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<PRE>For New Readers: Please read messages after this ewire. These short messages 
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got unprecedented gibberish and erant numbers in your ewire. I hope this
one comes through clear. A LOT is happening and look for our next
report. The "Radio Ad" campaign has been a bulls-eye -- and the other
side is scrambling on how best to do damage control. Here's the second

November 02, 2002 NA (Network America) e-wire

Real Life: What Local Media Reaction to Our Radio ads means

In case this message is forwarded to new people, here’s a summary:
between October 22, 2002 and November 4, 2002, approximately 210 radio
ads ran on the 50,000 Watt station WKRC (550AM); approximately 108 radio
ads ran on WLW (700 AM) a 50,000 Watt Clear Channel Voice – which
reaches 200 or 300 miles in circumference during the day, and into 38
states and half of Canada at night and overnight; and 15 radio ads are
running on the hard rock station WEBN, 5 ads to “The Class of 2003”
between 8 PM and 1 AM, on each of Friday, Sunday, and Monday before
election day, November 4.

Now, I despise the music and general act of this station, WEBN, which at
other times we have supported boycotts against because of that station’s
suggestive and foul billboards. But this, and two other stations, are
the only ones listened to en masse by the high school seniors and
college age students -- according to all the kids of that age that I
talked to. I did not have anytime to do research on the other radio
stations which play similar “music” – and WEBN was also owned by Clear
Channel, and headquartered in the SAME BUILDING as WKRC and WLW, also
owned by Clear Channel. (For more on this dangerous phenomenon on a few
corporations owning everything in key industries, see “What is the
Hayfield Research? You’d better find out” in our “Votescam” section at
realnews247.com, and “Only Six Corporations Dominate America’s Major
Media Outlets” in the “Who Runs the Media” section at realnews247.com.)

Anyway – during the last two weeks I have not met nor heard of one
person in high school or college who had heard any of our radio ads, or
even heard about them.

But then, tonight, I went to an  “intramural grudge match basketball
game” – all in good fun – between two groups of young men, now of
college age, one group from Indiana and one from Ohio, who in years gone
by had attended the same Christian summer camp. And even at this
gathering, several of the college age students told me they had heard
the ads. And my son, who lives on campus at a university about an hour
from our house, who was participating in the game, told me that a number
of kids at the university had told him they heard the ads on WEBN – all
from five ads run on Friday night.

I don’t like having to use such an avenue, but what choice do we have to
break the censorship at this point? Now thousands and thousands of young
men and women – are hearing that it is Israel and the Israeli lobby that
wants to pull them out of America and send them to fight and die in the
sands of the middle east – in a cause that is not in America’s interest,
and is in fact directly opposed to America’s interest.

Let’s analyze the local media reaction to our surprise attack. As I said
to a WLW executive after the second interruption of our ads: “You are
acting as an enemy agent instead of a referee between points of view.”

But we knew that going in. We know that the only way the messages in our
radio ads would reach the public, is if the law forced the big stations
to play them.

For new readers, to see why the powers that be wanted to block our radio
messages, go to:


Now, here are the lessons I believe should be learned from this

1. The strategists on the other side can be taken by surprise. They are
implementing their own initiatives, and they often don’t deal with
something until it becomes reality. So many threats of action which they
hear about, never materialize.

2. Once our program began, the first attack was to try and find a
loophole to circumvent the clear intent of the “Reasonable Access” law.
Not really finding one, they pulled the ads “to play it safe” as I was
told. I believe that this was simply to see how far we could be pushed.
If we had not caught the pulling of our ads on October 22, 2002 – then I
believe they would just kept the ads off the air until we noticed.

3. If we did not know the law, and if we did not threaten to go after
their license, they would not have every put our messages back on the
air – even though they knew they were breaking the law, but would have
given us our money back – if we did not know any more than to accept
such a situation.

