed at a family estate in Brittany.

Says Peggy Kerry, John's older sister: ``There is a European kind of formality to us and to John that I would say has carried over. Like the French difference between "tu" and "vous," John still sees the world that way, and sees the difference between his public life and his personal life that way.''

At 13, Kerry was sent to St. Paul's, the prestigious Episcopalian preparatory school near Concord, N.H. Though his mother is Episcopalian and his father Catholic, the children were raised in the Catholic church and Kerry says he often felt like an outsider at the school.


From 1973 to 1976, Kerry attended Boston College Law School, and began working in the Middlesex District Attorney's office: the first step in his political maturation. By then, he and his wife had two daughters.

He worked hard at the DA's office, building a more traditional political resume that would ultimately lead to a successful run for lieutenant governor in 1982. He was divorced from Julia that same year, and says he has remained close to his daughters, now in college at Yale and Brown.


He has remarried to Teresa Heinz, the very rich, philanthropic widow of Senator John Heinz III, the Pennsylvania Republican. To this day, friends and family say, Vietnam haunts Kerry with nightmares that regularly stir him from his sleep, screaming.



John Forbes Kerry

Also known as: John F(orbes) Kerry, John F. Kerry

Birth: December 22, 1943 in Denver, Colorado, United States
Nationality: American
Occupation: senator
Source: Biography Resource Center Online. Gale Group, 2001.


Biographical Essay
Further Readings
Source Citation


John Kerry, the enigmatic, three term Massachusetts senator, has been labeled a "liberal" and a "new Democrat" by supporters and opponents. However, Kerry, who the Nation called, "the Eliot Ness crusader who takes on tough cases to serve justice... [and] the dispassionate policy advocate who can appear more intrigued with issues than with making contact" has quoted French write Andre Gide in response-"Don't try to understand me too quickly."

John Forbes Kerry was born on December 22, 1943 in Denver, Colorado. Raised by his blue-blooded mother, and lawyer and United States Foreign Service member father, Kerry "grew up in an atmosphere in which politics was passed around the table like mashed potatoes," noted the Christian Science Monitor. In boarding school, Kerry began to emulate President John F. Kennedy, even signing his papers, "J.F.K."-which happened to also be his monogram. This emulation continued at Yale University where Kerry joined the Yale Political Union and debated political issues. He also became a member of Yale's famed secret society, Skull and Bones.

Fought in Vietnam, then Against It

In 1966, after graduating from Yale, Kerry enlisted in the U.S. Navy, although he had denounced the Vietnam War in a commencement speech. He served as a gunboat officer on the Mekong Delta in Vietnam and became, as the Nation noted, "a believer in the war." However, after winning the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts for his heroism, Kerry, as the Nation further noted, "returned [to the United States] full of horror." He obtained an early-release from the Navy and decided to run for Congress. After abandoning his run to support Reverend Robert F. Drinan's campaign, Kerry became a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW).

As a leader of the VVAW, Kerry organized numerous demonstrations against the war including, as the VVAW named it, "a limited incursion into the country of Congress." In 1971, Kerry spoke to members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where he asked his much-quoted question, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" This speech catapulted Kerry into the political arena, and even inspired an attempt to lower the age minimums for congressmen and senators so that he could run for either seat in the 1972 elections. Kerry did run for the seat in the Fifth congressional district in Massachusetts; however, he lost.

Stepped Out of Limelight

For the next decade, Kerry left the political spotlight. He returned to college and earned a law degree from Boston College in 1976. Next, he worked as an assistant district attorney until he opened a law practice in 1979. During this time, Kerry also taught college classes and commentated for news programs. In 1980, it seemed as if Kerry was ready to return to politics, but he backed out of the Democratic Congressional primaries. Two years later, he successfully won the race for Massachusetts' lieutenant governor. After Senator Paul E. Tsongas vacated his Senate seat due to illness in 1984, Kerry leapt at the chance to fill the vacancy. However, he faced serious competition from Ray Shamie, an older, more conservative candidate. Voters understood where Shamie stood on the issues. With Kerry, on the other hand, most saw a John F. Kennedy wanna-be who as a Boston Globe columnist commented, "[Kerry] wrote the game plan for [his] life while he was still sitting in the sandbox." Still, Kerry, with 55 percent of the vote, won the Senate seat.

