-Caveat Lector-
FYI  to aid you in getting educated about our common Enemy..
The last paragraph of this Post refers to Antonio Gramsci.
Highly recommend you visit 'Gramsci for Beginners'
Also, 'Gramsci Resources' at 
and, 'An Introduction to Gramsci's Life and Thought, at
----- Original Message -----
Newsgroups: alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,talk.politics.misc,alt.politics,alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.fan.rush-lim
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 8:14 PM
Subject: [piml] Slay the AOL Liberal Monster

       © 2002 Rich Martin
       Permission to repost in full, or in part, is granted.

          By Robert Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          August 2, 2002

          As a conservative columnist, it amazes me to get favor-
     able e-mails from people whose addresses end in @aol.com.  I
     mean, don't they know that AOL Time-Warner is an evil liber-
     al  media  conglomerate and that they  are  thereby  putting
     money into its pockets every month? Not to mention  increas-
     ing  its influence by enlarging its subscriber  base?  Don't
     they know that these things matter? Therefore, I urge all my
     readers who use AOL to dump it and press politically  sensi-
     ble  friends and family to do the same. CompuServe is  owned
     by  AOL; dump it, too. Microsoft's MSN, whose search  engine
     describes FrontPage as an "extreme right-wing magazine,"  is
     a just-as-liberal AOL wannabe and its profits get funded  to
     causes  like  defending  affirmative  action  in  Washington
     State,  so  dump MSN and Hotmail accounts, too.  (I've  just
     switched  my address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) You can  take
     your business to any ordinary apolitical ISP, or you can  go
     with   the   best  people  I  have  been   able   to   find:
     anonymizer.com,  which  provides  full-featured  and   truly
     private  Internet access.  Take their free test to  see  how
     much information you are exposing right now.

          Most  conservatives realize by now that the key to  the
     liberal victory in the 60's was their control of the  media.
     The liberal media lied about Vietnam, which we were  winning
     by  1968.  They depicted the vicious extremists of  the  New
     Left as gentle flower children. They blacked out huge  coun-
     ter-trends  like the vast Young Americans for  Freedom  ral-
     lies.  And  all because they had a  monopoly.  Conservatives
     have a unique opportunity now with the Internet to end  that
     monopoly,  but  we  must seize the opportunity  on  our  own
     initiative.  The underlying trend is in our favor, but  will
     not  be properly realized without deliberate effort  on  our
     part. What terrifies the liberal elite the most is not  that
     Matt  Drudge will reveal the misdeeds of  their  presidents,
     but that the Net will fragment the media market so much that
     they can no longer control it. In 1980, five men in Washing-
     ton  and New York effectively controlled the media  in  this
     country:  one  president each for the TV  networks  plus  an
     editor apiece at the New York Times and the Washington Post.
     If get our act together, these days will never come back. To
     take  back  this country, we must first take  back  our  own
     minds,  and this requires a secession of conservatives  from
     opposition media, starting with AOL.

          The opposition does have a counter-attack in the works,
     and AOL Time-Warner is its spearhead.  Their hope is to  re-
     centralize the media by buying up web sites and  restructur-
     ing  them to a standardized content-production  model  which
     will be simultaneously efficient enough to be profitable and
     give  them  the opportunity to re-impose a  political  bias.
     What makes this attempt to net the mercury of the Web  plau-
     sible  is  the fact that already, AOL  and  Microsoft's  MSN
     account  for  over 15% of total  Internet  traffic  (source:
     Forrester  Research). Indeed, 80 percent of all Web  traffic
     goes  to a relatively small core of only about 15,000  sites
     out  of  the millions that exist. They are  hoping  to  both
     exploit and drive this consolidation. Frankly, they probably
     think this web site's days are numbered, and plan, no doubt,
     to  replace  it with a commercially  packaged  and  defanged
     product,  a sort of placebo or baby-pacifier  for  conserva-
     tives.  (The existing co-optation to corporatism of a  large
     section  of  the "conservative" media will  make  this  easy
     enough.)  They hope to leverage their existing  position  in
     magazines  and  TV to provide web content that  no-one  else
     can.  They  hope  that such assets  as  Time-Warner  Cable's
     extensive  cable  network will enable them to  force  people
     onto  AOL when high-speed cable modems become the  standard.
     Serious  business  analysts  credited  their  strategy  with
     enough of a chance to endorse AOL's purchase of  Time-Warner
     despite its being paid for with bubble-inflated stock.  That
     this strategy's profits have evaporated with the decline  of
     this stock doesn't mean it's going away; these Gramscian (1)
     bobos are in it for the long haul.

