-Caveat Lector-


Oct. 25, 2002, 9:15PM

Nominee's 'profile' is not encouraging


I confess to a certain grudging
admiration for the spinmeisters of the right. In a fit of creativity, they're now 
accusing their
opponents of "religious profiling."

The Family Research Council label conjures up the image of godly folk being pulled 
over to
the side of road for dangling their religious beliefs on the rear-view mirror.

In this case, their best offense is in defense of W. David Hager, the Kentucky ob-gyn 
being considered for membership and possibly chairmanship of the FDA's Reproductive
Health Drugs Advisory Committee.

Hager was speeding toward nomination when Time magazine described him as a "scantily
credentialed" abortion opponent who treated PMS with prayer.

Soon he was found everywhere: as an opponent of RU-486 and emergency contraception;
as an advocate of abstinence-only programs; as the object of dismay from women's health

Excerpts from out-of-print books he co- authored with his wife -- As Jesus Cared for
Women and Stress and the Woman's Body -- made Hager sound as if he used the Bible as
his Physician's Desk Reference.

Hager and his wife advised Romans and Corinthians for PMS. But they also advised 
and antidepressants. Yes, they collected and offered their favorite scriptures for 
against stress. But Oprah magazine has promoted candles, aromatherapy and rounds of
"om." Different strokes for different spiritual folks?

In all this merriment, Cindy Pearson of the National Women's Health Network cautioned,
"Our friends in the religious community keep reminding us that religious beliefs are 
not a
disqualification for serving in our society."

But the question here is not whether religion is a disqualification; it's whether 
belonging to
the religious right is  prerequisite for serving on anything to do with reproduction.

In theory, the FDA advisory committee is for research wonks, not ideologues. This is
supposedly the place where the safety and effectiveness of drugs are debated, not the

At one time, Hager said, "The fact that I'm a person of faith does not deter me from 
being a person of science." Can Hager's opponents separate his faith from his science? 

Emergency contraception and RU-486 are both slated to be back before the committee. We
already know that this would-be adviser opposes emergency contraception on moral
grounds. Will that skew his judgment about whether it's safe to sell over the counter?

As for RU-486 or mifepristone, Hager's not just opposed to the "abortion pill." Last 
he helped the Christian Medical Association produce a "citizens' petition" asking the 
FDA to
take it off the market. They cited new "evidence" of its dangers to women that was 
new nor evidence.

"Anyone who can say RU-486 is dangerous and should be overturned is ignoring the
science," says Pearson.

Not long ago, C. Everett Koop, hardly a pro-choice surgeon general, had to review
"scientific" reports that said abortions led to post-traumatic stress disorder. He 
science over ideology. It can be done. But Hager has already made a very different 

This doctor would be just one of 11 members of an advisory board. We don't even know
the others. But this is where government works -- where "experts" rule and change 

There are 258 outside boards and panels in Health and Human Services. Tommy
Thompson's office appoints about 450 people a year to these groups. And increasingly
those selected are true believers of industry or ideology.

Hager isn't a victim of religious profiling. He was picked because of his profile.

Never mind that he chaired a Kentucky revival for Billy Graham's son. Never mind what
Scriptures he provides and what prescriptions he denies in private practice. If we 
don't pull
this one to the side of the road, we'll all become his patients.

Goodman is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Boston Globe.

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