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the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

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Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 07:47:33 -0500
To: John Birch Discuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The United Nations Program to replace Religion with Globalist

           Please send this article to every clergyman that you know



      The New World Religion
      by William F. Jasper

      Presented to the world as a mystical revelation, the UN Earth Charter is 
actually a diabolical blueprint for global government.

        My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a "Sermon on 
the Mount," that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the 
next century and beyond.

        - Mikhail Gorbachev

            Complete with photos.

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      Millions of Americans were justifiably shocked and outraged over the 9th U.S. 
Circuit Court of Appeals' notorious ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance. "Can our 
courts really have sunk this low?" people asked. "How can little Johnny and Suzie 
violate the Constitution by uttering the words 'under God' while reciting the Pledge 
of Allegiance in a public school?"

      Yet that is what the Court said in its June 26th decision. This ruling was a 
continuation of an ongoing subversive campaign aimed at expunging all mention of God 
and all Christian symbols from the public sphere. Judicial activists have ordered our 
students not to invoke the Almighty's name in prayer on school property. Posting the 
Ten Commandments on classroom walls is also supposedly a major no-no. Traditional 
Christmas carols with religious themes are out, as are Nativity scenes. Christmas and 
Easter vacations have been de-Christianized to, respectively, winter and spring 
breaks. Many textbooks have dropped the traditional "Christocentric" dating system of 
B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini, In the Year of Our Lord) in favor of 
B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era).

      Many Christians concerned about this trend are looking hopefully to the U.S. 
Supreme Court to reverse the 9th Circuit's ruling, as it has done with some of that 
court's previous radical rulings. Even if that were to happen, developments at the 
World Summit on Sustainable Development (also known as Earth Summit II) could 
ultimately undo any Supreme Court reversal. If the Earth Summiteers have their way, 
Johnny and Suzie will not be able to pledge allegiance to "one nation, under God," but 
they will be able to pledge to "One World, under Gaia" - that is, Mother Earth. They 
will not be allowed to have the Ten Commandments or the Holy Bible in class, but could 
soon be bowing before the pagan "Ark of Hope," reading the "sacred" Temenos Books, and 
reverently intoning the text of the new UN Earth Charter.

      Those decrying the 9th Circuit Court's harmful decisions will take little 
comfort in learning that senior 9th Circuit Court Judge J. Clifford Wallace was among 
the jurists attending the Johannesburg Summit's Global Judges Symposium. That meeting 
was hosted by several globalist institutions with a pronounced hostility toward the 
United States. The participants, which included judges from Communist regimes, pledged 
to "apply new legal instruments in keeping with the principles of sustainable 
development," and the international "Rule of Law."

      One of the documents designed to advance this process, the long-awaited Earth 
Charter, was formally unveiled to the world at Johannesburg. Crafted by a conclave of 
"Wise Persons" headed by former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, it is set to become 
the Holy Writ of the UN's new "global spirituality." Although the Earth Charter is not 
a legally binding document, its impact may prove damaging and pervasive. Its 
benign-sounding verbiage and symbolic nature camouflage its dangerous purpose. The 
Charter is intended to become a universally adopted creed that will psychologically 
prepare the world's children to accept the necessity of world government to save the 
environment. It is also an outrageous attempt to indoctrinate your children in the 
UN's New Age paganism.

      The Preamble of the Earth Charter states:

        . we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We 
must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for 
nature.... Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare 
our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future 

      According to the Charter, humanity must undergo a global "change of mind and 
heart." And the UN's all-wise seers visualize themselves as the lead change agents for 
this global undertaking. The Earth Charter Initiative, however, candidly admits that 
it intends to recruit your children as change agents, as well. "We seek to increase 
the participation of young people in utilizing the Earth Charter as a guideline in 
their work as active agents of change," says the Earth Charter Initiative website. 
They have been doing precisely that, and will be accelerating their program throughout 
the world - including in schools in your neighborhood. The U.S. Conference of Mayors 
is but one of hundreds of organizations, schools, municipalities, and other entities 
that have signed on as supporters of this declaration of a new "global ethic" for the 

