Title: The cure for an ailing democracy
-Caveat Lector-

It’s after One A.M. on election night eve, and rather than either doing any of the things I probably ought, or just hauling my ass to sleep, I’m sitting here ruminating on the upcoming election and the state of Democracy in America in 2002.

I know that, as an American, it is my sacred duty to have no memory of any events that occurred more than 6 months ago, but in a radical pique I’m thinking back to the mist shrouded bygone days of the last election. Remember how you felt for those thirty some odd days between election day and the enthronement of his appointed-ship????? (hey I didn’t say these were bi-partisan ruminations) Remember the way we watched the news, our hearts raced, we thought about politics, and, damn it, for one brief shining moment, cared?

That’s the feeling democracy is supposed to bring. Think back – they were giddy times, heady with possibility.

It was quite a ride. George Bush’s cousin, John Ellis, calling the election for FOX before the polls were closed. Election “irregularities” in a state controlled by a candidates brother. Systematic denial of the right to vote via intimidation, fraud, creative legislation, out and out lying, erroneous lists of felons (sold to Florida by a company GW was cozy with back in his home state in Texas), and various nefarious moustache twirling manipulations. The decision was handed over to the woman who ran the entire Fla. elections process – the totally impartial chairperson of the Bush election committee. When that didn't work, without a worry of what such a partisan opinion based on unsound legal principle would do to the stature, perception, and purity of the Supreme Court, in exchange for some lovely appointments for needy judicial relatives, GWB was declared president.

Since then the current administration has been gutting America, eliminating freedom and diversity in the name of a good business climate (the tanking economy notwithstanding) beat the drums of war, and generally treated the Constitution like one of those long trailing bits of toilet paper stuck to your shoe, that you plan on getting rid of as soon as no one is looking.

Remember the Hope?
Feel the Outrage?

There is a cure for an ailing Democracy. Strangely enough - it is MORE Democracy.

Get out there and vote. If there is a Senate race in your state, if your congressional district has a seat in contest, make your voice heard. It makes a difference. Imagine a senate, congress, president, and supreme court whose entire political philosophy is ” If it’s good for Exxon, it’s god for America.”

If there are no federal races, and only state races where you are – Vote. Florida has taught us how important control of a state can be. Ask yourself – if Jeb wasn’t Gov in 2000, would George be Prez now? If Jeb isn’t Gov in 2004...?  Let them know you don’t support usurpation, by your choice in your state senate, your governor, your congressperson and your senator.

Vote. It ain’t illegal yet.



To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

Theodore Roosevelt

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