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Title: The D.C. Sniper Case: An Occult Charade
-Caveat Lector-
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
Oct. 23, 2002

The D.C. Sniper Case: An Occult Charade

Copyright (c) 2002 by Michael A. Hoffman II

At this point in the sniper(s) case we are seeing expanding dimensions of what my late mentor James Shelby Downard would term an "occult charade."

I have not written lately about this case because I do not wish to be lured into arriving at premature conclusions, such as have been floated by others, especially at the point when the shooter(s) had allegedly killed nine and wounded 11 (9/11). Some Internet scribes fell for this rush-to-judgement pitfall by proclaiming a 9/11 sniper signature or message. One must be prudent and avoid forcing data to fit one's own personal prejudices or pet theories. Wishful thinking has no place in sleuthing. Such thinking is the mark of an enthusiast rather than a sleuth and only serves the Cryptocracy by performing the X-Files function of muddying the waters and generating "noise."

The Feds are certainly capable of playing pranks on investigators and the public and I would characterize at least some of the reports about this case on Oct. 21 and 22 as telephone pranks and deliberate misdirection, such as what a stage magician uses. For example, the white van parked at the pay phone with two dark-skinned, Hispanic suspects who were said not to be involved, and yet the pay phone where their white van was parked had actually been used by "the sniper" to make a call to police, or so we were fleetingly told. (In part three of this series we mentioned the phonological coding system of the advertising industry as it relates to the formulation of such brand names as Exxon, Vioxx and Viagra. We noted that these are known in the industry as PHONEmes).

Almost all of the "expert criminologists" and former or current "profilers" consulted by the corporate media are beholden to either the corporate media or the police for their continued livelihood and public prominence, and they generally do not challenge the official line in any substantive manner. Lately it has been claimed by these "expert criminologists" that the sniper is a control-freak and that he is "in control of this case." But of course the sniper(s) is not in control. At most, "the sniper" is a partner with the media and police in controlling and shaping how the case is presented to the public and thus, how consensus reality is manufactured.

For example, it is the police who routinely confirm that all the shooting victims are victims of the same sniper(s), based on bullets allegedly extracted from bodies and subsequent police ballistic tests. So-called expert criminologists who automatically proceed from the assumption that the police are retailing infallible truth about the victims and the bullets, are about as sophisticated as the kids who whitewashed Tom Sawyer's fence. Have the media sent their own independent ballistics technicians to confirm the police findings? Without independent corroboration of police ballistics tests, I do not see how any authentic criminologist or journalist can assume anything about who killed the victims grouped and ascribed to "the sniper."

Boston mobster Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi was able to murder numerous rivals with assistance from the Boston bureau of the FBI. Former FBI officials Larry Potts and Danny Coulson, who serve as media consultants on this sniper case, ordered the murder of the Weaver family in Idaho by sniper Lon Horiuchi. The top police investigator of England's Jack the Ripper murders, Freemason Sir Charles Warren, destroyed critical evidence in the Ripper case. The New York City police gave details of the whereabouts of Son of Sam eyewitnesses whose testimony conflicted with the official line, to criminal elements in New York. The FBI was shepherding Ted Kaczynski long before "Unabom" (an FBI construct) came to national prominence. Some of the Sept. 11 hijackers were shepherded by U.S. and Israeli intelligence assets right up to their Newark and Boston departure gates. The U.S. news media are fully aware of this sordid police history and of the cops-are-the-robbers scenario within law enforcement, yet they pretend as though the police in the sniper case were ipso facto, perpetual and unimpeachable paragons of integrity and veracity. But dissenters within police ranks say otherwise (see below).

The sniper(s) invisibility and elusiveness plants the subconscious suggestion in the Group Mind of the populace that the sniper(s) has: 1. extraordinary (almost occult) powers (thus heightening the aura of terror, awe and mass attraction that surround the case); and/or 2. that he is a member of the police force that is allegedly searching for the sniper, since that would explain the ease with which he evades capture.

Even though the supposed "hunt for the sniper" is largely being managed by the secret police agencies of the Federal government, local sheriffs and chiefs of police in Virginia and Maryland are being used as the mediagenic, folksy frontmen assigned to holding the news conferences (as of this writing, though in the last 24 hours Attorney General John Ashcroft has begun to assume a higher public profile in the case).

Conflicting signals and double-mindedness are necessary for sowing the amnesia and abulia (loss of will) which the U.S. government wishes to seed among its subject population. One has only to study the Pentagon's Urban Warfare Doctrine to see the key role which "information superiority" i.e. psychological warfare (PSYOP) and control of the media, play in manipulating a target population. PSYOP, according to the Pentagon's doctrine, entails having the media disseminate only the "approved message." The "approved message" generates confusion and defeatism among the resistance by sickening the mind of the population, in part by sending conflicting signals and propagating the double-mind, thereby "modifying attitudes and behavior of selected audiences." Cf. U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, "Joint Publication 3-06: Doctrine for Joint Urban Operations," (The Pentagon: Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 2002).

