-Caveat Lector- http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2002-41/this_wk.html

>From the Vol.1 No.33 issue of Electronic Intelligence Weekly, Published October 21, 2002


Not Again! — Are Perle-Wolfowitz Training the Next al-Qaeda?

Several very well-placed U.S. intelligence sources have alerted this news service, in recent days, that a "new Iran-Contra" operation is being secretly run out of the Pentagon, and that they fear that the consequences, this time around, will be even more disastrous than in the 1980s. Because of the well-established credentials of these sources, the editors of EIW have decided to report these warnings, along with the results of our own preliminary investigation of the matter.

In the 1980s, a secret parallel government, housed in the Reagan-Bush White House, and most publicly associated with the name Lt. Col. Oliver North, ran a massive, illegal covert warfare operation, funded by the proceeds of black market guns-for-drugs smuggling. In Central America, the criminal enterprise ran the Nicaraguan "Contra" war, and helped spawn a generation of Ibero-American narco-terrorist gangs, which today hold all of South and Central America hostage. In Africa, the same covert team ran a decade-long war in Angola, which was supported by an Israeli-run illegal diamond-smuggling apparatus, that still is fuelling civil and tribal war throughout the Great Lakes region. The biggest operation of all of the "Enterprise" covert warfare schemes was the 1979-1990 Afghanistan War, which spawned the "Golden Crescent" opium and heroin explosion, and a global mujahideen terror apparatus— including al-Qaeda— which Lyndon LaRouche, in 1995, labelled the heart of "the new international terrorism."

In his Oct. 19, 2002 appearance on The LaRouche Show, Lyndon LaRouche elaborated on the true nature of international terrorism today. "Terrorism," he said, "is an operation, which, to the extent that it's strategically significant, is run by governments. It's not run as an independent force outside governments. There are not significant terrorist organizations which are not a front for a government. And, we've dealt with the thing. For example, in the case of Italy, 1970s; 1980s in Germany: We now know, in the Italian case, the Italian terrorists were a branch of an Anglo-American operation, run under NATO cover, which was set up as 'Gladio,' as a post-war 'stay-behind' organization in Italy, for the contingency of a Soviet invasion, or a Communist takeover of Italy. Now, this organization had three components— Gladio— initially. One, it had Christian Democrats; two, it had Communists and Socialists; three, it had Fascists. When the Fascists were brought into Gladio, by the United States, by the British, and under NATO later, when they were brought in, the Communists, and the Social Democrats, and Christian Democrats, backed away from Gladio, because of the Fascist component. It was this Fascist component, run by Anglo-American operations, in Italy, which ran the terrorist and the ultra-left violent groups, in Italy, during the 1970s and into the 1980s."

LaRouche continued, "In terms of the case of Germany, the terrorism, which was the so-called 'anti-nuclear terrorism' in Germany, the so-called Baader-Meinhof and similar gangs that came out of there: That was all run by the same kind of Anglo-American interests, in cooperation (as was shown later) with the Stasi, the secret service of East Germany! You had people in Germany, who were both Stasi agents and Western agents, who were running these kinds of operations."

Any significant terrorism is run by government. There is no such thing as international terrorism. That is a myth. There are specific terrorist capabilities which exist, which are run. Any significant terrorist operation which somebody tried to set up as an independent operation, in any major country, could be shut down within a matter of days. We have the police investigative capabilities to knock them out. If it's around, it's because somebody's let it run loose."

Focal Point System Revived

In light of LaRouche's comments and the source reports of a "new Iran-Contra" operation, the questions must be posed: Are Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, et al. attempting to revive the early Cold War "focal point system?" Are they in the process of launching a "new al-Qaeda?"

As the late Col. Fletcher Prouty revealed in his booklength exposé, The Secret Team, for decades, following World War II, the Pentagon maintained a secret logistics capability, housed in the "Focal Point Office," which directed military irregular warfare operations out of the civilian Pentagon bureaucracy. The White House "Enterprise" of the Reagan-Bush era illegally revived the "focal point" system.

