-Caveat Lector-

Now please give this very ODD BALL posting a few seconds thought.

For I have number crunched for over 15 years and have a bit of an idea about
number patterns.

John D. Miller
London, UK

A supernatural Conspiracy - TWA 800

Imagine, I now will try to explain a supernatural conspiracy to some who
believe not in the supernatural; and some who never believe in any
conspiracy theory.

I suppose this is one of the most curious and terrible number crunching
exercises I have done. It seems as if the Devil himself made it happen by
using the mind of a military person who had his own finger on the trigger of
a United States cruise missile, to cause this person to kill 230 people.

The TWA Flight 800 and the Cross

On July 17th, 1996, about 8:31pm eastern daylight time, TWA flight 800, a
Boeing 747-131, N93229, broke up in flight and crashed in the Atlantic Ocean
near East Moriches, New York.

TWA flight 800 was operating under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal
Regulations Part 121 as a scheduled international passenger flight from John
F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, New York, to Charles
DeGaulle International Airport, Paris, France.

The flight departed JFK about 8:19pm with 2 pilots, 2 flight engineers, 14
flight attendants, and 212 passengers on Board. All 230 people on board were
killed and the airplane was destroyed. Visual meteorological conditions
prevailed for the flight, which operated on an instrument flight rules plan.

The last part of the timeline of the TWA Flight 800 disaster was
approximately as follows:

8:31:10 Intact and climbing 747 approaches 13,800 feet.

8:31:11 Initiating Event at 13,800 feet followed immediately by the
commencement of the decapitation process.

8:31:47 explosion of Massive Fireball at 5500-7500 feet. The eyewitnesses
contend that the Massive Fireball explosion was immediately preceded by the
fiery streak.

8:31:50 Eastwind Airline pilot David McClaine's reported a Massive Fireball

8:31:55-8:31:57 crashed into the sea.

So now to some careful number crunching.

Now 8:31:57pm is 20.5325 hours after midnight, on July 17th 1996.

And so day of the year 197 + 20.5325 hours is 197.855520 days, and divided
by 365.242198 days + AD1996 is AD1996.541710

And the September 11th 2001 is day 253 divided by 365.242198 days + AD2001
is AD2001.69269 and less AD1996.541710 is 5.15098104 years.

And from the Festival of the Supreme Being on June 8th AD1794, in Paris,
France, during the French Revolution, is day 158 divided by 365.242198 days
+ AD1794 is AD1794.43259.

And the counting from the Festival of the Supreme Being to the Flight 800
crashed into the sea is 202.10912 years.

And 5.15098104 years x 365.242198 days x 202.10912 years x 365.242198 days
is 138,879,376.9

And the reciprocal 138,879,376.9 days divided by 1.00000e+11 is 720,049.3182
days, or 1,971.4297 years.

And counting down from September 11th 2001 some 720,049.3133 days is day
96.060 of the year, or 1.44 hours after midnight on April 7th AD30, the day
of the Crucifixion of Christ, the time when Jesus Christ was under arrest
and mocked by the Roman soldiers in a Jerusalem prison, the day of death,
and the reason for the New Testament. For no Cross, no New Testament, and no
Church and no Christians.

And one seventh of 6 x the Dragon at 2300 at 13,800 years is 72,0048.906
days, nearly 10 hours afterwards, that is about 11am on Good Friday, and
some 2 hours into the Crucifixion.

So I say very loudly that the TWA Flight 800, and the killing of 230 people
points to the Crucifixion, meaning the Devil, the Adversary, mocks God, the

A supernatural conspiracy that is evil made manifest by shooting down of a
passenger plane.

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