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Mayor Bloomberg takes ax to New York City budget

By Peter Daniels and Bill Vann
15 November 2002

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New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg Thursday unveiled a package of cuts in services to
the city’s neediest that is designed to close a $1.1 billion budget gap in what 
remains of the
current fiscal year. At the same time, he proposed billions of dollars more in cuts and
regressive tax hikes to deal with next year’s projected deficit of $6.4 billion and 
shortfalls for the foreseeable future.

These emergency measures are the billionaire Republican mayor’s response to the worst
fiscal crisis since the city teetered on the edge of bankruptcy 25 years ago. The 
slump on Wall Street has severely slashed revenues, even as the ranks of the city’s
homeless and jobless have swelled dramatically, increasing the need for aid. Wall 
profits have fallen from $21 billion to barely $8 billion, while more than 132,000 
jobs have
been wiped out in the last year.

“The pain of balancing the budget is going to be on everybody,” Bloomberg declared at a
City Hall press conference where he presented the deficit reduction proposal. In 
reality, the
cuts will fall overwhelmingly on the poor and the working class who make up the great
majority of the city’s population and who depend disproportionately on city services. 
York’s wealthy elite will feel no pain from cuts in public schools and social services 
that they
do not use.

Among the planned cuts:

* Thirty-two senior citizen centers are facing closure by June 2004, and the city is 
planning to halt meals for the elderly on weekends. In addition, every senior center 
in the
city would be closed one day each week.

* $215 million is to be slashed from the city’s already under-funded and overcrowded
schools. The cuts are expected to decimate after-school programs, reduce counseling and
result in the elimination of several hundred jobs, some through layoffs. At his 
in January, Bloomberg proclaimed himself the “education mayor.”

* Child welfare is facing some of the most severe cuts, while the administration is 
proposing the elimination of 2,500 day care slots.

* Hailed as heroes after September 11, the Fire Department has not been spared the
budget ax. Seven engine companies and one ladder company are to be closed down, while
the department is also cutting 49 five-man engine companies back to four firefighters 
The result will be a slower response to fires and greater danger to the lives of both
firefighters and civilians.

* Overall, the city aims to reduce its workforce by at least 5 percent, or 12,000 
jobs. While
Bloomberg has claimed he can carry out these job cuts through attrition and early
retirement, he has also threatened layoffs unless city employee unions come up with 
million in productivity increases and other concessions. Bloomberg also ruled out
negotiating any retroactive pay hikes in future contracts, insisting that any raises 
must be
immediately offset by union concessions.

Layoffs have already begun in some agencies. The Sanitation Department announced that
103 heavy equipment operators and other employees at the Staten Island landfill will 
their jobs at the beginning of next month, the first such downsizing in the municipal
workforce in a decade. While the landfill officially closed in March 2001, it was 
after the September 11 terrorist attacks to handle the debris from the World Trade 
The city had promised those who worked there that they would get other jobs once that
grim task ended.

Another area facing a budget attack is public transit. The Metropolitan Transportation
Authority, facing a $663 million deficit, has asked its various divisions, including 
the city’s
Transit Authority as well as the commuter railroads, to propose an additional 5 
percent in
cutbacks, to save about $200 million. The proposed cuts would take effect in the 
fiscal year, and could mean major reductions in service. Ridership on the subways and
buses has grown significantly in recent years, partly as a result of the introduction 
unlimited fare Metrocards. Cutbacks in train and bus service will create immediate
problems. The MTA is also signaling a major fare increase. In all likelihood it will 
go from
$1.50 to $2.00 in the next year.

Another proposed cutback would eliminate the free and half-fare transit passes for many
New York City schoolchildren. One means of saving millions of dollars would be to 
the distance between home and school before students are eligible for the special
Metrocards they currently receive. Elementary school students, for instance, currently 
free passes if they live 1.5 miles or more from their schools. This distance could be
increased to 2 or 2.5 miles, meaning families would have to come up with an additional
$750 a year per student.

These are only a few of the many service reductions that are now being considered. 
include slashes in asthma prevention programs, tuberculosis control, infant mortality
programs, twice-weekly residential garbage pickup and some school bus routes.

While Bloomberg’s plan calls for the postponement of a police academy class, meaning 
fewer cops will be deployed than previously planned, the mayor vowed that the city’s
“quality of life” policing aimed at the poor and homeless would continue. “We’re not 
to have people just loitering in the streets,” he said. Recently reported Police 
figures indicate a sharp increase in arrests of the homeless, whose numbers have grown
with the deepening recession. According to the New York Police Department (NYPD), cops
arrested 580 homeless people in the month ending November 11, compared to 288 during
the same period last year.

On the revenue side, Bloomberg is proposing a massive 25 percent increase in property
taxes, a levy that will translate into a greater burden on small homeowners as well as 
sharp increase in rents. For commercial properties, the cost will be passed on, at 
least in
part, in the form of higher prices for consumers.

Also included in the plan is the revival of a so-called commuter tax on the income of
suburban residents who work in the city. The State Legislature abolished the tax three
years ago as Democrats and Republicans vied for hotly contested suburban seats by
promoting anti-tax demagogy. The mayor’s proposal calls for a taxation level four 
times as
high as it was then. For the most part, this tax will fall on working class and middle 
employees who are already confronting sharp increases in property taxes that are being
enacted in deficit-ridden districts in Long Island, Westchester County and New Jersey.

