Title: Ask Auntie Pinko - democraticunderground.com
-Caveat Lector-

Ask Auntie Pinko

November 21, 2002

Dear Auntie Pinko,

Why did we get our butts kicked on November 5?

Andrew from Anywhere

Dear Andrew,

Auntie Pinko is not omniscient, thank heavens, and so I cannot see into the minds of all the people who voted for Republican candidates in the last election; nor can I see into the minds of all the people who stayed home from the polls. So at best, I can only take a guess. But for what it's worth, here are my speculations:

One conclusion I draw, not just from election results but from observing people around me, is that the Republicans have been both lucky and clever in being able to exploit the terrible tragedy of 9/11 to play on Americans' fears for their safety. This benefits the Republicans because it's very clear that a substantial majority do not see the Democratic Party as leadership with a clear and decisive vision for responding to the threat of terrorists and ensuring our domestic security.

Now, Andrew, many of Auntie Pinko's thoughtful readers can legitimately disagree with this public perception. After all, from an actuarial standpoint, the real level of risk to Americans from terrorist acts has increased by an amount so tiny as to be insignificant, certainly far too little to be throwing our constitutional rights down the drain in pursuit of a largely ephemeral feeling of "security." And yes, many Democratic leaders are skilled and experienced in dealing with domestic and international security issues.

However, that's not what the American public sees. And with our media people and Mr. Ashcroft's merry minions nurturing the "homeland security" paranoia with constant news stories about the issue and reiterated warnings, etc., a sense of normalcy is not likely to return any time soon. Like it or not, a very large number of Americans see our country as "at war," and this is a reality that the Democrats have not effectively, loudly, and publicly addressed in a manner credible to the American people. We have not offered a clearly contrasting alternative to Mr. Bush's approach, an alternative that will seem effective and desirable to Americans.

Auntie Pinko is also deeply concerned about the Democrats who unwittingly cooperate with the GOP's highly successful efforts to divide our Party on a few highly controversial issues. By channeling the domestic discourse into areas like abortion, gun control, civil rights for gay people, etc., the Republicans have painted us into a corner where we must either be seen as too far left of majority opinion, or else as shallow me-too opportunists taking refuge in a mythical "center" that is already owned by the GOP. Neither of these stances is likely to attract a solid bloc of American voters.

Finally, I place a certain amount of responsibility squarely on the shoulders of our Party's leadership, who have been more concerned with lining up financial support from big-money special interests than with crafting and communicating a compelling message about what Democrats will do to make the average American's life better. We have lost our focus on the quality of life issues that are at the core of most Americans' decision making.

A very wise friend of Auntie Pinko's put it this way: "If you want to sell someone life insurance, the most effective strategy is to back the hearse up to their door and let them smell the flowers." By not asking Americans questions like "If you lose your job, how long will it be before you lose your home?" and then pointing to a Democratic strategy to address this contingency, our leaders have failed to provide Americans with a clear choice.

This is just one person's opinion, Andrew. But I've been observing Democrats in their native political habitat for many, many years now. And it seems to me that unless we pay attention to some of these issues, we will be out-evolved by the fear-mongers and power-grabbers who can play effectively on the deepest anxieties of our citizens. I wish the solutions could be simpler and easier for us, but thanks for asking Auntie Pinko's opinion anyway!

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Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which justifies us in assuming its truth.

                                                                                    John Stuart Mill

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