          To  advance its conglomeration strategy, AOL is one  of
     the slimiest operators around when it comes to simultaneous-
     ly demanding government deregulation when there is something
     it  wants  while  also pressing for  government  control  to
     hamper its competitors when convenient. This is, of  course,
     the classic behavior of big corporations that have found out
     that they have a lot in common with big government and  like
     to mouth the rhetoric of free-market capitalism while  actu-
     ally practicing co-optative corporatism. For example, at the
     same time that AOL was resisting government efforts to prize
     open  its  messaging system on anti-trust  grounds,  it  was
     lobbying elsewhere to force AT&T to open up its cable  tele-
     vision lines to it. But then, when it bought Time-Warner and
     suddenly  found itself owning cable TV lines of its own,  it
     promptly  reversed its position, and decided that "the  free
     market  and not government" should decide who has access  to
     cable systems.

          AOL  is  involved in even more sinister  legal  efforts
     that  could in the long run seriously undermine the rule  of
     law in this country. It has promoted a mischievous and self-
     indulgent doctrine called the "choice of law" movement. This
     asserts  that consumers should be permitted to choose  which
     nation's  laws apply to their Internet transactions. So  you
     could have Monaco's tax laws, Albanian medical-safety  regu-
     lation,  Mexican  food  purity laws,  and  Dutch  child-porn
     standards. This comes dressed up in the hip garb of  "cyber-
     libertarianism," but is in fact a serious assault on nation-
     al sovereignty. (To their credit, some intellectually rigor-
     ous cyber-libertarians won't touch this irresponsible idea.)

          AOL  Time-Warner as a company is deeply  enmeshed  with
     the liberal establishment. Most famously, Ted Turner, found-
     er  of CNN and the rest of the Turner  Broadcasting  Company
     that is an AOL-TW subsidiary, is a major Democratic National
     Committee  donor,  not  to mention former  husband  of  Jane
     "Hanoi"  Fonda. Other smaller examples: Deni Green, wife  of
     ultra-liberal New York City mayoral candidate Mark Green, is
     a senior director of corporate philanthropy. Kathy  Bushkin,
     senior vice president and chief communications officer,  was
     Sen.  Gary  Hart's press secretary. Janice Brandt,  head  of
     marketing,  has been a major supporter of the  animal-rights
     nuts  People  for the Ethical Treatment of  Animals,  Green-
     peace,  Ted Kennedy, loony-left Congressman Ron Dellums  and
     the California Democratic Party. The place is littered  with
     connections like that.

          By  giving  your  business to AOL, you  are  in  effect
     feeding  a giant liberal slush fund. AOL, like many  leftist
     organizations,  is  remarkably  open  about  its  aggressive
     agenda if you know where to look. Its CEO, Gerald Levin, has
     openly  expressed  its comically  sinister  power-hunger  in
     these words: "We're going to need to have these corporations
     [media  companies like AOLT-W] redefined as  instruments  of
     public  service because they have the resources,  they  have
     the reach, they have the skill base, and maybe there's a new
     generation  coming up that wants to achieve meaning in  that
     context and have an impact, and that may be a more efficient
     way to deal with society's problems than governments," (CNN,
     January 2001)

          In other words, AOL-TW isn't content to be a propaganda
     adjunct  to the liberal state; they want to replace some  of
     its functions. This is egomania.