For all the talk about “sharing the pain,” the city’s super rich, like Bloomberg 
himself, will
suffer no loss from the plan and, indeed, will benefit from a substantial windfall. The
proposal calls for a flat reduction in personal income taxes for city residents. While 
earning $30,000—the majority of the city’s population—would save just $83 a year from
this proposal, the CEOs and Wall Street moguls making $1 million annually would cut 
taxes by $13,700 annually. Bloomberg rejected any increase in taxes on the wealthy,
claiming it would drive millionaires out of the city and reduce “job creation.”

Both Republican Governor George Pataki and the Republican leadership of the State 
have indicated they will block any revival of the commuter tax. Its inclusion in the 
is essentially a ploy aimed at setting the stage for even deeper budget cuts yet to be
announced. Bloomberg will then insist that he tried to avoid slashing services by 
means of
the tax, but that state officials failed to cooperate.

Other parts of the budget proposal are no less dubious. It calls for the state to pick 
substantial costs, but the slump on Wall Street has had just as great an impact on the 
budget, with projections of a deficit now reaching as high as $10 billion. Similarly, 
calls for
help from Washington will likely fall on deaf ears, given mounting deficit crises for 
local and state government as well as for the federal government itself.

The Bloomberg administration has also sought another $1.5 billion in long-term deficit
financing to plug the deficit hole. This brings the city’s annual debt service costs 
to a
staggering $3.69 billion, or more than 16 percent of city revenues in 2003. The 
of debt payments will only cut deeper into funding for vital social services.

The grim fiscal situation received virtually no attention in the just-concluded New 
York state
election campaign. There were no citywide offices at stake, with Bloomberg having won 
year and not facing a new vote until 2005. On the state level, however, the Republican
incumbent, Pataki, won a third term in a three-way governor’s race. The two major
challengers were Democrat H. Carl McCall, the outgoing state comptroller, who received 
percent of the vote, and Independence Party candidate Thomas Golisano, a millionaire
businessman from upstate Rochester, who won 14 percent. Voter turnout was barely one-
third of those eligible to cast ballots, and as low as 20 percent in many of the 
working class areas

The budget figures were no secret before the November 5 election day. Bloomberg, in 
took measures in the weeks leading up to the vote that made the depth of the crisis 
all too
clear. A hiring freeze was put in place, and the mayor instructed all city agencies to 
up with additional spending reductions of 2 percent on top of the 7.5 percent in 
cuts requested several months ago.

Neither Pataki nor McCall, however, made any concrete proposals for dealing with either
the city’s crisis or the state’s deficit. Both Democrats and Republicans were anxious 
conceal the depth of the crisis from the electorate and the attacks on social services 
were being prepared.

Golisano, running a Perot-style campaign, was alone in raising budget issues. Attacking
both his rivals from the right, he demanded that the deficits be cut by removing more 
500,000 people from the state’s Medicaid rolls, slashing education spending, cutting
workers’ compensation and other employer costs, and barring undocumented immigrants
from receiving state services. It now appears likely that Pataki will carry out cuts 
of the
same magnitude.

In the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, New York City’s unions rushed to prop up the city’s 
financial system, making huge concessions and opening up their pension funds to balance
the city’s budget and bail out the banks. This time around they have contributed to the
budget crisis through political deals that have strengthened the politicians who will 
carry out the cutbacks.

Most notably, Dennis Rivera, head of the hospital workers union, 1199/SEIU, and long-
regarded as among the most “left” in the AFL-CIO hierarchy, struck a cynical quid pro 
arrangement with Pataki. Rivera gave the Republican incumbent the union’s
endorsement—traditionally reserved for Democrats—in return for state funding for 
workers’ raises. The money for these pay hikes was taken from a tobacco suit settlement
that had been earmarked for public health care programs for the poor.

Similarly, the United Federation of Teachers, representing New York City school 
threw its support behind Pataki after the governor arranged for a one-time infusion of 
into the city’s Education Department for pay increases. Forced to carry out sweeping
cutbacks in the schools because of the fiscal crisis, the city has no funding source to
continue the pay increase into the second year of the union’s contract.

Largely ignored in the current budget crisis are the policies that helped produce it. 
Wall Street’s protracted bear market has dried up a crucial source of city revenues, 
catastrophe facing the city is also the product of the continuous tax cuts and 
concessions to
Wall Street and big business implemented during previous administrations, particularly 
eight-year reign of Republican Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

The supposed successes of the Giuliani administration—in particular the drop in violent
crime—were largely a byproduct of the Wall Street boom. During the same period, 
implemented one tax cut after another, combined with “business retention” handouts to
corporations, claiming that the policy was creating jobs. In reality, most of these 
cuts were
carried out after the bulk of the new jobs in the city had been created. Since then, 
many of
the corporations that benefited from this windfall have carried out massive layoffs.

It is estimated that personal and business tax cuts enacted over the past six years 
alone are
now costing the city $2.6 billion in annual revenues. These cuts were crafted to 
ensure that
the lion’s share went to the city’s wealthiest. Business tax cuts total nearly $650 
while more than 25 percent of the savings from the elimination of the personal income 
surcharge went to the small number of households earning over a million dollars a year.
Those averaging $33,000, meanwhile, got nothing.

While hailed in the media as a “hero” and “America’s Mayor,” the present fiscal crisis
exposes Giuliani’s real legacy to the city—a profound economic crisis and unprecedented
social polarization between rich and poor.

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