      Blasphemous Symbols

      Weeks before the start of Earth Summit II, the Earth Charter arrived in 
Johannesburg for a series of rituals, celebrations, and promotions aimed at setting 
the spiritual tone for the global conference. The venerated Charter is housed and 
transported in the Ark of Hope, a blasphemous mimicry of the biblical Ark of the 
Covenant, which held the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments that God gave to 
Moses. The Ark of Hope is actually designed to look like the Ark of the Covenant and 
its devotees carry it around with worshipful solemnity. Accompanying the Charter and 
the Ark are the Temenos Books, containing aboriginal Earth Masks and "visual 
prayers/affirmations for global healing, peace, and gratitude," created by 3,000 
artists, teachers, students, and mystics. According to the Temenos Project, which 
launched the effort, a temenos is "a magical sacred circle where special rules apply 
and extraordinary events inevitably occur."

      The Ark, Charter, and Temenos Books were placed on display at the UN summit site 
and then put to work building the new global ethic. Day after day, UN acolytes carried 
the sacred objects from school to school, where tens of thousands of children already 
had been prepped with Earth Charter propaganda. Public ceremonies with mayors and 
celebrities augmented the school events.

      The summit's opening day featured a four-hour symposium entitled, "Educating for 
Sustainable Living with the Earth Charter." Steven Rockefeller, a religion professor 
and scion of the fabulously wealthy banking family that donated the land for the UN 
headquarters in New York, was preeminent among the presenters. Professor Rockefeller 
is also chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Earth Charter International 
Drafting Committee. According to Rockefeller, the way to go about "building peace on 
earth" is through the "inclusive, integrated and spiritual approach" of the Earth 

      Covering the summit for USA Radio, Cathie Adams told The New American that 
Rockefeller described the Charter as an effort to incorporate the "wisdom of the 
world's religions." Razeena Wagiet, environmental adviser to South Africa's national 
minister of education, was one of the presenters who followed Rockefeller to the 
podium. According to Wagiet, astrologers have foreseen that the world is about to 
enter a "Golden Age, a New Age, an Age of Aquarius."

      Earth Charter Integration

      Outlining how the Earth Charter is to be integrated into lifelong education for 
all, Hans van Ginkel, chairman of the International Association of Universities, told 
the symposium: "We must mobilize all in education about sustainability; that's how we 
meet the next generation." Sixteen million teachers must be trained, he noted, and 
"the only way to move forward is by integrating the Earth Charter into curriculum."

      The Rockefeller-Gorbachev Earth Charter effort is already fast at work on that 
score. Their website declares:

        The Earth Charter values and principles must be taught, contemplated, applied 
and internalized. To this end, the Earth Charter needs to be incorporated into both 
formal and non-formal education. This process must involve various communities, 
continue to integrate the Charter into the curriculum of schools and universities, and 
constitute an ongoing process of life-long learning.

      According to the same website, the Earth Council, UNESCO, and the Earth Charter 
Initiative folks already have many of the curriculum materials and programs prepared; 
in fact, they're already up and running in schools across the globe. Some American 
schools got an advance start on the rest of humanity with Charter activities, 
coinciding with the journey last year of the Ark and its contents to the UN in New 
York. The pilgrimage began in Vermont, where Steven Rockefeller, in his role as dean 
of religion at Middlebury College, held a sacred Earth ceremony. Joining him and the 
other worshipers was Jane Goodall, the celebrity chimpanzee expert who has become a 
fixture at forums sponsored by Mikhail Gorbachev and the UN. The Charter was carried 
on foot, by car, and by boat, arriving in New York City on November 8th, to be greeted 
by Pete Seeger, the leftist folksinger. On January 24th, the Ark and Charter were 
carried in a procession from the Interfaith Center of New York to the United Nations 
Church Center Chapel, a distance of about 15 blocks.

      The Charter's authors are not shy about the importance of their handiwork. "My 
hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount,' 
that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century 
and beyond," Gorbachev stated in a 1997 interview with the Los Angeles Times.

