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The real story Of Iraqis at OKC bombing. Not the one you think!
by xx • Saturday November 09, 2002 at 10:03 PM

Articles about Iraqis at OKC bombing

First read these articles, then realize that Bush Sr. trained the Iraqis in the 1980s. 
Bush sr.
arranged to have them come here after the Gulf war. Then Clinton paid
them to resettle in US cities, Including OKC(see the LA Times below. )

They were brought to help, and be seen at the OKC Bombing.
That fact was hidden for years, now they are using in as a reason to invade Iraq!

This article is a recent about how Iraq was involved in the OKC bombing.


Oklahoma City bombing John Doe No. 2?

Posted: November 9, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Notra Trulock
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

In 1995, the worst act of terrorism on American soil, prior to the 9/11 disaster, was
committed in Oklahoma City.

On April 19, terrorists blew up the Murrah Federal Building and killed 168 Americans 
wounded scores more. Not long after the bombing, Timothy McVeigh was arrested about
60 miles east of Oklahoma City and a few days later Terry Nichols surrendered to 
police in
Herrington, Kansas. With those arrests, the Justice Department shut down any further
investigation into who had committed this awful crime.

But like the Kennedy assassination, many Americans remained deeply skeptical about the
government's assurances that McVeigh and Nichols acted alone in this horrible crime. 
for good reason, as it seems that the FBI ignored important investigative leads, 
failed to
interview potentially significant witnesses, and destroyed the Murrah building before 
could examine the crime scene.

The involvement of a John Doe No. 2 in the bombing has remained a simmering
controversy. Skeptics ask why the FBI canceled an all-points-bulletin for a Middle 
male subject or subjects fleeing the scene issued in the immediate aftermath of the
explosion. Numerous eyewitness accounts have identified Middle Eastern males in the
company of McVeigh in the days and weeks before the bombing.

Dr. Frederic Whitehurst's allegations against the FBI crime lab sparked a Justice
Department investigation that found the lab had provided "inaccurate pro- prosecution
testimony in major cases including Oklahoma City." Retired Air Force General Benton K.
Partin, an explosives expert, disputed the FBI's theory that the damage to the Murrah
Building was caused by a single truck-bomb. His analyses were later endorsed by 
physicists, physical chemists, and experts in structural mechanics as well as a series 
of live
tests conducted at Eglin Air Force Base. These are just some of the lingering questions
about the 1995 bombing.

Beyond covering McVeigh's execution and the FBI foul-ups that delayed it, the 
media have devoted little effort to digging into any of these questions. Concerned 
have had to go to Internet media outlets like WorldNetDaily and NewsMax or be on the
lookout for the occasional investigative report in obscure outlets like the Los 
Angeles Weekly
or the London Evening Standard. In early September, the Wall Street Journal did one
column on its editorial page about possible Iraqi involvement in Oklahoma City and the 
World Trade Center bombing, but seemed to lose interest after that.

One columnist who has refused to let the story die is James Patterson, an editorial 
writer at
the Indianapolis Star. Patterson was one of the first to report a potential crack in 
the wall of
silence erected around the Oklahoma City bombing by the government and the elite media.

Twice in recent months, Patterson has reported that Chairman Dan Burton's House
Government Reform Committee investigators have uncovered the possible whereabouts of
videotapes and photographs of the Murrah Federal Building from the day of the bombing.
The Final Report of the Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee noted the existence of
such tapes, but the Justice Department has adamantly refused to release them, even in
response to Freedom of Information Act requests.

Burton believes that the tapes and photographs may be held in the archives of Naval
Intelligence at the Washington Navy Yard and he has issued a subpoena to the Secretary 
the Navy to obtain them. The tapes are said to contain video of a John Doe No. 2 
getting out
on the passenger side of the Ryder truck just prior to the explosion.

Former FBI Deputy Director Weldon Kennedy told the Philadelphia Inquirer that talk of
withheld videotapes is "ludicrous and insulting." Kennedy says that agents nailed down 
to 99 percent" of McVeigh and Nichols' movements in the months before the bombing and
he is absolutely convinced they acted alone. Cate McCauley, who worked on McVeigh's
appeal, goes beyond Kennedy and charges that talk of Middle Eastern men helping McVeigh
is "perhaps the worse case of misinformation and pandering" she has come across. The
allegations, she says, are easily refutable and those who promote them are "standing on
the graves of thousands of people."