Still Unknown, but 16 Year Vet

During his first term as senator, Kerry focused not on legislation, but on prosecution. From 1986 until 1989, Kerry dug into allegations that the Contras, who the United States had supported in their efforts against the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, had been traffiking drugs. During this investigation, Kerry discovered Oliver North's involvement in the effort and wrote a highly damning, but largely ignored report. Jack Blum, the lead investigator on Kerry's team recalled in the Nation that Kerry was "frustrated that so much of our work was written off by the Senate and much of the press." However, Kerry continued digging and discovered that the United States had known that Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega was a drug lord and that the Bank of Credit and Commerce International served as a drug money launderer even for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

During his second term as senator, from 1990 until 1996, Kerry returned his focus to Vietnam. Even though Kerry would not talk about the war, as the Nation quoted, "I don't and I can't. The things that probably really turned me off I've never told anybody." He began, however, to push for the government to declassify records regarding MIA and POWs. By doing do, he connected with families and with the nation as a whole, as the Nation further commented, "to bring a close to the war." However, this wasn't Kerry's only purpose. As one aide told the Nation, Kerry's prosecutions and investigations are "all about Vietnam. You have to expose government lies... to keep the Establishment-John Kerry's Establishment-honest."

In the 1996 Congressional campaign, voters who were unenthusiastic about Kerry's devotion to international and free trade issues began to connect with the popular Republican governor, William Weld. Thus, Kerry, who had served as Massachusetts's senator for over 10 years and who had led such groundbreaking investigations as Iran-contra and the declassification of POW and MIA records, was in danger of losing his Senate seat. He had failed to garner passionate support from voters because he had failed to "value" as the Nation stated, "human-touch campaigning." However, after garnering the support of labor and teacher's unions, Kerry won-but just by eight points.

In his third Senate term, Kerry has found success by targeting environmental issues such as protecting the United States' coastlines. In July 2001, the Senate passed the Kerry Amendment that prevented President George W. Bush from opening federally-protected land to oil and gas drilling. Yet, even after 30 years of public service, Kerry has maintained a mysterious appearance and is difficult to categorize, or, as the Nation quoted one voter, "[He] makes you wonder where his convictions are." For Kerry, his convictions are evident from his investigations and the amendments he has sponsored.


Further Readings


  • Christian Science Monitor, July 1985.

  • Nation, July 16, 2001.


"John Forbes Kerry." Biography Resource Center Online. Gale Group, 2001.
Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: The Gale Group. 2002.


Born: Denver, Colorado, December 11, 1943 to Richard John Kerry and Rosemary Forbes Kerry.

Education: B.A. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut - 1966
J.D. Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts - 1976

    Positions in the Government:
    Assistant Attorney - Middlesex County, Mass. - 1976-79
    Lieutenant Governor, Mass. - 1982
    United States Senate, Mass. - 1985-

    Committee Assignments:
    Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Committee
    Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee
    Foreign Relations Committee
    Small Business Committee
    Select Intelligence Committee
    Democratic Steering Committee Chairman

    Business and Professional Positions:
    Attorney - Kerry & Sragow, Boston, Mass. - 1979-83

    Military Service:
    Entered Navy - 1966
    Released as Lieutenant after serving in Vietnam from 1966-69
    Received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, three Purple Hearts, Navy Unit Commendation, Presidential Citation.

    American and Massachusetts Bar Associations


      Mailing Address:
      SR-421 Russell Senate Office Building
      Washington, DC 20510


      The early years

      Of all the family experiences that set him apart, it may have been his earliest years that molded his manner - and reserve. Kerry, whose father was a diplomat, spent large portions of his childhood in Europe. Kerry was sent to boarding school in Switzerland at age 11, as was the fashion then, when his parents were living in Berlin. But Kerry was not happy about it. His mother, Rosemary, 88, who was raised in France and England and did not come to the States until she was 19, says, ''I realize now that he was very homesick. I'm sure it had a large impact on him.''

      And so one day he ran away. Or so family members say. Kerry's mother says that Kerry fled the school and headed for an Italian section of Switzerland. But Kerry, the second of four children, tells the story differently. He says he was looking for his elder sister, Peggy, who attended another Swiss school, and that he was merely playing hooky for a day. He was certainly not fleeing - the very idea seems to clash with his sense of who he is.

      ''I was not, quote, `running away from school, ''' Kerry said. ''I was basically playing hooky. I had every intention of returning.''

