-Caveat Lector-

Report Of U.S. Troops Being Placed Under A Foreign U.N. Commander Causes Uproar
By Cliff Kincaid

My report on President Bush ordering U.S. troops to serve under United Nations command 
ignited a firestorm. At FreeRepublic.com, which describes itself as an "online 
gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web," many couldn´t 
believe it. Others expected it. Some tried to deny it.

One brave "Freeper," as they´re called, posted my article and watched the response.

The most fascinating reply came from supporters of President Bush who rationalized it 
by suggesting that the U.S. troops serving the U.N. were on a secret intelligence 
mission. There is no evidence for this claim but it is interesting. After all, U.N. 
weapons inspections in Iraq were used by the CIA.

On the other hand, I think it is more likely the U.N. is a watering hole for enemies 
of America and THEIR intelligence services. The president should know this. Look at 
what they´ve done with his plea for a U.N. resolution so we can attack Iraq. They have 
treated him like a nuisance when the national security of the U.S. is at stake.

I believe the U.N. SHOULD go the way of the League of Nations. The sooner the better. 
Good riddance.

It takes a leap of faith to believe the U.N. is a CIA front. But faith is what many 
Freepers have in Bush. They would rather ignore the cold hard facts.

"I will trust Rummy and W. to do the right thing," said one, dismissing my report.

So serving the U.N. under Bush is fine but doing so under Clinton is objectionable.

Is this what conservatism has become? An apology for Bush doing what Clinton did?

One Freeper claimed my article had no sources – only a reference to "some mysterious 
United States Military group." But this is the only source I needed. That group 
happens to be the U.S. Military Observer Group – Washington, known as "USMOG-W," for 
short. It is located in the Pentagon. This is THE group that coordinates U.S. 
deployments of American soldiers to U.N. military observer missions such as UNOMIG, 
where two American soldiers currently wear the U.N. uniform – the blue beret and U.N. 
shoulder patch.

"I am still waiting to see a solid first source," said one, seemingly ignorant of the 
actual content of the report.

Another asserted the article "has no named sources" and that it was a "chicken little" 
piece "with little or no sourcing written to inflame people and push the author's own 
personal bias."

I was called a "self aggrandizing hack." Others wondered who I am.

A journalist by training, I have 25 years of experience in Washington, D.C. I was a 
Reagan Republican whose conservative credentials are beyond reproach. I have written 
two books on the United Nations and co-authored with Daniel New the book Michael New: 
Mercenary or American Soldier. Anyone familiar with the battle against the U.N. knows 
of my efforts.

Yet one Freeper called my article a "lie" and "an effort to rally more opposition" to 
the Bush policy of regime change in Iraq.

In fact, I have argued that Iraq was connected to the Oklahoma City bombing and the 
anthrax attacks on America. The president is correct that Iraq is a dangerous threat. 
He actually understates the nature of the problem.

For the record: I voted for Bush.

One know-nothing dismissed my article, saying, "You may go ahead and take this as the 
truth if you want, but as P.T. Barnum said, there is a sucker born everyday."

I repeat: the "solid source" is USMOG-W, which was cited in the article. It is not a 
mysterious group. And USMOG-W confirmed the facts through a simple telephone call. I 
got tipped off to it when I learned that U.S. soldiers were continuing to be assigned 
to the UNOMIG. I had assumed that Bush, true to his word, had stopped the Clinton 

My "bias" is for accuracy and truth. I checked out this story and reported it. I am 
astounded that many self-described "conservatives" don´t want to accept the truth and 
don´t even want it reported. Perhaps they can´t believe that Bush would break such a 
solemn campaign promise. It is hard to believe.

"I will never place U.S. troops under UN command," candidate Bush said in his speech 
at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 19, 1999. 
The 2000 Republican Party Platform declared that "…American troops must never serve 
under United Nations command."

It´s hard to accept that Bush would betray us. Perhaps the president has an excuse of 
some kind. But denying the facts is not a legitimate option.

Some Freepers did their own research. One brought up a U.N. Web page where it was 
acknowledged that UNOMIG is supported by the U.S. "It took a matter of seconds to pull 
this off of Google," he said. Still, it took another telephone call to confirm that 
U.S. troops are still wearing U.N. uniforms on this mission.