A quick, easy way to resolve the controversy over John Doe No. 2 would be to simply
release the videotapes and photographs and let the American public judge for itself.
Release the tapes and bring this case to closure. The victims of the Oklahoma City 
deserve nothing less.

This article is from 1993 about the Iraqi resettlement.

Los Angeles Times
August 24, 1993


The United States has begun resettling in this country up to 4,000 Iraqi soldiers who
surrendered during the Persian Gulf War, an effort that has drawn criticism from a 
of congressmen who believe the prisoners are receiving special treatment never awarded
returning American soldiers.

The U.S. government is paying between $4,000 and $7,000 to relocate each of the enemy
prisoners -- and in some cases their family members. They have been classified as
refugees who would be harmed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein if returned home.

The Iraqis are being scattered in small numbers to communities in California, Florida 
elsewhere where they will have access to job opportunities, housing and federal social
service programs. It is precisely that special consideration that has irked a 
bipartisan group
of 75 members of Congress who are urging President Clinton to deny the refugee status 
the Iraqi soldiers. "This is an incredibly bizarre set of priorities," said Rep. Cliff 
Stearns, a
Florida Republican who sits on the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

"This nation's priorities regarding war veterans should be focusing on those who 
served in
the American uniform, first and foremost," he said.

Added Rep. Earl Hutto (D-Fla.): "Given the choice, I would rather see that $4,000 go 
to one
of our own veterans and not the people that were shooting at us."

Although prisoners of war are almost always sent home immediately after hostilities 
the situation this time represents a complicated and tangled footnote to an American 
that was immensely successful.

This time, the enemy does not want to go home, preferring to embrace its foe.

By war's end, almost 110,000 enemy soldiers were taken to two camps in Saudi Arabia.
The vast majority of them had been captured by United Nations coalition forces. They
eventually were repatriated to Iraq under the auspices of the International Red Cross 
Saddam Hussein issued a general amnesty.

But 4,000 remained in the camps. Most apparently had surrendered after reading leaflets
dropped by U.S. planes that guaranteed their safety.

The government of Saudi Arabia has been housing them temporarily in the camps, along
with 25,000 Iraqi civilians who fled their homes during the fighting and another 
10,000 so-
called freedom fighters who fought with the coalition against Hussein.

In early 1992, according to the State Department, it became clear that conditions in 
precluded the safe return of many of the 4,000 Iraqi soldiers and other refugees. The
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees concluded that other solutions, such as
resettlement in other countries, had to be found.

Along with the United States, Sweden, Denmark and Norway also agreed to accept some of
the camp refugees.

"These people are refugees under U.S. law," said a State Department official, who asked
not to be identified. "They have been persecuted or have well-founded fears of 
in their country.

"And the United States has a history of providing humanitarian assistance. I don't 
think all of
these men were pointing rifles and shooting at U.N. coalition soldiers. A lot of them
defected long before the ground war even started."

Many of the 4,000 soldiers were forced to join the Iraqi army or face death for 
refusing to
enlist, he said.

"Most of the Iraqi solders were conscripted, and the coalition forces encouraged them 
surrender," the State Department official said. "We dropped leaflets all over 
them to drop their arms, come over and we would take care of them."

Clinton Administration officials said that many of the Iraqi military prisoners were 
able to
help the coalition forces in many ways during the war, such as providing information 
Iraqi troop strength and maneuvers.

According to a State Department memorandum sent to congressional offices skeptical of
the resettlement program, "many of those persons had provided valuable services to U.S.
forces in the aftermath of the conflict."

The memo also said that since 1992, about 1,000 ex-soldiers and some of their family
members have been brought to the United States. In addition to California and Florida, 
also are resettling in Texas, Michigan and Illinois. The State Department would not 
specific relocation sites.