      Which raises the question: Did Kerry, as famous for his crisp dark suits as a certain Boy Scout aura of propriety, ever deliberately break the rules in school? ''Oh, yeah. Absolutely,'' he says with a laugh. Asked what he did, there is a longish silence. And then Kerry tells of the time he was in school and refused to eat his dessert. So adamant was young John that he was made to sit at the table for more than two hours in front of the dessert.

      ''It just became a battle of the wills,'' exclaimed Kerry. ''I was just gagging on it, and I think I finally won. It was rhubarb, and to this day I cannot eat rhubarb.''

      If that is not exactly the sort of story that Harley riders trade as they roar down the interstate, Kerry admits to having strayed from the straight and narrow a few other times, too. Sort of. During his 1990 campaign, Kerry admitted that he had tried marijuana, but said he didn't like it and never did it again. He was arrested for civil disobedience in 1971 during an antiwar demonstration. He admits to running red lights. And to a few speeding tickets. Asked if he had committed any moral wrong, Kerry said, ''If so, that is between me and my confessor priest.''

      Even as a child, Kerry burned with the same fierce energy that keeps him criss-crossing the country from fund-raisers to conventions. In the early 1950s he handed out buttons for Adlai Stevenson, and as a teenager cruised the North Shore, trumpeting the names of state and local candidates through a public address system mounted on top of the car. He often concluded his pitch, according to his sister Diana Kerry, with the words ''and John Kerry for sheriff.'' While critics have long charged that he flits from one issue to another in search of the TV camera's glare, family members say it's just his pace.

      ''As a kid, Johnny would have been diagnosed as hyperactive if such a thing had been around then,'' said Diana Kerry, 54, who recently returned to Massachusetts after teaching overseas for two decades. ''This is one of the things that makes him harder to know. I mean, he just isn't someone you sit down with and talk to for hours in front of the fireplace.''

      Six strings attached

      And so when Kerry bought a guitar and began to play in order to court Teresa Heinz some years ago, his mother was ''quite surprised. It was not what I expected of Johnny,'' Rosemary Kerry said.

      The guitar has become a symbol of what Kerry's inner circle might call the ''new'' Kerry. If the old Kerry was brash and fiercely ambitious, or ''too serious,'' in Kerry's words, they say the new Kerry is more seasoned and reflective, more able to connect.

      Kerry, in fact, has experienced a number of seismic events in recent years. After seven years of post-divorce bachelorhood, he married Heinz, a woman as ebullient and outspoken as he is reserved, in 1995. (Heinz is also forthright, the kind of woman who, noticing during an interview that her pants zipper is completely undone, declares, ''Well, look at that,'' and zips it up without missing a beat. ) The following year he endured a grueling battle for reelection against Weld, which many liken to a ''near-death experience'' for Kerry. And then, in 2000, his father died. All of which is said to have left him a more grounded man. He has gone, to put it one way, from playing bass with the Electras at St. Paul's School, in Concord, N.H., to playing classical melodies for his friend James Taylor. Kim Taylor, Taylor's wife, tells of listening to Kerry play guitar in his living room.

      ''It was after dinner and James saw the guitar and John picked it up,'' Kim Taylor recalled. ''He was so excited about his progress. I mean, he was undaunted. So he played a couple of songs, and James was very impressed. He was so excited about the instrument. He said it helped him relax.''

      It does not have quite the same impact on his staff, who say that Kerry will sometimes pull his guitar out in the middle of a meeting and start playing his favorite show tunes from ''Cats'' and ''Evita.'' Kerry's tastes are eclectic at best: He takes classical lessons and plays some works of Spanish virtuoso Andres Segovia, but is also a fan of the Beatles and the theme song from ''E. T.'' Whatever the tune, the guitar seems to be part of the process that the senator, who occasionally refers to himself in the third person, describes as ''the growing and greening of John Kerry.''

      ''When I started out in politics, I really saw issues,'' explained Kerry. ''We want to end the war. We've got to do this and that. And I think more and more as I've gotten older I see relationships. I see people and life as it affects them.''

      The senator up close

      No one is more succinct about Kerry than the younger of his two daughters, Vanessa, 25, a first-year student at Harvard Medical School. (His other daughter, Alexandra, 28, is an aspiring writer in Los Angeles.) Her key adjective for her father: goofy. She tells of her father jumping from behind rocks to surprise her and her cousins on country walks. And of calling her at night on the telephone to play her a tune on the guitar. And of his ''bad, bad jokes.'' Vanessa Kerry, who wears her father's blue oxford shirt bearing the initials JFK during an interview, is quick to say that her father likes to win. He is, after all, ''the first off the boat and the first on the trail and the first into the freezing water. When he's leading the charge, he's the first.'' But he also taught her that being first is not everything.