4. Our ace in the hole was the taping of all the radio shows on which we
bought ads. Knowing probably what we were in for, we had purchased two
Versicorders from the C. Crane Company. These Versicorders takes a sixty
minute tape, and turns it into, in effect, a 240 minute recording. So
one 120 minute tape (60 minutes on each side) – tapes for four hours. We
had bought two of these with $225 of the money you sent to the campaign,
which arrived by overnight on the Friday (October 18th) before the radio
ads began. The utilization of these taping machines let the executives
at Clear Channel know that we had the evidence, and could file to take
over their broadcasting license if they did not fulfill their duties
under the law to run our messages.

5. The American people owe a great debt of gratitude to Nick Landholt,
who left his family in Texas to come up here and work with the campaign
for the last three weeks. Nick has done many things while here – but he
has been the man quietly and carefully – with great dedication and
discipline -- taping all of the radio shows on WKRC and WLW during the
two weeks of the radio ad campaign. EVEN WITH EVERYTHING ELSE, I do not
believe we would have gotten all of our ads played if the executives at
Clear Channel did not know that we had everything on tape, and that we
can verify whether our messages are running, or not, as scheduled. I
could not have done it without him, his coming to Cincinnati was
absolutely Providential. Despite many setbacks and hardships in bringing
this effort to fruition, Nick’s decision and initiative to come up to
Cincinnati for these last few weeks represents the reality that many of
you have come forth as “guardian angels” at just the right time – to
make this effort a success. (Some of you may know Nick from PACE –
Patriots Assuring Clean Elections – and its work in west Texas to win in
a small county, so as to provide a model of how a county would implement
constitutional government in 2002.)

6. Once the Clear Channel executives were stuck with playing the
messages --- on radio stations devoted supposedly to discussing the
controversial issues of the day – a decision had to be made on what to
say, if anything, regarding the ads that were playing almost every hour
in the midst of their programming. The decision made was to have the
talk show hosts announce regularly that the stations were forced to run
all federal political ads by law. While the stations run tons of
political ads every year – this is the first time ever that they have
made such explanations of the “Reasonable Access” law to the listeners –
because they could not appear to endorse the ads by total silence. Often
these explanations are combined with implied insults towards myself and
the ads, and a few times more direct insults, but really not that bad.
This means the understanding is somehow about at these stations not to
call any more attention than need be to our messages. The more driven to
the website, the worse, as far as they are concerned.  The only
exceptions is that the talk show hosts respond to callers who segway
into our ads after talking about other subjects; the host responds, and
moves on. Two of the talk show hosts, Steve Sommers who does the weekend
overnight show, and Bill Cunningham, have advised objectors that this is
freedom of speech, and something that should not be abridged by the

7. I had hoped to force a few weeks of vigorous discussion locally, and
some controversy nationally, regarding the issues we are raising. But
the powers that be – wisely – from their point of view, decided not to
have even one hour in the last few weeks discussing our ads on local
talk radio. Had they done so, they may have found that in the range of
50% of the calls would have gone in our favor, and they would have
driven thousands of more people to our website where those seeking the
truth would have found information they will never find in the major
media. In this case, though, the strategy is so on point that whatever
the local stations did, they are losing ground. One talk show host said
they will discuss the ads the Wednesday after the election – but some of
my associates doubt that this will be the case. Ignoring such dynamite
information is their best defense, although the party line they push, is
wounded either way. We’ll keep you posted.

8. There is one other aspect here: I conclude that the national media
does NOT want to draw attention to the Reasonable Access law. Their
worst nightmare is 100 plus candidates running in every major media
market in the USA – using the same strategy used in the “Jim Condit Jr.
for Congress campaign” this year – but to raise many issues that we did
not have the time or resources to raise this year (without diluting our
effectiveness in a two week campaign). Any coverage of our campaign and
radio ads would have drawn attention to this law.

So, censorship or “ignoring” is always the first strategy – and ridicule
and attack is the second when the subject cannot be ignored anymore. In
this case, the “ignoring” of our omnipresent radio ads by WLW and WKRC
is also a kind of a compliment by the local media, as it indicates that,
despite almost 14 months of warmongering talk and Bush
administration/Israel cheerleading – the stations did not feel competent
to take on our messages taking up 10 to 20 minutes a day – with the
other 23 hours of programming they put on.

