-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction to the Order of Skull and
Bones Antony Sutton
ISBN 0-9720207-0-5
Hardcover - 337 pages
Here is the first memorandum from the book. The first 60 pages are now
available for viewing at:



America's Secret Establishment, the story behind America's most exclusive
brotherhood is available at TrineDay.com or Amazon.com

"If one does not have Sutton's information, they will never understand
American history or foreign policy."
— Jim Marrs — author of Crossfire and Rule by Secrecy


Memorandum Number One: Is There A
Conspiracy Explanation For Recent History?

The reader anxious to get into the story of The Order should go directly to
Memorandum Number Two. This section concerns methods, evidence and proof.
Essential, but perhaps boring for most reader
During the past one hundred years any theory of history or historical
evidence that fails outside a pattern established by the American Historical
Association and the major foundations with their grant-making power has been
attacked or rejected — not on the basis of any evidence presented, but on the
basis of the acceptability of the argument to the so-called Eastern Liberal
Establishment and its official historical line.

The Official Establishment History
There is an Establishment history, an official history, which dominates
history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library shelves. The
official line always assumes that events such as wars, revolutions, scandals,
assassinations, are more or less random unconnected events. By definition
events can NEVER be the result of a conspiracy. They can never result from
premeditated planned group action. An excellent example is the Kennedy
assassination when, within 9 hours of the Dallas tragedy, TV networks
announced the shooting was NOT a conspiracy, regardless of the fact that a
negative proposition can never be proven, and that the investigation had
barely begun.
Woe betide any book or author that falls outside the official guidelines.
Foundation support is not there. Publishers get cold feet. Distribution is
hit and miss, or non-existent.
Just to ensure the official line dominates, in 1946 the Rockefeller
Foundation allotted $139,000 for an official history of World War Two. This
to avoid a repeat of debunking history books which embarrassed the
Establishment after World War One. The reader will be interested to know that
The Order we are about to investigate had great foresight, back in the 1880s,
to create both the American Historical Association and the American Economic
Association (most economists were then more historians than analysts) under
their terms, with their people and their objectives. Andrew Dickson White was
a member of The Order and the first President of the American Historical

Failure of Official History
Times have changed. The weaknesses, inconsistencies and plain untruths in
official history have surfaced In the 1980s it is rare to find a thinking
reader who accepts official history. Most believe it has been more or less
packaged for mass consumption by naive or greedy historians. Although a
historian who will stick out his neck and buck the trend is rare, some who do
are victims of an even deeper game.
Conspiracy then is an accepted explanation for many events at the intelligent
grass roots level, that level furthest removed from the influence of The
Order. We can cite at random the Kennedy assassination where the official
“lone gunman” theory was never accepted by Americans in the street;
Watergate, where a “deep throat” informer and erased tapes reek of
conspiracy, and Pearl Harbor, where Rear Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and Major
General Walter C. Short took the rap for General George C. Marshall and
President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The revisionist historian has a double burden as well as a double task. The
double burden is that research likely to question the official historical
line will not get financed. The double task is that research must be more
than usually careful and precise.
A non-official work is not going to be judged on its merits. The work will be
judged on the basis of its acceptability to a predetermined historical
standard. What this standard is we shall explore later.

Hypotheses and Method
Which brings us to methodology. In this volume we will present three
hypotheses. What is a hypothesis? A hypothesis is a theory, a working theory,
a start point, which has to be supported by evidence. We arrived at these
three hypotheses by examining certain documents which will also be described.
The official history hatchet mongers will scream that our hypotheses are now
being presented as proven assertions and whatever we write here will not stop
the screams. But again, these are only hypotheses at this point, they have to
be supported with evidence. They are a first step in a logical research
Now in scientific methodology a hypothesis can be proven. It cannot be
disproven. It is up to the reader to decide whether the evidence presented
later supports, or does not support, the hypotheses. Obviously no one author,
critic, or reader can decide either way until all the evidence has been
We also intend to use two other principles of scientific research ignored by
official establishment historians.
Firstly, in science the simplest explanation to a problem is always the most
acceptable solution. By contrast, in establishment history, a simple answer
is usually criticized as “simplistic.” What the critic implies is “The poor
writer hasn't used all the facts,” In other words, it’s a cheap “put-down”
without the necessity of providing an alternate answer or additional fact.
Secondly, again in science, an answer that fits the most cases, i.e., the
most general answer, is also the most acceptable answer. For example, you
have 12 events to explain and a theory that fits 11 of these events. That
theory is more acceptable than a theory that fits only 4 or 5 of the events.

The Devil Theory of History
Using this methodology we are going to argue and present detailed precise
evidence (including names, dates and places) that the only reasonable
explanation for recent history in the United States is that there exists a
conspiracy to use political power for ends which are inconsistent with the
This is known by the official historians as the “devil theory of history,”
which again is a quick, cheap device for brushing facts under the rug.
However, these critics ignore, for example. The Sherman Act, i.e., the
anti-trust laws where conspiracy is the basic accepted theory. If there can
be a conspiracy in the market place, then why not in the political arena? Are
politicians any purer than businessmen? Following the anti-trust laws, we
know that conspiracy can only be proven in a specific manner. A similar
pattern of market actions is not proof of conspiracy.
Just because something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and all the
ducks act similarly, does not make it a duck — or a conspiracy. Under the
Sherman Act a similar pattern of prices, where all prices are the same, is
not proof of conspiracy. Similarity of prices can occur in a purely
competitive market. Neither is similar political action necessarily a
Proof of conspiracy requires specific types of evidence. i.e. ,:
(a) there must be secret meetings of the participants and efforts made to
conceal joint actions.
(b) these meetings must jointly agree to take a course of action,
(c) and this action must be illegal.

The Council on Foreign Relations
Widely accepted explanations of recent history based on a conspiracy theory
do not present evidence that fits the above criteria. For example the Council
on Foreign Relations cannot be claimed as a conspiracy even for the period
since its founding in 1921. Membership in the CFR is not a secret. Membership
lists are readily available for the cost of postage stamp. There is no proof
that the entire membership conspires to commit illegal acts.
What has to be proven in any conspiracy explanation of history is that the
participants have secret groupings, and meet to plan illegal actions.
Members of the CFR, when accused of being involved in a conspiracy, have
protested to the contrary. And by and large they are right. Most CFR members
are not involved in a conspiracy and have a knowledge of any conspiracy. And
some personally known to the author are about the last people on earth to get
involved in an illegal conspiracy.
HOWEVER, there is a group WITHIN the Council of Foreign Relations which
belongs to a secret society, sworn to secrecy, and which more or less
controls the CFR. CFR meetings are used for their own purposes, i.e., to push
out ideas, to weigh up people who might be useful, to use meetings as a forum
for discussion.
These members are in The Order. Their membership in The Order can be proven.
Their meetings can be proven. Their objectives are plainly unconstitutional.
And this ORDER has existed for 150 years in the United States.

pps 1-4
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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