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Saturday, November 9, 2002

'Anti-Islam' books spark fatwa
Author speaks out despite warnings from bin Laden, Nation of Islam
Posted: November 9, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Art Moore

To say that Kola Boof is the target of a fatwa sentencing her to
death for blaspheming Islam only begins to tell the story of this
controversial Sudanese-born author.

Sudanese-born author Kola Boof
Boof, who is now under the protection of U.S. government agents,
told WorldNetDaily that her first book about women who live under
Islam prompted a phone call from Osama bin Laden, with whom she
had become acquainted in Marrakesh, Morocco.

"If I had the time, I would come there and slit your throat myself,"
she recalls bin Laden saying in February 1998.

Along with bin Laden, Boof's poetry collection in 1997 angered many
Muslims in North Africa, but her writing did not meet the full wrath of
militant Muslims until Sept. 26, when Sudanese diplomat Gamal
Ibrahim issued the fatwa.

The decree, calling for her to be beheaded, was given after a
Shariah court in London's Islamic community declared her guilty of
"deliberately and maliciously bearing false witness against religious
sentiment and of willing treason against her Arab Muslim father's
people and against her nation, the Sudan."

Supporters of Boof maintain her real offense is to speak out against
oppression of women by Muslims and to cast a spotlight on the
slavery and genocide carried out by Sudan's Islamist regime.

'I don't believe bin Laden's behind the fatwa,' she said. 'But I have
no doubt that he would support it. He would be saying, 'They should
have killed her years ago.'"

On Thursday, a handful of demonstrators gathered on Boof's behalf
in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C., and outside
the United Nations building in New York City. Publicists for the event
included Sudan activist Maria Sliwa, who said only about a dozen
showed up.

Intimidation by the Sudanese Embassy and by people claiming to be
members of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam scared away others
who wanted to protest, organizers insist.

One week ago, the vice president of the Washington, D.C., chapter
of the United Negro Improvement Association was told by a
representative of the Sudan Embassy to not participate in the
demonstration. The UNIA said it urged the embassy to issue a
statement rescinding the fatwa, but was refused.

Another demonstration, in Los Angeles, had to be canceled, Boof
said, "because the organizer was so terrified about Farrakhan's
people calling her that she pulled out."

The author also said people claiming to represent Jesse Jackson
called her, insisting that she cancel an appearance at Loveland
Baptist Church in Fontana, Calif., pastored by Sudan activist Chuck

They were saying "don't move on this, just shut up and be quiet for a
minute, and let things be ironed out," she said.

Boof noted, however, that when a fatwa is put on one's life, there is
no sense in being quiet.

"If I'm going to be dead soon, I might as well just go and scream,"
she told WND.

Jihad and genocide
Boof says that since February, she has personally received
warnings from Sudanese government officials to be silent.

Sudan's National Islamic Front leader Hasan Turabi, who ostensibly
is under house arrest, called Boof on Sept. 26, after the fatwa was

"He said, 'Kola, you're dead,'" she recounted. "He told me point
blank, 'You're going to be killed, we can't do anything with you; you
don't want to shut up.'"

Some observers of the NIF government say the house arrest is
mostly a show for the U.N., and that Turabi still is giving orders to
the front lines of Sudan's war with the south.

Boof said she had become acquainted with Turabi, who told her,
"Kola, I tried to go to bat for you, I've been warning you for almost a
year now that you are causing a lot of trouble by being flamboyant."

The Khartoum regime has declared a jihad against the mostly
Christian and animist south that has resulted in more than 2 million
deaths and 4.5 million displaced people in the past two decades.
The U.S. Congress has termed the government's actions genocide
and recently passed a bill, the Sudan Peace Act, that punishes the
Islamist regime for its atrocities. Secretary of State Colin Powell
called the kidnappings, killings, rape and enslavement "the worst
human rights nightmare on the planet."

"As a black African woman, I cannot and will not be silent as black
men in Arab nations are chained up like dogs to the back doors of
Muslim households and fed, literally, from doggie bowls," Boof said
in a statement she issued regarding the fatwa. "I will not be silent as
African women are raped, mutilated and mentally demeaned by
sadistic human beings calling themselves children of Allah. I will not
be silent as the number of little black boys who are sodomized by
their Arab masters continues to soar, while even worse atrocities
attend the lives of little black girls."