Now, EIW's intelligence sources warn that the same "parallel government" covert warfare apparatus is being once again revived, under the control of the civilian apparatus grouped around Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his Deputy, Paul Wolfowitz.

The essential facts, as reported by the sources, are as follows:

*A secret warfare unit, targetting Iraq, is being run under the cover of the Defense Policy Board, headed by America's number one "Chickenhawk," Richard Perle. The unit has already dispatched operatives to the region, to encourage dissident elements inside Iraq, particularly in the Shi'ite region of the south, to start anti-government actions, to "create the appearance of widespread opposition to the Saddam Hussein regime." One of the "retired" intelligence officers named, as now deployed under the Defense Policy Board cover, is Reuel Marc Gerecht, who, under a pseudonym Edward Shirly, wrote Know Thine Enemy: A Spy's Journey into Revolutionary Iran.

The Defense Policy Board is an advisory body, reporting to Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy, Doug Feith, who, in turn, is responsible to Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.

*Self-professed "universal fascist" Michael Ledeen has been named as another one of the operatives, working under the Defense Policy Board auspices, to solicit backing for the anti-Saddam operations, from factions of the Iranian clergy, with whom Ledeen had extensive, secret dealings during the 1980s, when the Oliver North "Enterprise" covertly delivered missiles to the Khomeini regime, during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.

*U.S. Army special warfare units, including "Yellow Fruit," are also being deployed to launch a covert phase of warfare inside Iraq— even before President Bush has received United Nations Security Council authorization, and before the weapons inspectors have been able to return.

*John Hannah, formerly the deputy director of the AIPAC-spawned Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), and now the chief Middle East policy aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, has been identified as the liaison to the Pentagon civilian secret team in the Veep's office.

Some Basic Facts Confirmed

Some of the essential features of the source reports have been confirmed in recent days. As reported on Friday, Oct. 18, in the Washington Post, President Bush recently signed a Presidential decision directive, authorizing the Pentagon to spend $92 million to begin training of an Iraqi "Contra" force of 5,000-10,000 combatants. Sources report that the training has already begun at secret locations in Kuwait.

The decision, if confirmed, to revive the secret parallel covert apparatus, is also, undoubtedly, driven by the fact— also reported in the Washington Post on Thursday, Oct. 17— that there is near-unanimous opposition to an Iraq war coming from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and most retired three- and four-star generals and admirals. The Post cited interviews with scores of uniformed military sources, who say that Secretary Rumsfeld has provoked a near-insurrection among active duty military brass serving the Pentagon, over his decision to cut the Joint Chiefs out of the war planning for a looming Iraq invasion. Instead, the Post reported (and EIW sources confirmed), Rumsfeld is conferring with selected officers on the Joint Staff, and with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), a raving utopian "Chickenhawk" whose training in "military strategy" came from Alvin and Heidi Toeffler, two of America's most discredited "futurists."

Given the growing opposition to an Iraq war on the part of the American public, and among all of the U.S.A.'s leading allies around the world, there is mounting concern that some combination of this Perle-Wolfowitz-Ledeen "secret team-gone mad" and/or the Ariel Sharon Israeli intelligence networks, could launch a phony "Made in Baghdad" terrorist incident— a replay of the Gulf of Tonkin affair— to drive President Bush over the edge and launch the full-scale Iraq war that the "Chickenhawks" have been demanding, ever since the end of Desert Storm.

Every time, in the past, that the Anglo-American utopian faction has succeeded in launching the kind of parallel covert operation now being reported, the "blowback" has been deadly. The vast army of mujahideen fighters, recruited and trained by the 1980s "Enterprise," who were hailed as "freedom fighters" when they drove the Soviet Red Army out of Afghanistan in 1990, became the hated and feared al-Qaeda and Abu Sayyef terrorists of the 1990s. It is hardly a stretch to ask today, before it is too late: Are Perle and company launching the next al-Qaeda in the covert desert training camps of Kuwait?

Congress should ask some serious questions - now.

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