The goal for the next two years will be elaborated more tomorrow, but it
is clearly to get congressional candidates to run in all 100 plus major
media markets and air the messages which break the Big Media censorship,
and which America needs to hear.

What follows is a copy of the letter and fax we sent to the FCC last
week, to the lay the groundwork for any action we may have to take if
our contract is not fulfilled by WLW and WKRC. And then at the end is
the information needed to make a contribution to the campaign or the
effort for the next two years, as we still have many expenses ancillary
to the radio ad which I need to take care of as soon as possible.

Here is the letter and fax to the FCC; the first letter was sent October
30, 2002:

Dear FCC:

    This letter is just to give you some written record of what could be a
problem between my congressional campaign and the radio stations WLW
(700 AM) and WKRC (550 AM), both owned by Clear Channel and based in
Cincinnati, Ohio at 1111 St. Gregory St..

    We are audio-taping every minute of every radio show we bought radio
ads on with the versicorder from C. Crane Company, which records 4 hours
of programming at a time per 60 minute side of an audio tape. We decided
to do this before we bought any radio ads to insure that the radio ads
our supporters paid for – actually aired as directed.

    The only thing that matters is that the radio spots are aired as
bought, within the guidelines set by the FCC and the law, by midnight of
Monday, November 4, 2002 – when all political advertising comes to an
end on these radio stations.

    At this time, we believe that the contract will be fulfilled, and we
have every expectation that this will be so. However, there are several
incidents which have occurred which cause us to be concerned.

    First, our non-preemptible ads were pulled without warning to us at 6
PM on October, 22, 2002 from the WLW schedule. Seven of our
non-pre-emptible ads were pre-empted and pulled between 6 PM on October
22, 2002 and 6 AM on October 23, 2002. This was absolutely against
federal law, and is the type of “letter of the law” violation that could
trigger a loss of FCC license for a radio station.

    The executive who tells me he decided to pull our ads had talked to me
at 5 PM asking me to voluntarily pull the radio call letters for WLW and
WKRC from our web page, which I gladly did. Why the concern over our ads
was not mentioned at 5 PM, but the ads were pulled at 6 PM that day –
causes me concern. I have no trouble believing that WLW and WRKC
management was coming under pressure because of the content of our radio
ads – but that is the very reason for the FCC regulations and the laws
in this regard. I had presented both stations with the papers from the
Hamilton County Board of Elections proving that I was a legal
congressional candidate (federal candidate), and these papers clearly
showed I was a write-in candidate.

    Next: On October 25, 2002, we found that our schedule at WKRC was
changed at 5 AM in the morning, even though the right ads were being
played from 12 midnight to 5 AM. Now, it is highly unlikely that the
computers themselves suddenly switched the schedule backed to the
previous day, thus interrupting our intended campaign progression. The
program director I was referred to, expressed bewilderment at how the
radio ads were changed. These are now being made up, however, and we
have heard some of the make-ups.
    On October 29, 2002, we found that our radio ads were again not
playing. When I called the next morning at about 9:00 AM, I found that
the certified bank check for over $3000, and our letter expressing which
radio ads to play – had purportedly been “not received” even though I
had delivered both with witnesses on the previous Thursday evening,
October 24, 2002, at about 5:05 PM. When I threatened to call the FCC, I
was gruffly told by an executive, ‘FAX THEM OVER, and we’ll play them.”
I said I was faxing nothing, because we had already delivered
everything, but I would call the FCC, and within 15 seconds the
certified check and the instructions were suddenly “found” and . . .
well, I am supposed to be infused with confidence from such a

    I was then told in that same day that this was a public service the
stations were performing (dealing with federal political radio ads),
which it is not, it is a legal responsibility (although a big, big
headache, no doubt) of FCC licensed stations to insure a robust
political debate on the issues of the day under the first amendment.
Again, I wonder if someone at the station isn’t just trying to push me
to see how gullible I and my campaign are, and then backing down once it
is realized we know the law.