Before entering the United States, they must be cleared by the FBI. They also must 
sign a
promissory note to reimburse the U.S. government for their transportation costs after 
become self-sufficient in America, a transition that government sources said usually 
about a year.

But under the government's Refugee Assistance Program, they are entitled to free help
from a wide array of sources.

They can receive cash and free medical assistance if they have no financial resources 
their own. They also are eligible for job training and English language schooling.

Many in Congress see the effort as an affront to the U.S. military, noting that 
returning Gulf
War veterans did not receive such assistance. In a letter they plan to send to Clinton 
seeking more signatures from members in Congress, those opposing the effort noted that
the resettlement of Iraqi POWs ultimately could cost American taxpayers up to $70 

They expressed concern that many of the ex-soldiers could pose a safety threat to U.S.
citizens despite the FBI clearances, pointing out that with international terrorism 
hitting the United States, this "raises serious questions concerning our national 

"This potentially dangerous and unfair policy can be stopped. We feel it is not wise to
continue a policy that could eventually threaten the safety of our citizens and 
officials," the letter said.

This is a BBC transcript showing Bush Sr. was bringing Arabs to train in the U.S.


Newsnight has uncovered a long history of shadowy connections between the State
Department, the CIA and the Saudis. The former head of the American visa bureau in
Jeddah is Michael Springman.
In Saudi Arabia I was repeatedly ordered by high level State Dept officials to issue 
visas to
unqualified applicants. These were, essentially, people who had no ties either to Saudi
Arabia or to their own country. I complained bitterly at the time there. I returned to 
the US,
I complained to the State Dept here, to the General Accounting Office, to the Bureau of
Diplomatic Security and to the Inspector General's office. I was met with silence.
By now, Bush Sr, once CIA director, was in the White House. Springman was shocked to
find this wasn't visa fraud. Rather, State and CIA were playing "the Great Game".
What I was protesting was, in reality, an effort to bring recruits, rounded up by 
Osama Bin
Laden, to the US for terrorist training by the CIA. They would then be returned to
Afghanistan to fight against the then-Soviets.
Here is a radio interview about the Iraqs at the OKC Bombing.
Radio interview with David Shippers, qoutes
http://www.infowars.com/transcript_schippers.html Mp3 available there also.

In this interview, "Iraqi Terrorists" refers to the Iraqi Republican Guard, resettled 
after the
Gulf War, near Oklahoma City by former Pres. Bush.

In this interview, "Iraqi Terrorists" refers to the Iraqi Republican Guard, resettled 
after the
Gulf War, near Oklahoma City by former Pres. Bush.

AJ: Wouldn't touch it. So we've got all this developing. We've got police officers and 
FBI on
the ground who know who bombed Oklahoma City. They've got them in custody with blue
jogging suits and bomb-making components. They are ordered to release them. All of this
is unfolding - 3500 to 5000 Iraqi Republican Guard (living near OKC), we know there is 
Saddam/Iraqi connection here - I mean they knew this. Why in the world, David Shippers,
did they allow this to take place?

DS: She was an investigative reporter working for a TV station in Oklahoma City at the 
of the bombing.

AJ: And they had these very middle-eastern Bin Laden, Saddam minions, interviewing 

DS: Yes, absolutely. She identified by the name the guy who was the one. Recently, she
came up with some evidence that another guy there actually admitted that he was part of
the World Trade Center bombing. He's still walking around. I mean they are taking 
into custody, they are offering rewards, but these guys are still there and still 
doing their
little thing.

AJ: That's the point I'm trying to make. The government has their names, knows who the
cells are, the 3500 Iraqi....

DS: I don't know if they do because when Jayna had all this material.. I'm talking 
about 3
giant loose-leaf binders full of affidavits and other material. This woman did a job of
investigating that would make the Massad look bad.

AJ: The New York Times came in and bought up her TV station and got rid of her.

DS: Well, they bought up the TV station and got rid of her and also tried to make her 
over notes and films and stuff like that but she beat them court. She's still got them.

DS: Yea, Clinton made that statement. And they had a handy guy in McVeigh. I also know
from affidavits that I have read that there were eyewitnesses who saw the middle 
man running from the scene (OKC bombing) along side McVeigh.

