-Caveat Lector-

Merrmaid, if you want to be true to yourself, you need to check on the
sources who made you look foolish, look to your own motives and
understand the basis for them, and rather than trust those who would
manipulate you, look at all sides and come to your own conclusions.
Screaming foolish lines at me does not good at all.  Here is an article
which shows that people on both sides care about their fellow human.  I
don't get excited by an attack on me because I know that we are both
working from different frames of reference.

 October 22, 2002

Hopeful dispatches from Israel

A wise person once said, "Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible
and achieves the impossible." I never realized how true that was until I
visited Israel recently on behalf of the Schneider Children Hospital in
Petach Tikva, which treats both Arab and Jewish Israelis. Although most
Israelis seem resigned to a continuing struggle with terrorism, they
remain resolute and have not lost hope of an eventual settlement based
on both sides compromising.

This was borne out as I spoke not only to Israeli leaders, including
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, but also
with everyday people -- doctors and patients of the hospital, professors
and students at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, young officers from
Israeli Defense Forces counterterrorism units, and hard-working
entrepreneurs -- Jews and Arabs alike.

For most Israelis, this war is about how Yassar Arafat and the PLO have
poisoned the Palestinian society and the climate for negotiations with
Israel -- inciting violence in mosques, teaching hatred in schools and
glorifying suicide bombers on television. People echoed the belief that
peace is not possible as long as Arafat is in power, and in the meantime
their focus is on defending themselves from Iranian-aided Hamas
terrorists whose goal is to destroy Israel.

Despite this somber assessment of the near-term prospects for peace, I
was struck by how many people I met refused to give up on their common
humanity with their neighbors. You may have read about Yasmin, a
7-year-old Palestinian girl who received a kidney from a young
19-year-old Jewish boy, Joni, who had been killed in a suicide bombing.
The transplant was performed at the Schneider Children's Hospital.

We visited Yasmin and her mother. As doctors, journalists and members of
the mission crowded around her, she ignored the commotion and focused on
her coloring book, unaware of the symbolism of her life saved by the
savage ending of another. The doctors told me that organ transplants
between Jewish and Arab children are quite common.

A third of the children treated at the Schneider Hospital are Arab. The
majority are Israeli citizens, but the hospital also treats Palestinian
and Jordanian children. When Irving Schneider and his late wife Helen,
of New York, first conceived of the hospital, they wanted to start
something that would have a broader ripple effect on Israeli society and
the region. Their vision is conveyed in the hospital's cornerstone:
"This hospital, dedicated to the inherent right of every child to live a
healthy life in a peaceful world, will stand as a 'bridge to peace,'
linking this nation to its many neighbors."

Before violence erupted in 2000, the hospital was working jointly with
doctors in the Palestinian Authority. Since then, the hospital has
launched a first-in-kind health initiative with Jordan that reaches into
Israeli and Jordanian Arab villages.

Walking around the hospital, we saw Orthodox Jews and devout Muslims,
secular Jews, Christian Arabs, whose children slept and played in the
same rooms, brought together by the shared experience of caring for a
sick child.

It was especially painful to meet children who had been injured in
terrorist attacks: Roni, 2 /12 years old, all blond curls and smiles,
whose stomach was ripped open by a bomb at a pizza parlor. Shira, 15,
injured in the same attack, from whose heart a 3-inch steel nail was
miraculously removed. Shai, a teenager on his way to school when a
stranger approached him and blew himself up. Lior, 15, and his sister
Rahel, 16, injured in the same attack.

Lior survived the nail in his neck and the shrapnel in his stomach.
Rahel did not make it. Her artery had been severed; her body was
severely burned. Rahel's organs were donated. They could have gone to
any child, Jewish or Arab; the waiting list is anonymous.

Rahel's mother told us about the care she received: "My daughter was
unconscious and unaware, the doctors and nurses knew that she wasn't
going to make it, but they took such good care of her." This contrast
between the senseless killing outside the hospital and the indefatigable
efforts inside to cherish and save every life was striking.

An old Arab proverb holds that "He who has hope has everything," and
that truth is borne out every day in Israel, where a stubborn refusal to
give in to hatred keeps the flame of hope burning brightly. I fear the
same cannot be said among Palestinians living in disputed territories.
Most have lost hope and feel they have nothing. Indeed, hope is anathema
to the current batch of too many Palestinian leaders who thrive on
despair, fear and hatred.

Without hope among Palestinians, there will be no peace in the Middle
East, and until a new generation of Palestinian leaders emerges that is
willing to break with the past, there will be no hope. Still, I came
away optimistic, and the reason why is illustrated by a conversation I
had with an IDF soldier who patrols and fights in the territories. He
told me he was amazed at how often Palestinians invite him into their
homes and offer him a cup of coffee. I believe the Palestinian people
are prepared to live in peace, and although we cannot choose their
leaders, I believe the United States and Europe can help restore hope
and pave the way for a new Palestinian leadership by making it
unambiguously clear that we stand ready to provide a 21st-century
Marshall Plan of trade and aid for the Middle East the instant a peace
agreement is signed and both sides are living in democratically elected

Contact Jack Kemp | Read his biography

©2002 Copley News Service

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