    Next, I was told by an executive that since we had bought pre-emptible
ads for the second week on both WLW and WKRC – that they didn’t have to
play any of them. In truth, per the documentation that Mark Berlin
kindly provided me, all pre-emptible ads must be played in the same day
part during some day before the election. Again, I wonder, does the
station not know this? Or what?

    Now, I have not used the name of anyone in this communication, because
a) all of the ladies have been most cooperative, although at times I
have felt they were under duress; b) I do not know if the person who
told me this or that, was himself or herself under duress from their own
boss, in which case I do not want to shed bad light on them.

    Also, neither myself nor my campaign wants to get into litigation or
filing for the license of WLW or WKRC. All we want is for our radio ads
to be played as ordered by the close of the advertising period of this
election at midnight Monday, November 4, 2002. However, if we find upon
reviewing our tapes that our contract has not been fulfilled, then we
will file for the license of the offending station, and litigate with
the full and total vigor that such a situation would demand. We would do
so to defend the right of our donors to speak through their candidate;
we would do so to defend the right of every federal candidate to reach
the public through the publicly licensed airwaves, a most important
feature of the freedom enjoyed in the United States of America; and we
would do so because a station who would not fulfill such a serious
obligation to the candidate and people of America --- would need to have
its FCC license revoked.

    Now – be it noted that we bought pre-emptible radio ads on WKRC from
October 22 to November 4 - - the entire schedule. And pre-emptible ads
on WLW from October 29 to Nov 4. So it is within the prerogative of
Clear Channel to play these ads at any time up until Monday, November
4th, provided that they are played on the daypart we ordered in the buy.
(I am providing the information which Mark Berlin sent me from the FCC
on this point to Clear Channel at 1111 St. Gregory St., in the packet
with the copy of this letter.)

    However, since the spirit of the “Reasonable” access law is that the
federal candidate be treated in like manner as the business customers,
then it seems reasonable that our campaign be provided the “minimal
separation” that is customarily accorded to businesses, i.e., not
jamming a lot of spots in a half hour, and a reasonable distribution of
the campaign’s ads over the time in each day part. I must say that we
have been very pleased with the time distribution of our radio ads, with
the exception of the few glitches or lapses noted above.

    In conclusion, we are not trying to be unreasonable, nor are we unaware
of the pressures which the radio stations are under everyday, and
especially in the political season. However, it is a necessary and a
serious matter that the contracts of federal candidates be fulfilled as
ordered, and we are thus submitting this letter to the FCC to update the
happenings between WLW and WKRC in this campaign. We do have every
expectation that all make ups will be made and all of the order will be
fulfilled by the end of political advertising at midnight, November 4,
2002, and we certainly hope that this will prove to be the case.


Jim Condit Jr.
Congressional Candidate 2nd District of Ohio

Here is the fax sent the next day to the FCC, as an addendum:

FAX         October 31, 2002

To: FCC, Mark Berlin; Hope Cooper (fax 202-418-1124)
From: Jim Condit Jr. for Congress Campaign (513-481-1992)

Addendum to the FCC on the “Jim Condit Jr. for Congress” matter
concerning radio ads running on Clear Channel stations, WLW and WKRC.
Sent by Fax:

In my overnight arriving to the FCC (Mark Berlin, Hope Cooper) on
October 31, 2002 – I neglected to mention this further matter which
causes us to be concerned that our schedule be run as ordered with the
proper number of each spot running in the proper day parts by the end of
the election advertising season.

This is from a communication we sent out to some of our supporters by
email yesterday: “On a local television spot, an executive from Clear
Channel Inc. (the owner of WLW and WKRC radio) has admitted trying to
find a loophole in the law which would make it possible for them to not
run the “Jim Condit Jr. for Congress radio ads. Our ads hit the
Cincinnati airwaves a week ago, on October 22, 2002. The admission was
made known, among other places, on a TV 5 (NBC local affiliate) segment
by reporter John London on October 28, 2002. To repeat, London’s spot
cited a WLW radio (Clear Channel) executive as stating that they had
tried to find loopholes in the “Reasonable Access” laws for federal
candidates, but could not. This information has also appeared on Channel
5’s website this week.”