      ''My father always made sure my sister and I didn't get a sense of ego. We were special not because of who we were, but because we had opportunities,'' she said. ''And with opportunity comes responsibility. My father has always recognized that he had a lot of blessings.''

      Vanessa Kerry says the changes in her father's life and particularly his close race in 1996 caused him to ''reassess himself. I think it's just wakened him up to the importance of relationships, that it's not just [about] getting the work done.''

      The race, certainly, inflamed the topic of Kerry's supposed remoteness like never before. Kerry won by 7 percent and says he learned some important lessons: ''One of the reasons I had the race that I had with Bill Weld was because people didn't know me. And I think one of the reasons I won the race was because people got to know me.''

      But as Kerry eyes the 2004 campaign, some who know him aren't sure how well he will wear. ''John is like a first date,'' said one former staffer. ''He's very likable at first glance. But then you find out your date is not paying enough attention, or not thinking about you and is not really around.''

      Michael Barone, editor of The Almanac of American Politics and a senior writer for U.S. News & World Report, puts it a little differently: ''This is a man whose world is Louisburg Square, Nantucket, and Georgetown. His demeanor comes across as a person who has a certain amount of contempt for those who do not share his views. They must simply be ignorant or foolish. If he runs for president, I think this is something he has to work on.''

      He is. To date, there are two possible opponents for his Senate seat: Libertarian Michael Cloud, a self-described ''fund-raising specialist,'' and Anthony Kandel, a political novice and history teacher, neither of them exactly formidable. So Kerry is free to take his campaign far and wide. Already this year he has been in California seven days and New York six days. He has addressed Democratic gatherings in three states, including New Hampshire, and is scheduled to address two more in the next month, including the Massachusetts Jefferson Jackson dinner. Between appearances, he meets frequently with interest groups, particularly labor and women, and has a new Web site (John

      Kerry.com) that showcases his activities.

      Kerry has also proved to be a potent fund-raiser, which is a good thing, because Heinz says she's not chipping in. During the 1996 race, she says, people ''felt, `Oh, she can help him. Well, [expletive],''' declared Heinz, sitting on a chintz sofa in the couple's Beacon Hill home. ''It's not a choice if you believe in democratic principles. ... I can think of better things to do with the money than give it to television stations.''

      To see more photos of John Kerry's early days, go to www.boston.com/globe/living.

      Although few doubt that he is girding for presidential battle, Kerry is proceeding with characteristic caution. He may ride a Harley, but with some things he is not a risk taker.

      ''There have been people who have run for president for whom there wasn't really a chance that they might get elected. It was just implausible,'' said Kerry. ''I don't want to be like that. If I decided to do it, I want to do it ... because it is real. Not quixotic. That it's real.''

      The reality is the grinding demand of presidential politics. There are voters to be wooed, media to be accommodated, no matter the indignities that often entails.

      And so it was that several weeks ago, a moment occurred that shows just how far Kerry still has to go. There he was, crammed into a car on the tiny underground train that runs the distance from the Dirkson Senate Office Building to the US Capitol building - all 366 yards of it - with a CNN reporter and a phalanx of camerapeople and aides. And there was Kerry, in his charcoal-gray suit, sitting as the train churned back and forth, back and forth, back and forth between its twin poles, agreeably shouting the answers to questions he has been asked many, many times before.

      And there, waiting on the platform, was his driver, holding a cup of low-fat strawberry yogurt for Kerry, a trickle of pink sliding down his hand.

      This story ran on page D1 of the Boston Globe
      Edited by: yourworstnite at: 6/14/02 5:18:05 pm

      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 1:41 AM
      Subject: Do we know Senator Kerry's Geneology?

      i saw the latest UQ posting of mike ruppert's disquisition concerning the
      IROCK . especially his note on john kerry.

      it seems to me that there is an important story about kerry. i could be
      wrong, but i think his name is JOHN FORBES KERRY. this does not relate him
      to Forbes magazine. oh no, his ancestors are more powerful than that.

      CABOT, CABOT, & FORBES ring a bell? private islands offshore woods hole.
      perhaps a larger fortune than the rockefellers and no one seems to know
      the name. and that is the way that they like it.

      this Forbes family is beyond brahminism, i think.

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