-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/news/nation/4447719.htm

Posted on Tue, Nov. 05, 2002

Pedophile left the clergy and became a government lawyer

The Dallas Morning News


(KRT) - Once he was a pedophile priest in Dallas.

Now he's a government lawyer in New Orleans, an officer of the system he managed to

Church, state, a doctor and others helped Robert Peebles Jr. get here – to stay out of 
to get a
legal education, to keep his terrible secrets from the Louisiana State Bar Association.

Extraordinary as it sounds, this transition from one position of public trust to 
another is not
particularly unusual. An abusive priest in Tennessee, for example, became a juvenile 
worker and got custody of a troubled 12-year-old boy, whom he raped. Other molesters
have moved on to jobs as teachers and counselors.

Rarely, though, is the contrast between past and present as stark as it is with 
Peebles, who
works for the Social Security Administration.

Perhaps no one helped Peebles as much as his psychiatrist in Galveston, Dr. Lee Emory.
She endorsed his bid for a law license in a letter that contradicted her own previous
assessment of him, according to records surrendered during 1990s civil litigation 
the Catholic Diocese of Dallas.

Emory declined to be interviewed. The director of sex-offender treatment at the clinic
where she works said they could not discuss Peebles' case without his permission.

Peebles did not respond to interview requests.

Responding to a 1988 questionnaire from the diocese, Emory had expressed grave concern.
Peebles, by then forced from ministry and the Army by child-molestation admissions, had
quit taking a libido-suppressing drug and dropped out of treatment. He had married a
church secretary with teenage sons, after writing in therapy that he was a pedophile 
didn't feel as close to her as he did to boys.


"There is a lot of vulnerability for recurrences," wrote Emory, who was paid by the 
and thanked her own priest for advising her on treatment of clergy. "I believe the 
of public trust is too great a load for Robert."

She gave a very different account in 1990, although she had not treated Peebles 

"His 'condition' is no longer existent," the psychiatrist said in a letter to the 
Louisiana Bar
admissions committee, which was evaluating Peebles' fitness to become a lawyer. "I know
him to use intellectual and empathetic skills to a high degree and therefore would most
definitely recommend him to counsel the public."

The committee had sent Emory a confidentiality waiver, signed by Peebles, which freed 
to disclose "any and all information … concerning my character and past record." Yet 
apparently consulted with her former patient about restricting what she would say.

"I agree that discharge summaries, etc., should not be sent," Peebles wrote to Emory.
"They are liable to be misunderstood and seem inflammatory; moreover, the committee
didn't ask for them."

Emory subsequently told the committee chairman in a letter that her former patient's
diagnosis of psychosexual disorder referred to "compulsive sexual thoughts." She did 
mention that children were the subject of those thoughts and that Peebles had admitted
molesting 16 of them.

In an addendum to his bar application, which he copied to Emory, Peebles wrote that he
"was discharged from the Army under other than honorable conditions" after being
"investigated for indecent acts with a minor." He said he had never been convicted of a
crime, and "other than this one incident, I have never been accused of any crime."

The addendum also stated: "I admit to a history of largely passive, latent psychosexual
problems which caused me great anguish and internal stress." He said he had experienced
no further problems since leaving "the unique pressures of the celibate priesthood" and

Peebles' assurances, like Emory's, did not mention that he had admitted abusing boys. 
of those admissions came in a sworn statement after he was arrested in 1984 on 
of trying to rape a 15-year-old boy on a Georgia military base, where he worked as a
chaplain on loan from the Dallas diocese.

The priest was allowed to quit the Army instead of facing a court-martial – "after 
weeks of
intense negotiations involving myself, the parents of the boy and the military 
according to a statement written in the late 1980s by Bishop Thomas Tschoepe, who
headed the diocese during Peebles' tenure.

The bishop put the priest back to work in a parish, where he abused more boys. Peebles
admitted one such case in 1986 to his bosses, who permanently removed him from ministry
and apparently notified Dallas police.

"The police are not going to do anything as long as he gets help and there's no formal
complaint or charge filed against him in Texas," a Maryland psychiatrist wrote after
evaluating Peebles.


No current member of the Dallas police child exploitation squad handled such cases in 
said Sgt. Byron Fassett, one of the unit's veterans, so "I can't comment on that." The 
would not release its records about Peebles, citing his right to privacy.