While we expect that our contract will be properly fulfilled, there are
very few days left now, and in the spirit of helping everything come out
OK, we send this further record of incidents which cause us to be
concerned. As stated in the previous letter, we do not seek legal
confrontation, but only wish to see our contract fulfilled in accordance
with FCC rules and the law.

End of communications to the FCC

Here is the information and options to make contributions:

Instructions again: to send money to the campaign to help me clean up a
few thousand dollars in expenses that we should take care of as soon as
possible: mail to: “Jim Condit Jr. for Congress”, PO Box 11555,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211. (Corporations cannot donate to a congressional
campaign, and I believe the limit per person is $1000, and parents
cannot donate in the name of minor children.) But IF --- IF –

You are in a sensitive position and would rather that your name not
appear on the congressional campaign report I must by law file for all
donors to the campaign, -- then you can still help me by helping me keep
afloat my other operations, such as this e-wire, throughout this period,
-- so I can fight the propaganda war, rather than the fund-raising war.
Check, postal order, or credit card info (will be kept strictly
confidential) is acceptable here. In that case, you can mail to:

Cincinnatus New Service, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211, or

You can give a gift of up to $10,000, without taxes or paperwork to
either donor or receiver, -- to myself or any other individual. --- In
that case, I can use the money as I see fit for the cause. If you wish
to do that, then make out the check to:

 Jim Condit Jr., PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211. Put gift in the
lower left hand corner of the check or postal money order. This type of
donation does not have to be reported at all. Again –

None of the three options for donations are tax deductible.

End of this e-wire

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Network America Ewire List
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

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<PRE>"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin


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9-11 TERROR ATTACK INFORMATION: For perspective on 9-11 attacks you must see the 
articles lined up at www.sweetliberty.org -- when you get to that home page you will 
see on the left hand side under the headings a section in red, "America's New War, or 
War on Americans?" When you click on that and scroll down you will find a section in 
blue letters called "Attack on America", when you click on that you find many key 
articles on 9-11, including: "Operation 911: No Suicide Pilots!" by Carol Valentine; 
and "Who We Need Fear and What is Global Hawk?" from this e-wire; and "More 911 
Questions; Anthrax; Who's the Coward?" also from this e-wire. After today's message 
you can find how to go to the Topica website to read any and all of our back articles 
since January 10, 2000.]

Another important 9-11 website is www.public-action.com which is Carol Valentine's 

ARCHIVES MESSAGES: Network America e-wire messages are archived at the votefraud.org 
website.  These archived messages can be found at votefraud.org by going to "red hot 
news", then "news by month", then choose from the titles in each month.  . . .

You can also always find a completely up to date archive of Network America messages 
at: <A HREF=" http://www.topica.com/lists/networkamerica/read 
">http://www.topica.com/lists/networkamerica/read</A> -- but you may find that you 
have to establish a user name and password at Topica first. You can ignore all other 
information Topica asks you for, if you wish.

RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest Elections' 
crash course radio show over the internet at www.rense.com in the archives, April 3rd, 
2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest; there is also an hour interview on 
the aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election in the www.rense.org archives for the 
night of December 6, 2000.

background" e-wires -- can be found at votefraud.org by scrolling down on the home 
page to the section: "The Full Story behind the Radio Ads". These e-wires give you a 
better overview of what's happening in America and the world then you would get by 
spending 4 years in political science classes at Harvard or Yale, or another other 
major university. Save yourself time and money -- read those important NA e-wires.

MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION 2000 MESSAGES: Also, see Network America e-wires for October 
19, November 6, 7, and November 24, 26, and 27, 2000 give critical information on 
previews and aftermath of Election 2000.

ELECTION 2000 RADIO ADS: For our Election 2000 Vote Fraud Radio Ads -- Go to 
www.votefraud.org, and pick the section on the home page entitled, "Listen to all the 
Vote Fraud ads You've heard about" to hear -- or read the text -- of the Radio Ads 
which aired in the month before the 2000 election over WLW Radio -- which station 
reaches into 38 states at night -- and several other midwest stations. These radio ads 
exposed the easily rigged computerized elections which "elect" public officials in the 
USA, and also exposed the coordinated news and censorship of the 5 Big TV Networks. 
Thanks to Ken Lowndes for Congress, the radio stations were REQUIRED BY LAW to air 
these ads. They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and you've never heard anyting like 
it on TV or Radio.