      Canadian billionaire socialist Maurice Strong, who presided over the 1992 Earth 
Summit in Rio de Janeiro, is somewhat less tentative. "The real goal of the Earth 
Charter," said Strong, "is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments." 
(Emphasis added.) Mr. Strong had high hopes that the Charter, conceived in 1987, would 
be adopted by the world at Rio. Alas, there were too many other messianic projects on 
Gaia's burners at that confab. Gaia, the Greek goddess of Earth, has become the 
supreme deity in the green theology of the militant environmentalists.

      In his opening address to the Rio summit, Strong directed the world's attention 
to the "Declaration of the Sacred Earth," which was part of the pre-Summit ceremonies. 
"The changes in behavior and direction called for here," said Strong, "must be rooted 
in our deepest spiritual, moral, and ethical values." According to the declaration, 
"The [ecological] crisis transcends all national, religious, cultural, social, 
political and economic boundaries." "The responsibility of each human being today is 
to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light," Strong exhorted. "We 
must therefore transform our attitudes and values, and adopt a renewed respect for the 
superior laws of Divine Nature."

      The "Sacred" Text

      "The protection of Earth's vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust," 
the Earth Charter asserts. However, "an unprecedented rise in human population has 
overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are 
threatened." Thus, "we urgently need a shared vision of basic values to provide an 
ethical foundation for the emerging world community."

      According to the Charter, we must:

        a.. "Recognize that all beings are interdependent and every form of life has 
value...." (Unborn children, of course, are not included in the UN's definition of 
"every form of life." The Earth Summit II documents continue to support the UN's 
pro-abortion policies.)

        b.. "Affirm faith in the inherent dignity of all human beings." (UN agencies, 
however, support policies of euthanasia for those determined not capable of living a 
"quality" life.)

        c.. "Adopt at all levels sustainable development plans and regulations...." 
(This is a prescription for global socialism in a super-regulated global state.)

        d.. "Prevent pollution of any part of the environment...." (Enforcing this 
dictum would mean stopping virtually all human activity.)

        e.. "Internalize the full environmental and social costs of goods and services 
in the selling price." (This seemingly harmless sentence would empower the state to 
price, tax, and regulate all production and consumption.)

        f.. "Ensure universal access to health care that fosters reproductive health 
and responsible reproduction. (This is a thinly disguised call for socialized medicine 
that includes abortion and population control.)

        g.. "Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race . 
[and] sexual orientation." (This provision is clearly aimed at criminalizing those who 
refuse to accept homosexuality as positive and good.)

        h.. "Promote the equitable distribution of wealth within nations and among 
nations. (Few Marxist documents have put their "redistribution of wealth" program more 
      The Charter includes much, much more. It ends with this stirring exhortation: 
"In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew 
their commitment to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing 
international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles 
with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development."

      The Charter will soon be making its way to schools, city governments, state 
legislatures, teachers organizations, civic groups, professional associations, judges, 
and law schools. The aforementioned Global Judges Symposium concluded its summit 
activities by issuing the so-called Johannesburg Principles on the Rule of Law and 
Sustainable Development. "We recognize," it states, "the importance of ensuring that 
environmental law and law in the field of sustainable development feature prominently 
in academic curricula, legal studies and training at all levels, in particular among 
judges and others engaged in the judicial process."

      The judicial symposium was sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Program 
(largely supported by U.S. tax dollars) and the Environmental Law Institute, one of 
the principal eco-activist legal groups supported by U.S. tax-exempt foundations.

      For the amount of time, effort, and money invested in the Earth Charter program 
over the past decade, its profile at the recent Johannesburg Earth Summit was 
remarkably subdued. Apparently, the plan is to orchestrate a global stealth campaign 
for the Charter among a sympathetic core constituency. As the campaign picks up steam, 
activists will obtain signatures and public support for this new global ethic from 
local, state, and national governments, schools, and organizations - without stirring 
the suspicions and opposition of churches, pro-life, and pro-family forces. Once a 
critical mass of support has been built among students, teachers, journalists, and 
public officials, the Charter will appear to be universally accepted and unstoppable.

      Americans can make sure that that scheme does not work by informing themselves 
and their friends and neighbors about this blatantly diabolical and blasphemous 

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