Fassett told The Dallas Morning News in 1994 that the unit was examining allegations
against Mr. Peebles. No charges resulted, he said recently, because "we had no
complainants ever come forward." The former priest has no criminal record in Texas or

In July of this year, responding to a complaint filed by one of Peebles' former altar 
boys in
the Dallas area, Louisiana officials began re-examining whether he should have a law

His attorney, Richard Stanley, responded with a letter to a state investigator 
asserting that
his client "fully disclosed the circumstances of his resignation from the Army ... and
subsequent treatment at a mental health facility."

Kristopher Galland, the former altar boy, then sent the investigator a copy of 
Peebles' sworn
admission and an expert witness' summary of evidence in the litigation against the 
and the diocese. "Do you honestly believe he would have been approved for a law license
were the bar admissions committee given the information I am now providing you?" wrote
Galland, who was a plaintiff in the litigation.

"I am not against Bob Peebles making an honest living," he added, "but I am worried 
he will abuse the power and position of trust."

Lana Ford, a spokeswoman for the Social Security Administration, said Peebles earns
nearly $60,000 annually for a desk job. "There is no public contact," she said.

Ford said federal privacy rules prevent her from discussing what Peebles disclosed when
applying for his job. She did note that applicants for public-trust positions such as 
undergo an extensive background check that includes questions about mental health

Ernest O'Bannon, a New Orleans lawyer who was the bar admissions committee chairman
in 1990, said that the effect of Emory's letter to him would have been that Peebles'
application "probably never got to the stage where he'd be rejected."

He said he did not recall the application specifically but stressed that, at the time, 
admissions committee operated under "very limited resources." A clean bill of health 
from a
psychiatrist, he said, meant that the committee would not have sought a candidate's
military record or references from former employers.

"We didn't have the resources to do an investigation," O'Bannon said.

No public documentation exists of Peebles' entire bar-admissions file – such records 
routinely destroyed after two years. But there are independent indications that support
O'Bannon's recollections. Peebles' diocesan personnel file, for example, contains no 
that the bar asked his church superiors about him.

Officials of the Louisiana Attorney Discipline Board, which is conducting the current 
declined to comment. Since the late 1990s, Louisiana has begun asking far more 
of prospective lawyers and uses the National Conference of Bar Examiners to run
background checks.

Erica Moeser, president of the conference, cautioned that the checks focus on verifying
applicants' statements – not detecting omissions. "What went undetected then wouldn't
necessarily be detected now," she said.

"In general, bar admissions resources are severely under-resourced," said Moeser, who
formerly investigated bar candidates for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. She said she has
seen many cases in which therapists advocate for their patients, which "sometimes 
the public interest."


Advocacy is an important part of treatment, said Dr. Richard Milone, chairman of the
American Psychiatric Association's ethics committee, "yet protection of the public is
paramount." He noted that his association's ethics code requires psychiatrists to be 
within legal constraints. People generally must waive those constraints, however, when
seeking professional licenses.

Texas law says that the Board of Medical Examiners can discipline physicians for 
that is likely to deceive or defraud the public."

Emory's letter to the bar "makes us very uncomfortable," said Dr. Donald Patrick, a 
and medical doctor who is executive director of the board. He stressed that he was 
his comment on a reporter's summary of documents in the Peebles case.

Milone, medical director of a Catholic hospital in suburban New York, questioned why
Peebles would seek a legal career.

"He knew all along" that he would face questions about his fitness when applying for a 
license, the psychiatrist said. "It was a disaster set up to happen."

To become a lawyer, Peebles had to first get a legal education, of course. And two 
of recommendation that helped him get into Tulane Law School in New Orleans said
nothing about his problems.

One came from his brother-in-law, a New Jersey lawyer named Stephen Knox. According to
psychiatric records, Knox had previously advised Peebles to hire a criminal defense 
after the priest was accused of molesting a boy. Knox declined last week to comment.

The other letter came from Dr. Stephen Maddux, an associate professor of French at the
diocese- affiliated University of Dallas. He wrote that Peebles might speak up to 
"whenever he disagreed with them, a practice they may not have appreciated. Very 
likely it
is this side of his character that is responsible, in part, for his decision to leave 

Maddux said Friday he had no idea at the time that Peebles had molested children, 
he knew he had been transferred repeatedly as a priest. "I guess I was kind of dense," 
said. "We didn't know about these things then."

The Dallas Diocese financed much of Peebles' legal education, as The Dallas Morning 
reported several years ago. Bronson Havard, a spokesman for the diocese, said church 
requires the retraining of clerics to compensate them for past sacrifices.