The corporate media in the U.S. have a thick portfolio of photographs of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands, smiling and cordially conferring with Saddam "Poison Gas" Hussein during the 1980s, when the Reagan administration was using secular, anti-fundamentalist, Baathist Iraq to make war on the emergent Islamic Republic of Iran. Prominent publication of these Rumsfeld/Saddam photos on television and in the press, accompanied by analysis and context, would seriously undermine the Bush administration's war aims as well as the ambitions of Republican candidates for Senate and the House of Representatives. However, since the corporate media desire the conquest of Iraq on grounds of Israeli "security" and U.S. acquisition of oil reserves, no such expose is in the offing. Furthermore, since the Republican party under George W. Bush has become more kosher than the Democrats, "liberal news media bias" against the Republican White House has abated, at least long enough for Bush to accomplish the military and geo-political objectives of his Israeli masters.

The suppression of the information about Rumsfeld's role as Saddam's one-time ally, is not air-tight, however. British reporter Robert Fisk has written about it and the facts have seeped around the Internet and into the fringes of the general population, where this minority truth collides with the majority's media-sown delusion that Rumsfeld has always been an implacable foe of Saddam. The end-result of the collision is bi-polar: generating conflicting signals and double-minded men. Couple these competing realities with the revelation that Communist North Korea has nuclear weapons and that Saddam only seeks them, and yet we are talking to Red Korea while bombing Iraq, and the double-mind is cleaved like a watermelon at summer picnic. Bi-polar is said to be a psychiatric condition. The imposition of such a condition on a target population, in this case the American people, is a recognized form of psychological warfare, along lines demarcated by the Pentagon's "Joint Publication 3-06: Doctrine for Joint Urban Operations" The Pentagon PSYOP tactics are being practiced near the heart of the sniper(s) turf, at the U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia.

Exactly one year ago, in October of 2001, America was in the grip of an "Arab terrorist" anthrax scare that kept hundreds of thousands of children indoors on Halloween and made millions of Americans apprehensive about opening their mail. The person or persons responsible for the dissemination of the anthrax toxin (which emanated from a U.S. government laboratory) have not, as yet, been apprehended.

Now, in October, 2002 the region in and around the nation's capital, the "District of Columbia" (Columbia is America's occult name), is in the grip of a "serial" killer sniper scare that keeps tens of thousands of children indoors and millions of Americans in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia apprehensive about being outside. The person or persons responsible for the shootings (which I suspect may emanate from a U.S. government behavior control laboratory) have not as of this writing been apprehended.

The Pentagon's "Joint Publication 3-06: Doctrine for Joint Urban Operations" is available for downloading as a pdf file at:


Look for a tiny link, "Pentagon Report on Urban Warfare" in the extreme right hand column on the page.


Our reporting about the sniper in the HOFFMAN WIRE have led to more tips from honest, dissenting members of the U.S. government and police. The latest information comes from a former sergeant who served with one of the nation's largest metropolitan police departments. He contacted us and offered the following information:

"An NBC reporter, Jeff Bloom, broadcast from the field, that Chief Moose has proven to be unreliable and so it was determined by the FBI and CIA that 'scripting' had to be used for his press interviews.

"...These fact scenarios now in evidence in 13 separate events are either done by an ordinary domestic based criminal; or by a foreign national/terrorist-type or by a government black-operative(s).

"In the case of the latter scenario, the difficulty of committing these crimes in an uncharacteristically  unprofessional manner which leaves a set pattern of 'evidence' behind tends to indicate the impossible being done at random crime scenes.  To replicate what an ordinary criminal would do in these many instances is not that predictable, because the ordinary criminal often isn't predictable and the ordinary criminal isn't capable of planning perfect or near perfect crimes more than once, let alone multiple times.

"The scenario for a foreign/national terrorist type of suspect has broader implications beyond the scope of what a domestic-bred criminal accomplish.  The foreign/national Islamic-type would be the civilian equivalent of a blank check authorization from the American public for the President to go to war with Iraq, et al.

"The Black-op perpetrator will in all likelihood never be caught, unless of course someone on the inside has a conscience, a paid up insurance policy and equally good stealth and shooting talents.

"I have a former partner who has been an assassin for this government and operating on the east coast for the last 15 or so years. I've wondered how long he could function before his 'usefulness' would render him expendable.  It's probably not him, in this caper because people like me could identity him as a government employee." (End quote).  

Hoffman's books, tapes, CDs and newsletters are available for purchase online at:

"Decoding the D.C. Sniper" is on the web at:

The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA 

24 Hour Revisionist News Bureau: http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html


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