-Caveat Lector-

someone with little activism experience but with extensive experience of
latin american countries told me a few weeks ago that iran-contra had a
lot to do with Nestle, Folgers, and Texas Instruments...

following up on this i got an amazing number of connections to the
anti-iraq lobby and the SDI lobby...i.e. connections to rumsfield,
wolfowitz, and perle

further, i had already learned that the first thing hit in the 1991 gulf
war was iraq's rail launcher...a magnetic rail used to propel objects to
a high rate of speed AFTER which a rocket's propulsion is ignited...this
could be used to bomb israel or to launch satellites into space at an
enormous rate...in other words, if the right nations got together and
provided the satellite technology (russia, EU, japan etc...) this rail
launcher COULD be used to challenge American communications superiority
in a short time (it is RE-USABLE)...add to this the fact that there is a
ring around china of fighting going on (nepal, the koreas, japan,
afghanistan, etc..) and that pakistani official sources contend that
china is working on a rail launcher WITH pakistan and global events
begin to take on a different hue

so we have satellites and the SDI lobby (much about satellites)

further, i contend that the SDI money over the past 20 years has been
used for technologies related to those PURPORTED, but a little

add this to the mix: on september 11, 2001 NASA's communications
satellites were disrupted...a hack?

were instructions beamed to the global hawk technologies installed on
all passenger aircraft?

plug satellites into all of the above topics and patterns emerge
linking, EXTRAORDINARILY, rumsfield, wolfowitz, perle, and


please see


the following would seem to implicate china in potentially hacking U.S.
satellites in a cyberwar that reached a crescendo in the early days of
september, 2001...however, since most of the material relies upon Wired
magazine, which from personal DIRECT experience, is a highly compromised,
CFR-infiltrated 'news' source, it is easy to surmise that the U.S. tested
the first strike capability of SDI on ITSELF on that day

rail launchers, the small plane evidence, communications satellites,
september 11, and unmanned aircrart

~i may go down for this but then again, i am just some unemployed nut -
easily discredited~

The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Center, which is based in South Korea,
itemizes various technologies having to do with its specialty (unmanned
vehicles) by nation. The list shows that Iran has experimented with
rail launch of unmanned aircraft. Unmanned aircraft figure prominently
in the most critical of 9-11 theories.

A page of their website is intriguing.




the following is snipped from

In 1998, prior to the election of the conservative BJP coalition into
office, the parliamentary standing committee on defence issued a thick
report asking the government to go ahead ‘full steam’ to develop the
entire range of missiles after reports that Pakistan had positioned
their missiles targeting Indian cities and that China was developing a
number of missile systems which could target any part of the country.


In April 1999, the BJP coalition approved the first test of the new
Agni-II Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), and the government
also approved calls for a 59 percent budgetary boost for the Department
of Atomic Energy and a 62 percent increase for the Department of Space.
The DAE oversees the Bhabha Atomic Research Center, which is responsible
for warhead design, production, and fabrication, while the Indian Space
Research Organization (ISRO) is closely integrated with India’s military
ballistic missile programs.

~that would probably be because of the satellite connection - rail
launchers anyone?~

~ya know...when growing up i learned something (about 20 years ago)
about a missile launch system that used rails..it was said that rails
made launchers more mobile and that because of the fact that they were
not stationary, they were less easily targeted - i think that was a
smokescreen: i think that what i heard about was the very kind of rail
launchers that i am discussing here: asia threatens to catch up...why
would this be such a secret? because the populace at large must not
become aware that it is communications technologies, not bombs, that rig
the international hierarchy...something world powers can all agree upon
it seems...oh yeah - by the way, mewonders if this isn't why we build a
ring around china, after pretending to court pakistan: was that drone
that hit the pentagon, that very dark plane that was about 2/3 the size
of a 757, launched by a rail?~

The Agni-II incorporates a far more accurate terminal navigation and
guidance system which constantly updates information about the missile
flight path using Global Positioning System information provided by
ground-based beacons. DRDO’s Chief Controller of R&D (Missile division),
A.S. Pillai, stated after the Agni-II test, "We have improved accuracy
by a factor of at least three. It is a far more lethal missile now."

~remember: GPS satellites were reported by NASA to have been disturbed
in their tasks on September 11, 2001~

The Agni-II would be deployed via a rail-based missile launcher, which
demonstrates a potential capability for dispersal in time of a crisis
for maximum survivability of the deterrent. The rail launch system
disguises both the missile launcher and the separate mobile launch
control center under "bogie" covers on a regular commercial goods cargo
train, which can be used in most parts of the Indian commercial rail

~the rail, as it has been described TO ME, hurls a satellite with a
small booster or other launchable technologies which ignites as the
object is already attaining speeds of hundreds of miles per hour...it's
like harvesting gravity instead of fighting it~


~if your scroll down, and i am having a major realization as i type,
about 3/5 the way down you will see the stills as the object hits the
pentagon...this has been argued ad infinitum by myself and others to be
a small black plane...the shape being the 'give-away - HOWEVER, closer
examination reveals what is apparently the type of fin at the forward
1/3 mark that spells out a different scenario...i think it is a
missile...in fact it looks a lot like the kind of missile depicted by
some pics on rail launcher web pages~

like these missiles


the following is snipped from

Date: Tue, 28 Feb 89 11:42:31 EST
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Rachiele)
Subject: rail launch

100,000G's? I guess it isn't man rated then.:-). Seriously, this could
be useful, if only for moving raw materials into space. Assuming a
manned presence in LEO, it is conceivable that some kind of "pick up" of
the launched "bullets" from the rail gun could be done, using some kind
of external system to convert the balistic trajectory into an orbit.
Then the material could be used for construction in space, or possibly
for re-supply (though you wouldn't be able to send the eggs and white
bread, even the milk bottles might get damaged:-).


for more on rail launchers

~where we hear, again, about that sensitive 'nuclear' secret 'stolen'
(traded for heroin?) by china~

also see:


Global Hawk, Artificial Intelligence, Boeing, DARPA, and September 11

months ago, it was [EMAIL PROTECTED] that managed to get me on this
course of thinking...siriusss brought many revelations to the old psy-op
list - see:

where siriusss describes how her company, which was working for hughes
aircraft in the department of unmanned aircraft, was seized by china and
a year later she learned that several of her missing employees had been
sent to the WTC in the week prior to that 'fateful' day to conduct

the last i heard from her she was hot on the trail of the zionist
hackers and was eyeballing a dutch hacker...soon after interpol got on
it and siriusss began to be unreachable



it is DARPA that houses the scientists that are loved by the
SDI/anti-iraq lobby...rumsfield and wolfowitz all of which are complicit
in iran-contra

darpa works much on weather modification, which increased vastly in the
weeks following the sept. 11 attacks:

see the following:

SDI, NASA , and September 11

Missile Defense Testing & Financial Accountability

for much more that is relevant, see


Contral, Chemtrail, or Atmospheric Research?


WTC, Buffet, China, Offnut AFB base, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and CIA

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