-Caveat Lector-

The world is waking up to what Bush really is, a corrupt elitist, global socialist, 
deeply involved in the Occult.

A New World Order From Nothing But Skull and Bones?
Skull and Bones in Bush's Foreign Policy Closet
By Paolo Pontoniere

Amidst the debate over the impending US-led war against Iraq, some European media, 
mostly in Italy and Germany, took note of the publication of Secrets of The Tomb: 
Skull and Bones, The Ivy League and The Hidden Paths of Power.

In the Little Brown book, author Alexandra Robbins discusses the connections between 
America's wealthiest families, secret fraternities and the role of Ivy League 
institutions in the genesis of United States foreign policy. For some European 
analysts, Skull and Bones explains much of the mystery surrounding how power is 
apportioned in the US by describing a well-established system of nepotism and 
co-optation among members of this fraternity. They fear that the unwieldy influence 
that secret lobbies--such as those described in Skull and Bones--have on the American 
administration may interfere with President Bush's ability to decide freely what 
action to take. They also believe that Bush's belonging to such a secret fraternity 
may explain the nihilistic overtones of his foreign policy and his strong drive toward 
waging war against Iraq because of the gothic character of the fraternity.

Europeans have noted that not only the current US president is a Bonesman, but that 
also his former-president father and his grandfather, senator Prescott Bush, are 
members. In the Bush family, connection to the Tomb--the name of the Yale building 
where the fraternity meets--also involves three uncles of the current president and 
two of his cousins. A couple of Bonesmen came up with the money to launch President 
Bush's career in business when he founded the oil company Arbusto; another Bonesman 
provided the capital for Bush to acquire a stake in the Texas Rangers; and another 
member of the fraternity that bolstered Bush's 2000 presidential campaign by paying 
for advertising billboards at a million dollars a piece. One of President Bush's first 
actions when he entered the White House was to organize a dinner with the members of 
his fraternity.

What worries Europeans most about the Bonesmen is the suspicion that the organization 
may have a neo-Nazi tendency or that it may be animated by anti-Semitic sentiments. 
According to various reports about the activities of the Bonesmen throughout the 
years, it appears that many prominent members, in particular those linked to the Union 
Bank in New York and its sister bank in Holland at the beginning of WWII, were 
financing Hitler throughout the war and as late as 1945. Italians and Germans alike 
have a long history of secret associations meddling in the internal affairs of their 

This fact makes European analysts tend to distrust both politicians that can be linked 
to such groups and secretive associations that have links to political parties or 
single politicians. In the case of the Skull and Bones, Italian and German media have 
reported that such ties between the secret organization and politicians could be 
understood as a multigenerational secret society with a global reach and a finger in 
many different pies. They describe the Skull and Bones' influence as resulting in a 
sort of oligarchic government that includes some of the most influential American 
families such as the Bushes, the Harrimans, the Tafts, the Whitneys, and the 

Skull and Bones was founded in 1832 by William Russell, the heir to Russell and 
Company, at that time one of the world's most prominent opium traders. According to 
author Robbins, Russell befriended the leader of a secret society during a year of 
study in Germany. Returning to the US, Russell sought to re-create in the US the 
spirit of exclusivity that he had encountered with the German secret society, whose 
main goal was the establishment of a strong government of the kind that would mold 
every individual to the obedience of the state.

In the rarefied atmosphere of Yale University, Russell found a receptive environment 
for his dream, enrolling the help of Alphonso Taft, future US secretary of war and 
father of President William Howard Taft. The society they founded was called the 
Brotherhood of Death, or more informally, the Order of Skull and Bones. Later the 
order would include among its ranks Prescott Bush, who would take the helm of the 
Union Bank, Roland and Arvell Harriman, several Rockerfellers, Henry Luce, and others 
who read like a who's who in American public life.

European reporters were astonished to learn that the cult has been extremely 
successful in its pursuit of establishing a "New World Order"-the Bonesmen's 
lingo was used by then-President Bush Senior to describe the philosophy behind his 
foreign policy. The Bonesmen's New World Order consists of fewer individual freedoms 
for the majority and of a few elected people sitting in the collective driver's seat. 
They noted that besides pushing three of its men-the two Bushes and Taft-to the 
presidency of the United States, the society has produced nine supreme court justices, 
several senators and congressmen, and that the idea of launching both Time and 
Newsweek magazines was first conjured up in the Bones' Tomb. Skull and Bones members 
founded the American Historical Association, the American Economic Association and the 
American Psychological Association. More than a dozen Bonesmen have worked at the 
Federal Reserve. Bonesmen are believed to control the Rockerfeller, Carnegie
and Ford families' wealth.

European reporters don't appear to buy Alexandra Robbin's suggestions that Bonesmen 
may have developed and dropped the first nuclear bomb; may have organized the Bay of 
Pigs invasion; were tied to the Kennedy assassination and to the Watergate break-in; 
or that they may control the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral 
Commission. Nevertheless, Europeans are intrigued by the notion that Bonesmen may be 
tied to many of history's recent conflicts, compelling them to wonder if the 
fraternity mentality may not explain a tendency toward destruction rather than 
building. They also wonder how a 2004 presidential race between Senator John Kerry on 
the democratic side running against President Bush-both Bonesmen--might unfold.

Sources: New California Media, A Call To Awaken All
Copyrights© are acknowledged. Material reproduced for educational and research 
purposes only.
-end article-
Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Shinto Shrines, Islamic Temples?
Oh, but Bush is a Christian......
Yeah, Right.  Just like Clinton was.

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who 
have...a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most 
dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean THE CHARACTERS AND CONDUCT OF THEIR 
- John Adams

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