LEWIS NEWS ARCHIVE: A limited archive of some of the "Best of" Network America 
Archives can be found at www.lewisnews.com at "Citizens for a Fair Vote Count" section 
accessed in left hand column of home page.

ANOTHER WAY TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS E-WIRE: To subscribe to the Network America e-wire 
you can also go to www.votefraud.org, then Daily E-wires on the home page, -- and then 
punch in your email near the topica logo.

CRASH COURSE, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! What follows is a Crash Course on the current 
progress of the Occupation Government Now Ruling America. This Occupation Government 
is stilll using the forms and institutions of the United States Government, but is 
increasing bringing its World Tyranny Government out of the shadows and into open view:

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX), 
the AP wire service, and their two major papers (the New York Times and Washington 
Post) are making peaceful change impossible at the ballot box.

They are effecting this by protecting computerized VOTE FRAUD, that is -- elections 
easily rigged by computerized methods from centralized locations, -- by Big Media 
Censorship of candidates which this Ruling Elite does not control, and a cover-up and 
suppression of many other aspects of votefraud-related manipulation of America's 
future. A key part of their act is the constant release of manipulated Public Opinion 
Polls to convince Americans that the majority of people support the direction along 
which the Ruling Elite is taking America.

The Ruling Elite has also engineered an increasing flood of illegal aliens into the 
USA via their agents in both major political parties. Furthermore, the two major 
parties are officially sanctioning RIDICULOUS loopholes allowing these non-citizens to 
become registered voters . . . The more registered voters -- legal or illegal -- who 
do not vote -- the easier to manipulate elections by centralized computer fraud. 
(However, elections could now be manipulated by centralized computerized votefraud, 
even if every last voter voted.)

All of the above factors make peaceful political change more remote by the day.

President Kennedy talked about this:

"If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution inevitable." 
President John F Kennedy

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are:

1) Massive coverage of the Ruling Elite's favored Candidates, coupled with ruthless 
Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public Opinion Polls jammed 
down the public throat for months before each national election;

2) phony exit polls published by joint effort of the Big TV Networks on Election Day 
through the sinister New York City-based company, Voter News Service, which company is 
jointly owned by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and the AP wire. For 25 years, the major 
networks have conducted a HOAX competition to call winners and losers on election 
night -- and their hoax is thoroughly exposed on votefraud.org on the Home page in the 
section with the little Newsboy Guy called, "Voter News Service" -- and in our e-wires 
of Jan 24, 2000 on the 1996 Iowa Caucus, May 30, 2000 on "A House Without Doors", June 
17, 2000 "Vicki Collier vs. VNS", 8-25-00, a part of which deals with Senator Bob 
Smith's interview on C-Span about the VNS/TV Networks wrong call that he would lose 
his 1996 election.

3) and easily rigged computerized vote counting on election day -- which make the 
polls and exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are barred from touching 
or counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from knowing what is in 
the software program that instructs the computers how to count the votes.)

To contact us, reply to this message or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ALERT OPINION MOLDERS: Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public 
officials, and the newsmedia know -- that a growing number of citizens do not accept 
"Election results" -- and will not accept "election results" until paper ballots -- 
with citizen checks and balances -- are restored to the process at the local 
(neighborhood) precinct level.

The continuation of unverifiable, easily rigged computerized elections -- is planting 
the seeds for the necessity of citizens of the USA to take other routes regain control 
of our national destiny by restoring honest, verifiable elections, -- as is our right, 
enunciated in the founding documents of the United States of America, under the 
"consent of the governed" and other relevant sections.

PAYPAL: If you are on PayPal -- you can donate to Network America at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NA FUNDING LIST: We have another list for those who wish to help fund 50 or more 
organizers around the US to rescue America, or fund their own work. This list is the 
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