          As an actual online product, AOL's liberal bias  starts
     with  its use of left-wing CBS News as its news partner.  It
     has prohibited pro-life subscribers from putting photographs
     of  aborted  fetuses  on their personal AOL  web  sites.  It
     prohibits   anti-homosexuality  arguments  on  its   message
     boards.  It prohibits its subscribers from selling  firearms
     or  ammunition  they own on their web sites and  has  had  a
     running battle with Second-Amendment advocates. This is  why
     AOL  is  reputed by some of it dissatisfied  subscribers  to
     stand for "Allow Only Leftists" or "Always Oppose  Liberty."
     In  a shameless capitulation to the same people who  hounded
     Salman  Rushdie,  it  has removed  pages  that  were  deemed
     "offensive  to Moslems," a delicacy of politeness that  does
     not  seem to extend to Christians. AOL limits  what  outside
     sites  its subscribers' pages may link to. It has even  been
     suggested  that  part of the reason why  AOL  maintains  its
     enormously  expensive censorship systems, which also  expose
     it  to  a legal liability that uncensored providers  do  not
     face,  is that due to its aspiration to become  a  worldwide
     ISP,  it  wants to show governments like China that  it  can
     provide Internet services on a leash.

          AOL  reads  its users' e-mails and censors  them.  Last
     year, it blocked the conservative e-mail journal The  Feder-
     alist  for several weeks.  As of this writing, AOL has  con-
     firmed that they blocked it, but has refused to say why. The
     Federalist's publisher suspects it may have something to  do
     with  the  fact  that on March 9th, 2001,  they  quoted  Ted
     Turner's  comment to a group of CNN personnel observing  Ash
     Wednesday  with  an ash mark on their foreheads:  "What  are
     you,  a bunch of Jesus freaks?"  AOL later lifted the block-
     ade, but should conservatives, or any liberty-loving  Ameri-
     cans, be doing business with a company that behaves this way
     in the first place? And remember, this is all coming from  a
     company that refuses to block pornographic spam, and despite
     its  heavy-handedness,  still has user  profiles  and  other
     content littered with four-letter words and other filth. And
     don't forget these are the same AOL censors who allowed  the
     Columbine killers to maintain a web site for a year in which
     they announced their murderous intentions.

          AOL's other offenses are legion. It has been widely and
     plausibly  accused  of fraudulent  marketing  practices,  in
     which  people are signed up for service without  being  told
     this is what they are doing. It was recently caught  selling
     the  names  and phone numbers of its  subscribers  and  then
     apparently  tried to lie about having done this. It  doesn't
     respect  its  users' privacy; there is a  group  called  the
     Electronic Privacy Information Center that documents this in
     detail.  AOL  collects detailed information about  what  its
     users click on, revealing personal habits and interests, and
     although it claims it doesn't use it for anything more  than
     aggregate  studies, one must wonder why they bother if  this
     is so. AOL lobbied against California legislation that would
     have  imposed  standards for  protecting  consumers  against
     having intimate financial and other data shared by  corpora-
     tions  they  do  business  with  without  their  permission.
     Indeed,  it is hard to avoid the impression that  AOL  holds
     its users in contempt as sheep to be herded and sheared.

          AOL, despite its high-tech image, is an enemy of  tech-
     nological innovation. It resisted for years the next logical
     step  in  instant-messaging technology,  an  open  standard,
     preferring to require people to stay within its own network.
     At one time, it incredibly wouldn't even let  non-AOL-e-mail
     over  its system! Its poorly-managed computer  systems  have
     experienced  several security break-ins, which have  allowed
     hackers  to  gain access to  sensitive  account  information
     including  customer  names, phone numbers  and  credit  card
     numbers. AOL's absurd control-freak arrogance extends to the
     demand that, as stated in their Terms of Service  agreement,
     "you are required to follow our TOS no matter where you  are
     on  the Internet" if you connect using AOL. They also  block
     sites  simply  for being critical of them; I  will  be  very
     surprised if this page doesn't eventually get blocked.

          Just  to  encourage the reader to dump AOL, here  is  a
     list  of its non-ideological shortcomings, all of which  can
     be avoided on a plain-vanilla ISP or Familink (which in  the
     interests of full disclosure I will admit gave me a free  e-
     mail address for endorsing them.)

      1.  AOL  prevents its users from using a proper,  full-fea-
          tured, e-mail client like Outlook Express.

      2.  Its e-mail system won't display graphic attachments in-

      3.  E-mail  cannot  be sorted by name, date,  subject  etc.
          like on other systems.

      4.  It doesn't use industry-standard e-mail standards  MIME
          & SMTP, resulting in garbled messages sometimes.

      5.  Most surveys of online connection quality show AOL near
          the bottom.

      6.  It  kicks you offline if you leave your computer  unat-
          tended for a few minutes.

      7.  It  is noticeably slower than a plain-vanilla  ISP  for
          surfing the web, as everything has to be routed through
          their network after traversing the Internet.