AJ: And why don't the feds just release those 12 surveillance camera tapes if it is 
McVeigh alone?

DS: Those surveillance camera tapes are going to show that there was a middle eastern
man running with him. Some of these people who gave affidavits were interviewed by the
FBI during the course of the investigation. They were interviewed about the second 
that they saw and the agents tried to make them say or suggested to them that the 
person was Nichols. Every single one of these people said absolutely not, it was a 
eastern type individual.

AJ: Al Hussani (sp)

DS: Now, listen to this. None of those investigative reports; none of those 302s have 
surfaced. So the FBI comes up with all these thousands of documents which they claimed
they overlooked but the key ones where they tried to get them to say it was Nichols 

Here is one more story about the name of a resettled republican guard that was 
with the OKC Bombing


Khalil was the employer of a man who had been named as a Middle Eastern suspect in the
OKC bombing, Al-Hussan Hussani, investigated by KFORTV of OKC. Hussani had served in
Sadam Hussein’s Republican Guard in Iraq around the time of the Gulf War and is 
to have been brought to the US by Clinton over the objections of POW family members and
some US Senators. KFORTV alleged that Hussani’s time card had been forged to make it
appear that Hussani was not at the bomb site at 9 am on April 19, 1995.

KFORTV was sued by Hussani with the help of Khalil and the former law associate and
campaign contributor of OK governor, Frank Keating. Hussani’s suit against KFORTV was
officially ruled against and dismissed by Federal Judge Tim Leonard on September 29,
2000. At least one or more of KFORTV’s reporters still stands behind the story that 
helped McVeigh before and at the time of the bombing.

There is strong suspicion that Khalil and Hussani were known to our government before 
OKC bombing and that Richardson was taken off the investigation of Khalil, Hussani’s
employer, after the bombing to coverup the government’s foreknowledge and role in the
OKC bombing. This also may have been a contributing factor in Richardson’s death,
regardless of whether it was murder or suicide.

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Video talking about U.S. Government trained Iraqis at the OKC Bombing.

by xx • Saturday November 09, 2002 at 11:19 PM

RealVideo: stream with RealPlayer     or download RM file (1.9 mebibytes)

Video talking about Iraqis at the OKC Bombing. Shows actual pictures and local OKC TV
News shows from the time.

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Picture of Al-Hussaini Hussain

by xx • Sunday November 10, 2002 at 12:45 AM

alhussaini.jpg, JPG image, 720x480

Picture of Al-Hussaini Hussain

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partial transcript from The O'Reilly Factor, about Husseini

by xx • Sunday November 10, 2002 at 01:01 AM

Are the OKC Bombing & 9/11 Linked?

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

This is a partial transcript from The O'Reilly Factor, May 7 , 2002. Click here to 
order the
complete transcript.

Watch The O'Reilly Factor every weeknight at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET. And listen to The
Radio Factor every weekday!

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the Unresolved Problems segment tonight, the true story behind
the terror of 9/11.

Last year, we interviewed investigative reporter Jana (ph) Davis from Oklahoma, who
believes there was a tie-in between the bombing in Oklahoma City and 9/11.

Joining us now from Washington is Larry Johnson, the former deputy director of the 
Department's Office on Counter-terrorism under Presidents Bush and

So you think there's some validity to this?

DIRECTOR: I was skeptical at first, Bill. I took the evidence, I looked at it, and I 
talking to some of the witnesses. Where there's smoke, there's fire. You've got several
things going on here that have not been thoroughly looked at and need to be checked 

For example...

O'REILLY: Go ahead.

JOHNSON: ... John Doe number two is probably a guy by the name of Hussein Hashema
Husseini (ph), former Republican Guardsman. The guy he worked for is a fellow named
Samir Khalil (ph). Samir Khalil was only interviewed once. He was interviewed just 
the McVeigh trial. And nowhere in that interview did they ask him about the 
whereabouts of
Husseina Husseini or the fact that Mr. Khalil has been allegedly linked to the Holy 
Foundation down in Texas.

