Amrozi: Bali's Psychedelic Nuclear Bomber

Late on Wednesday 15 November,  just one day before the special Hindu cleansing ceremony of  the Bali bombsite in Kuta Beach, the local Indonesian police chief thoughtfully paraded prime suspect Amrozi in front of the assembled media pack. The fact that Amrozi was clearly disoriented, rambling, as high as a kite on drugs and separated from western journalists by a thick glass wall, was apparently not a problem for our sacred guardians of the truth. 
Despite the obvious audio impediments and complete lack of direct access, Australian and Singaporean media outlets were nonetheless able to “accurately” interpret Amrozi’s muffled and garbled mixture of Javanese and Indonesian, to mean that he confessed to killing nearly 300 people at Kuta Beach, with a minivan full of potassium chlorate detergent stolen from Java.
Not only that, but as Amrozi peered hopefully through a thick psychedelic haze to wave cheerfully at the television cameras, we were further asked to believe he claimed to enjoy killing people, wanted to kill some more, and in particular wanted to kill lots and lots of Americans.  So thick was the psychedelic fog surrounding him,  Amrozi completely forgot that the punishment for “confessing” to such crimes in Indonesia is death by firing squad.
Needless to say, the entire media event was contrived rubbish, but it served the purpose for which it was mounted, i.e. to drive increased levels of Australian hatred against Amrozi, and through him against all Muslims across south east Asia. Australian relatives of the dead at the Hindu ceremony understandably shouted “kill him”, while Australian politicians at home took the opportunity to increase religious and ethnic division with comments including “ugly sneering Indonesian attitudes”, and “these people are vicious and dangerous.”
To establish exactly who arranged and paid for the Amrozi charade in Bali, we need only look at exactly where the story was covered and broadcast in excessive detail by the western media, and who benefited most from staging the charade in the first place. Australians were beyond doubt the prime media target audience, with Indonesians following a close second. There was also significant coverage in Great Britain, but virtually none at all in America.
Think about it people, think about it. Here was the alleged Bali “culprit” confessing to one of the biggest civilian mass murders in history, and apparently linked to the very same alleged “terrorist organizations” peddled incessantly by the American media. On its own track record, New York should have snapped the story up immediately, and used it to further promote its fictional “terrorist” groups.
The only possible or plausible reason for this spectacular event not hogging American television prime time for the same three long days it did in Australia and Indonesia, is that US authorities already knew it was a pathetic scam, quite probably funded by its own shadowy agents in Bali handing out thick wads of crisp $100 bills to corrupt officials. Beneath that lies the 99% probability that Judeo-Christian Americans arranged the Bali attack themselves, in order to “socially engineer” Australian public support for the forthcoming oil crusade in the Middle East.
Subject as always to political pressure, members of the Australian Federal Police in Bali cheerfully threw their questionable weight behind the  Amrozi “confession”. When AFP forensic chief  Royds was asked whether he believed Amrozi was telling the truth to police, Mr Royds said: "I believe so". Unfortunately for the Australian Government, members of the AFP also appeared to confirm that earlier claims identifying the so-called “chemical explosives” in the Bali bomb, were at best pure guesses, and at worst outright lies.
It was explained to assembled journalists that because evidence at the crime scenes had been washed away by fire hoses,  investigators had this week acted on British advice to “climb up light poles and take forensic swabs from roof tiles, signposts and other places that had not been wet.”  Oh dear, if you tell enough lies for long enough, you will surely be found out.
So, are members of the Australian investigative team now prepared to say exactly which explosives were used to make the Bali bomb? Well, no, they have now fallen atypically silent, apart from making irrelevant and inane remarks about the bombers having “amazing chemical skills” and “the ability to build very sophisticated weapons.”  And for the first time in many weeks, these same investigators have suddenly decided to wear full-length protective clothing, including facemasks and airtight hoods.
Claiming “amazing chemical skills” for the bombers is seriously understating the case. Any alchemist out there who could transmute potassium chlorate detergent into a critical plutonium nuclear weapon of the kind detonated at Kuta Beach, would instantly win the Nobel Prizes for chemistry and physics, before being politely but forcibly inducted into the American nuclear program  at Los Alamos Laboratories.
Although providing no details about the bomb personally,  the AFP representative who spoke to the media stood right next to a large board, on which was clearly written the word “Semtex”. Oh no! The Bali bomb was surely not made from the deadly Czechoslovakian plastic explosive allegedly used in tiny quantities by “Muslim Terrorists” to  blow up Pam Am 103 over Lockerbie? No, because that would be impossible,  but the board was certainly placed next to the AFP representative to subliminally suggest that you, the viewer, should believe Semtex was the probable villain.
In reality, the most powerful version of this “terror” explosive, Semtex–H, is only 1.104 times as powerful as TNT, and thus  substantially weaker than either C-4 or RDX. Manufactured by the Semtin Glassworks in Czechoslovakia, the most common version of Semtex-H contains  42% RDX and 41% PETN, with the balance made up of antioxidant, plasticizer and binder. Semtex had nothing, I repeat nothing, to do with the blast outside the Sari Club.
Yesterday it was discreetly announced that  the contents of the crater, and other debris from the bombsite would be disposed of far out to sea, as a final step in the "Hindu cleansing process".  The fact that no Hindu cleansing process requires that nuclear-contaminated waste be buried far out to sea, seems to have escaped media attention.  Dumping your nuclear waste in an ocean trench and then blaming it on the Hindu religion is an ingenious idea. Late yesterday the diggers started work, desperately removing structures from Kuta high street before they could be subjected to proper examination by suspicious politicians in Jakarta.

