-Caveat Lector-


'An Irresponsible Exercise in Political Chicanery'
Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)
November 22, 2002
On Tuesday, the Senate voted 90-9 to approve the landmark Homeland Security bill. What
follows is the full transcript of Sen. Byrd's remarks during the conclusion of the 
Security debate.

We have come to the end of a long, long road. For nearly five months this chamber has
engaged in discussions about homeland security. But, for nearly as long a time this
Congress has not engaged in seeing to it that there is actually funding to make our 
any safer from the threat of another horrific terrorist attack.

It has been over four months since the House of Representatives has seen fit to pass a
regular appropriations bill.

We have talked a lot about homeland security, but we have done very, very little.

We have not given the cities and municipalities—the police, the firemen, the hospital
workers, the first responders, who are on the front lines—we have not given these 
one red cent to help them keep us safer from the madmen within our midst in four 

It has been a little over a year and two months since America was jolted from its 
by the noise, smoke and flames of two exploding commercial airlines as they smashed 
the twin towers.

Yet, in these intervening months, except for the initial help we provided to New York 
and to
Washington to aid in closing the hemorrhaging wounds of economic disruption and human
devastation, caused by the terrorist attacks, not enough has changed here at home.

True, we have chased bin Laden across the landscape of Afghanistan and probably
cleansed that nation of the training camps for terrorists for now. We have made 
progress, I
am sure, in some disruption of the al-Qaida network worldwide.

But no one in this chamber, and no one in this city can look the American people in 
the eye
and say to them: "Today you are much safer here at home than you were 14 months ago."

Because of reckless disregard for the reality of the threat to our domestic security, 
administration and many in this Congress have taken part in an irresponsible exercise 
political chicanery.

The White House has pressured its Republican colleagues in the Congress to reject 
of dollars in money which could have added to the tangible safety of the American 

This White House has stopped this year’s normal funding process in its tracks, and even
turned back funds for homeland security in emergency spending bills that could have 
up existing mechanisms to prevent, or respond to, another devastating blow by fanatics
who hate us.

They have done this plain disservice to the people in order to gain some perceived 
advantage in a congressional election year, and in order to be able to say that they 
holding down spending. Further, in order to avoid criticism of the too meager dollars 
homeland security, this White House suddenly did an about-face and embraced the concept
of a Department of Homeland Security.

The people are being offered a bureaucratic behemoth, complete with fancy, top-heavy
directorates, officious new titles and noble sounding missions instead of real tools 
to help
protect them from death and destruction.

How utterly irresponsible. How callous. How cavalier. With this debate about homeland
security, politics in Washington has reached the apogee of utter cynicism and the 
perigee of

No one is telling our people the plain unvarnished truth. It is simply this.

This Department is a bureaucratic behemoth cooked up by political advisors to satisfy
several inside Washington agendas.

1) It is intended to protect the president from criticism and fault—should another 

2) It is intended to eliminate large numbers of dedicated, trained federal workers, so 
lucrative contracts for their services may be awarded to favored private entities.

3) It will be used to channel federal research moneys and grants to big corporate
contributors without the usual federal procurement standards that ensure fair 
and best value for the tax dollar.

4) It will foster easier spying and information-gathering on ordinary citizens which 
may be
used in ways which could have nothing whatsoever to do with homeland security.

And now with this new bill, which showed up only last week on the doorstep of the 
insult has been added to injury by provisions that further exploit the already 
exploited issue of homeland security with pork for certain states and certain 

My, my, my, how low we have sunk.

Well, the nation will have this unfortunate creature, this behemoth bureaucratic bag of
tricks, this huge Department of Homeland Security, and it will hulk across the 
landscape of
this city, touting its noble mission, shining up its new seal, and eagerly gobbling up 
dollars for all manner of things, some of which will have very little to do with 
protecting or
saving lives.

And maybe in five years or so, it will sort out its mission and shift around its desks 
to actually make some real contribution to the safety of our people. I sincerely hope 

But, if the latest tape from bin Laden is to be believed, we won’t have time for all 
of that. If
the latest threat assessments from the FBI can be believed, we will experience 
catastrophic before that new department even finishes firing all of the federal 
workers it
wants to get rid of.

What does it take to wake us up? What does it take to make the gamesmanship cease?
When will we stop the political mud wrestling and begin to wrestle with the most 
destructive force ever to challenge this nation?

Let us hope that when the gavel bangs to close down this session of Congress, it will
awaken us to all of the dreadful consequences of continued posturing and inaction.

I know that this administration, with its newfound majorities in both houses of 
will quickly pass the remaining 2003 bills which will provide at least some modicum of 
security for our people as soon as Congress reconvenes in January. They will want to 
that they can get things done.

Although I deplore the motivation and the gamesmanship behind such tactics, I wish them
well and I pledge my help.

It is long past time for us to finally do our best to prevent another deadly strike by 
who hate us and wish us ill. Terrorism is no plaything.

Political service is no game. Political office is no place for warring children.

And the oath of office which we take is no empty pledge to be subjugated to the 
tactics of
election-year chicanery perpetrated on a good and trusting people.

Robert C. Byrd represents West Virginia in the United States Senate.

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