Relevance of that, Holy Land Foundation was identified by the Bush administration as 
one of
the charitable groups that's sending money to terrorists.

O'REILLY: All right. Now, you lost me...


O'REILLY: ... and I think you lost a whole bunch of other people, so let's just pull 

JOHNSON: All right.

O'REILLY: John Doe number two was the man who was seen with Timothy Mcveigh,

JOHNSON: He was seen with Timothy Mcveigh three days before the bombing, the morning
of the bombing. And he was seen by one of the witnesses getting out of the Ryder truck
after it pulled up in front of the Murrow building. And he was seen driving away from 

O'REILLY: All right, but the FBI has never really acknowledged that person, have they?

JOHNSON: Yes. They started off looking for it, and then it dried up. My concern is 
this angle
was never pursued. And to this day, the FBI has refused to exonerate this man. They've
refused to go out and check out his alibis. And the real thing that concerns me 
relevant to
9-11, when he left Oklahoma in around '96, '97, he we want to work at Logan Airport in

O'REILLY: All right, now, the man you are accusing of being John Doe number two is a 
-- you said a former Republican guardsman. That's in Iraq, the Republican guardsman in

JOHNSON: Correct.

O'REILLY: Now after he left Oklahoma City, you say he went to Logan Airport in Boston?

JOHNSON: That's correct.

O'REILLY: And then what happened to this man?

JOHNSON: We don't know where he is now.

O'REILLY: How long was he in Boston?

JOHNSON: He's been there at least since 1997.

O'REILLY: All right, but you don't know where he is now?

JOHNSON: Don't know where he is. In addition, Bill, he's -- there are two other former

O'REILLY: Well, let's stay with this guy.


O'REILLY: But we should be able to trace this guy to Logan Airport, right?

JOHNSON: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: When he left, when he came?

JOHNSON: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: Do you know what happened to him?

JOHNSON: I do not. I've looked into it to the extent that I -- of what I can do with 
my limited

O'REILLY: All right, well, we'll make some calls and try to find out when he left 
there. But he
was gone when 9-11 happened, right?

JOHNSON: He was gone out of Oklahoma City when 9-11 happened. We don't know if he
was gone from Logan Airport when 9-11 happened.

O'REILLY: OK, now, the Philippine connection, is there anything to that?


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by xx • Sunday November 10, 2002 at 01:14 AM


Was there any other eyewitnesses to individuals in or around that yellow Ryder truck? 
On May 23, 1997, during the trial, Daina Bradley testified. She was
trapped in the building for five hours and had to have her leg amputated. Her mother, 
and daughter were killed; her sister badly injured. She was there to get her son's 
security number and an appointment for SSI. What can anyone say to Ms. Bradley about
her loss? The Social Security office was on the first floor.

Mrs. Bradley was compelled to testify under a subpoena issued by the defense:

Q. All right. Did you tell them that you observed an individual get out of the 
passenger side
of the vehicle?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. And did you give them a description of the person?

A. Yeah.

Q. All right. And what did you tell them about the person that got out of the vehicle? 
Do you

A. I recall telling them that -- that it was a olive-complexion man with short hair, 
clean-cut. He had on a blue Starter jacket, blue jeans, and tennis shoes and a white 
with purple flames.

Q. All right. And did you tell him that -- or tell them that he was wearing a baseball 

A. Yes.

Q. And did you also tell them when you talked to them on May the 3d and 4th that you
observed him from a side view?

A. Yes.

Q. And did you also tell the FBI what this person did when he got out of the Ryder 

A. Yes.

Q. And what did you tell them?

A. I had told him that -- I told them that he had got out of the truck, went to the 
back of the
truck, and proceeded to walk very fast forward in front of the truck. He went back on 
sidewalk and left.


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I don't know what happened at OKC.

by nessie • Sunday November 10, 2002 at 01:17 AM

But whatever it was, it wasn't what the government said happened, because that defies 
laws of physics.



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Picture two of hussaini in OKC

by xx • Sunday November 10, 2002 at 01:22 AM

alhussaini2.jpg, JPG image, 720x480

Picture two of hussaini in OKC

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