Atrocities too close to home
Boof said she was about 10 to 12 years of age – there are no
records of her birth – when her Egyptian father and Somali mother
were slaughtered in their backyard in 1978 by Arab Murahleen
bandits for speaking out too openly about the coming Arab regime.

She was then put up for adoption by her Egyptian grandmother, who
felt that because Kola was "too dark," she would not fit into the
family and only be subject to ridicule.

Through UNICEF, she went to London and was adopted by an
Ethiopian family, who eventually gave her up. The family thought
she might be a witch, according to Boof, because she was "so
talkative and intelligent for a girl child."

UNICEF eventually placed her in a black family in Washington, D.C.,
in 1980.

In an interview yesterday on Pacifica radio, Boof was challenged by
a representative of the Sudan Embassy in Washington, who insisted
that she was not Sudanese.

Boof says, however, that she was born in Omdurman, which is part
of north Khartoum, a fact that has been substantiated by many
members of the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement, who
knew her father, including leader John Garang. Boof said she
remembers being in Garang's home as a girl.

She said she is familiar with the kind of atrocities recounted by ex-
slave Frances Bok, who stood with President Bush as he signed the
Sudan Peace Act on Oct. 21.

"I witnessed the kind of raids he's talking about, where Arab men will
come in on horses in the little villages, and they'll shoot all the men
in the head, and then they'll kidnap the children and women, and
you never see those people again."

The Khartoum government is paying for these militia she maintains,
"no matter what they say. Everybody there knows."

As a child, she said she witnessed a woman with six daughters who
could not bear a son be rolled up in her dowry carpet and burned
alive after gasoline was poured on her.

Critics charge Boof is not qualified to speak about Sudan's current
situation because she has not lived there for 20 years, and her most
recent visit was in the mid-1990s.

"I'm saying, Sudan was just declared a terrorist nation [by the U.S.],
so why should I have to have been there lately?" she asked. "It's the
same thing going on."

Anti-Islam tone
Boof said she writes about black women's lives, but quotes that are
negative toward Islam invariably appear throughout her work.

" I can't deny it, there is a definite anti-Islam tone to all my books,"
she said. "And, in fact there is an anti-Arab [tone]. That, I can't

The end of her latest book includes an interview in which she
confesses her prejudice against Arab people.

"I've admitted I need to work on getting over some of these
traumas," she said, "But what else am I to think when Arabs have
only murdered my father and mother and harassed people, burned
up women in carpets? I mean, that's my view of Arab people."

She said she recognizes that there are many peace-loving Arabs
who are trapped under the Khartoum regime, which she calls a
"mafia government."

Though Boof considers herself a "pagan rebel" who would not vote
for George W. Bush, she admires the president's stand against Iraq
and warns Americans to not trust Arab nations.

"I love this country; I  think this is the best country on earth, " she
said, noting that while she cannot give details of the U.S. protection
she is under, "they're treating me like a queen."

Selling some books
Boof admits that some of the controversy surrounding her work has
to do with a contract that requires her to appear topless on the back
of her books.

This is a representation of her animist African beliefs, she said.

"Even many Africans complain, [saying], 'Kola, we could use you so
much better if you weren't doing that.'"

Her previous books have never sold more than 8,000 copies, but
amid the current controversy, her latest title, "Long Train to the
Redeeming Sin: Stories About African Women," is rocketing up the
Amazon.com sales chart.

She notes that this has given some cheer to her publisher in Rabat,
Morocco, which suffered the firebombing of its building because of
her work.

"They're like, 'Well at least she's selling some books for a change.'"

Boof insists that she did not want to make public her acquaintance
with bin Laden, but was forced to reply to recent claims in the
Spanish press by a former roommate, Lourdes Harris, that she had
an affair with bin Laden in Marrakesh. That claim was picked up by
a "diary" column in the London Guardian on Oct. 24.

The Sudanese writer denies the story, but admits that bin Laden
tried to pick up on her at a restaurant and later came to her hotel

"I can't deny he was in the room," she said. "He was only there
because I was trying to get out of being around him without getting

Bin Laden is known to have lived in Sudan for several years after
being expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991. Boof said she came
across bin Laden in North Africa while trying to establish a career as
an actress.


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