      8.  When  sending or receiving from non-AOL addresses,  its
          mail delivery is often much slower than a plain-vanilla

      9.  It forces you to view annoying pop-up ads.

     10.  It has terrible customer service that puts you on  hold

     11.  Its software can interfere with other software on  your

     12.  Its  main program takes up a huge amount of memory  and
          takes forever to load.

     13.  It  often won't sign you off immediately when you  need
          to  make  a phone call, forcing you to  wait  while  it
          downloads this or that "update" to its system.

          Some answers to anticipated objections: One, I  realize
     some  people find the whole boycott thing a bit  petty  and,
     well, leftist. Remember grapes? Let's just remember that  if
     the  Left has gotten good mileage out of a tactic,  this  is
     empirical  evidence  that it is a useful one. If  the  Right
     doesn't learn to boycott companies on its own, the Left will
     intimidate and dominate the entire corporate sector.  Two, I
     realize  some  people  are attached to  their  AOL.  Without
     meaning to be rude,

          I  think this comes down to laziness. Switch  and  feel
     good  about  fighting back.  People will adapt to  your  new
     address soon enough.

          The  most beautiful thing if a conservative boycott  of
     AOL  succeeds is a great old saying from Russian  chess:  "A
     threat is more powerful than its execution." We could poten-
     tially have a magnificent chilling effect on the  propensity
     of  the media to engage in political mischief. It's time  to
     show  these people, who not without reason assume that  con-
     servatives will whine but put up with anything, that we  can
     throw  our  weight around too. The  stunning  out-of-nowhere
     success of Fox News, which has surpassed CNN  as the largest
     cable  news  network,  shows that  conservative  demand  can
     reshape the media landscape.

          In  truth, AOL Time-Warner is already doing its  stock-
     holders  a disservice by gratuitously annoying the  half  of
     this country that doesn't share its political views. If  the
     boycott  has a meaningful impact, this could lay the  ground
     for a stockholder lawsuit against them for failing to uphold
     their  fiduciary  responsibilities  by  compromising   their
     profitability  to  serve the political ends  of  management.
     That  would  be a real nightmare for them which  could  oust
     management, not to mention laying the precedent for lawsuits
     in  other industries against managements that indulge  their
     political hobbies on the job.

          So  please,  please, make it a personal goal  over  the
     next  month to wipe out all @aol addresses among the  people
     you exchange e-mail with. If you control a web site of  your
     own, put in a link to this article so that more people  will
     see it and the boycott campaign will keep going. The  number
     to  cancel  your AOL account is 888-265-8008. You  can  also
     mail the cancellation to:

          America Online P.O. Box 1600 Ogden, UT 84401

          Or  fax it to 801-622-7969. Be sure to  give  them
          your master screen name.

          Note: Over the last year or so, AOL  Time-Warner's
          fortunes  have declined gratifyingly.   Its  stock
          has lost a total value in excess of $100  billion.
          That's billion, folks.  It is now under investiga-
          tion for accounting fraud. It is losing the battle
          to control the broadband market. Its palatial  new
          headquarters continues to rise next to New  York's
          Central Park, but it will be a diminished  company
          that will occupy it.  The title of this article is
          taken from the song, "MTV get off the air" by  The
          Dead Kennedys. But that's another article.

      (1) "Gramscian"  means pertaining to the philosophy of  the
          Italian   Marxist  Antonio  Gramsci  (1891-1937.)    He
          taught, in opposition to traditional  Marxist-Leninists
          who  wanted to take over society by means of a  violent
          revolution,  that the way to take over society  was  to
          take over the institutions that create and transmit its
          ideas.   99% of the American Left, which wouldn't  know
          one  end of an AK-47 from the other, is Gramscian.   In
          truth,  Gramsci wasn't original; he  just  rediscovered
          Left  Hegelianism, a philosophy from 100 years  before.
          Sometime when we both have a lot of time on our  hands,
          I will explain what that was about.


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