Removing the physical evidence will heighten rather than diminish the controversy, and it will certainly not stop those determined to prove that this was not an attack by Muslims on Indonesian, Australian, and British soft targets. Perhaps more significant now that the dust has literally settled, is determining exactly how many people are still officially missing: critical numbers that are currently some of the best-kept secrets in the west.
You see, by allowing the diggers and wrecking balls to move in yesterday and demolish the site, authorities have made it clear publicly that they have now recovered every available body part from the crime scene. If they had not recovered every available body part, international convention would require that the crime scene remain a crime scene for as long as it takes to effect full recovery, normally several months for an incident as huge as this one.
Jakarta politicians may not yet be aware of the fact, but a nuclear event can be proved not only by available evidence at the crime scene, but also by evidence that should have been recovered and stored away from the crime scene, but was not.  Because a nuclear weapon is the only device capable of generating sufficient heat and pressure to completely vaporize human bodies, a substantial deficit of human remains at the site, or in correct storage afterwards, is as convincing and damning in the nuclear sense as finding slow alpha radiation lurking in a monsoon drain.
As stated these figures are very hard to come by, and your help is needed to track them down in your own country. It seems likely on present estimates that the actual death toll is not 182 as claimed by Australian authorities, but much closer to 300. If you live in Indonesia, Britain, Germany, France, New Zealand, or any other country affected by the blast, do your best to obtain your own country’s total number of confirmed dead, and those still unaccounted for. Note here that it  is the "unaccounted for" figures that western governments are desperately trying to conceal, because they and they alone have the easy ability to blow the Bali "body scam" wide open. Please send a copy of your results to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crude figures available at present indicate that a minimum of 40 Australians are still missing, 30 British, 7 German, 3 French and possibly 6 New Zealanders. I know this sounds gruesome, but if these figures are even close to accurate, then the authorities in Bali must have 86 x 120 lbs average weight of body parts in storage, before we make an allowance for dehydration and decomposition.  Let us be generous and allow a full 30% deduction for dehydration and decomposition, meaning the authorities must currently have a minimum of 7,224 pounds [ 3.61 TONS] of body parts in storage awaiting identification.
If the current figure in storage is much lower than that, as I have been repeatedly assured it is by Balinese contacts, then a large number of human beings were turned into heat and light at the micro nuclear weapon’s point of criticality. If we can accurately determine the total number of “unaccounted for" victims, then we can apply simple arithmetic to calculate how many of them vanished in the first five microseconds of the 300,000 degree centigrade fireball.
It is already being rumored  [but has not yet been confirmed], that authorities have been speeding up the process by “cheating” on the body parts. Put simply, and mostly in order to give the affected families rapid “closure”,  coffins containing as little as a single DNA-identified arm have been buried, with the balance of the body weight made up with sandbags. Normally such a procedure is used for genuinely humane reasons, and provides the family with a physical grave to mourn over. Nothing wrong with that so far as it goes, because the procedure hurts no one and helps relatives get over the tragedy. Nor is it unusual. The procedure has been used countless times in the past at major disaster sites.
The problem we face is that of forensic authorities trying to use this procedure to “cover” for the deficiency in body parts, by suddenly “speeding up” the identification process in a bid to camouflage the huge deficit in stored body parts. Fifty quick funerals with only twenty pounds of body parts in each coffin would certainly help to do that. We therefore need to establish the total weight of body parts in storage TODAY, and make a note of it for future reference. Any Indonesians reading this please do the best that you can, and send the accurate figure to the email address above.

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