Asked why Peebles got help entering another position of public trust, Havard 
responded, "I
can't second-guess the judgment of the time." He added: "We probably would do it
differently today."


Here is a timeline of events that preceded former Dallas priest Robert Peebles Jr.'s 
admission to the Louisiana State Bar Association. The bar probably didn't know most of 
information because it didn't investigate applicants' backgrounds at the time, a 
former bar
official said. Louisiana officials are now investigating whether Peebles is fit to 
practice law.

1977 – He is ordained a priest for the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, which later lets 
him go
work as a military chaplain.

1984 – Father Peebles is arrested at the Army base of Fort Benning, Ga., on a charge of
trying to rape a boy. He admits to a military police investigator that he fondled the 
and previously abused another boy in the Dallas Diocese. Peebles avoids a 
court-martial by
resigning from the Army, then returns to work as a Dallas parish priest. Doctors at the
Medical College of Georgia evaluate him and conclude that he suffers from borderline
personality disorder.

1984-1986 – Peebles undergoes therapy with Dr. Ray McNamara, a Dallas psychologist. The
treatment summary: "I am concerned about Rob's potential for resolution of his 
and I am equally concerned about his depth of motivation and sincerity in trying to 
deal with
the problem."

August 1986 – The priest resigns as a pastor and is sent to a treatment center after 
boys report sexual abuse. The psychiatrist who initially evaluates him writes that the 
"believes he has had sexual activity with approximately 16 children," generally after 
them with alcohol and drinking heavily himself.

November 1986 – Father Peebles asks Pope John Paul II to remove him from the
priesthood. "I have a loathsome sexual perversion which I never asked for and never
wanted," the priest wrote. "I am a pedophile, sexually attracted to young adolescent 
The Vatican takes three years to approve his petition.

December 1986 – Father Peebles starts taking the libido-suppressing drug Depo-Provera 
therapists' urging "but believes that he does not need" it, according to a 

January 1987 – As part of his therapy, he writes an essay entitled "A Pedophile's Self-
Assessment" and concludes that his disorder "runs broad and deep." He says he has
become sexually involved with a woman, "but I have never felt the 'bondedness' or
emotional closeness I feel with boys." He adds that he fears losing this attraction, 
life without it might be "colorless and boring."

Spring 1987 – He gets a job as a probation officer near San Antonio and quits taking 
Provera. In a letter to his psychiatrist at the Rosenberg Clinic in Galveston, Dr. Lee 
he writes: "(S)oon I will be in law school. Active treatment, especially chemical 
for a severe psychosexual problem with legal overtones is something that I cannot 
allow to
be discovered by my current employers or by the legal establishment." Peebles also 
that "I am still capable of molesting children" and tells the doctor, "Do not think 
for one
moment that I am not nervous in abandoning Depo-Provera."

August 1987 – Peebles marries the woman with whom he's been having a relationship. She
is a former church secretary with two teenage sons; she soon gives birth to a son 
by the priest.

Fall 1987 – Peebles enters Tulane Law School in New Orleans, with financial aid from 
Dallas Diocese.

February 1988 – In a letter to the diocese, Emory says that one of Peebles' therapists
"probably summed it up best when he framed Robert's psychological makeup, among other
things, as a need to identify with the aggressor. So law school should be a good
sublimation." On a questionnaire submitted by the diocese, the psychiatrist writes that
"there is a lot of vulnerability for recurrences" and adds: "I believe the pressure of 
trust is too great a load for Robert." A psychologist working with Emory, responding 
to the
same questionnaire, says that Peebles dropped out of treatment despite advice to the

September 1988 – McNamara, the Dallas psychologist, tells the diocese that Peebles
showed "no sign of improvement and a strong tendency to avoid or interrupt adequate
treatment, and his potential for further actions inconsistent with the laws of society 
and the
Church is very high."

May 1990 – On a bar admissions committee form, Peebles authorizes release of all
confidential medical, employment, education, military and law enforcement records about

May 22, 1990 – Peebles writes Emory about limiting the records she will provide to the
admissions committee. He also provides her a statement he gave the admissions committee
that says he "was discharged from the Army under other than honorable conditions" but
has "never been convicted of any crime."

May 29, 1990 – Emory responds to an inquiry from admissions committee chairman Ernest
O'Bannon. Her letter never mentions Peebles' molestation admissions, says he "has an
excellent prognosis" and recommends him. SOURCE: Church, military and therapeutic
records obtained in litigation against the Diocese o Dallas


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