There is another site where the U.N. medal for UNOMIG is featured and described:


Another pulled up a U.N. Web page that said:

"U.S. troops participating in UN peacekeeping missions wear their American military 
uniforms. To identify themselves as part of a UN peacekeeping force, they also wear 
blue berets or helmets with the UN insignia."

This is true and consistent with what I reported. The problem is the Congress has 
never authorized the wearing of a U.N. blue beret or insignia. It was not allowed in 
U.S. military regulations, either. It is also inconsistent with the soldier´s oath to 
support and defend the U.S. Constitution.

One Freeper acknowledged the truth of the story but claimed:

"There may be less to this than meets the eye. Less than a couple of hundred troops 
were stationed in Georgia under Bubba. That these men were under UN command may have 
simply been lost in the tangle of bureaucracy and slipped under the radar over a very 
busy twenty months. The test will be to see what Bush does now that it has been 
brought to light."

So almost two years into the Bush presidency the fact of U.S. troops under U.N. 
command has just "slipped under the radar," despite Bush´s campaign promise never to 
assign troops to such a mission. This is presidential leadership? Has Bush not been 
paying attention? The U.N. has been a major issue for quite some time. Or is he 
somehow required to continue Clinton´s pro-U.N. policy?

One Freeper tried to get Bush off the hook by claiming that,

"The troops were placed there by the Clinton administration and are no longer in 
Georgia. UNOMIG expired July 31, 2002."

His source for this claim was a U.N. Web page which actually says that the mission has 
been currently budgeted through June of next year.

Even if the troops were there only through July of this year, it would still 
constitute a violation of a Bush campaign promise. But his claim is false. USMOG 
confirmed that two U.S. soldiers are currently on this mission. What´s more, orders 
are being given to American soldiers RIGHT NOW to report to the mission in the future. 
So Bush is on the hook big time.

Recognizing that President Bush is guilty of continuing the same policy implemented by 
Clinton, who ordered the prosecution of Army soldier Michael New, a Freeper said:

"Michael New would've been prosecuted regardless of who his Commander in Chief was. He 
refused to obey a direct and lawful order. Case closed."

This demonstrates a huge misunderstanding of the facts of this case. The order was 
illegal and unconstitutional. The court-martial of Michael New was greeted with 
outrage in Congress and the country. True conservatives understood what Bill "I loath 
the military" Clinton was doing. He was trying to destroy the character, morale and 
integrity of the U.S. Armed Forces. Michael New rejected that and stood his ground. 
Others simply go along.

The facts are available in Michael New: Mercenary or American Soldier. Michael´s Web 
site is of course an excellent source. There you can read the legal and factual 
arguments of the case.

That was then. This is now. President Bush promised there would be no more Michael 
News. He said he wouldn´t force U.S. military personnel to choose between the U.S. 
Constitution and the U.N. Charter.

Let´s be honest: the continuation of this CLINTON POLICY is wrong.

If the policy has been continued through incompetent management, it must stop NOW.
But it is consistent with other Administration actions at the U.N., including:

• Desperately seeking U.N. permission to attack Iraq.

• Backing U.N. Boss Kofi Annan for another term.

• Failing to seek credit or reimbursement for extra peacekeeping assistance (amounting 
to more than $24 billion) provided to the U.N. (mostly out of the Defense Department) 
under Clinton.

• Failing to hold the U.N. responsible for violations of the Helms-Biden U.N. reform 
legislation that makes it illegal for the world body to promote global taxes and a 
world army.

We have no alternative but to hold the president responsible for his campaign promises.
We should contact the White House immediately. The phone number for the White House 
press office is: 202-456-2673.

I´d suggest calling Congress except they´re mostly trying to raise money and get 

Another avenue is: Ambassador John Negroponte United States Mission to the United 
Nations 799 UN Plaza New York, N.Y. 10017-3505

The press department can be reached at 212-415-4050 The Fax is 212-415-4053.
The email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My email address shows where I stand: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please send me copies of your messages and any official replies you receive.
We can and should achieve victory in this case. But victory will come only if we are 
honest about what has happened and demand accountability from the White House.

Bush is just carrying out the New World Order Plan:
PDD 25: Presidential Directive 25:

The US Government is selling out America.
Goodbye Constitution, Hello United Nations Charter.
Goodbye America, Hello World Government.

"It is the SACRED PRINCIPLES enshrined in the UNITED NATIONS CHARTER to which the 
-President George Bush, addressing the U.N.General Assembly February 1,1992.

Like Hell, Bush.

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